Tortured Spirits (Jake Helman Files Series)

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  • Jake Helman Files.
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  • Book Review: The Jake Helman Files: Tortured Spirits - Author Greg Lamberson | HNN!
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No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! This is my first read as part of the Jake Helman Series, and although Tortured Spirits is 4, the method of delivery gives enough for a newbie not to feel out of their depths or lost within the detail. The humor is nicely balanced and Jake always manages to come up with the most clever things to say to those he is up against. Would you like us to take another look at this review? Sara rated it liked it Jun 01,

You've successfully reported this review. We appreciate your feedback. October 1, Imprint: You can read this item using any of the following Kobo apps and devices: This book is really almost like a sequel to Desperate Souls. Maria is with him almost every step of the way in this one. She's been following him trying to find out what happened to Edgar. Earlier in the series Edgar tried to set Jake and Maria up, but Jake wasn't quite ready to be with anyone. It was clear that Maria was into Jake even then, but when Edgar disappeared she stepped back because she suspected that Jake had a hand in his disappearance.

Now they are both at a point where they are ready and it's about time too! In this installment we see a re-occurrence of Black Magic.

Jake and Maria make a deal with a vodou practicer, in exchange for what they need from her they will rescue her husband from prison. He is a political prisoner on Pavot Island and has been for 30 years. Pavot Island is being run by a dictator who has a black Vodou Priestess working with him. Together they run the island and the slaves who work their drug crops. They are using Black Magic to control the Zonbies just like the priestess in Book 2 did. There is just one catch though, Jake and Maria know how to kill their Zonbies.

Jake and Maria find themselves smack in the middle of an uprising, thankfully they have people on the island who are helping them. There is a whole faction on the island that wished to see this prisoner liberated, but this doesn't mean that things are going to go smoothly for them. This book is more action packed than all of the last 3 books put together. It's pretty much non-stop from the moment they land on Pavot Island.

Jake has been through a lot in the last couple years and doesn't let up in this book. There is a reason that this book is called Tortured Souls and unfortunately for Jake he learns this firsthand. This book does have a little romance story line running through it and I think it's nice that Jake is able to have something nice a long with all the crap that gets thrown his way.

Audio Editions

Tortured Spirits (Jake Helman Files Series) [Gregory Lamberson] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Facing the demons is the least of Jake . Tortured Spirits: The Jake Helman Files, Book 4 (Audible Audio And I have flown through the Jake Helman Series fast along with Carnage Road .

I am anxious to see how thing progress for Maria and Jake as the series continues. This part of the story didn't have many return characters, but this one, like all the others does tie back to Tower Industries and some of the things in the very first book. I highly recommend this series if you like horror. I don't think I would classify this horror as in a scary sense, but it does have the gory, creepy thing going on. It's unbelievable at times, but that's what makes a really great paranormal series. One thing is for sure, it's well written and Mr. Lamberson has a wild and vivid imagination and that shows through in every page of this series.

I will be waiting on the edge of my seat for the next installment in Jake's story! Mar 24, Imran Siddiq rated it really liked it.


This is my first read as part of the Jake Helman Series, and although Tortured Spirits is 4, the method of delivery gives enough for a newbie not to feel out of their depths or lost within the detail. The author, Gregory Lamberson, guides the reader around what Jake already knows teases us with glimpses of the past. Sufficient backstory at relevant stages never feels like an infer dump and made reading this rather comfortable. Jake Helman is a maverick of a one-man-band whose style is admirable This is my first read as part of the Jake Helman Series, and although Tortured Spirits is 4, the method of delivery gives enough for a newbie not to feel out of their depths or lost within the detail.

Jake Helman is a maverick of a one-man-band whose style is admirable when being considerate, but highly expressive when he needs to deliver the smack on goons and zombies. Heck — did i just mention zombies? Back to Jake — he can be described as a James Bond likes the ladies crossed over with Nathan Drake of Uncharted Games due to his sense of adventure and a bit of mystery solving Columbo the glass eye.

Scenes of extensive dialogue, although sometimes difficult to follow as to who is speaking, are rich with personality and bring across the risks associated within the novel … like zombies … and hellacious witchcraft. My only criticism is in places I received too much detail about the clothing Jake wore, and that zombies are referred to as zonbies.

Tortured Spirits: The Jake Helman Files, Book 4 (Unabridged)

It takes some getting used to. The crux of the novel is how Jake finds himself having to uncover a plot to save a man he cares little about in exchange for a solution to return the Raven back into Edgar human form. What follows is gore of immense blood-appeal with scenes that will have you turning quicker than you can make contact with the page.

Take out the supernatural aspect and this novel possesses a guest cop chase of uncovering crime, and some of the exchanges between the good and the bad took me back into top shows like NYPD and CSI. Believe me, the author puts Jake is some gut-wrenching situations. Overall, the world created and the glimpses into past events makes me want to read the previous entries to the series. Sep 26, Adam rated it really liked it.

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Gregory Lamberson returns with his fourth Jake Helman detective novel, a sequel of sorts to 's "Desperate Souls", which supplants that novel's NYC drugged out zombie epidemic to a remote, dictator run Caribbean island, where Jake and a lady friend fight for the life of their transmogrified partner. What follows is nothing less than a nearly page revolutionary war epic, filled with enough black voodoo, hideous drug harvesting zombies, sadistic despots, nether world demons, sex, limb hack Gregory Lamberson returns with his fourth Jake Helman detective novel, a sequel of sorts to 's "Desperate Souls", which supplants that novel's NYC drugged out zombie epidemic to a remote, dictator run Caribbean island, where Jake and a lady friend fight for the life of their transmogrified partner.

What follows is nothing less than a nearly page revolutionary war epic, filled with enough black voodoo, hideous drug harvesting zombies, sadistic despots, nether world demons, sex, limb hacking, brain splattering, and propagandistic patriotism to sate the most outlandish of appetites. This series is undeniably addicting, and "Tortured Spirits" might be it's craziest, bloodiest, most cinematic entry yet.

Dec 04, Allan rated it it was amazing.

I recieved this book as a Goodreads giveaway. It was autographed by the author! What can I say? This book had Zombies, voodoo , a Demon and a selection of Priestesses from the white and the dark side. The action in this book is furious and nonrelenting. It is extremely well written and really engrosses you in the story. I am pleased to hear that the author is writing the 5th installment. These are must read books! Any horror fan would be doing themselves a favor by buying any books by this autho I recieved this book as a Goodreads giveaway.

Any horror fan would be doing themselves a favor by buying any books by this author. I cringe at what happens to the hero of this book. Apr 07, Debra rated it really liked it Shelves: Zombies, voudou and action, action, action. And our hero takes some serious knocks in this one, but keeps on ticking.

The Jake Helman Files Series

Enjoyed seeing Maria back in the novels, and was satisfied with the ending. Wish the next book was out. Dec 06, Paul Ohlson rated it really liked it. The action is incredible and Jake is such a fun character. Steve Seibert rated it it was amazing Dec 12, Stephanie Lowry rated it it was amazing May 29, Nicholas Morgan anderson rated it it was amazing Feb 03, Sandy rated it liked it Feb 25, Sara rated it liked it Jun 01,