Communicating With Angels: A Guide for Beginners

Write down all of the feelings, sensations, messages, or "gut feelings" that you may encounter. Sometimes it's hard for us to process all the messages that come through! This is why it is important to keep a journal, so you can look back and take note of the details you may have missed. Perhaps you saw a red cardinal and you didn't know the significance of it, but then a week later, you read somewhere about how cardinals are associated with relationships, marriage, and courtship, and maybe this applied to your life in some way.

The more we write down and then come back to later, the more we can decipher the messages being sent to us from our spirit guides. I began the process known as automatic writing, by meditating and asking my spirit guides to come through me. I closed my eyes and meditated, allowing myself to go deep into my subconscious. And when I awoke, I grabbed the pen next to me and just started writing whatever came out.

As I read the words, I was sure it was one of my spirit guides — it didn't even look like my own handwriting! We have always been here and we always will be. As with all practices, it may take some time to allow yourself to release the ego that's you! There are other ways to tap into your third eye aside from meditation. There's the ancient Ayurvedic treatment known as the Shirodhara massage. You lie on a massage table and an experienced, certified practitioner will pour warm oil and essential oils on your third eye slowly and rhythmically, stimulating the chakra.

You might have visions or sensations, or you might just feel completely relaxed and full of bliss. You can also study Reiki, the Japanese form of energy healing.

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When I received my first attunement as a practitioner, I was able to see completely into my third eye — I saw the royal purple color associated with the 6th chakra, flush through my body and open my mind. I know for certain this Reiki attunement awakened a higher state of consciousness. Lastly, you can simply try a third eye massage on yourself or a friend. Lay down in a quiet and peaceful place, with some relaxing music. With the tips of your fingertips, begin to slowly massage the area between your eyebrows, using small, gentle circles. Close your eyes and imagine that this area is being awakened and renewed.

Breathe in and out deeply and slowly. Each of these techniques can bring you one step closer to meeting your spirit guides. I hope you can find the time to listen to your spirit guides — they are speaking to you every day and have so much to say.


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Answer Channeled by Melanie Beckler with Archangel Metatron

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How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. Many people assume that talking to and working with Angels and Guides is only for those born with the gift. This is not so. You simply have to start connecting more and train yourself to relax and be open to receive. They will speak to you the way a best friend talks to you. Learning to communicate with your Angels and Spirit guides is a magnificent adventure, and one that can completely eliminate any fears of death.

Once you establish communication, you will know you are an eternal being who never walks alone. You may not be able to perceive your angel and guides at all times but, your angels and guides can certainly perceive you.

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You only need to set an intention and your spiritual team is alerted. You can also talk to them out loud or write down your intentions. It may be beneficial for you to have somewhere cozy and comfortable to lie or sit.

It is helpful for some to dim or turn out the lights, light a few candles or put some quiet music on in the background which will help you and your mind relax. Just as our earthly dimension is filled with mixed company, so is the spiritual realm. With this in mind when calling in your Angels and Guides, you should specify who you want to call in.

The more specific you are in your requests when asking for guidance or manifestation in a particular area, the better. If you are crystal clear, so are your Angels and Guides.

How to Communicate With Angels

If your requests are murky, you may not get what you are seeking. Get into the habit of writing down your goals for the coming week, month and year and ask your guides for help in achieving each of your goals. Here is an example list of goals: Please impulse me so that I can recognize assistance and opportunities when they manifest.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Why do you have to do this? Surely guides should already know where and when they could provide assistance! In fact, your guides will not intervene until you ask them to because to do so would violate your free will. This is why consciously enlisting their help is powerful. It effectively transfers some of your vital life force to them that they can use on your behalf in the spiritual.

And of course everything manifests from the spiritual or energetic plane into the physical, not the other way round.