Life through My Glasses: Collected Poems, 1950–2011

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Da Poetry Lounge serves as a hub for many poets and poetry lovers in Southern California. Not only does going there mean you will be immediately plugged into the local poetry scenes happening throughout Los Angeles, but DPL has sparked other venues. Lounge poet and family member Damon Rutledge birthed Green, the Los Angeles venue that produced the national champions. Besskep, who once frequented the Lounge, started Pomona's Mic and Dim Lights, while John Hensley's Flypoet Showcase which is celebrating its own ten year anniversary with a sold out show at the Ford Ampitheatre got a great deal of its popularity by featuring DPL's brightest talents.

While Stan Lathan did not confirm their story, he never denied it; rather, he told me, "We were thinking of doing a poetry show for a bit.

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We went to a few spots around the country. We definitely went to the Lounge and got some ideas.

Kinga Fabó

Life through My Glasses, a new collection of poems by Herbert Siegel, combines two additional art forms for added dimension and meaning, resulting in a. Collected Poems, – By Herbert Siegel Life through My Glasses, a new collection of poems by Herbert Siegel, combines two additional art forms for .

The Lounge sparked everything from national champions and the Declare Yourself tour with Norman Lear, to multiple documentaries and television shows. I'm now teaching at the University of Southern California.

Life Through My Glasses: Collected Poems, - Herbert Siegel - Google Книги

But more than this, DPL has created meaningful and lasting relationships for many people. Like family, Lounge poets have housed one another, refer to our friends' children as nieces and nephews, and often provide general support and critique like only family can. In fact, Lounge poets call one another brother, sister, and the larger group, lounge family. In addition, the Lounge has provided many people with viable means of supporting themselves and their families through touring and entertainment industry related jobs.

Contemplating on the alchemy of this place, former gang member Darnell "Poetic" Davenport said, "The Lounge literally saved my life, and I'm not just saying that to say it. This poetry stuff really saved my life.

Poem reading by Derek Walcott, Nobel Laureate in Literature

What makes the lounge such a special place, one that has thrived for fifteen years while attracting large numbers on a weekly basis, is precisely its ability to feel like home for so many young artists—that is, a familial environment that nurtures young writers of all kinds. In other words, it is an artistic space that saves lives by offering a performer-writer's community for poets to be challenged, nurtured, and supported in order that they might grow as artists. DPL is certainly not without its problems and my essay, "Manning Up: An essay that critically explores how masculinity functions in DPL, so as to call out the sexism and heterosexism that is under critiqued in the Lounge and other poetic spaces like DPL.

Though it should be noted that since the publishing of "Manning Up," October , DPL has been working hard to deal with its own exclusory politics by hosting open dialogues, hosting more women's nights, more LGBTQ nights, and by allowing straight women and our queer brothers and sisters to assume more public roles in DPL. Despite whatever issues Da Poetry Lounge is working through, it is a poetry venue that must and will be noted mostly for the lasting poetic community it has created, as well as the poets who call it home.

In addition, he is a poet and two time national slam poetry champion. Build Community Through Poetry. An Interview with Miles Champion".

An Interview with John Shoptaw". An Excerpt from a Memoir-in-Progress". Four from Paris Blinks. Two poems from Stairway to Heaven. Visionary With Red-Hot Coins". Fluxional, Vehicular and Transitive". Philip Lamantia , essay on The Collected Poems. Poems , by Maw Shein Win. A Conversation with Susan Terris".

Andrew Fentham

A Portrait of Emily Dickinson. Sweeney's How to Live on Bread and Music. Da Poetry Lounge as Family and Community". Her poems are widely published and anthologized, and her book reviews have appeared frequently in "Small Press Review.

  1. Life through My Glasses | Herbert Siegel.
  2. A Psychics Diary;
  3. Christian Poems.
  4. Life Through My Glasses: Collected Poems, – - Herbert Siegel. - Google Книги!
  5. Ancient Lemurian Whispers:): A Teaching Tale That Marries Ancient Lemurian Energies to Modern Metaphysics?

Herbert Siegel , Ph. He also holds degrees in business and international law. Collected Poems, — " Trafford Publishing, South Nassau Communities Hospital.

Stanford Libraries

Advertising Sponsorships and Program Patronships are still available! If you, or anyone you know, would like to become a sponsor or a Program Patron, send your check made payable to "Oceanside Kiwanis" to Tony Iovino at the address below-- email or include your logo and the listing you want us to print. An author whose work has been translated into French, Spanish, Italian, German, Korean, Bengali, Russian, and Macedonian, he has traveled extensively to perform his work and to teach poetry workshops. A Poem by Iris Berman. Friday, June 1, Sun.

In , he was the recipient of a grant from the Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation. He is the publisher of the small magazine "Phoenix. And he became a member of P. In addition to leading a Finnegans Wake Reading Group, he has published thirteen poems in the James Joyce Quarterly and read from them and others of his poems influenced by Joyce to a gathering of the Joyce Society at the Gotham Book Mart. Pat Casey's bio was not available in time for this release. Newer Posts Older Posts Home. Hot of the Press: Poet and Artist Collaborate!

More Short Fiction by Iris N. And Other Stories by Iris N. Schwartz Poets Wear Prada: Schwartz uses her razor-sharp prose to write about what no one wants to talk about. Here are 15 unforgettable, fiercely honest, sometimes darkly comic, more often unnerving stories about the human struggle to conceal, circumvent, and transcend shame. Successively Iris's pen goes in and twists -- till you say uncle and confess your shames. More Poetry by George Held: Second Sight, Due Out Winter Get Your Brain Fuel: October 29, ISBN No candy-coated sugar pills served here! October 13, ISBN As she chronicles over a decade of biting into clouds of buttercream, she pokes fun at all we humans hold sacred -- marriage, work, the government, God, and the glorification of our species above all other -- offering us more than sweet confections to sink our teeth into when we enter the alternative universe of her Sweet Dreams Bakeshop.

My Secret Life with Chris Noth: New Poetry from Poets Wear Prada: Smart, candid, often wickedly funny.

June 1, Re-issued: March 27, ISBN October 15, ISBN It never strays far from the grip of the moon, and is therefore able to hold a grip on a reader. I suggest reading it, pouring yourself a glass of wine, and then gazing at the moon encouraged by the knowledge that somewhere George Held is probably watching it too.

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  • Hot of the Press: Poet and Artist Collaborate! New Illustrated Poem for Young Adults (of All Ages).

Have You Seen CindySleigh? March 18, ISBN