The Nicholas Book: A Legend of Santa Claus

This "history" is more like a treatise to convince children that Santa Claus is real, instead of helping us understand the man behind the legend. This is useful as a guide to the myths, but given the book's apparent purpose as an apologetic for Santa Claus, I cannot recommend it wholesale. I was given a complimentary ebook in exchange for my honest opinion. Jun 22, KP rated it it was ok Shelves: Sincere and warm thanks to Netgalley for providing electronic ARC, in exchange for an honest review.

Cover and concept are obviously holiday and stocking-stuffer friendly The Bad: Not strong enough with history older audiences Not light enough with fun younger audiences Notes: I wasn't sure who the audience of the book should be. It was a little dull at start with all the religious reference and then launches into almost like a diary of factoids from Coca-Cola illustrations to "Yes, V Sincere and warm thanks to Netgalley for providing electronic ARC, in exchange for an honest review.

It was a little dull at start with all the religious reference and then launches into almost like a diary of factoids from Coca-Cola illustrations to "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" to the locations of the workshops. I learned some new things and it was a quick read, but ultimately, I didn't enjoy this book. Jun 24, Amy rated it it was amazing. The Story of Santa Claus really is a good read. I enjoyed reading the early history of Saint Nicholas and how we are to know him as Santa Claus. The book even discusses Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and how he became to live with Santa, how he came about to save the day, and where he is today.

My daughter did enjoy this story with me, see that Santa is for real and he truly is magical. I think we will read it again when it is closer to Christmas. I believe this is one of the best stories about Santa Claus I have read. Jun 11, Tabby Shiflett rated it liked it Shelves: A short and sweet introduction to the history and legends of Santa Claus.

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This book is a good start for children and illustrates the different versions of Saint Nick from various time periods and cultures. It also includes Twas the Night Before Christmas poem and a few illustrations. Get the epub version to be able to see all the pictures. Nov 14, Michele rated it really liked it. Fun book to read May 20, Ellen Klock rated it really liked it. As the holidays draw near, the public or school library can't have enough Christmas stories on the shelf.

While children tend to be drawn towards the fiction holiday books, many like to peruse the nonfiction as well - and to young children, the story of Santa Claus is as real as it gets. The Story of Santa Claus by Joseph A McCullough blends the two, treating the topic of Santa seriously, being careful not to destroy any beliefs held by the young reader.

The author has gathered tales and folklor As the holidays draw near, the public or school library can't have enough Christmas stories on the shelf. The author has gathered tales and folklore from various cultures, combining them to give a plausible background of the Santa tradition. The Story of Santa Claus reads more like a Tall Tale including miraculous events while focusing on some of the religious aspects surrounding the beginnings of the legend.

There are four chapters. Chapter One focuses on Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, who lived over years ago and is known as Saint Nicholas the Patron Saint of children and sailors. Chapter Two furthers the legend of Saint Nicholas, describing the life and legacy of Nicholas of Scion who lived three hundred years later. There's even some information on Rudolph. While the book upholds the existence of Santa for younger children, the reading level and content is more suited for older children, especially since the history of Saint Nicholas includes violence and executions along with an unexplainable mysticism.

Although slim, this book is extremely detailed and complex, so it isn't necessarily a good read aloud for the youngsters, despite the fascinating and at times horrifying folk tales. For a child, or even an adult, curious about the origins of Santa, Joseph McCullough has done the research and consolidated his findings into a concise and interesting tale which covers the highlights necessary for a basic understanding of the topic. However, it is the illustrations by Peter Dennis which elevate this book to another level.

There is the familiar Santa as a jolly fat man in traditional garb carrying a bulging sack over his shoulder, but also other interpretations of Nicholas over the centuries. Each drawing is magnificent, with incredible details sure to delight the reader, both young and old. With this little picture book you get a lot of "bang for the buck". This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Short and sweet, a great stocking stuffer for the person who still believes in magic. The most magic part of this book is that part of the profits made from this book will go to helping disadvantaged children throughout the world.

This really brought the story and legend of Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus to life to vividly it will leave you wondering why Hollywood hasn't made a movie out of his story yet. I learned so much from this book, I can't believe I haven't heard any of this before!

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I Short and sweet, a great stocking stuffer for the person who still believes in magic. It begins with the story of Saint Nicholas and the many stories of his good deeds, some of which you might recognize as making it into our holiday traditions. Such as why we leave presents in stockings. And what many Americans may not know is that before people had a Santa at Christmas they celebrated Saint Nicholas day on December 6th, which is they say he passed away. He was a very popular figure all through the Roman Empire and through the centuries in Europe.

Many churches were decimated to him and it was even said that his bones exuded myrr. Saint Nicholas day started in the Middle Ages and is when children began to receive presents probably beginning in France. The also explains how Santa got some of his organs from Nordis legends as well, but I don't want to spoil every thing for you so I'll let you read about it. The reformation stopped the belief of saints for Protestants and therefore poor Saint Nicholas couldn't visit where he was beileved. And with religious fighting came new scary characters. Children who were bad were taken by Krampus, a demon who either ate children or took them to hell.

And Nicholas couldn't help them because they had been so naughty. If they were just a little naughty he would just switch them a branch he carried around. There are also other monsters as that you will read about in the book as well that are also terrifying. After the reformation in some countries Saint Nicholas became Father Christmas and came on Christmas instead of dec. There are so many new fun facts to learn from this books as well, you'll be surprised at how much not known about one of the most famous characters in the world. Yep, the same man who wrote Sleepy Hollow. This is a great book for adults and child alike to bring the magic of Santa clause to life for holidays.

It will make even the most skeptical adult believe in him. Jul 22, Kristy rated it it was ok. I was really disappointed because I was really looking forward to reading about the different myths, legends, and histories of Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus but the poor editing and Wikipedia style writing made it a difficult and unsatisfying read.

There are several parts where the author would be telling an anecdote about Saint Nicholas and the story would stop in the middle, another unrelated story or piece of information would begin and carry on for two or three pages before the previous anecdote would continue where it left off. This happened at least four times before I stopped counting. The writing style lacks organization and flow. Many anecdotes and chapters had no transitions or conclusions.

Sometimes I felt like I was reading a collection of poorly written Wikipedia articles. All of this overshadowed the stories the author was trying to tell, the text and formatting need a lot of work before I would recommend it to anyone. I think with some proper editing by a talented and strict editor and this could become a passable book. I received this ebook from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Apr 08, Karen Stevens rated it liked it.

The cover art for this book is really lovely.

Saint Nicholas: The Story Of The Real Santa Claus

At first glance, I assumed this was a children's book. This book is definitely for older readers, and those who enjoy the history behind legends. Beginning with a short history of the "real" St. Nicholas, The Story of Santa Claus chronicles Nicholas's life, his good deeds, his death, and ultimately his miracles before tying them all together with our more familiar image of Santa Claus.

The author has included extensive information regarding S The cover art for this book is really lovely. The author has included extensive information regarding St. Nicholas, and much of the information is quite interesting. I can appreciate the work that has gone into this book. There were sections that I enjoyed reading, and many of the illustrations were very appealing. However, it was not something I would have chosen to read had the cover more appropriately identified the contents.

I am not saying that there is anything particularly wrong with the book, either--just that it wasn't my personal cup of tea! There is a very specific audience for a book such as this, and I wish that the cover somehow portrayed that better. I was provided with a digital galley copy of this title from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own. I received this as an E-arc from Netgalley in return of an honest review; An okay storyline. A bit boring at some pages, since it became a little trivial but it was nice.

However I do think that the author shoiuld have strated out with explaining, where this story came from. What country and so on. That would have made it better.

The Story of Saint Nicholas - The Real Santa Claus

There were a few sentences about it, but it was in the middle of the book and could easily go unnoticed. Another thing I did not like was the mix between black and whit I received this as an E-arc from Netgalley in return of an honest review; An okay storyline. Another thing I did not like was the mix between black and whit pictures and coloured pictures. Either we have coloured pictures or we have black and white-pictures.

On the plus-side we had theese little boxes in the middle of the text filled with facts about Sankt Nicholas. It gave the impression that the author had done his research. This is a wonderful history of how St. Miracles credited to Nicholas became more wondrous after his death. The Protestant Reformation brought questions about the miracles of the saints including those credited to St. Are the saints truly miracle workers, or only legends exploited by the Catholic Church?

Interesting that where Protestants tried to repress the belief in St. Nicholas, stories about This is a wonderful history of how St. Nicholas, stories about him have greatly flourished. In Catholic cultures, St. Nicholas is not as well known as he is in Protestant cultures like the US.

Santa Claus

After reading this book, any hardened soul that exclaims, "Bah! Perhaps there is some truth to the stories we hear about the saints in heaven interceding for us on earth. Sep 19, Sally Hannoush rated it really liked it. There is a lot of information in this book.

The Legend of St. Nicholas

Editorial Reviews. About the Author. William Chad Newsom and his wife Angela are in their The Nicholas Book: A Legend of Santa Claus Kindle Edition. by. The Real Santa Claus: Legends of Saint Nicholas (Phyllis Fogelman Books) [ Marianna Mayer] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Offers.

I'm not really sure what to include in this review. This book gave a list of names "Santa" was known as and his stories throughout time and culture. I was familiar with a lot of the history and meaning behind the story but a lot was also very new to me. He was many men and preformed centuries of miracles that may never be known.

See a Problem?

Each telling adds the description of his clothing, what he looks like, his "little helpers," and locations. I enjoyed reading this book and recommend it for those who want more background and history of Santa Claus Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Saint Nicholas, and other names he goes by. While many reviewers have stated that this beautiful book, filled with delightful illustrations and stories about Santa, is not for children, I disagree. For the very young, You can perhaps choose a short story to tell them. They are as interesting as any fairy tale. Many children would delight in the miracles of Saint Nicholas, and since there so many varying stories of the history of Santa Claus, this is just one more.

My younger son knew at a young age that there was a Santa Claus and a Saint While many reviewers have stated that this beautiful book, filled with delightful illustrations and stories about Santa, is not for children, I disagree. My younger son knew at a young age that there was a Santa Claus and a Saint Nicholas. This did not cause confusion because for him they were the same person.

At any rate, this well-written and researched book is a delight to read. I am thrilled that the author pulled together such fascinating collection of information. Jan 09, Tricia M. Educational for any age!! I actually enjoyed reading this one myself. I found it to be informative without droning on forever on a subject that most people could relate to.

It has a nice flow about it, very knowledgeable, and the pictures are beautiful to look at. I would give this book and honest 4. One must take my opinion w Joyful! One must take my opinion with a grain of salt as it's only my thoughts and has no bearing influence in the making of this book. It is set up like a biography of a sort for Santa Claus as a real person and saint of the Roman Catholic and Easter Orthodox churches as well as other faiths and mythos'. This sort of zealotry and blind faith while amusing should be kept away from anyone not beyond the age of reason.

An interesting book discussing the origin and transformation of Santa Claus. Although short in length, the book highlights how the ancient concept of Saint Nicholas has evolved into our modern concept of a gift giving Santa Claus delivering presents on Christmas Eve. This book also discusses how the elves and reindeer joined Santa in his quest to make and deliver presents. Oct 02, Kylie rated it liked it Recommends it for: This book is retold for children from the famous thirteenth-century book by Jacopo de Voraigne, The Golden Legend.

Hardcover , 24 pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Saint Nicholas , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Dec 02, Roberta rated it really liked it. This story of St. Nicholas is well done and not heavy on religion. The illustrations are just beautiful! I shared it with my 5-year-old grandson because I was planning to start a new tradition in our family of celebrating St.

Nicholas Day, the most common gift-giving day in European countries and one that is much simpler and less commercial than today's Christmas. Nicholas, the precursor of Santa, was an especially generous man who gave his inheritance away to the poor as the New Testament e This story of St. Nicholas, the precursor of Santa, was an especially generous man who gave his inheritance away to the poor as the New Testament exhorts.

Nicholas leaves children in the stocking or shoe they leave out for him is a wholesome thing for children to learn--and it is fun! A great website about this special celebration can be found at www. Lindy rated it liked it May 17, Jamie Forrest rated it liked it Dec 06, Levi rated it it was amazing Jan 02, Emily rated it liked it Feb 03, Nicholas Whyte added it Oct 21, Philip added it Jan 04, Deena Sharp marked it as to-read Dec 30, Victoria Ritco marked it as to-read Jan 04,