Tough Biker Gets Turned (M/M Gay Werewolf Erotica)

Axel's Pup

I really, reaaaalllyyyy wish the next part comes soon and is able to compete with it!!: I think it's well known that I'm a KD fan. Her writes give me the warm fuzzies with her never-ending ability to put the heart into kink, I tell ya. If memory serves this is her th published work and while I've not read her entire backlog, two things stood out while reading Axel's Pup , the first being that it's abundantly clear she put her heart and soul into this novel, and secondly, I think she pushed the kink envelope outside of her comfort range. I ain't mad about that.

It is longer than what KD usually writes but it didn't read long, if that makes sense. She made her words count, using them either to world or character build, for the most part. Yes, there was a lot of pushing the hair off Bayden's face but that's their thing. Did I love this couple? I like them a lot. I also feel like the level of possessiveness also could've been mitigated by starting off with the honesty talk. Then again, I am kind of partial to TPE, so there is that. It did kind of have that TPE vibe But I want so much more.

I want the whole thing, not just a quick scene. I want twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. I want you to be mine. I won't take anything less. Anyhow, it was clear to me early on that things are not what they seem with Bayden not to mention that he seemingly has no practical experience with BDSM.

I've learned the never judge a book by its cover lesson the hard way, but Axel seems oblivious to the obvious. That I found disappointing and instead of discussing why he's betting and getting into fights all the time when they have their first serious conversation about their would be relationship they discuss orgasm control. I appreciate trying to find out what turns someone's crank but if your intention is to collar that person then it's prudent to get to know them in a global sense particularly when they are throwing up enough red flags to rival a NASCAR race.

Really, this is my only quibble in an otherwise delightful book, but it did pervade Axel's Pup. Bayden is the epitome of sweet submissive as only KD can illustrate. Axel's Pup is a wonderful beginning to what appears to be a series and let me just state right now for the record that I am DYING for the next book to be about Hale. A submissive cop who's in denial about being submissive? Thank you very much. Recommend to everyone who likes a feel good read.

A review copy was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. View all 23 comments. Mar 28, Chelsea rated it it was amazing Shelves: Re-read- March - Still perfect. December - God I love this book, I just can't put it down, which is odd for me with really long novels.

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I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy there will be a sequel eventually , I may have cried if it had been the end of Axel and his pup. Review I knew writing this review would be hard, there are so many things i want to say, but i know none of it will be enough to do this book justice. Ok so I'll keep it simple and just imagine a thousan Re-read- March - Still perfect. Ok so I'll keep it simple and just imagine a thousand more fan-girl screams to the end of every sentence so i get my point across. As in there were rules and punishments, whipping and spankings, kneeling and 'Sir's' and bondage and collars, however the idea of submission and what real submission is and means to the submissive was explored so thoroughly in this book, i came away wondering if all the other submissives I've read about have been doing it right.

Bayden is such a beautiful tortured character, he desperately want to belong to a pack and be loved but he has never had any human do anything other abuse or use him, until Axel of course. He was strong and patient and affectionate and dominating, he was perfection and I loved that Bayden was instinctively submissive to him and immediately considered him as an alpha.

This story has no single plot arc to follow and be resolved, it has many smaller but no less dramatic or significant events that occurs within our heroes lives and i just couldn't put this book down. I wasn't going to mention its length, because it will put some people off, but i am NOT one to read long books, often i get pretty bored and have to have a second book going at the same time to have a break, but not this one.

Ok now the sex You are mine, every inch of you. You are mine" It was possessive and affectionate and tender, lots of nuzzling and licking. It was also deliciously kinky, bondage, voyeurism, breath play, and some serious rough sex! I'm not going to tell you when they eventually get together, because they do and its hot, so that's all that's relevant, but before they do the sexual tension is sizzling and they don't deny they want each other so none of that, 'i'm not sure' crap. View all 8 comments. Apr 26, Vivian rated it really liked it Shelves: A bit long-winded, but how can you loose with a full length Dare novel--you can't.

Interesting social commentary as well as finding your place, finding balance, and finding the truth of you and not what others say of you--family or foe. All the possessive Dom goodness and deserving sub that you could want. Seriously, a few instances of repetition that I suppose meant to highlight how easy miscommunication is which was a bit aggravating, but made the finally epiphanies all the sweeter.

Overall, a A bit long-winded, but how can you loose with a full length Dare novel--you can't. Overall, a story of trust and care. View all 16 comments. I'll save this one for when I retire. Seriously, that is just too long for me right now. But it sounds so good! View all 24 comments. Sep 11, Sunny rated it it was amazing Shelves: The opening scene hooked me immediately and my interest was kept until the very end. For such a long book, it still had Kim's writing style that I love I ate it up, all those words that made me melt, shiver, worry and rage.

Bayden, proud, determined, but also vulnerable and cautious So beautiful in his submission. All the interesting secondary characters who influenced the MCs in different ways. There were threads of melancholy and anger due to the historical and current treatment of werewolves and the unfair anti-pack laws, but it wasn't overwhelming and there was hope for the future.

I'm hoping to find the words for a better review later on, but right now View all 13 comments. Axel's Pup If you plan to read this, settle in because it's long, lol. Could it have been cut? At the heart of Kim's books is always that sweetness that runs through the story and it's not missing here. Axel waited Bayden out and was a friend and protector to Bayden long before Bayden could acknowledge.

Interesting how wolf shifter discrimination sure sounds like other discrimination that goes on in the world. There were BDSM elements in the story but Axel tempered them specifically towards Bayden because really, Bayden took anything and everything that was thrown at him and Axel had to figure out the right punishment that would affect Bayden and make him realize he was MORE and he was worth it to himself and others.

Mar 13, A. Gayle rated it it was amazing Shelves: It's no secret that writing long books has always been physically demanding for Kim Dare. She's produced a couple in the past, but often we have had to be content with her shorter offerings. When I saw the length of her latest release I nearly "creamed my jeans" to borrow a cliched phrase. I would even have been happy if she'd stopped at the halfway mark as already I'd got more than my money's worth. But then I would have missed out on so much more good stuff.

Each added chapter served a purpose It's no secret that writing long books has always been physically demanding for Kim Dare.

Each added chapter served a purpose that once you read it you realized that it's absence would have been missed. So many books nowadays seem to have filler scenes especially sex scenes to get word count. As I've said on many occasions, I'm not a fan of shifters, shedders and suckers. Yet in this book, the fact that Bayden is a werewolf is critical to the plot.

Not because that makes him stronger than most. Not that it makes him heal quickly. But more important is what it means to be a pack animal in a world where they are denigrated, despised and disliked. Being this strong, isolated, quick healer makes it much harder for a human to give him a safe place to explore the submissive side of his nature. Pain is not a threat and his past experiences where he has given himself sexually means that even that is not a way "in". The politics behind the story is paramount. Even to the extent of not being able to have more than two adults living together.

In Queensland, the police have gone tough on bikie gangs, imposing similar stupid arbitary restrictions about riding together in public. Perhaps some have earned it, but for others this feeling they belonged to a 'family' is at the heart of their psyche. So denying them the right to show it hurts. Much of the book is taken up with this world building, but it's not all about that.

It's also about expressing your desires.

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There were some lovely bits at the start when Axel struggled to get his sub to understand this and he only achieved it in a small way by depriving him of the things he enjoyed until he learned to admit these things. Other aspects of punishing and penance were explored. Particularly difficult when it is almost impossible to punish someone physically when they can withstand pain so well and heal so quickly. I felt for Axel as he had to throw the rule book aside and approach everything from a different angle.

There were a couple of typos such as "Whose" for "Who's" and a couple of other similar mistakes, but the writing, generally, was excellent. Kim has never been the type of author people will marvel about because of beautifully expressed emotions or elegant description. The words are just the tools to get the thoughts and emotions across. It's the concepts behind her words that always makes more of an impression on me. Here's some examples "What about what you want? Bayden shook his head, rubbing his cheek against Axel in the process.

It's not about hiding things. It's about offering up your every thought, your every emotion and trusting me to use them wisely. Many writers miss this last bit and see it as just being the part of what a submissive is supposed to do. To me, that concept of using his submission wisely is at the heart of this book as Axel slowly convinces Bayden to be honest about his wants and desires.

So often he's held back by what he thought was expected, relying on lessons instilled in him by family, species history and conquering humans. I loved the fact that Axel tried to understand what these were. Looked at the ones that were important and tried to teach him how so many others were not.

Throughout this process, Bayden was fighting against the main rule he'd been taught: Giving a human information to use against him was stupid, wasn't it? So trust was very slowly earned. And with that came love.

You'll never need to lie to me abouth anything, or to hide anything from me. It's true of any relationship. It's when you've found a person that this is true for that you've discovered your life's mate. Too often it's the opposite. To give the story flesh, there is a great cast of characters. No doubt they will feature in future books. We've already met Griz and Evan, but I look forward to hearing about the cop, Hale, the embodiment of everything Bayden and other werewolves hate.

In the course of this story, his attitude changes as does that of others Bayden comes into contact with. Given the decrease in output recently, I was concerned that Kim had burned herself out. It must have been much harder to write such a long story, but the wait was worth it. I'll start with the AB while I try to summon up coherent words about the book. Bayden is a young werewolf shifter trying to survive in an inhospitable world.

To make money he takes bets on fights and other things, in pubs, or wherever he can find willing participants. Axel Carmichael is both a publican and a true no nonsense Dom. The moment the two meet their lives change forever. To my brain this story read as so much more than a shifter story.

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  • Smashwords – Tough Biker Gets Turned (M/M Gay Werewolf) – a book by Leandra J. Piper.

For instance vampyrism has always been an oblique way to talk about sexual desires and sex itself. This book talks about all of that and more while sweeping you in a LOVE story. Bayden is a WOLF!!! Having an Alpha is natural and instinctual. That this Alpha happens to be human? He holds no prejudice against wolves, and being a gay man, who has faced rejection and more, solely based on his sexual preferences, is more receptive than most to the plight of an oppressed class. However that does not make him a wolf expert. Kim D never loses sight of that.

Like most people Axel only has a passing acquaintance with matters outside his personal realm of experience. To say that Bayden is cautious in his interactions with humans, hesitant to trust, is understatement. A wolf without a pack is a sad thing. Rest assured that smex times are scorching and yet incredibly tender. There are stumbles for both partners along the way. Poor Bayden sometimes has to learn the hard way. He has to learn that Axel as his Alpha always has his best interests at heart and will do anything to protect him without ever diminishing him.

Both of these activities are crucial to Bayden. They let him know he belongs. What else can a good wolf want? Loved it so much I ordered the paperback. That kind of love. Mar 18, Camille rated it it was amazing Shelves: Is the length an issue? All the pages are amaizing! Is there too much drama? The drama doesn't seem to bother me if the characters are super interesting. These characters and this world are super interesting. Does it take a long time or too much time for them hook up? I don't remember why I was nervous about this but it was unfounded.

They hooked up and it was good and hot AF. Will you feel like you are dying inside because the sequel is not out yet? At least I don't thin Is the length an issue?

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At least I don't think so. That being said, I will read that book the second it comes out because I know it will be awesome. One thing that surprised me There is something about how this bit was written with Axel as human and Bayden as a wolf I don't know how to explain it. I recommend taking a couple days off work and reading the book till your eyeballs about fall out of your head. Apr 26, Dalia rated it really liked it Shelves: When he sees Bayden walk 4.

When he sees Bayden walking into his pub for the first time he thinks that he's a silly rich boy looking for injuries. Nonetheless, Axel still catches interest in Bayden and has a desire to help him heal and make him his submissive. Bayden tries to be a good wolf and does his best to not break the anti-pack laws that humans made and forced wolves to obey. Bayden takes bets from humans on fights and scenes to prove them that wolves can't be broken so easily, but the bets also pay the bills and help him look after his mother and grandfather.

Even though wolves heal quickly they still get hurt, feel pain and get scared. These are the things that Bayden doesn't let anyone show no matter how bad it gets sometimes. His life changes when he meets Axel. The pure dominance that exudes from the man makes Bayden curious. Since Axel doesn't have anything against having wolves in his pub, Bayden keeps coming back. I really enjoyed the differences between human and werewolf culture. Axel and Bayden had a lot to learn to understand each other, try to work out what's wrong and avoid misunderstandings. I liked that Axel took Bayden on rides and that the club was like a family and the Dragons treated Bayden like a pack, as well.

Every note was pure dominance, pure alpha. Donna added it Jan 29, Franklin marked it as to-read Feb 21, Justin added it Apr 07, Eileen marked it as to-read Nov 06, Medusa Dracul marked it as to-read Jan 19, Aaron Angel added it Jun 08, Zlata marked it as to-read Aug 27, Giselle added it Feb 21, Matthew Mcguinness marked it as to-read Oct 06, Jan Grass added it Sep 20, Tessie marked it as to-read Oct 12, Sunshine marked it as to-read Dec 30, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

A librarian with a very dull job, Leandra Piper likes to spice it up when she gets home by writing steamy sex scenes. The cat doesn't mind, but thinks the time would be better spent petting her. Books by Leandra J. Trivia About Saloon Suck.

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I'll try to explain. How to write a great review. It hits you where it hurts, but in a good way Very emotional read. I felt for Axel as he had to throw the rule book aside and approach everything from a different angle. Memorizing You by Dan Skinner was really good. Noah Harris Narrated by: You will love them.

No trivia or quizzes yet. Easy and enjoyable read. I have a new appreciation for bunny slippers. Just finished Full Disclosure by Kindle Alexander.

It is a great follow-up to Double Full. Good writing, editing, and storylines. Your blog is my go to site when looking for a new read. You never let me down. Thanks for all the work you put in, its greatly appreciated. Dangerously Happy ranks up there with Try for me. The first encounter alone at the beginning of the book took my breath away, very sexy! I recommend the sequel as well different characters. Let me know if you like any of these. Keep up the good work! I almost forgot Stay with me — omg, this writer is amazing! The main character a surfer type, private investigator is so witty and kept me laughing throughout.

The sex was well done and I was disappointed to see the author has only this one book available. The 3rd book from power exchange series is out. Just started it, pretty intense. Yakuza Pride and Yakuza Courage by H. Brues are good books with a different alpha male description as these are Japanese gangsters interacting with American males.

Good stories from a different cultural perspective. I thought the author did an amazing job. Just finished Beneath the Stain by Amy Lane. Mackey and Trav are maybe my favorite couple of all time sorry Keira and Kellen. The story gave me the same feel as the early relationship between V and Butch in BDB, really intimate. I loved, loved, loved this book. A Maxfield, this is one of my favourite books form one of of my fav authors. Dark and disturbing but addictive: Fallocaust series by Quil Carter. Really innovative storyline that sucks you in and makes you want to forget.

Books have cliffhangers and thus far no happy endings. Next book debuts on 15 November and I cannot wait. Different descriptions of characters falling in love but each book is better than their synopsis. Two books out so far. I have read many of these. A couple I have never heard of so I need to check them out. Thank you for the suggestions. I have read the first 4 a few times. You should definitely try The Captive Prince series, by C.

There are two books in the series, with a third coming out soon. Also, there are two independently published authors who are terrific: Harper Fox and Jordan Hawk. Thanks for the recommendations! Then the husband and him meet. I loved this list and made it through the whole thing. I mean not at all. I thought Tracie was crazy. But she convinced me to read the second book. Well it had me hooked! The lack of connection that I was completely feeling between the two of them was there.

It honestly was like it was written by someone else. It was perfect from all aspects — suspense, the feels, romance, tension, and love. I read the rest of the series straight through and am now anxious for the final book in March. Just had to get that out there. I love this genre! Thanks for the recs, Maryse! I love the mm genre and have been almost entirely devoted to it for the past few years. If anyone loves amazingly well written stories with quirky humour and characters you never forget you should try Ethan Day.

I swear by his books my all time favourites are Sno Ho and its sequel Life in Fusion. These books just m a me my day every time I read them. Full of adorable and unforgettable characters. Latakia and The Fence and Then the Trees are both awesome. No steamy sex scenes but slow build with great story lines. Just discovered a new author.. They are relatively short.. Some GFY genre by T. Protection is set in s British prison. Well fleshed out characters, steamy scenes and true love story…also Something Different. Should definitely be added to this list. Great recommendations here is mine: Jennifer, thanks for the T.

Not a fan of her Nevada series. Jakes but especially the Hell or Highwater series. Kinndle Alwxander has some good ones, Always was a great full, lifetime love story. Highly recommend the Infected series by Andrea Speed. In this series being a shifter is the result of a disease. Each book in the series has mysteries to solve. The secondary characters add great dimension to the series.

First book in the series is Infected: Like honestly, the best part of reading romance is to feel both characters, the relationship itself. Feel in love with the actual characters and their dynamic and not just with the idea of finding a man like that. All bundles have been super awesome so far. Plus lots of different types and storylines since multitude of authors. Hi Thank you so much for the list! More Heat than the Sun by John Wiltshire. The whole series has an average rate of 4. Here is the link: There story plot and twist is fantastic! It will blow your mind. Read this please, it is worthy of your time!!

It is insanely good! I highly recommend Captive prince trilogy by C. This is historical romance with very intriguing plot and so captivating caracters! It is slow burn but very very worth it! E Via is an awesome read for those who love cops stories. Have read Nicholas Bella New Haven series..

It will grab you. Where is Heidi Belleau? It is an unacceptable shame that these lists continue to leave out authors like Sean Michael and B. The Rain and Whiskey series is fantastic. As is the Hammer series, the Roughstock series, and the Mannies, Inc. Just those 4 series have all the genre you can handle. The stories are full of love, and sex of course! Work that, for the right person, is well worth the effort. Thank you for recommending them, Leslie! I will add them right now. They were certainly not left off the list on purpose.

Some of my favorites that are not on the list is Beyond Complicated and the Southern scrimmage series by Mercy Celeste. They are so freaking good! I could not put Bootleg Diva down!! I definitely recommend the Captive Prince trilogy by C. There are 3 books so far, and I love all of them. I was scrolling just know and actually looking for it, hehe. I love the characters and their lines, especially the lines. I laughed and cried a lot.

Thank you and have a great day x. I havent seen Tiffany Reisz The Angel anywhere and as it is my very first mm read and it has Reiszs masterpiece writing I wholeheartedly recommend it though the series should be read in order. The Understatement of the Year also exquisite. A matter of time series…so many awesome books out There.