Architectural Design Procedures

The 5 Phases of the Architectural Design Process

Prepare your landscape design at this stage.

References and additional reading

It is common for designers to discuss the proposal with council planners and inspectors at this stage to identify any issues requiring resolution. Make your final design and selection decisions of the following matters in light of advice from the relevant Your Home article:. This stage is often the greatest test of commitment, for both you and your designer, to achieving an environmentally sustainable home.

Final design is often when budget overruns become apparent and cost reductions are then made. These trade-offs are best managed by dividing your project into stages.

How Does the Architectural Design Process Work?

Include the sustainability features at the start and reduce your bills from the day you move in. These features are usually less expensive to incorporate in the initial build than to add later. Additional spaces or rooms designed into a total concept at the outset can be added cost effectively when future finances allow. When both parties are satisfied with the design, submit the final design drawing to council for planning approval before design detailing, if a staged approval process is desirable.

This approach can accommodate design changes required by council more cost effectively. The alternative approach combined planning and construction approval is more expensive if council requires design changes, which need to be made to both sets of drawings. Straightforward designs on sites that are not subject to stringent planning controls are commonly submitted to council for simultaneous planning and construction approval.


One set of plans can address both planning and construction detailing. For more complex designs that challenge the standard approval process, separate submissions can be advantageous. A statement of environmental effect is commonly required at planning approval stage.

This generally seeks an undertaking that your development will have no adverse impact on the local environment and often has a detailed checklist of items to be addressed. In this stage, design and construction details are finalised and documented. These documents typically include:. They or more detailed versions are also given to builders when they are invited to tender for the work and form the basis of your contract with your builder. Final schedules of materials and quality of finishes are documented in the specification by reference to Australian Standards, industry definitions of practice and desired outcomes that are not noted on the plans.

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Specifications are critical to achieving sustainable outcomes because it is here that sustainable inclusions, practices and finishes are spelled out and linked to the contract. Specification writing for sustainability is a relatively new skill, and many designers fail to adequately address important items, practices and standards.

To level the playing field, specify sustainable practices, clearly and unambiguously, in tender documents and draw these currently atypical clauses to the attention of tendering builders.

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Association of Building Sustainability Assessors. Australian Institute of Architects. Australian Institute of Building Surveyors. Building Designers Association of Victoria.

The Process of Architecture | BUILD Blog

HIA GreenSmart professionals listed by postcode: New building cost guides. Victorian Department of Planning and Community Development. West Australian Planning Commission. Before you begin Preliminary research The design process Building rating tools The construction process Buying a home off the plan Buying and renovating an apartment Buying an existing home Planning home improvements Repairs and maintenance Renovations and additions Choosing a site Challenging sites.

Preliminary research This first step is explained in detail in Preliminary research, which covers: Choose your designer Choosing the right designer for your project is arguably your most important step on the path to your new home. Architects and building designers Designers fit into one of two main categories: On the site, consider: Suntech Design The designer can make a concept plan and site analysis after the first site visit.

Choosing a site has more information.


Architectural Design Procedures, Second Edition [Arthur Thompson] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This book explains how architects. an invaluable source of reference and.. clearly laid out well illustrated ideal for students and practitioners alike.' Architectural Technology, May/June

Brief development, fee proposal and design contract If your design contract was not signed earlier, it is usually signed at this step. Review your preliminary budget and your brief with your designer. Suntech Design The designer can estimate the probable cost of the concept.

Concept designs Designers often prepare several concept designs to communicate their thinking and allow you to assess them against your brief. Suntech Design Concept designs can help make initial sustainability choices. At this point, we will take the schematic design you selected, as well as any requested modifications, and revise the design as necessary.

This phase may require additional give and take as we work with you to finalize the details of the design before moving into the next phase. By now, we will have settled on a final design and will begin preparing drawings, notes, and technical specifications necessary for bidding, construction, and permit application. This is the phase that many people think of when they picture the work of an architect — the creation of blueprints. Contractors will use these detailed drawings and specifications to prepare for the next phase in the architectural design process.

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Having an architect on your side during the bidding phase of home construction is of great advantage to you. At minimum, we can aid you in developing a list of qualified contractors for your bid list and submitting bid packages to bidders. But we can also review submitted bids, provide analysis, and help you compare the cost figures that you receive from your bidders. The sketch plans will at this stage be reviewed against the proposed budget and suggestions made to reduce the scope of work or adjust the budget if required to bring back within budget, as well as reviewed for conformity with rights of use and building restrictions height restriction, building lines etc.

You will be advised if any consultants are advised at this stage.

BP 16-40 – Architectural Design

For larger projects where a Quantity Surveyor is being appointed to oversee the financial management and cost control of the project, they would be brought on board during the sketch plan stage to provide the initial cost estimates. The design development stage will commence once the final concept design, along with estimated budgets based on this, are approved. The plans will then be further developed based on the approved concept design, with any further changes that may be required, as well as the input from the consultants. In the case of the input from the structural engineer, this will include the specifications of the foundations, suspended floors and the roof design.

At this stage details, specifications and any adjustments required in terms of energy efficiency will also be undertaken. The design development will include details of the construction systems and materials to be used. The basic 3d model used in the initial concepts will also be developed and detailed 3d perspectives will be produced of the exterior and interior of the project.

After any further changes are made, the final set of design development plans are produced. These will include detailed floor plans, sections showing the materials and structural systems being utilised, as well as detailed elevations. The design, costing and programme will then be reviewed with the consultants. The building cost and fee estimate will be adjusted to suit the revised design and sq.

Commencement of work stage 4. In this drawings and documentation required for submission for the required approvals are prepared. In the case of specialist consultants being required to handle any of these applications, this would be co-ordinated by Timber Design.