Iron Man: Demon In A Bottle (Iron Man (1968-1996))

Iron Man: Demon In a Bottle

In fact, his alcoholism doesn't carry much weight in the plot until near the end of the arc, where it was acknowledged, struggled with, and then resolved within a few pages.

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I also have issue with the descriptive dialogue the characters say, something along the lines of "My heightened refractory coating is a match for your cold beam! Not to mention all the cheesy second-rate villains he has to face.

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Still, I can't say this didn't help shape Tony Stark's character. His battle with alcoholism, no matter how briefly it was dealt with, created a lasting impact on the way Iron Man was written. View all 3 comments. Dec 01, Jennifer rated it really liked it. It's kind of amazing that I hadn't read this yet. I've read a good bit of Iron Man canon, and a lot of Iron Man in the recent books he's been in, but for some reason I'd never gotten around to "Demon in a Bottle. It's a bit heavy-handed, sure, and full of the flaws that all socially-conscious comic books of the s had, but it's a solid story with surprisingly subtle characterization and a truly kickass female lead where has Be It's kind of amazing that I hadn't read this yet.

It's a bit heavy-handed, sure, and full of the flaws that all socially-conscious comic books of the s had, but it's a solid story with surprisingly subtle characterization and a truly kickass female lead where has Bethany Cabe gone in the comics? I'd recommend this to anyone, with any level of Iron Man knowledge, particularly movie fans looking for a place to jump into the comics. Iron Man As good as its reputation. JRJr's art is some of the best I have seen from him, before he developed his cartoony look which I love but doesn't work for every title he draws.

Storywise, there's a lot going on here.

And though the story doesn't specifically mention it, I felt like he's also dealing with the strain of lying to some of his best friends Rhodey and Iron Man As good as its reputation. And though the story doesn't specifically mention it, I felt like he's also dealing with the strain of lying to some of his best friends Rhodey and Bethany about his dual identity.

There's a murder and also a near-death at the hands of Namor. Finally, some goofy villains seems to be teaming up, making his life much more hellish than they normally would. So the b-plot is that Tony seems to be drinking a lot more than normal, and it causes trouble.

I thought about removing a star for that, but it's such a good book across the board that I decided not to do. Nov 15, Devin Bruce rated it liked it Shelves: A classic in the Marvel canon, but I'd never read it until a month ago. The most surprising thing to me was that John Romita Jr. It's amazing to see the change, although I have a feeling that quite a bit of the visual style comes from Bob Layton's inks: This is one of the rare books that I liked the art and story much more than the dialogue or plot: I can see why the story was so important 30 years ago, and I'm glad I read it, but it's not as compelling as it once was.

Aug 29, Trin rated it it was ok Shelves: Spock in a Speedo but has way fewer social skills. And there are a bunch of lameass villains with lameass superpowers he has to dispatch. Plus, he has to address the problem of his alcoholism in a single issue that reads much like an Afterschool Special. Can you feel the excitement from here?

Bob Layton - Iron Man

Jul 16, L. The choice here to give him a drinking problem really pissed off a lot of readers when the story first ran, because it "ruined" the character. For those of us coming to the comics now, it's a perfect choice, really. Because Iron Man is NOT a likable guy, and if you want your readers to stick around, you have to give them reasons. So, basically, Stark likes the booze a bit too much, and it starts interfering with both his business and superhero responsibilities. This is unfortunate, because a rival businessman is out to take down Stark Industries, and has no qualms about what means he uses to accomplish his ends.

Tony freaks out, drinks a lot, and finally gets his shit together, with the help of his friends. The fact that he doesn't have a lot of friends makes this even more poignant. The only problem I have here is that Michelinie missed a terrific opportunity to stage an intervention with the Avengers. Maybe he thought it would be too corny? I think he could have pulled it off.

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Want to Read saving…. I've been wanting to read the comic where Tony Stark has a drinking problem for quite some time. Nov 18, Devero rated it really liked it. Mar 23, Gianfranco Mancini rated it really liked it Shelves: It's kind of amazing that I hadn't read this yet.

Maybe this happens later in the strip, though. Cap teaching Tony self-defense in one afternoon. I'm still never going to be super-gonzo about Iron Man as a superhero, but I do appreciate the character a bit more now. Apr 03, Jaq Greenspon rated it really liked it Shelves: But this is certainly a new millennium take in what was revolutionary at the time. Aug 31, Matt rated it liked it. It's hard to review this one, really. I can say that I felt sufficiently entertained as I read through this one But that's about all I can say. This book was recommended to me as an exemplary starting point for reading Iron Man comics.

And I'm still confused as to why. A lot of the writing was pretty cheesy, and some of the conflict just seemed to be borne out of a need for suspense. However, the real underlying plot that deals with Justin Hammer and I just wish this storyline could be revamped with modern writers and modern artists. In fact, I was refreshed to see that Iron Man's first issue got that sort of treatment within this very book!

Now let's just see Demon in a Bottle cleaned up a bit and I'm sure it will be a tale for the ages. Dec 22, Adam Bender rated it liked it. I've been wanting to read the comic where Tony Stark has a drinking problem for quite some time. Ok, that sounds kind of weird, but it's true. This is the volume that includes the classic "Demon in a Bottle" comic. What I didn't realize is that it's mainly the one issue the last in this collection that deals with it. The first 7 issues show Tony having occasional drinks but he doesn't really hit rock bottom until the issue before the eponymous The storyline up to that point focuses on Jus I've been wanting to read the comic where Tony Stark has a drinking problem for quite some time.

The storyline up to that point focuses on Justin Hammer messing with Iron Man's suit. It's a fun but not totally absorbing superhero adventure, and I felt a bit bored at times. So, if you're just reading this for the drinking problem stuff, you might be better off buying digital single issues of and That said, that last issue is pretty great. It's pretty interesting to see a comic take on an issue like drinking and do it in a way that feels organic to the plot. Even more commendable is that the guy with the problem here is Iron Man himself!

I've seen a lot of comics address addiction issues through sidekicks and friends of sidekicks, so it's great to see Marvel had the guts to use one of their biggest stars. Mar 14, Eric Mikols rated it liked it Shelves: This was a fun comic. Why are slots casino gaming locks a bad bet. It's bad odds, compounded by the fact that you can play the machines so quickly. Blackjack is played at around rounds per hour, but you can easily spin times an hour on casino gaming locks machine.

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Navy ships approach and soldiers help the passengers to safety, and bring Iron Man to an island base. They tell him the tank was thrown by Namor , who was defending a resident of the island that the soldiers were trying to remove, because the island is used as a toxic waste disposal site. Iron Man confronts and fights Namor, before it's revealed that the soldiers actually belong to the Roxxon Oil Corporation , which is secretly occupying the island to mine the vibranium it contains.

Iron Man and Namor team up to fight and defeat the soldiers, who escape and trigger explosives contained on the island, destroying it along with any evidence that they were ever there.

Iron Man: Demon In a Bottle - Marvel Comics

While flying home, Iron Man's armor begins to malfunction, sending him flying uncontrollably through the sky and crash landing. He regains control and later tests the armor in his lab, and finds nothing apparently wrong. Stark is visiting a casino with Bethany Cabe when Blizzard , the Melter , and Whiplash arrive and attempt to rob the casino's vault. Stark slips away, dons his armor, and battles and defeats the villains.

During the fight, he overhears a comment from Blizzard about "Hammer" wanting Iron Man kept alive. Stark later receives and agrees to a request for Iron Man to represent his company, Stark International , at a public ceremony and meet with a foreign ambassador. At the ceremony, Iron Man's armor again malfunctions, striking the ambassador with a repulsor blast, killing him. Iron Man tells the police about the malfunction, claiming he did not intentionally kill the ambassador.

Editorial: Tony Stark, Alcoholism, Anxiety and PTSD [Demon in a Bottle] [Iron Man 3]

Doubtful, but knowing they can't fight him, the police let him go but demand that Stark turn over his armor for inspection, and Stark complies. During this time, Stark's drinking increases significantly.

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Iron Man: Demon In A Bottle (Iron Man ()) Kindle & comiXology. by . Man ()). Iron Man Epic Collection: Stark Wars (Iron Man ()). Iron Man: Demon In A Bottle (Iron Man ()) and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. Learn more. Enter your mobile number or.

Stark meets with the Avengers , agreeing to their request that Iron Man temporarily step down as their leader, and asks for and receives hand-to-hand fight training from Captain America. He then meets with Scott Lang , the second Ant-Man , and asks him to sneak into the prison where Whiplash is being held to get information on the person named Hammer.

Stark uses the information and flies to Monaco with James Rhodes to investigate. Hammer is alerted to their presence and sends soldiers to attack them. They are both knocked unconscious; Stark is taken prisoner and Rhodes is left in public and arrested by the local police when he awakens. When Stark awakens he is confronted by Justin Hammer , who reveals that he has been responsible for Iron Man's armor malfunctions.

Angered that he lost a lucrative bid to Stark International, Hammer, with the aid of scientists in his employ, took control of Iron Man's armor and forced him to kill the ambassador in an attempt to ruin the reputation of the company.

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Stark attempts to escape Hammer's compound by climbing over a wall, but sees that he is on a giant floating island at sea. Imprisoned, Stark escapes when he attacks a guard after fooling him into opening the door.