Waiting for Boaz: Encouragement for women desiring marriage Gods way

3 Reasons Why You’re Still Waiting For Your Boaz

Work while you wait.

Why Women Should Wait For God's Best

When you become more focused on your Creator, the process will become much easier. The person He has for you is going to love you and cherish your heart. You are His child. He has great things in store for your future.

  • Obieray Rogers (Author of Waiting for Boaz);
  • Lord, Prepare Me To Be A Godly Wife - Waiting for Your Boaz;
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The best things take time. But the process is going to be worth the wait when that time comes. If I had it to do over, I would have enjoyed my romance with Jesus as He prepared my heart for the things to come. We have our good and bad days just like anyone else. But this man is the one God gave to me to love and cherish, and I plan to do so for the rest of our lives together.

Meandering through Midgard, maybe…

If Ruth waited patiently for Boaz, as the post suggests, then why did she 1 go harvest barley specifically in his field? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here As the owner of a field, Boaz showed generosity and compassion on the less fortunate by following Levitical law Leviticus I speak from experience. Wherever you stay, I will stay.

You see, marriage is more than just for us. Marriage is a ministry. You are called to stick together through thick and thin, and to encourage each other through the hard times. He has always helped me back up. God is the glue that will hold you both together. So when you find the right person, remember to always keep God that the center of your heart and marriage. Keeping God in his rightful place is the key to a long, happy, and lasting marriage.

Pray together, serve together, and fall in love with each other every single day. I want you to know today that God has got you. Until then, stand firm in the promise God has given you. You do not walk alone, and soon your paths will intertwine. And when that day comes, you will look back and thank God for His faithfulness to you as you begin a new chapter in your life. If this article encouraged you, be sure to share on Facebook , Twitter , and Pinterest! Yassssss you are the sweet sweet cool refreshing waters that God has brought into my life. He will not send you selfishness or immorality.

God looks at the heart and He will not send you a Boaz whose heart is not ready to be with you. I blame Tyler Perry! Lol There is this idea in the Christian community that there is one perfect Christian, bible loving , stud of a man waiting if you are diligent and patient. The beauty in marriage is the commitment, the diligence and daily choice that you make each day to honor Him in your words and actions towards one another.

Marriage is a testimony.

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Because…you will NOT like your mate all the time. Marriage is a ministry that some people are called into, just like missions or becoming a pastor.

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I meet a lot of fabulous, God fearing and even secular single people who believe that if they do x, y and z then Mr. So many women struggle with our self worth and forget that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. But know that even the best of the best will be flawed, hence the need for the Lord in the relationship and an arsenal of forgiveness.

Marriage is about two hot mess people becoming less of a hot mess and an example to others of forgiveness personified. Because He will take your mess and turn it into a message. As believers we are a new creation in Christ, we are redeemed and should be walking in victory, not continuing to be a hot mess.

When You Find the Person God Has for You

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. I think we may have a different qualification of hot mess. To me, you can be a hot mess AND still be a Christian. Remember the heart is deceitful and can be easily manipulated by the flesh as well as demonic influences. Knowing who you are in Christ is a journey, not a destination. Until then we can rely on Him to direct our way and thank him for his grace and mercy — not shelling out what we deserve. Looking forward to reading more posts. Thank you so much Megan, you have definitely shared truth.

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Thank you so much Adey!!! You did it again.

Thank you for using your platform to glorify God. You could choose anything but using your life to glorify HIM in all you do is exactly what evangelizing is all about. Many can learn and know about the wonderful gifts available to those that will love and serve the Lord. Thank you so much for your encouragement Christine! God is so good! Thank you for taking the time to read it!

I find myself over thinking so much in my life when it comes to wanting to be married. Reading this is truly inspirational to me and I am so happy that you posted this on Urban Bush Babes. I know you put this up here for everyone to read, but I was just thinking about how I was supposed to find a husband with what God has in mind for me. Here is the answer. Be patient and continue to keep your focus on God and seek Him.

How I Knew My Husband was the One: How to Know If He’s Marriage Material (Finding Your Boaz)

Release those thoughts, and let God continue to work in you and he will bring the man He has for you in His time. Once I let go and stopped trying and worrying, and I just put all my focus on God, He blessed me when I least expected it and with someone I never would have expected. Nikisha, did you wait until marriage to have sex? Is this something you believe is necessary to find the man God has for you? If you did not wait, how did you feel your husband was still the one? Hey Rebbekah, unfortunately I did not wait until marriage to have sex. I was pregnant at 16 and I was very sexually promiscuous and a whole lot of issues and problems followed.

As I got deeper in my walk I read several scriptures that stated we are not to fornicate: Experts have reported that premarital sex short circuits the emotional bonding process. This includes all sin, and does not exclude sexual sin. In addition to forgiveness, God wants you to embrace His grace that will help you move forward in life and embrace the promises He has for you with joy.

In spite of your choices, God wants to bring you relational fulfillment. So for my husband and I, there was a period of time that we were celibate before we were married. And I knew he was the one because he checked off on all the characteristics I wrote about in this post including celibacy. Email me at nikisha urbanbushbabes. Thank you so much for your honesty and openness, I really appreciate it. I will use your experience and the qualities from the article you have listed here in waiting for my Boaz.

Your story is truly inspiring. I loved reading this article! Thank you so much Leah. And I totally agree, that diving into who God is and what He values is important and necessary! I pray God will continue to lead you, and I pray that you grow in wisdom and in grace! Thank you so much Nikisha for sharing this post with us. As a young, single, God fearing woman, it feels reassuring to know that someone else knows and understands what we should look in a man, in Godly terms, so we can know if he is marriage material. Sometimes, I feel alone in what I believe in as a Christian.

Most of the times, I feel like I have to affirm my faith in God when it comes to dating; especially with some christians friends. Thank you again for your post. May God bless you.

I have really been letting God lead me and He has been doing amazing things! And as human beings we all fall short.

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Continue to stick close to God and pray that He puts some serious believers in your life. I have prayed that prayer and God has blessed me with some amazing women who are serious about their walk with Christ. We are able to encourage one another, pray, rebuke, and correct each other in love. I pray God blesses you with amazing friends and that He continues to lead you and give you the strength to endure. I love Urban Bush Babes!

Great post Nikisha, thanks. And thank you so much for taking the time to read it! That is what matter. She is judgemental and is convinced that everything that comes from another book that the Bible is evil…. I can see that you are shining. I can see light and love coming from you and from your little family. You are really blessed!! I love the fact that this was posted on my bday… And the day I ran into the last person i was supposed too… It gives me hope. You give me hope. Thank you so much for your beautiful words, they are so humbling.

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And thank you for sharing! And Happy belated Birthday to you! I hope it was wonderful and I pray you have many many more filled with blessing! It would be lovely for Jaden and your future daughter to meet! Let me just say how much I love this site!!! Thank you Natasha for sharing your story. I hope to meet you ladies one day. You are always so sincere and are both truly beautiful souls. I too remember having to take those painful steps with God and having to take responsibility for the men that I had chosen in the past to share my time with.

Once I surrendered to God I realized that my future husband had been in my life for 5 years as a platonic friend. God MUST be common denominator in any successful relationship. Thank you so much for your love and support Camillia! What a beautiful thing it is to connect with others who have had a similar experience testimony.

It would be awesome to meet you! I know your name. I have corrected my error. May I ask, how were you able to edit it? You can probably only edit your own comments, so since it was mine, it says Edit underneath my comment, then when I corrected it, it gave me the option to save the change. This was e-mailed to me, would like to pass it on….

Wait on your Boaz and make sure he respects Yoaz…….. Thank you for sharing it! Really needed to read this. Your welcome Antoinette, God is sooo good and He is always on time! I pray you continue to grow in wisdom and in grace. This is so wise and insightful.

Thank you for sharing Nikisha!! Thank you so much for your kind words and blessings alexiscoleman. God just gave you confirmation! Girl you know this is my kind of post!!!! So much better than other post from different sites stating why you are still single. I think those post are full of it and hopefully no intelligent woman will take comfort in reading that mess. If one wants to be a wife then know to carry yourself in that type of manner.

Thanks Nikisha for giving young ladies hope out there. Thank you so much Crystal. I love how real you keep it! There is more crap floating around out there than not. It has women running around in circles. I pray this post reaches the hearts of as many women as possible. There is always hope with God.

He can turn any ones situation around in the blink of an eye, when they least expect it if we just focus on seeking Him. The thing is, I have never had a successful biblical relationship and this bothers me. I am in a 5 months relationship at the moment and I have been a bit at a cross road until this very moment. This post and peoples comments have really answered almost all my questions, the next step for me is to be brave and do the right thing. Yes, be brave and trust God Fadekemi. Now is the time to step out on faith even when your mind and feelings are saying no, you must trust God.

This is the only way He can move in your life. Also let go of your plans and just put all your focus on God and He will provide everything you need in His timing. He has plans designed specifically for you, He is just waiting for you to let go and get out of the way so He can work. You want the man God has for you. This is an amazing post, it takes personal growth, experience,and patience to being to realize all of this. God holds our hand and guides us through this path, one must listen and learn from Gods guidance. Thank you so much Jessica. God has been laying it on my heart to share this for a while now.

It does take a lot of growth that only comes from seeking God diligently.

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Draw near to God and He will draw near to you James 4: It also comes from surrendering your will to His will. I feel left out as many of my friends are coupled or married, but this makes me excited to grow in The Lord and wait for His match for me. You were right on time and thanks a billion!

God is always on time! You are still so young and have nothing to worry about. God will place the person He has for you in His timing. You just have to focus on Him and seek Him diligently. But your post touched some point that hit home me. One big one for me was how you grew up around dysfunctional relationships.

All the relationships I had was toxic and dangerous. God has really been teaching me so much and just continually humbling me on a daily basis. Again, thank you so so much for being transparent.