Insieme, così felici (Omnibus) (Italian Edition)

Yo soy muy viejecita; no espero nada ni quiero nada. La edad depende siempre de la fecha de nuestra muerte. Y como no conocemos esa fecha, no podemos nunca decir la edad que tenemos. Y el favor que me pide es que yo renuncie a conocer lo desconocido, a gozar del misterio. Nuestra mejor amiga; nuestra peor enemiga. Es verdad; lo ha dicho usted: El momento es decisivo, solemne. Sin el misterio profundo de los hombres y de las cosas. Translation - Italian Maria: Madonna del Soccorso, non ti chiedo mai niente. Madonna del Soccorso, io posso essere considerata la Prudenza fatta persona in questo paesino.

Ti chiedo, in nome del mio unico grande amore — anni e anni orsono —, di salvare quel giovane. Sta arrivando il mio signore. La chiamano da queste parti. Simpatico e veramente buono. Mi ha chiamato vecchietta. Non ha osato chiamarmi vecchia, come tutti.

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The group of friends make movies and never mention other means of support. Very pretty and amusing to read. After resting and praying for victory in a chapel consecrated to Martin of Tours, he is forced to stop because of a river they cannot pass; but cumque illa nocte Dominum depraecatus fuisset, ut ei vadum quo transire possit dignaretur ostendere, mane facto cerva mirae magnitudinis ante eos nuto Dei flumine ingreditur, illaque vadante, populus quo transire possit agnovit. Apr 20, Shannon rated it it was amazing Shelves: Aug 15, Seth rated it it was amazing Shelves:

Non oserei mai, signora, a fare una simile scortesia a una gentildonna. Gli anni, signora, io li conto in base al cuore.

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Chi ha molto cuore, si mantiene sempre giovane. Le vecchiette, che chiedono le cose come le chiede lei, vengono sempre accontentate. Anche se chiedessero un favore molto molto speciale? Accontentarle sarebbe un altrettanto piacere molto molto speciale. La signora chieda qualsiasi cosa. Signore, io vorrei… io vorrei che lei non si recasse alla casa incantata. E per quale motivo lei desidera che io non vada alla casa incantata? Signora, io vorrei sapere che genere di rischio correrei andando nella casa incantata.

No, non lo penso, non posso pensarlo. Vive tra le quattro mura di casa sua. Esce solo per andare in chiesa. Porta un imponente rosario che sgrana poco a poco. Io non la vedo in questi termini. E quella vecchietta ora mi chiede un favore. Io sono un poeta, signora.

Amo incondizionatamente la poesia. Signore, ce ne fossero di pazzi come lei al mondo. Questa vecchietta conosce tutte le disavventure, le storie e le fantasie che vengono raccontate in giro per il paese riguardo la casa incantata.

La vita inizia quando trovi il libro giusto (Italian Edition)

La vecchietta crede alle dicerie? Ebbene, quel mistero e quel enigma di cui parla non hanno nulla a che fare con le dicerie del paese. Non credo nelle dicerie e nelle fantasie. Sognare, sognare… Dormire, dormire… Immaginare, immaginare. Senza il profondo mistero degli uomini e delle cose. Ho perso la nozione del tempo e dello spazio. Sono matto o ragiono? Donna Maria se ne va Italian to Spanish: Storia d'un anno scolastico, scritta da un alunno di terza d'una scuola municipale d'Italia.

Egli notava man mano in un quaderno, come sapeva, quello che aveva visto, sentito, pensato, nella scuola e fuori; e suo padre, in fin d'anno, scrisse queste pagine su quelle note, studiandosi di non alterare il pensiero, e di conservare, quanto fosse possibile, le parole del figliuolo. I know without a doubt that I would have loved the Weetzie Bat books if I'd read them in high school or college when I was an alterna-chick who scoured thrift stores for cool vintage clothes and went to underground clubs every night with gorgeous gay boys who loved me, but not the way I loved them.

Back then, I might have sworn Francesca Lia Block had based her contemporary fairy tales on the everyday lives of my friends and me. But I tried to read these books a couple of years ago, and found al I know without a doubt that I would have loved the Weetzie Bat books if I'd read them in high school or college when I was an alterna-chick who scoured thrift stores for cool vintage clothes and went to underground clubs every night with gorgeous gay boys who loved me, but not the way I loved them.

But I tried to read these books a couple of years ago, and found all the characters and by extension, Block herself irritating in their aggressively whimsical hipness. I read a lot of young adult fiction need to put more of it on my list, I'm realizing , so I'm accustomed to stuff written primarily for adolescent readers, but I just could not stand this collection. I did like Dangerous Angels , Block's book about the midlife crisis Weetzie has when her girls are all grown up and she feels estranged from Secret Agent Lover Man.

But even then I thought it was a little too self-congratulatory: This is quite possibly the worst book I've ever read in my life.

Il simbolo perduto (Robert Langdon (versione italiana) Vol. 3) (Italian Edition)

Insieme, così felici (Omnibus) (Italian Edition) eBook: Maryann McFadden, Roberta Scarabelli: Kindle Store. Buy Insieme, così felici by Maryann McFadden, R. Scarabelli from Amazon's Insieme, così felici (Omnibus) (Italian Edition) and over 2 million other books are .

It's actually a collection of books by the same author, with the same characters and overlapping storylines. To be fair, I only read three of the five books included. Maybe the two I skipped were phenomenal.

But I doubt it. Good grief, these books were bad. There are about two dozen characters and I swear there isn't one fully developed character between the lot of them. They seriously are all the same person. You can take any line This is quite possibly the worst book I've ever read in my life.

You can take any line spoken by any character and replace their name with a different character, and change nothing! And I love how nothing that happens ever matters, because it's resolved immediately. So and so is lonely because she can't find a man Hmm, this guy's mom hates him because he's gay Oh no, her husband left her because of a fight they had Don't worry, he'll be back tomorrow and everything will be fine!

People, I'm not exaggerating here.

insieme siamo felici

I swear, this is how the plot develops in these awful books. I think the most irritating part of these books is how every single character is so relentlessly, obnoxiously PC. Please, I implore you. Don't read this book. And tell others not to read it. It will make you hate people. View all 3 comments. Nov 06, Serena.. View all 10 comments. Apr 18, Mer rated it it was amazing Shelves: Lanky Lizards, I love the Weetzie Bat books!

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Quoting the Wiki entry for this series: Issues such as blended families, pre-marital sex, homosexuality and AIDS are described freely and without apology. Predictably from rabid Evangelicals and other Christian fundamentalist watchdog groups. These characters, while not particularly deeply drawn, are endearing and inclusive, wh Lanky Lizards, I love the Weetzie Bat books! These characters, while not particularly deeply drawn, are endearing and inclusive, whimsical and warm.

I wish I could give a copy of this to every lonely, uncertain teenager who craves understanding and acceptance, and a sense of family beyond the biological. I especially love the dreamy descriptions of the group's adventures in "Shangri-LA" Nov 24, Neko rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: I tuely adore this book. I recall the first time I read this book was some years ago when my mom rushed into my room clutching a tattered book. I've read it several times over now, the pages of our favorite book worn and stained with finger-grease.

It now sits in a place of honor on our I tuely adore this book. It now sits in a place of honor on our bookshelf: It gives you a full, clear picture of the characters in a world that could be our very own, with raw realism and also delicate magic woven and intertwined into our everyday lives. I especially love the symbolism and odd names in this book. For anyone into a modern realis that is also fantasy, I strongly reccomend this book Aug 15, Seth rated it it was amazing Shelves: This omnibus collects all 5 YA books in the Weetzie Bat series.

These are fabulous books, although not every book will appeal to every reader equally, of course. The stories follow Weetzie Bat yes, that's her name from high school through mid-to-late 20s as she and her beau and their assortment of bohemian, artsy friends grow up and make lives for themselves in and around Hollywood. Throughout, Weetzie maintains a wild and magical view of the universe. Characters don't get names, they get descr This omnibus collects all 5 YA books in the Weetzie Bat series. Characters don't get names, they get descriptions and we're told that everyone calls them by that name, even outsiders and family.

The group of friends make movies and never mention other means of support. Wishes are granted, ghosts are appeased, and shamans summon the wind. But these aren't magical realism. It's clear from the beginning that we're seeing the world through Weetzie's eyes as she magnifies everything for us and filters it through a Hollywood history of fantasy and archetype.

Weetzie--and later, her children--shows us more about the characters' and events' impact on one another than their actual mundane behavior. It's a highly effective device in Block's hands. The books are worth reading on their own. Each addresses typical YA themes: The book where Witch Baby visits New York City and tries to abandon her mother's fanciful influence is especially interesting.

Whether or not the YA stories appeal to you, these quick reads are a must to prepare for the non-YA, mainstream book Necklace of Kisses , where Block strips away Weetzie's fantasy and shows us the same characters and world in the bright light of modern realism--at least for the first portion of the book. Oct 27, Amanda rated it it was amazing. I should have found these books when I was 15, but since I didn't, I will have to settle for loving them at Oct 10, Kim rated it it was amazing Shelves: I was introduced to Weetzie in college during my children's writing class and it was the best return on investment of those college loans.

Never thinking that I would be a fan of L. I completely fell for Francesca's version of it.

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Not just in these books, but also in her others I think using Houdini's mansion is wonderful. This changed how I approached my own writing. I know that they label it as young adult, but I feel that anyone with this mindset could fall in I was introduced to Weetzie in college during my children's writing class and it was the best return on investment of those college loans.

I know that they label it as young adult, but I feel that anyone with this mindset could fall in love with these books. Jun 18, Heather rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Jan 24, Ecaterina Burton rated it it was amazing. Perhaps to today's audience saturated by TV shows like Glee or Gossip Girls and teen novels that cover everything from abusive-human-vampire-werewolf-love-triangles to drugs, what Francesca Lia Block did in this series may not seem revolutionary, but she originally published these books in the s.

Her books were banned in libraries because she was brave enough to explore issues around sex and sexual orientation, things that preoccupy teen brains but for which they get few safe outlets to addr Perhaps to today's audience saturated by TV shows like Glee or Gossip Girls and teen novels that cover everything from abusive-human-vampire-werewolf-love-triangles to drugs, what Francesca Lia Block did in this series may not seem revolutionary, but she originally published these books in the s. Her books were banned in libraries because she was brave enough to explore issues around sex and sexual orientation, things that preoccupy teen brains but for which they get few safe outlets to address them.

Francesca Lia Block was the first author I felt who "got it"who understood the questions and concerns myself and my friends had but so few adults were willing to discuss with us. I was so glad that I could learn through Weetzie Bat and Dirk the meaning of friendship, the process of growing up and the complexity sex adds to relationships. Her magic realism combined with her exploration of love and queer issues makes her a trailblazer, for breaking open the boundaries of young adult literature and unlocking the issues that for so long have been stigmatized or silenced in our culture.

I'm sure there are a number of reasons I didn't enjoy this book, among them the fact that I have a penis, I'm straight, I am not some kind of Valley-Girl-Hipster hybrid, and I hate California - especially Southern California - with a firey passion. This author's writing is too aggressively and pretentiously precious, the plots such as they were all felt tremendously contrived, and the so-called "insights" It's entirely possible that I'm not capable of understanding or appreciating these books, much the way so many women I've known failed to understand and therefore railed against male-oriented literature and cinema by which I mean ACTUAL literature and cinema, not trash or porn.

But I'm going to stick by my 1-star rating; I did not enjoy these stories, and they made me sincerely question the judgment of the friend who recommended them to me. Apr 03, Nana added it. It is my understanding as an educator that youngsters can be able to understand a message without ornamenting it with so much crap. Sep 15, Kendra rated it did not like it Shelves: I really wanted to like this book, because I know that a friend is very fond of it -- but I just could NOT keep reading it. This is where I have to admit that I am not the least bit "slinkster-cool," because I just do. I don't get the stupid nicknames.

I don't get why it's written at a "See Spot Run" reading level, but completely inappropriate for anyone who actually reads at that level. I can appreciate that there was nothing like Weetzie Bat when the books first came out, and maybe I would have actually liked them if I had discovered them way back then, but now Sertorii cervam, quam esse fatidicam Hispaniae gentibus persuaserat. Verlag Valentin Koerner, Wallace Martin Lindsay, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press, , p.

Despite the beast not being white, the narration introduces other interesting features, such as golden antlers and hooves of bronze. Stags play an important role in Christian literature as well, starting from the Bible. In Late Antiquity commentaries, the stag is associated with the devotee, and water generally represents Christ or, more precisely, a symbol of baptism. Furthermore, another interesting aspect of the commentaries is that commentators tend to merge this Christian interpretation with the pseudo-scientific tradition of the stag-snake previously mentioned, obviously identifying the snake as a symbol of sin.

Cervus inimicus est draconi: Sic et Dominus noster interfecit draconem magnum diabulum ex celestibus aquis, quibus habebat sapientie inenarrabilis; non enim potest draco baiulare aquam, neque diabulus sermones celestes. Therefore, the latin Physiologus presents a migration of the meaning connected to the stag: Later on, the matter of the Physiologus was re-elaborated by several other vernacular bestiaries; here is the definition of the stag according to the Bestiaire de Gervaise, which quotes directly the psalm and whose explanation recalls the commentaries provided by Jerome and Augustine: El centesime psalme dit David qui le psautier escrit: Li dragons ne la puet soffrir.

Audi quid aliud est in cervo. Serpentes necat, et post serpentium interemptionem majori siti inardescit, peremptis serpentibus ad fontes acrius currit. After a long run, the animal began to speak as Christ himself, asking why the hunter was persecuting him clearly recalling the biblical episode of Saint Paul on the road to Damascus. After this, Placidus converts, is baptized in a dream and changes his name to Eustace; he is later stripped of his belongings and martyred.

The identification of Christ with a stag is something completely unprecedented in Christianity: Nam cum secundum multas alias proprietates, cervus fidel conferatur, ob hanc velut excellentiorem et expressiorem, hic in comparationem adducitur. Cervus enim senio gravatus, excrescentibus pilis atque cornibus, serpentem trahit.

Percorsi narrativi, iconografici, devozionali, Abbazia di Rivalta Scrivia, 18 giugno , a cura di S. Here, conversely, we have the only case in Christian literature where Christ appears under the guise of an animal; therefore, the stag is no more just a Christic symbol, but it is Christ himself. The fatal role of the stag and its connection with the idea of movement and change are recurring elements within other traditions than Christianity.

In the first one, at some point of the Historia Francorum, readers find Clovis striving to reach Alaric II with his army. After resting and praying for victory in a chapel consecrated to Martin of Tours, he is forced to stop because of a river they cannot pass; but cumque illa nocte Dominum depraecatus fuisset, ut ei vadum quo transire possit dignaretur ostendere, mane facto cerva mirae magnitudinis ante eos nuto Dei flumine ingreditur, illaque vadante, populus quo transire possit agnovit. The second example deals with the beginnings of the history of the Huns; according to Jordanes, in fact, they were a population whose survival depended on hunt in the Maeotian Swamp.

At some point, though, ex improviso cerva se illis optulit ingressaque paludem nunc progrediens nunc subsistens index viae se tribuit.

Dangerous Angels

Quam secuti venatores paludem Meotidam, quem inpervium ut pelagus aestimant, pedibus transierunt. Mox quoque Scythica terra ignotis apparuit, cerva disparuit. The animal, in these stories, clearly has a supernatural origin, as Jordanes demonstrates when he writes that the doe waited for the Huns when they were late. Ubaldini editore, or. Walter de Gruyter, , , pp. In the Middle Ages, hunting was the most common leisure activity in the upper classes: On this basis, the hunt undertaken by Eustace is not just a literary device, but has a hidden meaning: The innovative chromatic specification is probably due to a former celtic substratum, which is why it is likely that in this context white has to be considered the colour of magic rather than purity, despite a heavy Christian interference on the matter.

The Morgane-related pattern is probably the best results of the union of the meanings we have seen related to the stag: Editions Slatkine, , We find again the same features: Sismel- Edizioni del Galluzzo, , Gallimard, , vv. Presses universitaires de Provence, , ; Id. Les Lais de Marie de France, ed. Brill, , Even in the last cases considered, where love actually plays a major role, the stag is just the means that brings the hero to the other world or that begins the aventure, and is therefore marginal with respect to the love plot.

Before proceeding with the Italian examples, where the stag-love bond becomes much tighter, I wish to recall one last French text from XIII century: Thanks to them Love is able to wear the stag out and conquer his prey, clear allegory of a lover conquering his beloved.