Rich Internet Application - Potenzial gegenüber Desktop Applikationen (German Edition)

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Our newsletter keeps you up to date with all new papers in your subjects. Request a new password via email. Introduction As the world continues to enjoy the reliability of web-based applications, security of such applications is becoming an increasingly vital concern. Impacts of Web Applications Security on Healthcare Issues and Facilities Telemedicine technologies that have been developed recently depend on web-based applications. Aktuelle Angriffs- und Abwehrmethoden. Marketing im Web 2. Application of web service technologies on a b2b communication plat These methods will give the opportunity to interface with other lower level functions of the ledgers in question without the need for detailed knowledge of the Op-codes or scripting methods of the ledgers in question.

They will also give the ability to interface with our architectural services.


These services currently include: The use of the SDK will accelerate the DLT application development cycle, in a safe and predictable manner, thereby setting DLT technologies free to deliver their promise as a paradigm-shifting technology. The BPI acts as the key which helps any Overledger application to identify which blocks are part of the application being developed, the rules around using the application and how to interpret the data presented in the identified block.

Multi-ledger applications which want to use Overledger will need to define two sets of mandatory and optional rules. A non-exhaustive list of rules includes: This approach will mean that Overledger blocks will be readily identified within the DLT involved allowing for multiple applications to be used on the same OR across other DLTs.

The outcome will be to maximising market penetration through community adoption of the technology whilst taking away the incentive to copy the technology. We have identified four main revenue streams that will be pursued by Quant Network. This would run counter to the creation of a development community and Quant ecosystem creating a limited uptake of the technology which is not in-line with our vision.

We are proposing to foster innovation by directly incentivise developers by creating an App Store model. By allowing the wide-use of Overledger through open-source we can encourage developers by sharing income within the applications created. Two approaches can be created akin to Apple and Google stores: For these applications the usage charge can be set to zero for the transaction.

However, it will be a prerequisite that the client utilising the application holds a minimum number of QNT tokens in order to access the platform and use the solution. The Quant App Store is planned to be launched in Q1 to provide developers the opportunity to create and publish MApps, and then charge for their applications. We are proposing to support the following four revenue models: But they can pay to get access to an additional set of features. In this model, users pay once to download the MApp and use all of its functionality.

No additional charges will apply. In this model, users are able to download the MApp for free or at a cost but are charged when they use in-app functionality. Developers independently decide how much to charge for their apps the users. A separate payment processor like PayPal will be used to help facilitate payments. The QNT token will be used to access the network through the Quant App Store as well as being used to be tie into identity. Quant Network will provide all the resources and guidelines to help developers publishing their MApp in the Quant App Store.

We will review every MApp submitted based on a set of technical, content, and design criteria. The implication of the proposed Quant App Store model is that we need to set a mechanism to charge for data processed within a Overledger MApp. This would be in addition to the transaction fees required by the underlying blockchains on which the transaction is taking place. It is also suggested to further reduce the release of applications outside of the Quant network that certain libraries or functions are obfuscated in such a way that any application has to be submitted to Quant to finalise for release.

Quant will produce sector-specific technology and solutions that are unique to that sector and industry and will help organisations and Governments to navigate through the complexities of the new distributed hyperconnected economy. We facilitate understanding of the business benefits and potential return on investment. We are aiming to create client-specific and sector-specific blockchain solutions that help solve challenges unique to clients and to the sector.

In particular we will focus on: Financial Services - We are exploring areas in capital markets, retail, stock exchanges, asset management and regulatory technology RegTech to help simplify complex processes and realise benefits. Healthcare - Exploring opportunities in healthcare interoperability, clinical trials and counterfeit drugs. Supply chain - Looking at providing interoperability between different suppliers across a complex supply chain, providence and tracking.

Government - Exploring the opportunities for Governments to realise benefits, identify savings and efficiencies, reduce errors and provide transparency. SaaS products live and in production: We have been working on developing a fingerprint verification technology. We have conceptualised, developed and patented a fingerprinting and verification technology called TrustTagTM , that allows developers to assign digital fingerprints to real world IP, documents, physical goods, etc.

This technology is fully adaptable to meet our requirement to create fingerprints that can be used on underlying DLTs as set out in our white paper. This technology will revolutionise the use of blockchain across sectors, having the ability to assign a true identity to a physical item such as contracts, pharmaceutical products, designer goods or to data assets that will lead to the wholesale adoption of DLT technologies, setting it on the path to realise its full potential. To that end, and to show our commitment to the community, we will be releasing this technology first along with the underlying framework free to the community.

SaaS products in development: It is our aim to provide interfaces to standard data structures starting with the simpler file interfaces but moving on to cover most standard database standards. By producing these plugins for different data sources, we will simplify the process of creating integrated DLT applications, thereby opening up use cases for existing and legacy data assets.

Op Code are the low-level list of all Script words, also known as opcodes, commands, or functions used to interact with the DLTs in question. Whilst some opcodes may be similar in nature not all opcodes will be present across ledgers. It is our intention to map these opcodes and to make methods available to developers to call where applicable in a standardised fashion.

We feel in doing this we will simplify development across DLTs, freeing developers to use standard interfaces to multiple blockchains reducing development time and costs. Quant will deliver smart blockchain solutions that will improve transparency, efficiency, longevity and trust in business processes via the consulting arm of the company. Professional business blockchain frameworks hosted by the Quant platform will be provided to enterprises in order to help them applying multi-chain vendor-agnostic solutions. Quant blockchain consultants will help organisations plan their blockchain strategy to get the advantage of opportunities and avoid being disrupted.

Our team provides exceptional development services to build several robust Quant multi-chain applications. We are currently in the process of developing use cases to build enterprise applications that are truly decentralised, operating across multiple blockchains. These are the areas we are exploring: As Middleware products we are exploring: Quant will not only create the framework of cross-chain Treaty Contracts to be part of Overledger but it will empower blockchains with an algorithmic constitution which supports legal frameworks in contractual agreements.

In fact, existing technological solutions that aims at solving the interoperability issue between blockchains and their governance model, are limited both in scope and design. The uniqueness of the Overledger OS is that it does not superimpose a new blockchain to connect other blockchains or connect them to other legacy systems. Our roadmap and strategy consist of expanding the scope of the patent to other jurisdictions in order to cover the various aspects of our technology.

Tokenomics Quant will be launching a number of revenue streams aimed at striking the balance of providing the funds needed to help us further develop our technology whilst keeping an open platform upon which the whole community can benefit. We believe that this business model will lead to the wholesale adoption of our framework see Section 4. To that aim, we will: QNT which will give access to our Quant Overledger platform for both developers and users of the different MApps that will be built.

To reach our goals, both we have been working on the digital platform project for more than a year with some modules already implemented see Section 6. See Quant Overledger - Release V0.


ERC20 Ethereum token Ticker: If this is not reached - the money will be refunded to the participants. Allocation of QNT tokens: Allocation of QNT tokens to managers and staff: Managers and staff members will undergo a month vesting period after the end of crowdfunding. Allocation of QNT tokens to participants: QNT tokens transfer will be restricted for security reasons for 2 months after the end of crowdfunding. All unredeemed tokens will be burned. Quant Network Token Generation Event. Overview of important dates parameters. QNT tokens will be created during the crowd sale period.

Total supply of QNT will be limited to the number of tokens created during the crowd sale period. No additional tokens will be created after the TGE. Its design follows the widely adopted token implementation standards.

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This allows token holders to easily store and manage their QNT tokens using existing solutions including ERCcompatible Ethereum wallets. Quant project crowd sale and QNT token creation will take place using Ethereum smart contracts.

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Participants willing to support the Quant project development will send: The tokens will be dual-purposed, initially used for the token offering, then they will be used as an access token to connect and access the Quant network. We envisage the token keys will be embedded within specific applications that will use the Quant network to authenticate the user and authorise the use of aspects of the network and underlying blockchains.

Crowdfunding will finish when the specified end block is created or when the ICO hard cap is reached. We set three levels of caps and we link them to three different milestones of business development see Figure 4 which the company commits to achieve if the corresponding cap will be reached: Enterprise MApps plus Treaty contracts. The following are rules that govern the terms of the Quant TGE: As shown in Figure 6, the With respect to cost centres, the use of the funds is allocated as indicated in Figure 7. Of course, these figures represent an estimation of the future allocation of funds that can be subject to variations according to the blockchain sector and general market conditions.

Representation of the QNT tokens allocation. Allocation of funds by Year. Roadmap We are staging our approach initially with the following milestones: Date Roadmap Description July Overledger operating system has been conceptualised. File 3 supporting EU patents. Your continued use of the Quant Network Platform or your continued hold of the QNT Tokens, means that you accept any new or modified terms. Quant Network empowers applications to functionacross multiple blockchains. Quant Network securely removes the barriers that prohibit communication across multiple blockchains. Quant Network has created an Overledger that sits on top of current and future blockchains providing a meta-gateway to existing networks to connect to blockchain and vice-versa.

Through the Overledger, Internet gets connected with the Blockchain. Quant Network has released a token QNT , which gives access to the Overledger framework for both developers and Users of the application. Quant Network does not allow the deposit, withdrawal or direct exchange of assets between Users of the service. Quant Network is not a market-maker. All purchase and disposal of crypto assets by Quant Network take place through its platform.

The QNT Token 7. QNT Token does not have the legal qualification as a security, since it does not give any rights on dividends or interest. QNT Token is final and non-refundable. QNT Token is not a share and does not give any right to participate in the general meetings of the Company. The purchase and use of QNT Token shall therefore not be done for speculative usage.


Voluntary Know-your customer KYC There will be a KYC procedure that Users will have to perform within the Quant Network platform in order to contribute to the token sale and to accept that Quant Network can refuse any payment which is not compliant with the internal due diligence. Where the User acts on behalf of a group of tokenbuyers then the User assumes full responsibility of identifying and verifying the token buyers in the group and ensured that none of the buyers are sanctioned by any jurisdiction or authority.

The User further acknowledges that any politically exposed persons are identified, and appropriate due diligence performed. Quant will accept no responsibility in this regard. Acquiring and storing QNT Token involves various risks, in particular that Quant Network may not be able to further develop its platform. Therefore, and prior to acquiring QNT Token, any User should carefully consider the risks, costs, and benefits of acquiring QNT Token within the Token Sale, and, if necessary, obtain independent advice in this regard.

They do not constitute or relate in any way nor should they be considered as an offering of securities in any jurisdiction. This document does not constitute an offer or an invitation to sell shares, securities or rights belonging to QuantNetwork or any related or associated company.

QNT Token will be used as a utility token and is not intended tobe used as an investment. The offering of QNT Token on a trading platform is done in order to access the Quant Network platform, purchase services related exclusively to the latter and not for speculative purposes. Quant Network is an operative entity managing the Quant Network platform. Quant Network is not a financial intermediary according to Swiss Law and is not required to obtain any authorization for Anti Money Laundering purpose.

Regulatory authorities are carefully scrutinizing businesses and operations associated to cryptocurrencies in the world.

In such case, any person undertaking to acquire QNT Token acknowledge and understand that neither Quant Network nor any of its affiliates shall be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or damages caused by such changes. Quant Network will do its best to launch all of its operations and further develop the Quant Network platform. Depending on further potential developments of the Quant Network platform, other services may be released and offered to the Users. This is an open source IT protocol over which the Company has no rights or liability in terms of its development and operation.

The token distribution mechanism will be controlled by a Smart Contract; this involves a computer program that can be executed on the Ethereum network or on another blockchain network that is compatible with the Smart Contract programming language. User acknowledge and understand therefore that Quant Network incl. QNT Token is based on the Ethereum protocol. Therefore, any malfunction, unplanned function or unexpected operation of the Ethereum protocol may cause the QNT Token network to malfunction or operate in a way that is not expected.

Representation and Warranties Intellectual Property Rights Quant Network, as well as its officers, directors, agents, joint ventures, employees, suppliers and advisors and anyone on its behalf, assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss raised from the Token sale, arising out of or related to the use of the Quant Network platform or any technical, interruption or malfunction of the Quant Network platform. The limitation of liability set out above shall not beapplicable in the event that Quant Network, or a Quant Network-employee, has caused the damage by intentional misconduct or by gross negligence.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction The arbitration panel shall consist of one arbitrator only. The seat of the arbitration shall be Zug, Switzerland. The arbitral proceedings shall be conducted in English. Das Potenzial von Blockchains ist scheinbar grenzenlos. Smart Cities weltweit, neue Industrien 4. Overledger verbindet die Netzwerke der Welt mit Blockchains. Doch im Zuge der gewaltigen Expansion des Internets begannen mehr und mehr Netzwerke und Menschen, sich miteinander zu vernetzen, womit dieses Unterfangen immer komplexer wurde.

Eine Schnittstelle entwickeln, um die Netzwerke der Welt mit mehreren Blockchains zu verbinden 2. Finanzdienstleistungen und neuen Blockchains schlagen 3. Seit dem Aufkommen von Blockchain-Technologie experimentieren Organisationen mit der Realisierbarkeit von Blockchain-Technologie, um deren Potenzial zu verstehen. Darstellung der aktuellen Blockchain-Architektur.

Die Herausforderung besteht darin, ob diese miteinander kompatibel sein werden. Ripple, wirksam ist und entsprechend nicht von deren Nutzern anerkannt wird. Konsensregeln, Datenstruktur, kryptografische Hashfunktionen etc. Daher wird diese Ebene in Form verschiedener und isolierter Ledger dargestellt.

Dies ist eine logische Ebene, da alle relevanten Informationen von den Ledgern abgerufen werden. Auf dieser Ebene werden anhand der Transaktionsdaten Nachrichten extrahiert und erstellt. So kann eine Anwendung z. Dies bezieht sich auf die Datenstruktur und deren Bedeutung. Hierbei geht es darum, wie ein System reagiert, wenn Daten mit einem anderen System ausgetauscht werden. Diese Dienste umfassen derzeit: Eine Regelliste kann u. Wir haben vor, auf folgende Weise Einnahmen zu erzielen: Es wird ein separater Zahlungsabwickler wie PayPal genutzt werden, um Zahlungen zu erleichtern.

Wir werden uns insbesondere auf folgende Sektoren konzentrieren: Fertige und in Produktion befindliche SaaS-Produkte: Wir arbeiten bereits seit einiger Zeit an der Entwicklung einer Fingerprint-Verifikationstechnologie. Als Opcode wird die detaillierte Liste aller Skript-Begriffe, auch bekannt als Opcodes, Befehle oder Funktionen, bezeichnet, die verwendet werden, um mit den betreffenden DLTs zu interagieren.

Wir beabsichtigen, ein Mapping dieser Opcodes zu erstellen und Entwicklern Methoden an die Hand zu geben, um diese wo zutreffend auf standardisierte Weise aufzurufen. SaaS-Produkte in der Pipeline: Die Einzigartigkeit des Overledger OS besteht darin, dass es keine neue Blockchain auf andere Blockchains aufsetzt, um diese miteinander oder mit anderen Altsystemen zu verbinden.

Unsere Roadmap und Strategie sehen die Ausweitung des Geltungsbereichs des Patents auf weitere Gerichtsbarkeiten vor, um die diversen Aspekte unserer Technologie abzudecken. Zu diesem Zweck werden wir: Alle unverkauften Token werden verbrannt. Die Token dienen einem doppelten Zweck, d. Enterprise-MApps und Treaty Contracts. Alle nicht verkauften Token werden verbrannt. Token nicht erreicht wird, erfolgt die Token-Zuteilung z. Was Kostenstellen betrifft, so erfolgt die Zuweisung der Mittel wie in Abbildung 7 angegeben.

Das Overledger-Betriebssystem wurde konzipiert. Insbesondere betreibt Quant Network eine agnostische 4. Quant Network ist kein Market-Maker. Dieses Dokument stellt kein Angebot oder eine Aufforderung zum Verkauf von Aktien, Wertpapieren oder Rechten dar, die sich im Besitz von Quant Network oder eines verbundenen oder angeschlossenen Unternehmens befinden. Die Nutzer erkennen somit an und sind sich dessen bewusst, dass Quant Network inkl.

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A good MDM solution can help: We understand that most companies have multiple ERP instances and home-grown, legacy systems containing the same information, but with different identifiers. In our experience, the same customer, supplier or product will exists multiple times in the same system and across systems. The traditional MDM project approach is to clean the information in each and every system, and then try to synchronize the information between all the systems.

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This approach takes too much time, and the information constantly changes causing daily operations to corrupt the information as quickly as you clean it. With the Syncron master data approach, you can clean your data as you move forward. Integrating one system at a time into the MDM solution, which simplifies and supports your data cleansing effort.

It is not necessary to change all your local systems. Our MDM system has functionality that: These features help you maintain high-quality master data moving forward. Bullets Better data helps you: Acquire, retain and up-sell customers Improve efficiency and reduce costs Reveal data insights to improve business performance Manage regulatory compliance to limit risk and enhance transparency Build a solid data foundation for higher-level services, like inventory and price management Page 3 Global Customer Master Complete Customer View Executives looking to understand the true value and potential of each customer benefit from customer data integration CDI.

The Global Customer Master integrates all your customer data, including financial profiles, purchase history, location, subsidiary data and billing information. A single view of each customer provides benefits to the executive team, sales and support staff, including an: Often used as a foundation for price and inventory management software, the Global Item Master acts as a central hub for information that is shared across departments and systems.

Accurate and consolidated product information allows you to: Access and control product information that can be leveraged to match the product to the customer need Identify and communicate information about replaceable and interchangeable items Set-up superseding item structures for discontinued items Unify supplier and purchaser information about an item Make better purchasing decisions by comparing alternative sources of supply Most important, the Global Item Master ensures your sales team has all the information they need to make a sale.

Update item information by group Our taxonomy allows product groups to be updated based on their characteristics, like tire size, hose length, etc. This functionality pushes the updates to all integrated systems so that your staff and customers have up-to-date parts information in real-time. Updating the parts and functionality of the item by group minimizes the amount of manual work required for the user.

In addition, this functionality increases the likelihood that all impacted finished goods will receive the appropriate update. Select the group s of items to update. Drill down into the group using the taxonomy developed during your implementation. The user can eliminate a significant portion of the finished products that are in their inventory system.

The user can now focus on the parts associated with only 2-axel police vehicles. In this final step, the user can update the type of tire or the features of the tire used by 2-axel police vehicles. Page 5 Global Supplier Master Lower costs, shorten delivery Our Global Supplier Master is designed to lower your costs, shorten your delivery times and increase quality by enhancing your understanding of your suppliers. We provide you with a view of each vendor across product lines and communication channels.

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