After 1945: Latency as Origin of the Present

After 1945: Latency as Origin of the Present
  1. After Latency as Origin of the Present by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht?
  2. The complete Stories of the North?
  3. After : latency as origin of the present (eBook, ) [];
  4. Wegweiser Nahrungsmittel-Intoleranzen: Wie Sie Ihre Unverträglichkeiten erkennen und gut damit leben;
  5. Françoise Meltzer reviews Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht’s After 1945: Latency as Origin of the Present;
  6. Le président (French Edition);

His ambitious new book on mood, philosophy of history, and contemporary analysis is an interesting and peculiar example of what the humanities can also create. A totally original meditation on how our sense of time has changed over the last two-thirds of a century.

I am familiar with a good deal of Gumbrecht's previous work, and as far as I know, this is the first time he has directly addressed the situation of Germany after the Second World War in such a way. The courage, and intellectual honesty, it has taken to write After are impressive indeed.

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Conard, Choice "Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht is a true international figure—a Bavarian Romance scholar with an American career that extends to literary theory, cultural history, and history of ideas. More in Literary Studies. I am familiar with a good deal of Gumbrecht's previous work, and as far as I know, this is the first time he has directly addressed the situation of Germany after the Second World War in such a way.

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Gumbrecht has never been limited by narrow disciplinary boundaries, and his latest inquiry is both far-ranging and experimental. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht is Albert Guérard Professor in Literature at Stanford University. His books in English include In (), Production of. What is it the legacy that humankind has been living with since ? We were once convinced that time was the agent of change. But in the past decade or two, .

The courage, and intellectual honesty, it has taken to write After are impressive indeed. All levels of students through faculty" -- R. A totally original meditation on how our sense of time has changed over the last two-thirds of a century. You may have already requested this item.

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After Latency as Origin of the Present by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Hardback, ) | eBay

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  • After : Latency as Origin of the Present | Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht.

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After 1945: Latency as Origin of the Present by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Hardback, 2013)

From the Publisher via CrossRef no proxy journals. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht and K. Stanford University Press, Stanford, Buxton - - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 27 2: Time and Contemporary Culture. Ted Leland - - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 34 1: The Materialities of Communication. Stanford University Press,