Burning Emerald (The Cambion Chronicles)

Really, Burning Emerald had a lot going for it, with character and story development that I initially missed. This is just one of those series that kind of requires a full read, or else pieces will be missing. Also, the writing in this series is just one of my favorite styles. Reed knows how to write and develop characters. Samara Marshall is one of my favorite characters for a number of reasons—her resilience, personality, and individuality. Burning Emerald answered a lot of questions for me, and I am glad that I finally got a copy.

After all, finishing The Cambion Chronicles was long overdue on my end. Review First Posted Here Samara entfernt sich immer mehr von ihren Freunden. Mehr, als ihr lieb ist. Zwar kann man diesen zweiten Teil nicht als den typischen Sandwichband beschreiben, dennoch ist er nicht ganz so stark wie der erste Teil. Zwar ist dieser Roman einmal mehr spannend und ereignisreich, dennoch fehlte dieser besondere Reiz, den Band eins so ausmachte. Dadurch ergibt sich einiges an Spannungspotential, das sehr gut genutzt wird, um den Verlauf der Handlung in straffem Tempo voranzutreiben.

Ansonsten hat mir dieser Roman wieder gut gefallen, weshalb ich ihn in einem Rutsch durchgelesen habe. Auch wenn er an Band eins nicht ganz heranreichen konnte, hat er mir dennoch unterhaltsame und spannende Lesestunden beschert. Aufgrund des Endes bin ich nun umso mehr gespannt auf den finalen Teil dieser Trilogie, der einiges an Geschehnissen bereithalten wird und hoffentlich einen zufriedenstellenden und packenden Abschluss bieten wird. Oct 21, L. Okay, so the sophomore offering from author Jaime Reed wasn't as funny as her freshman debut, but the story still caught and held my interest.

As Samara my favorite name in the whole world now learns to control the gift Nadine left her upon her death, she finds there are both perks and drawbacks to being a Cambion even by assuming someone else's demon. It's a blessing and curse for her. The blessing is her ability to now share intimacies with her boyfriend, Caleb. However, the curse is the a Okay, so the sophomore offering from author Jaime Reed wasn't as funny as her freshman debut, but the story still caught and held my interest.

However, the curse is the attention from other boys and men she receives as a result. Now she knows first hand what Caleb had to endure. However, the good times could only last so long, right?

Enter Malik, handsome basketball star who's never paid her a lick of attention before she assumed her new green eyes and her very own "roommate. Meanwhile, Caleb succumbs to a mysteriously illness which cripples Samara for a minute, but she recovers. This secret threatens to destroy Samara and Caleb's relationship. The conflict in this book was great, however, the build up to the end of this installment didn't come across as intense as the ending in the first book.

Despite everyone knowing what was at stake, everyone goes into self-preservation mode or something. One would think that because Samara's mother knows the scoop, and Caleb and his brothers see the danger, and even Evangeline knows the consequences, they all stupidly let Samara go off on her own which set up a doozy of a cliffie, but yeah, I ain't mad at Jaime Reed, because now I want to read book three more than ever!

Anyway, characters do dumb things sometimes, but hey, if they didn't what would be the fun in reading about someone who did everything just right. Conflict is the lifeblood of a good story, so I'm ready to see what happens next! Apr 22, Nika rated it really liked it.

Dec 28, Shauna rated it really liked it.

Burning Emerald

A lot of action, drama and humor. I enjoyed every page of this amazing book. This book is even better than the first one. I loved it and the characters are so realistic. But her life takes a turn for the worse when the hottest jock in school begins pursuing her especially since Malik's anything but what he seems. They share a connection from a forgotten past, a secret that could destroy her and Caleb relationship for ever. As the attraction between Samara and the hottest jock in the school becomes harder to resist, Samara is now at the mercy of the demon within her.

To break free, Sam must fight a battle where she is the enemy and the prize is the life of Caleb and his brothers. The second book in this series is way better than the first, more action, drama and humor. Sometimes I had to just put down my tablet and just roll over and laugh for awhile. It was that hilarious. What I like the most of this book is that the heroine is biracial, she is so realistic and down to earth.

I do understand her choices and if I were in her position, I would of done the same thing. I really love Caleb although at times I wanted to just hurt him. I have to say Tobias can be very charming when he wants to. Some of the scenes of him and Samara were very sweet. He kind of grows on me.


Capone can be very nasty, but I liked! Finally, Capone came out to play and it made the story more interesting. I liked the secondary characters from Mia, Dougie to Alicia and Julie. Sam is dealing with being a Cambion and all that comes with it. Not to mention, she and Caleb are still getting to know each other. Unfortunately, it's not long before things go south.

Paperback Editions

I enjoyed this book, but the middle was a little slow. First, I still love Sam. With that said, I need Sam to come out of her head a little more and interact with those around her. I feel like the plot this book was good, but Sam did a little too much internalizing. I also think there should have been more interaction with Sam and Mia. Next, one thing that continues to annoy me with this series is the lack of Caleb. I like him, but I can't fully assess how much because he comes and then goes for so long. I appreciate that this series has such a strong, likable female character, but I think Caleb needs some love too.

I want to root for he and Sam, but I need them to get more focus. I need to get more of his POV. With all that said, Burning Emerald was a good addition to the series.


Really, Burning Emerald had a lot going for it, with character and story development that I initially missed. Anyone that has read the f This book is the second in a series the cambion chronicles it picks up where the first left off. The power of love is tested greatly in this story and samara's heart is at the center of it. But I'm one of those girls that once I invested time into a series, I need to see it all the way through. Finally, Capone came out to play and it made the story more interesting. This creates a tangled love triangle that twists and turns through a gripping plot that will keep you turning pages and breathless all at the same time.

I like the new characters that were introduced and I think the plot was pretty solid. The story has a nice tone to it and the writing is good. I particularly enjoyed the stuff going on with Lilith and Sam view spoiler [ poor Capone. She's such a traitor! Seriously, I hated that he was in the hospital for so much of this book.

Then, when he gets out, he pretty much gives Sam the silent treatment. Well Hot damn that was good so full of action packed angst and draaaamaaa for your momma! I tell you Sam goes through some stuff in this book I felt like I couldn't get a break Reed left me with the mother of all cliffhangers! Oh Caleb, my poor Cake Boy! When Sam's mom held him I cried.

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This book is amazing. But that great great great grandmother cliffhanger had me. But that great great great grandmother cliffhanger had me All like this To this Because now Im wanting to pull my hair out with want of the next book. I can't not believe what Ms. Lilith is doing Omg!!! This new turn of events has this book on my mind non stop!! I cant wait, I cant wait Ms. Jaime are you sure your not a cambion because you seriously have sucked all my energy into anticipaiting the next book!

Heres my couple again Caleb and Sam, yes its the same guy as the last. I found an older version of him with stubble on his face cool huh? Breath Me By Sia because it reminds me of Caleb. Mar 06, G. MA rated it it was amazing. So much happens in book 2 of the Cambion Chronicles it took me some time after reading to process and percolate on this one. I was punched in the gut.

If you haven't read this series yet, get ON IT. If you haven't read book 1, there are spoilers, reading further. Samara and Caleb are back and still working the kinks out to their relationship. This time, both Caleb and Samara have inner Cambion demons t So much happens in book 2 of the Cambion Chronicles it took me some time after reading to process and percolate on this one. This time, both Caleb and Samara have inner Cambion demons to satiate and keep happily fed. But what Samara isn't counting on is the new hot guy in school, Malik and the connection he shares with her inner demon.

This creates a tangled love triangle that twists and turns through a gripping plot that will keep you turning pages and breathless all at the same time. Often with second books in a series, the middle one is more of a doorstop than its own wonderful standalone story. You'll enjoy it more if you read book 1 first, but you could essentially pick this one up and read it without a problem.

Most of the highlights of book 1 are touched on to refresh your memory if you've forgotten anything. I enjoyed both books equally well, if not even more so with book 2 and all the shocking revelations and surprises along the way. Many of these I did not see coming. This is by far my favorite paranormal series, with a unique and hilarious voice that kept me reading and wanting more.

Of all the books in the series this one provides the most info about Cambions; what they are, how they came into existence etc. We learn that there is always a temptation for Cambions to feed excessively off humans and in doing so they run the risk of losing their humanity and transforming into demons. This is what happened to Caleb's father.

They are ruled by powerful families who govern territories all over the world. Samara and Caleb live in the region where the Santiago family are in charge Of all the books in the series this one provides the most info about Cambions; what they are, how they came into existence etc. Samara and Caleb live in the region where the Santiago family are in charge and the family is suspicious of Caleb because of his father. I missed his interaction with Samara, from their verbal sparing to their reluctant romantic exchanges. That said, the introduction of Tobias to the story and the challenges he presents for Samara make for an intriguing plot development.

But, as a demonic character, Tobias is pretty tame; if he has an evil side I did not read about it. He preferred to take a gentle approach to getting his way and at times showed signs of his humanity such as his relationship with Malik's little brother, albeit for selfish reasons.

In that sense, unlike Caleb's father in Living Violet, I'm not convinced that Reed demonstrated effectively through Tobias' character the difference between a demon and a Cambion. The story ends on a cliffhanger and I enjoyed it even more the second time around. I'm not really sure how to go about reviewing this book. I was able to get into the first book, Living Violet, easily enough. It had a great female character with Samara, and a smoldering guy love interest with Caleb.

But it also deals with demons living inside you. One of those paranormal elements that I just don't enjoy, no matter what the story is. However, I was still interested enough to want to read the second book in the Cambion Chronicles. The first book finishes with such a wide-open en I'm not really sure how to go about reviewing this book. The first book finishes with such a wide-open ending and I was desperate to see what would happen to Sam next. Unfortunately, Burning Emerald wasn't as good as the first book.

It was still very interesting in a few places, such as those scenes where Sam and Caleb are together and reveling in their love, but for the most part I thought it was way too over the top. Again, this is just my personal tastes, but I don't find pleasure in reading about demons inhabiting bodies, or any other incubus-type beings. I just don't find them very alluring or attractive. Bonus points for Jaime Reed's writing.

Sam is a totally geeky female character, who works at a bookstore although we see less of this in Burning Emerald and knows all sorts of nerdy pop-culture references. Her dialog sounds the same across all of the characters though, making me quickly bored with the banter. After this second book, I will not be checking out the third in the series, Fading Amber. But if you're one of those girls that likes Demons in your beautiful men, be sure to include this series in your reading list!

Aug 05, April rated it it was amazing. In book one Samara meets Caleb and not only finds out about cambions but also becomes one thanks to her friend Nadine. This book picks up where there left off with Samara trying to come to terms with the "spirit" inside her and coping with Nadine's death.

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But then strange things start to happen at school surrounding this boy named Malik. When Samara and Caleb fall ill at a party putting Caleb in a coma, things start to unfold into a terrifying new reality for Samara. Malik is no longer the boy she grew up going to school with but is in fact a incubus named Tobias posing as him to get close to Samara or more accurately to get close to Lillith the spirit that now resides inside Samara. Samara belongs with Caleb but Tobias claims Lillith belongs with him, now that Samara and Lillith are a part of each other it becomes a dangerous mess.

I loved Burning Emerald. Just like Living Violet "Burning Emerald" is a real page turner. Although this one has more dangers and twists that make is deliciously tense. It really puts a whole new spin on love triangles with two of them residing in the same body. Not to mention there were some real wow moments in this one that left me reeling and aching to read the next book due in the series "Fading Amber".

I think anyone who likes a great YA paranormal romance will definitely love this one. Oct 04, Shannon aka The Tale Temptress rated it liked it. I liked this one much more than I liked the first one This one just had so much more going on in it. There were a lot more subplots and different twists and turns.

Samara's relationship with Caleb is sweet and one of the best things about the story I'm not sure if I'd characterize this completely as a love triangle. Although Malik is hot, he's a lot more cut and dried bad guy to me. And no, I don't mean b I liked this one much more than I liked the first one And no, I don't mean bad boy I mean he resembles a bad guy a little too much for me to really think of him as another leg on the love triangle structure. I'm still loving Samara. She's a strong, fiesty character and you just have to love her bravery and sass. Her attempting to get used to having Lillith inside her was so entertaining.

Especially when she starts kicking into protective mode over her mom. And that's another interesting element. Her mom is dating, and there's a big question mark over this guy. The only not so great part was how Caleb isn't around very much. We have kind of a New Moon syndrome going on here. But when he's there, it's so worth it.

The writing was just as exciting as in the first book, and I really love where this story is going. A very good sequel! Loved Samara getting used to Lillith. Caleb gone for most of the book sucked. Jan 14, C. I just need to say, I have become downright fanatical about this series!!! Complex, astonishing and dangerous. Samara knows the death of her friend Nadine has left her with a rather, unusual souvenir--Lillith, the sentient being that once inhabited her friend. What's more is Lillith has a mind, and a very unique and dangerous taste in suitors.

When a fancy parlor trick at a Halloween party goes terribly awry, Samara wakes up in the hospital, and Caleb, her soul mate, has been poisoned and lies unr I just need to say, I have become downright fanatical about this series!!! When a fancy parlor trick at a Halloween party goes terribly awry, Samara wakes up in the hospital, and Caleb, her soul mate, has been poisoned and lies unresponsive in a room down the hall. Her new charm--the draw that comes with succubus spirits--makes her the favourite nemesis of all girls in school as males fall over themselves to be near her, but then the vicious rumours start, and the hall way attacks begin--infuriated and sorrowful over Caleb's condition, Samara unleashes her wrath on a particularly agressive jock--Malik, the school hot shot--and in her vengeful and angry attack, drains him dry.

She can feel his life dancing and feeding her weary body Only moments later, Malik arises Gripping, action packed and filled to the brim with inner turmoil, Burning Emerald is the brilliant sequel to Living Violet. Tired of the standard super natural? This is the book for you, it will take your breath away, among other things. Absolutely loved it, and eagerly awaiting my order for the third book!!!!

This book is the second in a series the cambion chronicles it picks up where the first left off.

Reed, Jaime. Burning Emerald: The Cambion Chronicles.

The character samara is now in a relationship with Caleb. This time around, samara is not the same person she was before she became involved with her boyfriend as her good friend Lilith granted her a gift, a gift for which a battle is being fought. Any reader will be interested from the first page.

I don't want to tell too much of the story so as not to take away from it. Anyone that has read the f This book is the second in a series the cambion chronicles it picks up where the first left off. Anyone that has read the first book knows that samara's boyfriend Caleb is a cambion and needs to "feed" off of the energy of humans to sustain his life. The gift from her friend Lilith brings with it a force that causes samara to have to choose between Caleb and entity named Tobias.

Can she or will she choose? If she does what will be her fate? The power of love is tested greatly in this story and samara's heart is at the center of it. Back and forth the tug of war goes on but there can only be one victor. Who will come out on top? The storyline flows smoothly and will keep the reader interested from beginning to end.

I couldn't wait to see what the ending would bring and I wasn't disappointed. Apr 05, Trakena rated it really liked it. Reed has done it again! After thoroughly enjoying Book One of the Cambion Chronicles, I was eager to get my hands on the second and third installments. My first irritation was the fact that I couldn't find these in Barnes and Noble - which is a whole other issue that I'll be addressing on my blog soon - so I went ahead and snatched up the electronic copies. And let me say I was not disappointed. The one great thing that a YA love story needs is a Reed gives us this and mo Ms.

Reed gives us this and more. Everyone has secrets, and Nadine in book one was no different. Sam, who is working to get a hold of her sentient being and learning to feed properly and dealing with everything else that comes with suddenly finding oneself to be supernatural, discovers that Nadine has some skeletons in her closet that might really bite her in the butt in the end. This novel is chocked full of steamy action, teenage angst, and those arrogant and hot guys that we love to hate.

In Sam we have a main character that's real and honest, and her love for Caleb really jumps off the page. I thoroughly enjoyed their interactions and how it felt like they really had each other's backs in the end. This is definitely a good read!!!

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Burning Emerald has ratings and 79 reviews. jesse said: /5it's great actually having a girl of color on the cover. but the cover, unfortunatel. www.farmersmarketmusic.com: Burning Emerald (The Cambion Chronicles) (): Jaime Reed: Books.

Dec 03, Kimm rated it really liked it. This follow up to Living Violet was fantastic. It was exciting and emotional though it was fraught with a few TSTL maneuvers that I hate to see heroines use. I really preferred Samara in book one. I understand that it is all part of the design, but I miss her strength, sarcasm, and confidence.

I love the tension in the book but am am a bit upset with Caleb's behavior. It reminded me too much of, dare I even say it That "this is better for the both of us" routine got m This follow up to Living Violet was fantastic. She lost SO much already because of other's loss of control, and desires. She could have walked away SO many times and when she finally let's her guard down to trust, it all goes to Hell I really like Samara because she watched all those around her become victims I have to see how she get's her groove back, seriously and soon!

Aug 21, Stacey Pagan rated it it was amazing. What an ending to this novel! I almost threw it across the room! She can no longer hide out without being noticed while Lilith lives inside her. As she learns to attempt to control Lilith, all hell breaks loose for Caleb No!

As she learns to attempt to control Lilith, all hell breaks loose for Caleb and his demon, Capone. Reed has done a fantastic job drawing me into this story! Feb 04, J. I didn't like this one nearly as much as the first, but I still enjoyed it. It was interesting to see how things continued for Sam and Caleb after the events of the first book.

There's a few new characters in this one, including a "bad" guy love interest. I liked her practicality, her intelligence and general avoidance of so many of the tropes that have become staple in the genre. She guards her house against him then lets him in. She wanders off with him on occasion despite his behaviour suggesting she should be screaming and dialling One thing Sam had going for her was her sense of priorities - focusing on her own goals and school work and not letting romance drop them. Is it just down to stress of the whole situation? Speaking of that GPS — I hate how that was pretty unchallenged.

Her mother was always paranoid — and it was played both for some pretty good comedy and important messages of the dangers women face — but has now gone way over the top. She is forcing Sam to wear a GPS and tracks her movements — she deviates from that and she gets panicked phone calls. What happened to the strong, careful woman in the first book? Sam is still very smart, very funny with an excellent voice and a brilliant brain — her methods of fending Tobias off are clever and crafty and made me want to applaud. She fights against any magical compulsion being laid on her and is very determined to lead her own life as she intended.

Even her attraction to Caleb driving her to call or text him repeatedly is something she fights because, even with her mind in loveydovey mode, she can recognise her own silliness. She is still an excellent character that really makes this book. Which is part of a general reduction in the quality of female characters in this book. Nadine is dead, Mia pretty much absent and both Sam and her mother are not as good as they were.