Halfsie (Knobby Flats series Book 1)

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Drop me a line -- I'd love to connect with you! Knobby Flats by Kate Reigstad. Halfsie by Kate Reigstad Series: Knobby Flats , Book 1. They say looks can kill. But what if your kiss really can? After her groom turns up dead the morning of the wedding, Paige flees the scene with the best man hot on her trail. When she stumbles upon a group of eccentric seniors with a dangerous secret of their own, she's plunged into a paranormal world filled with demons When kids find out they're going to Walt Disney World, they're psyched.

Then they find out they have to wait weeks or even months! Packed with more than 30 projects, this book will give kids something to do with all that wiggly extra energy. Their own Epcot hideaway? A working "genie lamp" for a bank? To cut back, she says, choose foods with more air in them and shapes that are irregular. People in the study lost more muscle than fat at first. And study author Jose Calbet, M. Making it the perfect choice for anyone who wants to get the most out of their body and the most out of their life. Researchers in Hong Kong have discovered that four TRX exercises designed to work other body parts can also carve your core.

Grab a TRX and try them. If you fear your desk job is killing you, try this antidote: Moderate to intense exercise may counteract prolonged sitting, say University of Michigan scientists. Your average heart rate read: The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. According to scientists in Portugal, your abs play a big role in powering your golf swing. They found that three key areas of your core, including abs and obliques, fire during your backswing and downswing.

Power up your tee shot by skipping static moves like planks in favor of explosive, rotational ones like the medicine ball side toss , says MH sports medicine advisor Bill Hartman, P. Use a heart rate monitor and stay above 70 percent of your max heart rate while you work out.

Louis, MO 95 calories, 2. The 6'2", pound midfielder often sees more ball touches than any other player on the stars-and-stripes squad. Like a quarterback, he makes strategic decisions on where and when to pass the ball. And for his ability to balance these roles, his fans call him the General. Bradley, lasering long passes down the wing. Bradley, cutting up the defense with pinball-quick flicks. Bradley, dribbling in a holding pattern and warding off opponents as his teammates scramble to find space. The General dictates the play and controls the game.

Use his winning strategies to control your game too. Going to a World Cup party with no clue how soccer works? This snappy style of play, pioneered by Spanish teams, emphasizes short passes, fast movement, and maintaining possession. However, it can also be boring because a player may make a safe pass backward rather than run the risk of losing the ball. The rule is simple: An attacking player is offside when he goes behind both the ball and the last defender not counting the goalkeeper.

To avoid the penalty, attackers typically remain in front of or level with the D, waiting for a pass before they make a run. This refers to the players in each line: The is the most traditional formation, and it means four in defense, four in midfield, and two strikers. Many teams— including Team USA, play a That makes every guy lift his game. They need to switch to a More attackers up top. A soccer field is a catwalk of hipster hairstyles. Is it even legal? At 18, Bradley joined a team in the Netherlands. His career was blasting off, but he continued to seek advice.

He not only listened to his coaches but also reviewed game footage with his dad, scrutinizing every touch, tackle, and pass so he could see his on-field potential. And by the time he left the Netherlands to join an elite team in Germany, he had become one of those guys.

So steal a page from business school and do informal case studies on the successful people you work with. In Bradley transferred to AS Roma. Then, this year, he moved again, this time to Toronto. Many considered it a step backward, because MLS is a less competitive league. International soccer is quick, so composure will be critical in Brazil. Fill a 1-quart pitcher halfway with ice. Mix in all ingredients except the soda and mint. Fill a highball glass halfway with ice, and pour in the cocktail until the glass is about threequarters full. Top with soda and garnish with mint.

The drill tests your ability to cut explosively. Place three low cones in a straight line, spaced 5 yards apart. Crouch at the middle cone; then sprint to your left and touch the cone with your left hand. Next, sprint 10 yards to the right, touching the cone with your right hand. Finally, race back to the middle; 4 seconds is elite-level fast. Rest 10 seconds and repeat, but now go to your right first.

For leg strength, use the dumbbell single-leg contralateral squat. Stand with your back to a bench and hold a pound dumbbell in your left hand at shoulder height. Keeping your torso as upright as possible, balance on your right leg as you bend your right knee, shift your hips back, and lower yourself.

Pause just before sitting, and push yourself back up. Do 6 to 8 reps; then switch legs. A soccer game is like 90 minutes of intervals. To forge the ability to sprint, recover, and then sprint again, national team players do this interval: After a warmup, sprint 20 seconds and then jog 20 seconds, keeping it up for a total of 4 minutes. I started focusing beyond the day and looked to where I wanted to be years from now. Over 8 months, 4 expert coaches provided the advice and insights to help him and other guys like you, grow their game.

Adr iana Gallar zo, hair: C ole Herrera , makeup: Jessic a Sc antlin, manicure: A few years ago, I had a fight with a guy I was dating, and to make up for being a jerk, he bought me a gift. Guess what it was. He bought me a virtual flower on Facebook. My thighs went weak, and I wanted him. We women live for this mushy-gushy shit. So quick, about me: My first cuts on the show went to the James Dean silent types. Gender roles are shifting, and online dating has turned hookups into field research. But turning a woman on? So go ahead—ask me anything.

Or is it eleven? This is your burden, not hers. If she asks you outright about cheating, then you have to spill. Whether they use them or not, women are equipped with all the tools of motherhood. I drunkenly texted a colleague to ask her on a date. How do I smooth this over? I respect your intentions, but no woman appreciates it when a guy assumes he knows what she wants better than she does.

You want to impress her with your takecharge ordering skills? Ask if she prefers red or white, and then you pick the bottle. Did you text your colleague, or was it your drunk friend who swiped your phone while you were in the bathroom? I think it was the latter. Play it cool and you still might score a date: You can come clean later, after a couple of dates. Big The average penis is 5. Want to make yours feel bigger?

Jamye Waxman, coauthor of Hot Sex, explains all the tricks. Your girl should do the same. The topic is bound to come up eventually, so tackle it before you go broke. Tell her that until your salary jumps, you need more help from her. I cheated on my girlfriend early in our relationship.

Should I come clean? This secluded Rio beach not only allows nudity but makes it mandatory on weekends. During the World Cup this summer, there will be balls everywhere. Men who make life look easy have expert help. Learn to fill your lineup wisely. Your payoff is better health, more wealth, and less crap to worry about.

A female brain can handle some problems that ensnarl men. Utilize her skills in these situations. Women remember faces better than men do, according to a study in Psychological Science.

Advise the pushy ones to shove of The ideal realtor has patience. So keep shopping—for a realtor. So avoid the ones with TV ads and billboards, and consider those fresh out of law school. Ask your business-savvy friends—the best lawyers earn new clients through referrals. His snooping can help with the snipping Avoid the guy who runs the shop like a production line, giving everybody the same haircut.

Before the first snip, he should ask about your job and lifestyle, says Dave Alexander, owner of American Haircuts in Atlanta. To find a skilled stylist, study your follicularly challenged pals. The workmate with the bald spot who always looks amazing? He knows a good barber. Sex habits, alcohol use—it should all be on the exam table. Oh, and the doc should talk plain English, not medical jargon. A Harvard Business Review survey found that female bosses were better at building relationships and motivating colleagues.

Did your guy arrive on time? Put on shoe covers? Use a drop cloth? The messaging system that transfers signals all around your body. But you have other nerves. These nerves keep you calm in the face of chaos. Focused when life throws you a curveball. And courageous in tough situations. At Cigna, we care about both kinds of nerves.

Because you are made of both visible things like your body and invisible things like your character, which all work together to make you an original. Get inspired at cigna. This ad is not intended for residents of New Mexico. Hey—you ladies like baguettes? Get It Drunk In a medium saucepan, combine the wine, sugar, garlic, shallots, bay leaves, oregano, salt, and 2 cups of water.

Bring the mixture to a boil; then reduce it to a simmer and cook until half the liquid remains, about 20 minutes. Cool the brine in the fridge; then put it and the lamb in a zip-top bag and refrigerate 30 minutes. Spice Things Up Heat up a large skillet on medium low. Add the three seed spices along with the coriander, cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves. Toast, stirring often, until aromatic, 5 to 10 minutes. Transfer to a grinder and pulverize. Crank the Flame Preheat the grill on direct, high heat. Take the meat out of the brine and dust it with the spices to taste.

Sear the lamb just 1 to 2 minutes on each side. Transfer to a plate.

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Brush the pitas with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, and oregano. Grill them until marks appear, about 15 seconds on each side. Spoon some tzatziki onto the smooth side of each pita. Divide the meat among the pitas and add a drizzle of olive oil, a squeeze of lemon juice, and the cucumber, tomato, and red onion.

Top with the juices from the meat plate. Work your left hand under the foil to hold the gyro. Fold the excess foil on the bottom of the gyro to keep the sauce inside. Use your right hand to fold the top left corner of the foil over the gyro about two-thirds from the top.

The sandwich should feel secure. Still holding the gyro tightly, bring the right tab over the left tab to close the sandwich. You should now be able to loosen your hold without the gyro coming undone. If that happens, repeat step 2. At this point, holding the gyro vertically, you can load up the sandwich with more tzatziki sauce, olive oil, or vegetables.

Table of Contents

This fresh salad partners well with Greek meals. The recipe is adapted from the cookbook Arabesque, by Claudia Roden. In a large bowl, mix together the lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, green pepper, onion, parsley, and mint. In a small bowl, mix together the olive oil, lemon juice, and ground sumac to make the dressing. Before serving, tear the pita into pieces and add to the large bowl. Pour on the dressing, season with salt and pepper, and mix well. Makes 3 to 4 servings. Guy-ro, jee-ro, or hero, however, will get you a meatball sub. Peel the cucumber and quarter it lengthwise; then remove the seeds and dice it.

In a food processor or blender, add the garlic, vinegar, shallots, and dill; pulse to combine. Transfer to a bowl with the cucumber and Greek yogurt. Fold in the olive oil and lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. This cucumber sauce is great slathered on a gyro, but Psilakis also loves it spooned over a pita and topped with some oregano, diced tomato, and a few salami slices. Introducing Edge from Osteo Bi-Flex. Find it in the vitamin aisle.

Individual results may vary. Patent 8,, and patents pending. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Every time my mom and brother fight, she calls me. How do I bow out of this peacekeeper role once and for all? When she starts in, cut her off. Know what every bartender loves? Making a pushy jerk wait. So look for a loudmouth leaning over the bar, and post up far away from the guy.

Make eye contact with the barkeep, nod, and watch him ignore your competition. Then give a good tip. We also hate cheapskates. You gotta toot your own horn. But if you want extra credit, drop him a casual note when you pull off something big. A man who gets things done is entitled to the occasional long afternoon—for a jump on the weekend, say, or a day game at Fenway. Leave nobody in the lurch. If you have deadlines, meet them beforehand. I visited my sister four months ago when she had her baby. Now she wants me to visit again.

That said, when is the last time you called to ask about the bambino? Ever think about doing one of those video-chat things, so the kid can see your face? My dad died last year, and my mom keeps his voice on her answering machine. Frankly, it upsets me. Do I tell her? Think how hard it must hit her. If this is about just you, then keep quiet—you can always hang up before the machine answers.

But if the rest of the family feels the same way you do, then sure, address the issue—delicately. Just slip out quickly and quietly, so as not to spark the ire of colleagues still plowing through paperwork. Stay off social media. Just one careless tweet can create hard feelings. How can I make him notice my work without looking like an overeager schoolkid? Think of it this way: So make sure he knows where to find one.

Change for the better. Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states or companies. Discount amount varies in some states. In New York a premium reduction may be available. Holding the rope underhand [A] works more of your pulling muscles, while holding it overhand [B] works your pushing muscles, Brookfield says. Mix it up to build balanced strength.

Double the ends [C] to challenge your grip. They also provide a killer cardio workout. Read on to maximize your burn—and brawn. You can also craft your own: To anchor it, just loop it around a pole. Repeat in the opposite direction. Continue alternating for 1 to 20 minutes. Find more workout tips and total-body challenges at MensHealth. Brace your core and begin alternately raising and lowering each arm explosively.

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Keep alternating arms for 1 to 20 minutes. Break free from ice therapy with Arctic Ease. Learn more at arcticeasewrap. Busting through fitness plateaus, triggering new muscle growth, boosting athleticism, and incinerating belly fat. Perform exercises 1A, 1B, and 1C as a circuit, moving from one to the next with 2 minutes of rest. Do 4 circuits total. Do the last two moves as described. Load a barbell and hold it across your upper back using an overhand grip.

Place your feet shoulderwidth apart. Squat, keeping your back straight and your chest up as you take 3 seconds to lower your body as far as you can. Pause, and then stand up explosively. Do 8 reps total. Assume a pushup position with your feet on a box or bench. As you lower your body, lift your right foot and try to touch your right knee to your right elbow. Push back up to the starting position and repeat with your left leg and left elbow.

Do as many reps as you can, stopping 1 rep short of failure. Swing it between your legs, up to chest level, and then back between your legs. Do 4 sets of 10 reps, resting 40 seconds between sets. Hop on a treadmill and increase the speed to a sprint, running as fast as you safely can for 30 seconds. Recover by decelerating to a slow walk for 40 seconds. Simultaneously pull your chest to the bar and raise your knees toward your chest.

Pause, and slowly lower your body to the starting position. Do as many reps as you can, stopping 2 reps short of failure. Learn more at Almonds. So listen to the experts: So keep a Mr. Stain too big for Mr. The plastic inserts fit inside the toe and prevent creases. And months from now, your sneaks will still look fresh from the box. Look for the brightly colored shopping cart or video icon appearing at the bottom of pages throughout this issue. Now shopping and playing videos directly from the pages is as simple as grabbing your smartphone.

Give it a try today.

When you wear bold shoes, show restraint by choosing neutralcolored clothing. You can pair sneakers with nice jeans and a blazer—or hell, even a full suit—as long as your pants break high. Too much girth in the legs think boot cut is awkward. Fix bagginess like this: Pinch the slack at the inside seam; then, leaving just a little space, fold the seam over. Finally, cuff the pants two times to lock the fold in place. Wearing a navy blue hat with your navy blue Aldos? Lace Like Crazy There are dozens of ways to string a shoe. Try these to impress a shoe-crazy lady. Our goal is to provide you with convenient and delicious protein products, giving you the strength to achieve your goals.

Men-only steam rooms are short on scenery. In fact, it makes you look like a greasy slob. Salicylic acid, a common ingredient in over-the-counter facial cleansers, is your simplest remedy for clearing pimples, says H. Neutrogena adds the acid to a body scrub to help it penetrate the thicker skin on your chest and back.

In the summer, that can mean heavy, greasy hair, and flakes on your head and shoulders. So fight back with mud: Hanz de Fuko uses pulverized minerals and bentonite clay, both of which add hold while pulling oil away from your roots. When sweat mixes with oil, the result is a highgloss finish that reflects sunlight and makes you look perpetually uncool. Apply it in the a. Retaliate with vitamin C, says Dr.

In a study from Japan, this antioxidant boosted the production of skinsmoothing proteins. By adding it to an SPF 28 sunscreen, Garnier lets you repair damage and prevent wrinkles at the same time. To get your fur perfect, use your electric shaver with a No. Okay, not a beach, but this skinny-dipping spot boasts a waterfall and natural pools carved into the rock.

You can do better than that. And if you hope to go from first date to second— and then to love, marriage, parenthood, and your 50th wedding anniversary—you should do better than that. After some data mining note: Then we asked the experts for ways to pull off those ideas perfectly. Hoofing it somewhere interesting keeps the blood—and the conversation—moving. Plus, the simple act of walking alongside you can help her feel more connected to you, according to a study in the journal Social Cognition. Once the sweat dries, go to a barbecue joint where you can eat brisket, sip whiskey, and talk about where the date is headed next.

Food-truck grub is generally tasty and always cheap, so you can save your cash for the beer garden afterward. And having two phases keeps the date interesting, says Timothy Loving, Ph. It sure as hell beats just sitting and staring at each other across a table, he says. Better come up with something funny. Pub trivia night is a perfect date: The ideal hike is short but includes a long, casual lunch. Pack finger foods, a bottle of wine, and a blanket.

Contact the climbing center ahead of time to make reservations and prepay, suggests Los Angeles dating coach DeAnna Lorraine. Women love a man who can plan. Plus, she can set the pace. Really like the girl? A recent Clemson University study found that the simple act of handing food to somebody can boost intimacy. She may think you cheat in other ways too.

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Exercise for as little as 20 minutes just once or twice a week and lose 20, 30, 50, or more pounds in as many days, all while getting into the best shape of your life. In The Body Fat Breakthrough, legendary exercise scientist Ellington Darden, PhD, ofers his revolutionary plan to speed you to a leaner, harder, more sculpted body! Soak in the hot springs at this traditional Japanese inn, where your fellow bathers are as naked as the snow monkeys that may drop by to hang.

Those risks you know. Brushing after eating acidic foods—especially fruit and juice—can weaken enamel, says Mark Wolff, D. That may lead to discoloration or greater odds of cracks and chips. Air pollution on highways can be up to 10 times what it is in the burbs, says Scott Fruin, D. Diesel fumes may contribute to headaches, cancer, and heart disease. Doing this can cut your particulate pollution exposure fourfold, one of Dr.

Phthalates can still leach into your food, potentially damaging sperm and altering hormones, says Germaine Buck Louis, Ph. What are they doing right? And a large Singaporean study shows that too little sleep can raise your odds of dying of stroke. People with a blood alcohol concentration BAC of just. All you need to know: Just imagine the bounce. Can someone please tell the International Olympic Committee about this? It has it all—jungles, waterfalls, and total mayhem. That dry air in the cabin dehydrates you and contributes to fatigue, brain fog, and other symptoms of jet lag.

And booze, sorry to say, does the same. In a Japanese study, scientists discovered that men who exercised early in the day were able to more quickly align their sleep schedule with darkness. Researchers at Beth Israel Medical Center found in a rodent study that circadian rhythms rely partially on food. Plan a tough workout for no later than three hours before bedtime, says Dr. Otherwise your elevated core temperature can make it harder to sleep. Go 16 hours without food to restart your circadian clock, the researchers suggest.

A few pilots wrote in to tell us that sex helped them adapt to new time zones. Could it be true? Sure, says MH sleep medicine advisor W. Ejaculation releases prolactin, a sedating hormone that can override your circadian clock and help you conk out easier. Flying yourself to your final destination works too.

Over the course of six novellas, our hard-drinking, woman-chasing hero wanders his way through Michigan, Canada, and California. The story hinges on one real-life mystery: The answer is as puzzling as the man who did it, says travel journalist Robin Esrock. This time you aim to experience more. This time you have a team behind you. Pushing you, driving you and celebrating every burst, push and breath.

We sponsor you, our Champion-in-Training. Aim for comfort and cool. Wear a button-down or a tee with a lightweight sport coat, says Rookwood. An unlined blazer with an interior pocket compresses easily and makes pickpockets work overtime for your wallet or passport. People will forgive the wrinkles. No more crappy in-room ironing board! Pack your least clunky running shoes for planned workouts. Luckily, shedding pounds from your carryon is easier than dropping them from your gut: Just bring clothes in complementary shades, says Rookwood.

So if you pack a blue sport coat and jeans, fill your carry-on with grays and whites. Lightweight fabrics compress more easily into small spaces. Finally, seek out easy versatility by choosing crease-resistant materials and reversible designs. Invest in one of these life-proof pairs, and forge into the sunlight with far less squinting.

No glare, and water and dirt wipe right off.

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Look for cargos with deep front pockets and side pockets near the knees. Pure cotton can press cold sweat against your body—not the most comfortable feeling. A high-exertion activity like hiking is better served by a moisturewicking polyester knit, which dries relatively quickly, says Walker Ferguson, a field testing manager at Patagonia.

The rest of the time, it folds up small enough to fit in your pocket. A true dive watch should be able to hold up at least meters below the surface. This summer, put one to the test: Date a mermaid, and always be on time. Here are three of our favorites. Solar energy charges up the lithium ion cell in this timepiece. The flash of color will bring out your tan, and if you swap the rubber strap for metal, you can show off that sporty bezel in a variety of settings.

Performance nylon trunks make your shorts do triple duty: Buy them in three colors—gray, tan, and navy. Glow-in-the-dark hour markers and a sleek brushed stainless-steel case give this elegant Luminox dive watch a look that rules the night. Your athletic hoodie could cause you to be mistaken for a hipster— or worse, a Belieber.

That almost never happens with cotton cardigans. Ball up your socks and stick them into your shoes; then bag the shoes and pack them, Rookwood says. If you have an item that wrinkles, pack it under a layer of plastic or in a dry-cleaning bag to reduce friction. Fill in gaps with incidentals, rolled shirts, and underwear. Between retching and the runs, GI trouble can spoil summer. Summer is the season for barbecues, pool parties, and camping trips— all settings that can light the fuse of gastrointestinal fireworks. You may not realize they made an appearance until hours later, when you see their calling cards in the toilet bowl.

Like your burgers rare? Keep these and other foods in a cooler with large blocks of ice. Freeze water bottles or milk cartons the night before. Skip these if you see blood or slimy, gloppy mucus—signs of bacteria at work.

Kate Reigstad

Stifling the shits can cause toxin buildup, damaging your intestines. Also, eat potassium-rich foods, such as bananas and potatoes. Peel the spuds to limit fiber. Still perched on the porcelain after three days? These symptoms may indicate that bugs have spread outside your GI tract, requiring antibiotics, says Daniel J.

In fact, as they release toxins that send your guts into panic mode, they make the seasonal flu seem mild. Your intestines push water, sodium, and potassium into your gut, leaving you with watery diarrhea and a serious electrolyte shortage, says James Lee, M. Joseph Hospital in Orange, California. Still, you can lower your odds by washing your hands regularly before and after handling food or performing any, um, toilet-related tasks, such as wiping yourself or someone else.

Scrub with soap and warm water for 20 seconds, especially if someone you know has been sick with a stomach bug. Your body may need two days to clear these viruses. And drink 8 ounces of clear liquid after every toilet trip, says Dr. Stick with water or a hydration drink for diarrhea, like Pedialyte. It works for adults too. You can also try a low-sugar sports drink like Gatorade G2. Avoid the regular kind—sugar will pull more fluid from intestinal cells, worsening diarrhea.

If you lose more than 5 percent of your body weight within a day, see your doctor—you may need IV rehydration to prevent serious complications such as brain swelling, seizures, and even kidney failure, says Dr. A bear can ruin your camping trip without lifting a claw: If Yogi or any animal takes a dump near a stream that you drink from, you could be exposed to the parasites Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Other avenues for ingesting this duo include pool water an infected person swam in, or unsanitary tap water in a developing country.

If your destination is a parasite-prone area listed at cdc. Oh, and when you swim, shut your mouth. The sight, scent, or taste of anything that can infect you activates a brain region linked to nausea and vomiting, says Alan Hirsch, M. Thanks, evolved protective mechanisms! We asked plus readers what pegs their puke meter. You experience respiratory symptoms, such as shortness of breath. If that happens, call your doc stat, says Dr. Rizk— parasitic larvae might be hatching in your lungs! Listen on the airwaves in more than 45 local markets across the country, or download it to your phone, computer, or tablet.

Add to that the GI abuse wrought by the byproducts created when you metabolize booze, such as congeners and acetaldehyde, and tying one on seems more like pouring down poison. To process this chemical, your liver makes an enzyme called p—the same one it uses to break down alcohol.

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Since your liver can produce only a limited amount of p at once, you risk damaging the organ with unprocessed alcohol and acetaminophen. Ibuprofen is the lesser evil, but frequent use may also cause ulceration in your GI tract. Place an ice pack or a warm, moist cloth—whichever feels better—on your head and neck. To relieve lingering nausea, stay hydrated and eat eggs—they contain cysteine, a compound that helps clear acetaldehyde from your system, Mitchell says.

Or make an omelet with a cysteine-rich cheese, like Swiss. Blame an evolutionary glitch in your operating system, says Dr. Then stare at the horizon. This helps your body distinguish between the motion of the vehicle and that of your body, say University of Minnesota researchers. At the same time, set your Spotify to a Coldplay sta-.

Researchers in Germany found that listening to relaxing, pleasant music helps stave off motion sickness better than jamming to livelier tunes or sitting silently. A dose of 2 to 4 grams has been shown to ease motion sickness, Dr. Lee says, perhaps because a compound called 6-gingerol slows nerve transmissions that tell your guts to rumble. A study in Military Medicine found that this device relieves motion sickness by delivering electrical signals to an acupressure point linked to nausea. Anxiety sends stress hormones surging through your bloodstream and eventually to your stomach, where receptors pick them up and start your intestines on a roller-coaster ride.

This leads to nausea, cramping, and that gotta-go feeling, Dr. In a Hunter College study, anxious presenters who played a game called Personal Zen free for iPhone, personalzen. The game trains you to focus on the positive while ignoring threats in this case, angry cartoon faces. The app will be available to Android users later this year. Until then, approximate the effect by breathing deeply and focusing on three positive things that happened to you that day, says study author Tracy Dennis, Ph.

Caffeine will kick up your nerves, and the acids may amplify gut troubles. A better hot option: A study review in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine suggests that this minty aroma calms queasiness, perhaps by relaxing stomach muscles. Finally available in paperback, this 1 national bestseller is your ultimate, step-by-step plan to dramatic weight loss and optimal health for life. Our fat-fighting experts answer 9 common weight-loss questions. I like my beer but not my belly. How many calories can I drink in a day?

Budget calories much as you budget money. But according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, men eat more calories and make unhealthier food choices on days they drink alcohol. He recommends eating a snack rich in protein and healthy fats, such as nuts, before that first sip. That will keep your blood sugar levels steady and slow the absorption of alcohol, which can help fend off postdrinking pigouts, he says. Your latest personal best. Every sport has a gold standard competitors aim for. So does sports nutrition. When technology makes it possible to set even higher standards, Optimum Nutrition will be the brand that brings it to you.

Is there a better way? Invest in a skill. Keep these 11 foods handy, and healthy meals are a snap.

I tried to cut out sugar and went crazy with cravings. What can I do? Plan three well-balanced meals and two snacks a day that include plenty of protein, which has a higher satiating power than fat or carbs. Now make another plan to gradually cut the sweet stuff.

If you abruptly slash your sugar intake by. First, target those liquid sugars: You can swap in a diet soda for regular at first, but try to eventually switch to just water or tea. Next, look at the added sugars in your diet and start replacing them with lower-sugar alternatives. Craving an afternoon candy bar? Try a protein bar instead. Our tea leaves are selected at their peak in countries like Indonesia, India, Africa and South America. The result is a refreshing real brewed tea with perfectly balanced aroma, body and flavor. Actually, your genes are, but you can fine-tune your metabolism.

Pound-for-pound, muscle burns more calories than fat, explains Diana Thomas, Ph. The best way to increase muscle and decrease fat is with high-intensity interval resistance training HIRT , says Thomas. HIRT builds muscle and burns fat—and continues even after you leave the gym. In one recent Italian study, lifters doing HIRT burned 18 percent more calories 22 hours after exercising than guys who did traditional strength training. Perhaps none—and it may even help you drop pounds.

But if you deprive yourself of foods you love, you might be more likely to binge later on, says Aragon. No one diet works for everyone. In fact, scientists are starting to tire of fad diets altogether. They are just plain unappealing. Healthy eating pulls from all the food groups—but in moderation. The research is backing up that approach. Check out the chart below, and borrow the healthy eating strategies that work for you. First of all, a safe weight-loss rate is 1 to 2 pounds a week.

And if you regain the weight quickly, as often happens with loseweight-fast diets, you could end up with a higher percentage of body fat, says Holly Herrington, R. The best way to slim down is to eat fewer calories with lots of healthy fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean proteins and exercise more. You should include both cardio and muscle-strengthening workouts, 45 to 60 minutes a day most days of the week.

Those FDA-approved prescription medications are intended for clinically overweight and obese people. To lose your gut, do a totalbody-blasting exercise that torches fat all over. To work your whole body instead of just your legs, swap in a minute kettlebell routine for 30 minutes on the treadmill. To really carve your core, try singlearm swings below. You should consider mixing some weightlifting days into your schedule see question 5 and incorporating lots of explosive exercises into your routine see question 8.

We also know that lots of fitness-loving guys tend to overestimate their calorie burn and do too much of the same training. Stand with your feet shoulderwidth apart and knees slightly bent. Grab the kettlebell with one hand and hold it straight out in front of your waist. As you let the kettlebell swing up to chest level, thrust your hips forward, squeeze your glutes, and keep your arm straight.

Swing the weight back and forth for 30 seconds. Use this weekly calendar to vary your runs and throw in some yoga and weights too. Enter starting July 1st, visit www. See for yourself how far, close and comfortable shaving has evolved.

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I remember what happened to Facilier in the Princess and the Frog, after all. Use his winning strategies to control your game too. Whether they use them or not, women are equipped with all the tools of motherhood. Going to a World Cup party with no clue how soccer works? Something in me, I dunno, it was like something came uncorked.

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He watches closely as I struggle to push my knee past my toes. By the end of my assessment, I no longer feel like a fit year-old. I feel positively geriatric. Everyone has mobility issues, even pro athletes. And the price of that learned immobility extends beyond poor lifting performance. Run through them before your next workout, paying attention to where you fall short, and then weave the fixes into your daily routine. People in and 8-week studies using key ingredients and a calorie-reduced diet lost Read the entire label before use.

That puts you in an unstable position that not only saps your strength and power but also strains your spine— and increases your risk of injury. Try to touch your knee to the wall. Your knee should move over the outside of your foot, above your fourth toe. Repeat with the other knee.