Jaimerais vous dire... (French Edition)

J'ai 100 ans et je voudrais vous dire...

Je ne reconnais pas son accent? What about the Irish who voted 'No' to the Lisbon Treaty? Il ne se rend pas compte du mal qu'il fait. Ces appareils fonctionnent sans piles. The race to the White House has truly begun! The price of oil is going through the roof! Elle a disparu dans la foule. How to say 'my', 'your', 'his', 'her' Were you watching Roland Garros?

I have such backache! Elle vit un calvaire: Mon docteur me conseille de me reposer. Let's buy costume jewelry for the fancy dress! Je fais pousser des tomates et des radis.

Elles ont pas mal de mauvaises herbes dans leur pelouse. Complaining about poor service in a restaurant Tu aimes ces chaussures? Je vais passer chez ma tante demain soir. Ils sont partis en retard. Have you been following the situation in Zimbabwe? Je dirais, au son de ta voix, que tu n'approuves pas. De nos jours on a l'impression que les jeunes s'expriment par la violence. What about the Olympics in Beijing? Je viens [tout juste] de lire cet article dans la presse. Le panda se nourrit de pousses et de feuilles. Hey, Xavier, you've been working out! How do I get to the Post Office?

Excusez-moi de vous interrompre. Vous pouvez choisir le rouge ou le vert. Ils nous interrompent toutes les dix minutes! What is your opinion of these 'Miss France' competitions? The towns are all decorated! What a fine dog! What breed is he? Helping look after a friend's child. Am I speaking to the plumber? T'as entendu parler de l'affaire Jammie Thomas? Do you know about the new French number plates? C'est fini, les vacances! What did you do for the environment today? Is there a special ticket I can buy?

I'd like to hire a car [Part II] elles ont fait le tour du monde! I'd like to hire a car [Part I] elle aura besoin d'une voiture la semaine prochaine. You never stop complaining! Et claire… comment va-t-elle? Oui… ils vont bien. Il ne peut pas te parler pour le moment. Il ne peut pas vous parler pour le moment. Il fait chaud aujourd'hui. I'm as stiff as a board today! I gave blood today! Il a fait une bonne action hier: Le concert ne va pas avoir lieu demain. Si je pouvais la voir, je le ferais. Do you know anyone who can help me with electrical work?

Do you know anyone who can help me create a website? What've you been up to this last month?! How is your course going? So, who do you think will make it to the Oval Office? Have you been following the political situation in the U. Tu crois qu'elle a ses chances de gagner? Elle ne partage pas l'opinion de son patron. What are your thoughts on the situation in Iraq? I think my dog may have eaten poison hier elle allait bien. At the dentist's [Part II] Elle a fini de corriger les devoirs. Elle n'a plus mal.

Cela devrait durer trois semaines. I'd like to reserve a table for four, please… que puis-je faire pour eux? I'd like to book a room for this evening, please Ils aimeraient payer en liquide. The elections are approaching! Il serait bon que tu te mettes au travail. What did you do for your winter vacation? Qu'a-t-il fait pendant les vacances? Elle n'est pas fan de sports d'hiver. Jacques s'est inscrit au cours de maths. Hello, and welcome to La Maternelle des Marguerites! Je vais vous montrer la photo. Je m'occupe de lui. Elle va faire en sorte qu'il puisse aller au concert.

I had a narrow escape this morning! Un gars a failli nous rentrer dedans. Ils m'ont mis hors de moi. Il a failli les tuer tous les deux. Quel genre de voiture conduisaient-ils? Elle s'est dit qu'elle allait juste ne plus y penser. Il va falloir qu'il les paie. On n'a pas le choix. When can we sit at the table?!

Ils arrivent d'ici une demi-heure. I didn't know Paul was religious, did you? Pourquoi il me pose cette question? Je ne la vois jamais. Ils ne nous voient jamais. Je me souviens d'elle. Elle se souvient de son long voyage. How am I going to explain it to him? Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? Il suffit d'appeler jean. Je ne sais pas du tout. Il va me l'expliquer. Elle ne va pas le leur expliquer. Je ne peux pas trouver les mots justes. Il trouve toujours les mots justes.

I can't find my keys! Je ne trouve pas mon portefeuille. Jean et Philippe vont y jeter un coup d'oeil. My meeting has been cancelled! Tu viens de gagner! Could you lend me some money? De combien a-t-elle besoin? Cela ne nous arrange pas parce que Gilles arrive. Il va me rembourser la semaine prochaine.

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I'd like to buy phone credit, please Ils ne vendent pas de recharges. Il leur faudrait des recharges pour leurs portables.

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"J'aimerais bien loucher pour pouvoir te voir en double."

Jack et Jill sortent ensemble. Les filles sont mignonnes! Nous criions, sautions, chantions. Discussing your interests Nous aimons lire. Jack et jim se passionnent pour l'informatique. Ils font de l'escalade le samedi. A look at the alphabet! Dupont Gerardin Matynia Gruet Cuvillier.

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J’aimerais vous dire mon nom (French Edition) eBook: Aurélien Cauchon: www.farmersmarketmusic.com: Kindle Store

Nous ne lisons pas. Il travaille vingt heures par semaine. Discussing family Ils ont une soeur. Karl a une petite amie. Diane a un petit ami. Nous habitons dans le nord de la france. Il s'entend bien avec eux. Nous aimons le chocolat. Ils aiment le sport. It has a number of uses:. On does not have ordinary direct- and indirect-object pronouns, only the reflexive pronoun se.

Similarly, its disjunctive-pronoun form, soi , is only used when on is the subject and soi refers to the same entity. The pronoun quelqu'un "someone" can fill some of the roles of on , in the same way that one and someone are sometimes interchangeable in English. A direct object is a noun that receives the action of a verb.

You have learned earlier that names and regular nouns can be replaced by the subject pronouns je, tu Similarly, direct objects, such as "la balle", can be replaced by pronouns. Indirect objects are prepositional phrases with the object of the preposition. An indirect object is a noun that receives the action of a verb. Lui and leur are indirect object pronouns. When used with the direct object pronouns le, la , and les , lui and leur come after those pronouns. Note that while le, la , and les are used to replace people or inanimate objects, lui and leur are not used to replace innanimate objects and things.

Also note that unlike le and la , which are shortened to l' when followed by a vowel, lui is never shortened. Note that lui and leur , and not y , are used when the object refers to a person or persons. The French pronoun y replaces a prepositional phrase referring to a place that begins with any preposition except de for which en is used.

When expressing positive commands, there are several rules one must remember when using object pronouns. Wikipedia has related information at French Pronouns. In the introduction of the book the description of a sentence, versus a phrase was outlined. A sentence, and not a phrase, is a grammatical unit, which may have nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.

Like English, a sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark. This word order is pretty much the same as English. While this is true in the literal sense, it doesn't mean you can't get the point across in another way. The French declarative sentence with direct and indirect object nouns must be in this order: In the second example you will see that the direct object and indirect object have been swapped.

In order to translate an English statement like this, you would have to slide the indirect object to its proper place. Il aime les bonbons. Il aime les bonbons? Does he like sweets? To form a question, attach "Est-ce que Sometimes "que" has to be modified to "qu'" for elision. Est-ce is actually the inversion of c'est "it is". Like all inversions a '-' dash is required.

These questions in this form are typically mean't to elicit a "Oui" or "Non" answer. If you want more than that, you must precede it with an interrogative: Quand est-ce que, Qui est-ce que, or Quel est-ce que, for example. Some of these later examples can more easily be said by just leaving the inversion off. If the question is negative, then the form is: N'est-ce pas qu'il fait beau temps? It is good weather, is it not?

Il aime ce film. He likes this film. This is considered to be the most formal way to ask a question out of the three.

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The indicative form of the following sentences will be placed in parentheses for comparison. To ask a question by inversion, simply invert the verb and the subject the pronoun and insert a hyphen un trait d'union in between. Do you like apples? Tu aimes les pommes. In the case where the verb ends in a vowel while the subject starts with one, a "t" needs to be inserted to avoid elision.

Did she make the decision already? She made the decision already. For third person plural verbs ending in "ent" , there is no need to insert the "t". Are they buying a house? They are buying a house. If the subject is a noun instead of a pronoun, invert the verb and the pronoun that represents the subject. Did Marie choose this shirt? Marie chose this shirt. Marie a choisi cette chemise.

For negative such as "ne Didn't you eat the whole pizza? You didn't eat the whole pizza. Have you been there? You have been there. If you finish your homework, I'll give you some candies. Si tu finis tes devoirs, je te donnerai des bonbons. If you are cold, close the window. If I had a million dollars, I would buy a house. If I had known or "had I known" computers were so useful, I would have taken a computer course. Pronominal verbs are verbs that include pronouns.

These pronouns are me , te , se , nous , and vous and are used as either direct objects or indirect objects, depending on the verb that they modify. Either the conjugated verb or the infinitive can be negated each with slightly different meanings. In perfect tenses, the past participles agree with the direct object pronoun, but not the indirect object pronoun, in gender and plurality. Therefore it would only agree when the reflexive pronoun is the direct object.

Also remember that the past participle does not agree with the direct object if it goes after the verb. When a reflexive verb is put as an infinitive behind any other verb e. Like reflexive verbs, the past participle of reciprocal verbs agrees in number and gender with the direct object if it goes before the verb. It therefore agrees with all reciprocal pronouns that function as direct objects. In perfect tenses, these verbs agree with the direct object if it goes before the verb. Otherwise, the past participle agrees with the subject. Now, the 'ne' sometimes disappears when one speaks.

However, it is always used in written French and for formal conversations. To say not , never , or other negative verbs, you have to 'sandwich' the negative words around a verb.

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In addition, their past participles end in -ert. Are they buying a house? Je ne la vois jamais. Elle va en mettre moins la prochaine fois. De quels revenus disposent-ils? J'ai ans et je voudrais vous dire

Wikipedia has related information at French verbs. French conjugation is the creation of derived forms of a French verb from its principal parts by inflection. French verbs are conventionally divided into three conjugations conjugaisons with the following grouping:. The first two groups follow a regular conjugation, whereas the third group follows an irregular one. It is noteworthy that the verb aller is the only verb ending in -er belonging to the third group.

There are two auxiliary verbs in French: Compound tenses are conjugated with an auxiliary followed by the past participle, ex: The participle is inflected with the use of the verb avoir according to the direct object, but only if the direct object precedes the participle, ex:. This verb has different stems for different tenses. Although the stem changes, the inflections of these tenses are as a regular -oir verb.

However, in the simple present, not only are there stem changes, but the inflections are irregular as well:. Besides using avoir affirmatively. You can also use it interrogatively. A small complication arises, in that without some help, the result does not sound very good. The use of an euphonic pleasing to the ear is used with vowels before the pronoun. Thus, the letter -t- is placed between the verb and the pronoun:.

These are all pronounced differently: French verbs ending in -er, which comprise the largest class, inflect somewhat differently than other verbs. In addition, the orthographic -t found in the -ir and -re verbs in the singular of the simple present and past is not found in this conjugation, so that the final consonants are -, -s, - rather than -s, -s, -t. Hais is as usual used for the imperative.

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The verbs dormir, mentir, partir, sentir, servir and their derivatives do not take the -iss- infix. The effect of this is that they conjugate as -re verbs rather than -ir verbs, apart from the past participle which is still -i. Sortir and its derivatives are similar in their usual meanings of "to go out" etc. Partir serves as an example:.

The verbs couvrir, offrir, ouvrir, souffrir and their derivatives are similar, but orthographically they differ slightly: In addition, their past participles end in -ert. Ouvrir will serve as an example:. The common verbs venir "to come" and tenir "to hold", as well as their derivatives, [2] change their stem vowel to a diphthong or nasal in much of their conjugations. Venir will serve as an example; for tenir, simply change the v to a t. Verbs ending in -oir tend to have stem changes, which makes them more irregular than the other conjugations. Many have stems ending in -v, which drops before a consonant or the vowel u.

Others have stems ending in -l, which undergoes changes similar to the plural of French nouns ending in -l. The usage of puis in other cases is mannered. Orthographically, the -re verbs have the inflectional endings of the -ir verbs singular -s, -s, -t in the simple present and past. However, unlike the -ir verbs, there is no suffix -iss- between the root and the inflection, except in the past subjunctive, which is identical to the -ir verbs.

The verb aller "to go" has the unique quality of having a first group ending with an irregular conjugation. It belongs to none of the three sections of the third group, and is often categorized on its own. The verb has different stems for different tenses. The inflections of these tenses are completely regular, and pronounced as in any other -er verb. To form the present tense, there are seven categories of verbs that you need to know about, sorted by their endings, and if they are regular follow the rules or irregular have their own rules.

Translate the following sentences into English: The simple past is mostly a literary tense, used in fairy tales, and perhaps newspapers. It is one that native French students are expected to recognize but not use.

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To conjugate in this tense, one finds the stem and appends the following, as according to the table:. One uses the future tense when referring to an action, certain to occur, in the future. In a time ahead of now. One may also use aller in the present tense in conjunction with aller or another verb in infinitive form, to refer to the future. However it is not the future tense. However, the former is not in the future tense. Also, the usage of "aller" generally signifies an action to occur in the very near future, where as future tense refers to any time in the future. To conjugate a verb in the futur simple, one takes the infinitive and appends the following, as according to the table:.

The subjunctive in French is used to express doubt, desire, surprise, judgment, necessity, possibility, opinions, and emotions. It usually follows the word "que. Take the ils form of the verb, at the present time tense drop the -ent and add the following:. The subjunctive imperfect is very rarely employed in French; generally it only appears in literature and is viewed as archaic. It can in all instances be replaced by the subjunctive present. The subjunctive imperfect is employed in any instance in which the subjunctive is required, provided the trigger verb is in a past tense.

With most verbs, that auxililary verb is avoir. While the past participle looks like a verb, it is not - it functions more like an adjective. This works exactly the same way in English - the only verb is the auxiliary verb, which is also the only thing negated in English "I have not eaten". The compound past is a compound tense- it consists of two verbs, the auxiliary verb "helper verb" and the past participle of the verb one seeks to use in this tense. We then take the past participle of the verb, and stick that on the end.

Every verb has one past participle that does not change there are some exceptions, as one will learn later. To find the past participle, the stem of the infinitive must be determined or the irregularity must be known. If we want to make the statement negative, for example if we didn't do something in the past, we must always put the negative structure such as ne