Patience (Comma Singles)

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A year-old man who suffered bilateral brainstem damage after a stroke was given low scores by both doctors and AI. He recovered fully in less than a year.

The AI system, developed after eight years of research by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and PLA General Hospital in Beijing, has achieved nearly 90 per cent accuracy on prognostic assessments, according to the researchers. Some of their results were released in a research paper published last month in the peer-reviewed journal eLife. Dr Song Ming, associate researcher with the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and first author of the study, said their system was different from other AI methods used in the diagnosis of diseases such as cancer.

Patients are assessed using a brain scan with functional magnetic resonance imaging, a technology that charts brain activity by measuring tiny changes in blood flow. The neural activities are too numerous and sophisticated to be directly visible to doctors but the AI system, equipped with machine-learning algorithms, is able to scrutinise these changing details and discover previously unknown patterns from past cases. For instance, the machine can look into regions in charge of different functions — including motion control, verbal capability, hearing and vision — to see how they interact with one another after suffering physical damage.

Some patients might have an active mind, but their communication with the outside world is temporarily blocked. Their state is more likely to be misjudged by conventional evaluation methods, which are usually based on operationally defined behavioural responses to specific sensory stimulation. It is just a tool to help doctors and families make better decisions. These patients came from all over China, some from places as remote as Xinjiang in the northwest, and many of their relatives had been told their loved one had little hope for recovery. Not all coma patients stay in hospital, Yang said.

Many remain at home, in varying conditions. Some families cannot afford the best medicine or medical equipment, while others devote more time to talking and massaging the patient. These factors also affect the likelihood of recovery. The researchers also found the system worked better on patients in Beijing because it was developed using data mainly collected in the capital.

Doctors said the coma patients would never wake. AI said they would - and they did

Yang Tongwei, associate professor of medical ethics at Shandong University in Jinan, said AI would aid decision-making for people facing ethical dilemmas. Skip to main content. Doctors said the coma patients would never wake. AI said they would - and they did. Saturday, 08 September, , 3: Monday, 10 September, , 2: Science Storm clouds continue to brew over Sky River rain-making project 12 Dec Letters Are gene-edited babies safe from HIV mutations?

After I wrote this, people were telling me how much they liked it. I scoffed it off as a whatever , because, like I said, I had lost faith, even in the truth of my own words. It turned out that I was dead on.

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Exactly what I told myself to do — be patient and wait my turn — was precisely what led to me running smack into the love relationship I was waiting for. I ran into him on the subway one day and the rest was a wonderful mystery. I remain strongly connected to the part of me that wrote this letter. I remember exactly how she felt.

Dating Requires Patience

Learning to love your own company is invaluable. The biggest mistake I was making as a single person was trying to fight against, punish or shame single Ami. Instead of being an unconditional friend to her when she got dumped or went on a shitty date, I would tell her it was her fault and blame her for it. What an asshole I was to myself.

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Sometimes, during my long ass single stretch, I would get jealous watching my friends get snapped up left and right. It will never replace doctors. A misunderstanding of what it means to be perfect can result in perfectionism—an attitude or behavior that takes an admirable desire to be good and turns it into an unrealistic expectation to be perfect now. Sometimes that took a while. Of course, we should consider qualities we desire in ourselves and in a potential spouse.

If I were to be single again, I would be a lot more laid back and compassionate about the whole thing. People will impose their ideas about relationships upon you … try to ignore them.

PM Dawn - Looking Through Patient Eyes

The most annoying part about being single — aside from what an asshole I was to myself about it — was what assholes other people were to me about it. There are some things that are in your control — like choosing not to listen to people who make annoying single comments to you — but there are other things that are not.

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Like the big one: It could be five minutes or five years. The sooner that you accept that you cannot control that, the easier your life will be.

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This was a term coined by a college friend of mine. This is not meant to be negative. Understanding that people are strange, unique creatures not to be understood yourself included sometimes — especially when it comes to love and intimacy — is the most invaluable realization a single person can have. It allows you to go out on a series of horrible, mortifying dates or be rejected a stupid amount of times and shrug your shoulders and realize that it has nothing to do with you.