Simplicity Marketing: End Brand Complexity, Clutter, and Confusion

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Citations are based on reference standards. However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study.

The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization should be applied. After presenting two essential guide-posts for managers to assess where their brand sits on the stress spectrum, the authors turn to the heart of Simplicity Marketing -- the 4 R's of simplification: Replace, Repackage, Reposition, and Replenish.

Simplicity marketing : end brand complexity, clutter, and confusion (Book, ) []

Using scores of real-world company examples, Cristol and Sealey show how each of the 4 R's interacts with the others in powerful ways to relieve customer stress and how these strategies may be executed individually or in combination to build brand loyalty. Here for the first time are ten specific strategies to relieve customer stress through consolidating, aggregating, or integrating products and services, repositioning brands for morerelevance to stress reduction, and decluttering customers' decision-making requirements.

The final pages of this brilliant manifesto for a simplicity revolution provide a guide to managing simplicity strategies, leveraging information technology to simplify rather than complicate customers' lives, and integrating all the tools in the book into an executional blueprint. What is the result?

Simplicity marketing : end brand complexity, clutter, and confusion

Our mental circuit breakers are on overload. Fortunately for you, I've read the book on your behalf and have summarised the key argument below. Simplicity marketing is exactly as the name suggests - a simplified approach to marketing your products and services that breaks through the extreme cutter of competing messages.

Resent research by a prominent US advertising agency found that we are exposed to between and 2, logos, brands, and trademarks every day. Simplicity marketing argues that our capacity to comprehend this incredible volume of advertising information has reached its peak.

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The marketing solution, the book contends, is to position your brand on its ability to make your customer's life easier:. The book proposes a framework for achieving brand simplicity that it calls the 4 Rs Replace, Repackage, Reposition and Replenish. The irony in my mind, is that for a book on simplicity the framework is actually quite complicated. Perhaps the best real life example the book cites of a simplicity marketing approach is Apple's introduction of the iMac computer.

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