Sternsinger (German Edition)

Germany's 'Sternsinger' tradition

Millions of children and young people have poor future prospects and exist on the margins of society. There are million street children worldwide. Every fourth child under the age of five suffers from malnutrition. Every day, 15, children worldwide die as a result of poverty. Millions of children and young people are emotionally neglected, growing up without protection and exposed to the risk of poverty, crime or prostitution. Kindermissionswerk puts its weight behind projects that contribute directly or indirectly to improving the living conditions of children and young people.

Projects should be planned and implemented with a participatory orientation. The main focus is always on the welfare and rights of children and young people. Children and young people should be listened to actively and their concerns taken into account. Community-based programmes have priority. All funding areas are geared towards combating poverty and - in the interests of its children - increasing the society's ability to help itself.

Contacts at Kindermissionswerk are at hand with expert advice when applying for and implementing projects.

Principles and guidelines for funding projects | Kindermissionswerk "Die Sternsinger"

These principles and guidelines are designed to provide orientation to partners who wish to initiate and implement projects for helping disadvantaged children with the aid of Kindermissionswerk. After the principles of funding and the funding areas are presented and explained, detailed information is provided regarding the form in which project applications should be presented to Kindermissionswerk.

The final section outlines the accountability requirements relating to the projects. Kindermissionswerk would like these principles and guidelines to be instrumental in bringing about a real improvement in the situation of disadvantaged children in Africa, Asia, Oceania, Latin America and Eastern Europe and in the work it undertakes in partnership with local churches. In the Gospel, Jesus identified himself with children who had been excluded and called them to him: Welcoming a child means welcoming Jesus and therefore God Himself and is a fundamental act of faith and emulation.

English-German Dictionary

Given the neglect, danger and exploitation to which millions of children and young people are subjected, it is therefore the primary responsibility of Christians to provide them with security, protection and development opportunities that they need to lead a dignified life. As a Catholic donor organisation, the children's charity Kindermissionswerk full German title: Kindermissionswerk "Die Sternsinger" is especially committed to the message of the Gospel and to the Christian image of man.

This is why the organisation works to help disadvantaged children and young people to improve their life situation significantly and, in this way, to experience the liberating message of God. In the spirit of the holistic approach that the organisation takes in its work, spiritual work is also absolutely essential. From a project funding perspective, this task consists of several elements: Kindermissionswerk's work is carried out in ecumenical openness and with respect for other religions and ideologies.

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Kindermissionswerk is committed to the "preferential option for the poor" that is rooted in the Gospel. This means that, when evaluating project applications, it always takes into account the perspective of the poor and disadvantaged: Accordingly, its aid activities are focused on countries and areas that are especially disadvantaged. Here, assistance is given to children and young people who are marginalised or actively in danger: The preferential option for the poor also refers to children and young people who are not necessarily especially poor in the material sense but who have been socially and emotionally neglected.

Kindermissionswerk is primarily geared towards helping children and young people aged up to 18 years. In exceptional cases, it also helps young adults - particularly those with disabilities - insofar as they belong to the relevant youth-oriented projects or programmes supported by Kindermissionswerk. The projects and programmes help children and young people regardless of religion, origin or skin colour. Providing support to children and young people also means providing support to parents, teachers and organisations that lobby on behalf of children and young people.

Helping girls, who are particularly disadvantaged in many places, is of prime importance. The protection of the physical, mental and sexual integrity of children and young people must be ensured in all cases. Children and young people are not just beneficiaries of our aid.

Rather, they themselves also constitute a spiritual and social force aiming to change the world for the better. For this reason, the projects and programmes supported by Kindermissionswerk always aim to identify and nurture the potential of children and young people.

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To fulfil its mission, Kindermissionswerk supports first and foremost the pastoral and social initiatives of partners and partner organisations in the local churches of the project countries. Partner organisations are mainly legal holders of projects in local churches - such as dioceses, parishes, religious orders and church organisations, movements and non-governmental organisations - that represent the Christian image of man and that work to protect the rights of children and young people.

The local organisations are generally best acquainted with the local situation and know which steps are necessary and advisable for overcoming the prevailing problems. Funding provided by Kindermissionswerk should always make a contribution towards attaining justice - and, in turn, peace - for children and young people the world over.

Because of this, Kindermissionswerk's work is geared primarily towards safeguarding the rights of children and young people as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Specifically, this concerns their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights and meeting basic needs such as food, healthcare, clothing, shelter, education, etc. Safeguarding these rights is essential in enabling children and young people to break the vicious circle of poverty. Many millions of children are forced to live in an environment that is detrimental to their health and their development.

Kindermissionswerk projects should be implemented in a way that protects the environment, avoids ecological damage and maintains a world in which the current and future generations of children can live a dignified life. At the same time, they raise the awareness of children and young people of the need to preserve creation.

Kindermissionswerk's project funding aims to help the holistic development of children and young people in their family and social environment.

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Otherwise your message will be regarded as spam. Solidarity and subsidiarity The projects and programmes that are supported by Kindermissionswerk convey the solidarity of the organisation, its donors and its multipliers in Germany with disadvantaged children and young people in project countries. In this way, they compare country and sector policies, co-finance selected projects and avoid duplicate financing. The partners and target groups must be the subject of their own development; they should not become the object of aid because this would offend their human dignity. One sixth of all children - mostly girls - receive no schooling. Safeguarding these rights is essential in enabling children and young people to break the vicious circle of poverty. The preferential option for the poor also refers to children and young people who are not necessarily especially poor in the material sense but who have been socially and emotionally neglected.

It views people holistically - material needs and spiritual, emotional needs are not viewed separately but are attributed equal importance. All the support we offer takes into account both the physical and the psychological and spiritual development of young people and therefore also covers religious, cultural, social, ecological and economic aspects. The projects and programmes that are supported by Kindermissionswerk convey the solidarity of the organisation, its donors and its multipliers in Germany with disadvantaged children and young people in project countries.

By means of effective public relations work, factual information on the plight of children and young people throughout the world and by means of transparent procedures and low administration costs, Kindermissionswerk aims to maintain and strengthen this solidarity among the general public and, above all, among children in Germany. Kindermissionswerk's solidarity with the project partners and target groups is conveyed in the partner-like and professional way it implements its projects.

However, Kindermissionswerk's solidarity is based on the assumption and requirement that the project partners and local social and church-based organisations have the same solidarity with the target groups. Accordingly, not only solidarity but also the principle of subsidiarity is of fundamental importance to project work.

S stands for.... German edition

Kindermissionswerk is at hand to help where there are not enough resources available to provide adequate help. Financial support helps people to help themselves and does not replace the initiative that partners must demonstrate at the outset.

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The partners and target groups must be the subject of their own development; they should not become the object of aid because this would offend their human dignity. The partners are provided with assistance for activities undertaken on their own initiative, so that they can assume permanent responsibility for these.

It must be ensured that the target groups are involved and that their desire to help themselves is taken into account and encouraged. For every Kindermissionswerk project, partners are expected to make a contribution. Kindermissionswerk provides funding to partner organisations who help children and young people directly. This assumes that the project partners are close to the target group and that their activities also affect their direct family and social environment. If possible, they should actively include in planning and implementation those who benefit from the aid, presuming that these are old and mature enough.

Only in this way can the measures be used precisely where they are necessary and effective. The projects do not aim to help individual children and young people in need but rather to address the causes of their problems. Rather, their intention is to create fairer structures and conditions.

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The main sources we used are professionally translated company, and academic, websites. In addition, we have included websites of international organizations such as the European Union.

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Because of the overwhelming data volume, it has not been possible to carry out a manual editorial check on all of these documents. So, we logically cannot guarantee the quality of each and every translation. We are working on continually optimizing the quality of our usage examples by improving their relevance as well as the translations. In addition, we have begun to apply this technology to further languages in order to build up usage-example databases for other language pairs.

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