Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2010: Growing Left-wing Extremism and Religious Violence: Volume 3

Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (New Delhi, India)

Description Table of Contents Editor s Bio. Summary This book examines the major armed conflicts in South Asia. Table of Contents List of Tables and Figures. Armed Conflicts in South Asia: Return to Violence Kavita Suri 5. Armed Conflict in Nepal: Pakistan and Suicide Terrorism: Editor s Bio D. The Bookshelf application offers access: Offline Computer — Download Bookshelf software to your desktop so you can view your eBooks with or without Internet access. For instance, most of the countries in the region are found to be affected of different types of ethnic conflicts, terrorist attacks, separatist rebellions, interclass conflict, lawlessness, also including civil violence and civil wars.

Most of these conflicts, the states in the region have often failed to contain and manage Mathew Lange. This is particularly due to the rise of Taliban at one extreme point and the external penetration at the other.

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Similarly, the country of Sri Lanka found to be suffered from the most violent internal conflicts in the region3. This conflict has lasted for nearly three decades is found to be of serious ethno-political origin. Nepal has also seen a long standing political violence esp. The country of Bangladesh has remained victim to state-generated political violence where the army and political parties in the country often found to be waging frequent battles for control of the state. Because of the high level of poverty in Bangladesh4, the people in large numbers often immigrate into India for livelihood ibid.

India as a state though very strong state is considered to be a soft state so far its response to various issues of security is concerned.

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Because of this, there have been numbers of internal conflicts continuing in the country and getting inter-state ramifications. Due this, India continues to face numbers of major internal security challenges of various natures. While, Indian security forces are largely unable to assert their control over these conflicts, however, this has led to the growth of these conflicts and further leading to its spill over cycles6.

The internal conflicts in many of the South Asian countries also pose considerable problems at the human security level7. These conflicts may be in the form of territorial conflicts between India- Pakistan and Afghanistan- Pakistan ; cross- border terrorism between India- Pakistan ; conflict over natural resources between India- Pakistan and India- Bangladesh ; conflict s - related to immigrants and refugees between India- Bangladesh, Afghanistan- Pakistan and Nepal- Bhutan Ahemed Stuti Bhatnagar pg- 8. Over the years, both India and Pakistan have engaged in internal interventions, with India helping the division of Pakistan in and Pakistan abetting insurgencies in Punjab and Kashmir.

The Pakistani strategy involves active intervention in the affairs of India and Afghanistan in asymmetric means. Many of the terrorist incidents occur in India with the connivance of Pakistan esp. Similarly, India and Bangladesh have a conflict over unsettled borders, although its intensity is not too strong. These interstate conflicts generate internal security challenges and in turn human security problems for a large number of people, especially ethnic minorities living on both side of the border Ahemed Stuti Bhatnagar pg- 8.

The Pakistan-Afghanistan conflict is yet another interstate conflict with strong internal dimensions in the South Asian region mired with serious amount of insecurity in the Af-Pak border regions and spilling over into the extended territories Paul, T. Conflicts of Terrorism Nature, and the growth of Terrorism in the South Asian Region In South Asia, the most serious interstate and intraregional conflicts affecting the entire region are found be gradually gathering the nature of terrorism ibid.

The terrorist threat in South Asia is complex and multifaceted and has developed a transnational character that does not respect political boundaries.

Read Armed Conflicts In South Asia : Growing Left Wing Extremism And Religious Violence

Terrorist groups have exploited porous frontiers and the lack of official cooperation between states in the region to their considerable advantage8. Terrorist incidents in the region have become more frequent, while the states and governments in the region appear to be incapable to fight and defeat them. The conflict dynamics in the region now found to be growingly tending towards and gathering into the form of terrorism.

And multiplicity of terrorism has often been the principal destabilised factor in the goal of peace, stability and development in the region. In most of the cases, terrorism found to be the last instrument of success for the failed groups involved in such conflicts. In the politically diverse South Asia, many form of terrorism in the region do have a political aim and connotation.

Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2010

Because, many of the sectional groups picking up the terrorism as the best sophisticated and suitable 8http: Therefore, terrorism is highlighted as one important kind of crossover between the intrastate and interstate security challenges. According to estimates, South-Central Asia register one the highest rates of terrorist attacks in and several in the previous years Paul, T.

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For example, India the largest country in the region has recorded the largest numbers of terrorist related deaths even higher than Afghanistan and Iraq ibid Similarly, Pakistan and Afghanistan have also been the major victims of terrorism in the region. Defining the South Asian Region: Regional Integration Perspective 4. The objectives of the agreement could range from economic-to-political-to- environmental.

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Regional integration can be termed to the association of states generally based upon geographic proximity with the desire of safeguarding common interests. Therefore, this is generally defined to be as a worldwide phenomenon of territorial systems that increases the interactions between their components and creates new forms of organisation De Lombaerde, P.

This helps to increase the level of interactions on various issues of common interests including the socio-political and security issues Van Ginkel, H.

Regional integration is generally structured or organized either via supranational institutional structures or through intergovernmental decision-making, or a combination of both. Including many of the desires to be achieved12, regional integration is aimed at reducing the possibility of various conflicts esp.

However, the degree of integration in a particular region depends upon the willingness and commitment of independent sovereign states to share their sovereignty and security interests for the larger cause of 10For example, through Confidence and Security-Building Measures and adopting cohesive regional stances on policy issues such as the environment, climate change and migration.

Impediments to Regional integration There are many historical factors appear to have hindered integration in the region during colonial times.

Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2010: Growing Left-wing Extremism and Religious Violence

First, the British made no effort to construct a common and uniform governance system, second, the rule created over divided political structure by dividing the population by promoting distinct but oppositional identities. This is on the basis of which the region was later divided into fractured sovereign political units Lange, Mathew , pp.

Such a policy has fuelled the politics in the region get based on politics of ethnic and identity conflicts which in ultimate continues to be the cause of the continuation of intrastate as similar as interstate mistrusts, conflicts, and periodic wars in and among different South Asian countries Nayar, Baldev Raj pp Most seriously, the colonial impact on state organisational capacity has been seriously still impacting the region. The post-independence history of South Asian politics has been mired with ethnic competitions leading to political fall-off ultimately leading to the rise of separatist movements, institutional deterioration, and consequent state weakness Nayar, Baldev Raj pp The political weakness has also been resulted into repeated intervention of the bureaucracy and security forces, give a way to strengthen and legitimise their power and authority.

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