Environment, Health and History

Not surprisingly, dense housing occupancy and reduced economic status appear to be most significantly related to higher rates of disease and mortality, but the lack of access to fresh water and adequate sanitary facilities also were predictors of death by disease.

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She reviews the current histories of early DDT use that assert that enthusiastic programs for the eradication of insect-borne diseases always overwhelmed more sober scientific approaches and that opposition to DDT use similarly was not based on careful study of local environments.

She provides a convincing counternarrative to the burgeoning DDT scholarship of recent years. This reflective essay could be compelling reading in history of technology courses. Well-edited, and with a thorough index, Environment, Health and History deserves attention from readers of Technology and Culture.

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Darwin Stapleton is a professor of history and director of the M. Archives Track at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

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He has published several articles on public health in North America and Asia. If you would like to authenticate using a different subscribed institution that supports Shibboleth authentication or have your own login and password to Project MUSE, click 'Authenticate'.

Environmental health

The environment is currently a matter of international public and academic concern, but is often considered separately from health issues. This book brings. The environment and health are not always considered in the same breath. In , when the Lancetpublished a special issue on the impact of climate change .

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The History of Environmental Health and Safety

This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Without cookies your experience may not be seamless. Thursday, November 3, to Saturday, December 31, The workshop is open to the public and there is no registration fee.

Technology and Culture

Occupational hazard Hierarchy of hazard controls Prevention through design Exposure assessment Occupational exposure limit Occupational epidemiology. Occupational health Since the late s, the Department of Environmental Health has provided industrial hygiene services to the state. Sometimes these changes are for the better, while other times they may perhaps be seen as simply responding to external pressure as a purely reactionary manner, or simply due to random chance. The following are the guidelines for Environmental Health and Safety: Environmental health concerns include:.

Registered participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. The interaction between health and the environment is a central theme to both environmental and medical history.

The importance of the interaction has been implicitly acknowledged, and sometimes explicitly explored, in, for instance, the histories of hospitals, sanatoriums and other medical institutions, drugs and medication, the relationships between chemicals and other pollutants, ecosystems and human health, food and nutrition. The intricate and dynamic interplay between the environment and health is a burgeoning field of research in environmental history and environmental humanities.

Introduction to Environmental Health

A host of complex subfields such as environmental health, gender and social vulnerability have been integrated into their studies. In environmental philosophy, vital values like human and ecosystem health, symbiotic interactions and biodiversity have been seen as important basic values for the common good of humans and nature.

Our two-day workshop seeks to explore the environment, health, and their points of contact in historical contexts. We invite individual papers, sessions and posters on any theme, topic, or period related to the history of the environment or medicine and health, and especially welcome papers exploring the intersection of the two themes. Presenters with background in environmental and medical humanities, medicine or environmental sciences, and environmental philosophy and philosophy of values are also welcome, providing there is a historical perspective in their presentations.

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The workshop will take place in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Oulu. The Oulu University Linnanmaa main campus is located about 6 km from the city centre. The Linnanmaa Campus map can be found here.