The Truth About Tithing: You havent got it yet, but you want 2 be prosperous

If you have only begun tithing, it is a walk in the direction of God and will be opposed by evil forces. Watch your heart too—as apostle Paul says, God loves a joyful giver. Also try reading the bible yourself, it will change your life x in love paul. I have to say that it has opened the doors for God to bless us. We are in the middle of a storm in our marriage and with our finances. We have moved from a 2 bedroom apartment to 1 bedroom efficency studio.

I felt the need to tithe to trust God. My husband agreed, I think for him it was more out of knowing it was the right thing to do. I had been very scared to do so because many weeks we were lucky to have gas for our cars, let alone food for the week.

Tips to put more money in your pocket & Biblical principles on how to handle it.

But most of all, He has given me a clarity of mind. I am able to see more of where all the money needs to go. I remember when my baby gal was born i was confused of how i will manage to tithe and at the same time open an account for my baby to be saving every month for her education but God is faithfull out of know where i got a raise in my salary. I am a born again Christian, and my love for God and others is unquestionable. I am in debt, and I live only with the bare necessities, and my wife and 4 kids suffer from my debts. I have tested God with my giving over and over, and I end up further and further in debt.

If I give, half the time the check bounces, or if I give cash, other bills go unpaid and I get more late fees and go further into debt. I finally have stopped trying to give money to the church and I am barely able to meet my monthly expenses. I give my time and use my gifts to help others in the church when I can. That is all I have and it is all I can do. If I give financially, my family literally goes hungry or suffers some other way. I have a good paying full time job and a not so good paying part time job.

I work at least 70 hours a week to try and keep up. It still is not enough to pay for all the debt I have incurred. I am so tired all the time and this debt is so heavy. I have been crying out to God and all I get is silence in this matter. I pray for others and he answers almost immediately. I only have My house roof leaks and it is literally rotting away. I have mold all over the ceilings, most of the windows are cracked and it gets very cold at night.


Half of my electrical wiring is unplugged because of shorts in the wiring. The vehicle that my wife drives is falling apart and I can barely keep it running. If God were to hand me a k tomorrow, I might be able to fix up the place to make it livable. I am eventually going to have to get a loan to fix some of these things, but how am I suppose to pay for it? My faith is so stretched when it comes to my finances, and yet I know my Jesus lives from my past experiences. I do not understand why he wants to keep me so oppressed, what good am I to him this way?

Read battlefield of the mind by joyce meyer it may have answers to your questions, it has helped me and my faith is being tested and the building of my character! Just to share with you I am close to understanding the pain you felt. My dad was an baby that was sold to another family for good luck. He was never in a loving environment and joined secret society which landed him in jail. It was hard for him to get a job after that. My mum was from a broken home with a lot of internal trifle.

My parents got together but never had a proper wedding ceremony , just a registration of marriage with a fren as witness. My mum was emotionally wrecked and tried committing suicide by drinking some poison while pregnant with me. She was admitted to hospital and doc say she might lose me. My dad being a avid gambler was guilty and kneel down at the hospital and prayed for both our safety. My mum and I was saved.

That became the 1st miracle. But even after that we were not allowed to stay in my paternal grandparents house as they hated us then and insulted us and tried to get us out of the house. We slept out in streets , in bus interchange , with me as a baby in my parents arms. Lots of borrowing of money from everyone they knew just to get by another day.

Later they managed to rent a 1 room apartment , when they ran out of milk powder they tried to feed me porridge when I was 1 month old and I nearly choked. My dad cried even today when he told me how it sear his heart to see me choked then. After staying there for some time, there is a catholic nun that went door to door to give out daily necessities. She also gave a little money every time she replenish our food supplies. Hearing that retrospectively , that is when I know God will not abandon anyone of us. After receiving so many blessing in form of food and money , my parents decided to leave and they thanked the nun there.

My mum also got to know Roman Catholics are quite loving. Sometimes , they would carry bags of clothes and sit in park till morning while i was a toddler. My parents also engaged the help of nannies. I had 8, but I think some of them are not paid. My dad worked odd jobs but it was still hard to have a permeant roof over out head. One day my dad saw a newspaper which a church is employing a caretaker.

He went for the interview and was employed. The pastor mentioned a year later he chose my dad out of many candidates as the Holy spirit moved him. Life got better , I enrolled into the kindergarten in the church and got free education. We stayed for a year and when I completed my pre school , the principle spoke to my dad as she wanted to refer me to a good primary school and with the recommendation letter she wrote I walk into one of the top school in Singapore.

My parent then got an apartment and they had my younger brother. My dad started his business and it was failing and there are lots of trouble and my parents quarrel daily. All these were compelling reasons for me to drop school and be rebellious. But ironically ,studying became my solace and I made in to the university. During my critical years in u iversity it was the Asian financial crisis and my dad lost lots of money , my mum keep wanting divorce and my brother was rebellious. I was the only breadwinner of the house , earning from tuition and had to support my tuition fee, the housing loan of family and have to appear everything is normal while I am in campus.

Going home to se my electricity get terminate and we have to consume evrything im the fridge quickly and getting wierd eyeful from neighbours. Sometimes just to get the electricity get restored i would used up,all i saved from my work to,pay off the debt. Later I got a debt collecting job in a bank through help from a fren and our financial situation turned around.

I prepare myself all the time and take courses. Guess what , God had arranged for a job for me and I ended up working in a top tier investment bank. God gave me all the wisdom to know how to make a living and to live a life abundantly. So why am I writing my life story here? I just want to say , no matter how hard , God is there with you. By not having fear you are having faith. Keep praying and in times like this draw closer to God then ever before even cos from my little understanding — He is only what all of us have. Work with what you have. I am not a seasoned tither and has no right to say anything about tithing but if you give cos you love God , I think there is a joy in your hearts that will shout and gve you peace.

Go about your work the best you can. Praise and worship Him all the more. And go about your work the best you can and in all your ways consider him ,his opinion and pray to him. If you tithe or give it shows that God co owns what you have hence your estate be taken care of. Big tribulation big glory , small tribulation small glory , and His strength is made perfect in your weakness.

I hoped my long winded sharing can help in anyway, feel free to drop me an email anytime. You look like a real locomotive and your family is blessed to have you as a dad when so many others give up under the same odds as you have been facing. Still others have no jobs. I live outside of the U. I would rather remind you of something Apostle Paul was told by God when he complained to God about an infirmity.

I do not know how long your financial challenges will last Ryan, but I believe that because of your own testimony about Jesus living that you will quickly be delivered from the weight of that burden. I hope these words may give you some consolation in the meantime. I have to totally agree that giving is very important. I recently started increasing my giving and immediately started noticing increase in all areas of my life. I use Luke Since then I have never been short on a bill or lack for anything.

I usually end up with more at the end of the month than anticipated. In a very short time I started getting bonuses on my job, extra hours , unexpected increase on my tax refund and good sales savings at stores. The bottom line is.. Just remember if you reap sparingly you will reap sparingly and if you sow bountifully you will also sow bountifully.

Ryan My husband and I have been where you are now. My husband lost his job in early By June our house was foreclosed on. We moved to another state where cost of living was much lower and we would be closer to family. We thought it would be temporary until we got back on our feet. Neither of us could even qualify for unemployment benefits.

So now we had no vehicle at all and barely any money coming in. Now my husband and I considered ourselves Christians, but we were not real good about regular church attendance. When the church started doing Free dinners on Friday nights in order to help out the community…well, we were barely eating as it was so of course we took advantage of any opportunity for a free meal! So we started going regularly, and I started going to a weekly womens bible study. They told him they would be happy to give him a job if he could just get there. I was just praying day and night.

I knew God was the only one that could help us at that point. This was completely out of the blue, we had not even talked to anyone since we found out about the problems with the car. My husband left the next morning to go start his new job about miles away. We also paid back all the amounts they had paid for the car etc. My husband really struggled with this too…always feeling like HE needed to be the one to take care of us and get us out of this situation.

Always thinking that if HE just worked harder etc. Get those thoughts out of your head! His ways are better than ours. In our situation help ended up coming from other people…offering to do something for us that we could never have imagined. The day things changed for us is the day we found out the car repair that we just spent all our money on was still not going to get the car running. My husband spent several hours in the rain trying everything he could possibly think of trying to get that car running. We were both so scared knowing we had no money for groceries or electric bill. Now my husband is a survivalist type…in 14 yrs.

But, that is the moment that everything changed. We ended up finding an incredible deal on a new home. It was a brand new home that a man had built, but then ended up passing away after living in it for only a couple months. His kids decided to rent it out. Even the deposit they requested was only half of what everyone else with old run down homes was asking for.

And the really crazy thing is that I had a whole list of houses to go look at, but my husband ended up having to work on the day we planned to go look at them. By the time we actually got a chance to go look…this house was the only one that was still available!

I truly feel that this is where God intented for us to be. And even way better than we ever imagined. We are trying out a new budget so that we can start getting an emergency fund built up. Ryan-you are in my prayers. Ryan — you and your family are in my prayers. We are, however, to be obedient to Him and His Word and I feel confident that your obedience as evidenced in your post will pay huge dividends.

Please consider the plight of Job and how richly God eventually blessed Job for his faithfulness. Rhonda — Your testimony brought tears to my eyes. It never fails to amaze me how loving and faithful is our awesome God. I spent many years going to church and studying the Word on a sporadic basis at best.

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Some months ago, wanting to avoid personally experiencing Revelation 3: Part of that decision was a commitment to tithe and give. Admittedly, before this decision was made I was doing ok financially, though I never seemed to have any money left over after bills, etc. I would like to pose a question to any one interested in responding. Over the next few days, I remember finding some money in multiple random places. Just the fact that I remember this seemingly insignificant incident from roughly 35 years ago now makes me believe that I received a lesson from our wonderful Father.

I was just reading how Jesus rebuked the Jewish leaders for teaching people to give to the synagogue instead of helping out their parents. If my parents need money, is it right to tithe instead of giving that money to my parents? I was pondering on the same thought and was lead that tithing can be many forms tithing to a church, etc and helping others who need it you might be a blessing to them in a way you may never have thought. Let me answer your question with another question: How much do you trust HIm? Dont put Him in a box. He is bigger than your problem. The money that you do have is already His.

How can you expect Him to give you more money to care of your bills, etc. Anything that comes with no sacrifice is worthless to Him. He sacrificed His Son so we could be saved. What are you willing to sacrifice. I was on line looking for answers. Right now I live in a house owned by a friend who is a hoarder, I filed for bankruptcy, and I have heart disease and lung disease. I receive social security and beg borrow where ever to try to live and to help my Goddaughter.

God loves me so much. I alot of people know me and I help a lot of people …. I know one or two pastors who I would give my tithe to…or I could put it in the box of a little church whose doors are always open and where people go to pray at anytime…or I could give it to help and rescue animals which is were I really want to give it … Ultimately I will ask God but I would like some feedback on what you guys think. Would you please clarify what the correct tithing is for a christian? Where exactly in the bible is the truth about tithing and explain why it would be gross versus net or visa versa.

I have a pretty similar story; I will start from the beginning of mine. I am a newly saved Christian, previously I was thinking good works would get me there but once I was corrected a whole new world opened up to me and I quickly realized I needed to tithe. My boyfriends father always tithed even when making minimum wage with 4 children, and his mother never really approved. Using common sense I believe his father continued to tithe after their divorce and his mother did not.

Their lives are polar opposites; he lives in a huge home and drives a nice car. That was a big motivator for me, to be able to see the rewards not only by the items God had gifted his father with but the level of happiness in comparison. As a completely single mother I was a teen mother and have never received any additional support emotionally or financially I definitely struggle financially. What will my daughter miss out on? Most of all, just where in the world was I going to find this money!?

So, I sat down and wrote out my budget when everyone was out of the office on lunch. I went to the kitchen to make my lunch and just prayed about it. I see this money that comes into my account every week not as my own, but Gods. I am so lucky to be with a man who understands, supports and motivates me to not only tithe but follow Christ any way possible. Low and behold, the very next morning they did: I love that you said if you are not a happy giver to pray about it and God will change this. Thanks for allowing me to share my story!

I can only hope it will help someone who is considering NOT tithing. I wanted to share my short testimony on tithing. About four months ago I was out of work and desperate for even a minimum wage job just to make ends meet. I prayed and told the Lord that when he provided me with a job I would promise to tithe whatever income I brought in. I later got a job through a friend. Two months passed and the end of my lease was up. I thought my mom and I would end up homeless as we did not even have money for a deposit for a place to stay. My mom ended up finding a place that she had lived in before and the women who worked at the lease office offered her a place with no deposit.

Not only that the rent would be cheaper compared to those who have the same exact apartment. Recently the Lord put it on my heart that I needed to move out of state. I received a call out of blue from my aunt who offered for me to move with her for free. Not only that, she bought me a computer and a new bed and is paying for my ticket to see her. He took over five cities and forced the people to pay tribute to him. Finally, they revolted and there was a battle in which King Chedorlaomer won.

He also took Lot and his family as prisoners. Lot was Abram's nephew. When Abram heard the news, he went out with his servants and attacked at night. Abram won a great victory and brought back Lot with his family and servants and all the goods. On his way home he met Melchizedek. Then Abram gave tithes to Melchizedek of all that he had gained in battle. I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. This was the blessing given to Abram, because he tithed.

My tithing experience

The Bible states that Abraham as his name was changed was not only the father of the Israelites as pertaining to the flesh, but the father of all of them that believe, as pertaining to the faith. When we lived for the world, we were robbed of everything and became prisoners of the devil. Abraham went out and brought back all that was taken by King Chedorlaomer, who represents satan in this passage of Scripture. Melchizedek was a type of Jesus. When we believe in Jesus Christ, we become the victors who are translated from death, hell and the position of the devil's slaves, to life, heaven and the position of God's children; just as Abraham triumphed in the battle and recovered all that was taken away.

We not only become victors, but we also become eligible to partake of the sacraments of holy communion. So when we pay our tithes, the same blessing that was given to Abraham comes to us. There are a lot of Christians today who do not enjoy the blessings which are available to every Christian, because they do not tithe.

When we pay our tithes to God, it becomes the expression of our faith in God's blessing. What do the blessing and assurance which Abraham received from God mean to us? In biblical times, a shield was used to protect the body in battle. While we live on this earth, our enemy, the Devil, brings us temptation, tribulation, trouble, agony and sorrow time and again.

But if we pay our tithes, God becomes our shield and makes us overcomers. If God is our shield and our shelter, we need never to worry. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night". Therefore we can boldly confess our faith: Today, the reward which the world pays is extremely futile. The wealth, glory and honour of the world are always fickle, and we will lose tomorrow what we gain today. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away.

The reward God promised to Abraham was not a reward which rusts or is eaten by cankerworms. The great Lord God who made heaven and earth has become our reward, and He pays the reward of abundance and prosperity: The blessing which will be poured out for us, due to tithing, cannot be written more certainly and correctly than this. This passage of Scripture is true, for God cannot lie.

When we pay our tithes to acknowledge the sovereignty of God, there are several things we must be careful about. First, we must give "all the tithes". We must give the precise amount: If we interpret the regulation of the tithe freely, as we like, and give thank offerings, Sunday offerings and alms out of the tithe, that is not paying all the tithe. We must keep our tithe intact. As for other offerings and alms, we can give them according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is written, " God promised that He would give us two blessings if we keep these two conditions. One is the blessing to protect us from disaster.

However large our income may be, if we encounter a succession of disasters, we may be in worse condition than if we had no income at all.

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If I go to a restaurant and sit down and say, "I'll have a hamburger and fries and a milkshake," and they say, "I'm sorry we have no food here," I am not going to hang around there too long. Above all, giving should be a matter between the Holy Spirit and the believer, not a regulation. We are to be investors, not dreamers. One is the blessing to protect us from disaster. I am eventually going to have to get a loan to fix some of these things, but how am I suppose to pay for it? You'll have enough to give.

The other is the blessing of inner strength. Though we make a lot of money, if illness and trouble strike us, our money disappears like "water poured down the drain. So we see that paying tithes is an act by which we acknowledge the sovereignty of God and practice obedience. It is the key of faith with which we can open the door of blessings prepared for us by Jesus Christ.

By accepting Jesus Christ as our Saviour, we have acknowledged the spiritual sovereignty of God, and by giving our tithes we have admitted His supreme power over the material world. When we are obedient, it follows that God's blessings come to us and we prosper in all things.

Tithing is defined as the crucial test of stewardship. It is the only revealed method of acknowledging the sovereignty of God. Nevertheless, we shall cling to that definition for the purpose of this study. Worship is any act or attitude by which the relative position of God and man is established. Ownership of all things is vested in God alone by virtue of His creative and sustaining activity. This includes all things of material value and such intangible factors as time, energy and talent.

Before man ever emerged, everything necessary to his sustenance was provided and stored in "knockdown" form. Man is a unique creation, given dominion over the earth and all its creatures, and charged with the administration of the whole. This accountability applies to all mankind, whether or not he acknowledges it and whether or not he is a Christian. His first responsibility is to God, but he is also responsible to society and to the earth itself, in an ecological sense.

Man has suddenly come to the realisation that the resources of this planet are not inexhaustible. Forests are ravaged, oceans of oil sucked dry, minerals depleted, and the four inches of topsoil, standing between man and starvation, exhausted. Stewardship, as exemplified in the tithe, was declared in primeval law. When Adam was given custody of the Garden of Eden it was necessary that he be taught the difference between possession and ownership.

Its difference and its significance lay in the prohibition. By that prohibition, therefore, Adam was continually reminded of his dependence upon another. As long and only as long as he honoured the tree, he declared the sovereignty of God and made the distinction between ownership and possession. The tree, therefore, represents the tithe. There are those who disparage the tithe because, they say, it does not represent their true ability to give. These kingly souls who will give a fifth, or a half, or 90 per cent, and who judge their proportion not by what they give, but by what they have left, deserve the admiration of us all.

But they miss the very genius of the tithe. They make three mistakes:. Tithing is stewardship in microcosm because it is the acknowledgement, not the payment, of an obligation. It does not imply, as is sometimes sincerely stated, "Ten percent belongs to God and 90 percent belongs to me. Many expedients have been devised to evade the tithe. One which needs examination is the seemingly plausible "proportionate giving".

The Spiritual Aspects of Finances

Buy The Truth About Tithing: You haven't got it yet, but you want 2 be prosperous: Read 2 Kindle Store Reviews - It's an old secret that works yet has been virtually forgot- (give and subsequently receive) in ever increasing amounts, is to and find” the prosperity principles, which I wrote into my book, How to Achieve . Perhaps there is a great talent to whom you want to tithe. . Each person needs to learn the spiritual truth and use it.

On the surface it seems to honour the tithe, but when it is honestly stated it simply means a man should give whatever proportion he may be able to afford. In practise with exceptions it amounts to insignificant amounts. In the face of overwhelming obligations no one can "afford" the tithe. Other expedients seem to have been devised because they have promise of producing more money.

Giving is urged as the pathway to riches. And there is the "prestige syndrome" where offerings are taken under such circumstances that the subscribers gain status in the eyes of the onlookers. That vast sums of money are necessary to adequately evangelise the world is beyond question. Other funds can be used in outreach programs. But underneath the use of the money that is acquired lies a much more important principle. The tithe is primarily an act of worship, and the money is a by-product.

The value of the individual in the sight of God cannot be overstated. Stewardship involves not only the payment of the tithe, but also duties to family, neighbourhood, and society as a whole. A monstrous thing hangs over our civilisation.

It makes money both a menace and a madness. Extravagance and vulgar display abound in politics, sports, love, and romance. It makes one wish to revert to an earlier age, to warn our congregations against the vanity of worldly wealth, and to declare that the pursuit of money enfeebles the spiritual life.

But it is not so! It is our task, rather, to drive away the unclean vapours that have fogged the face of money. We cannot create an artificial environment where we can live above such sordid considerations. We must live in this world as it actually is and find our saving grace in reverent stewardship.

Value should mean to us spiritual energy, and money is only the token of its presence. Stewardship is to understand its high calling of partnership. We are to be investors, not dreamers. We are to understand the miracle of value, which came from God, turn it into money, and then send it forth into the world again to work the works of God.

We remind ourselves again that tithing is stewardship in microcosm. Here is the nucleus, the "chromosomal chain", from which springs the finished product. In the nature of things it is unlikely that more than a few of us will be captains of industry for Christ. Some of us ought not to be rich in this life. But there are none who need to be deficient in loyalty and integrity.

That You May Prosper

Thus, on whatever scale, everyone can be a steward. The paying of tithes is the Christian way of denying the dominance of the world. The tither escapes the stranglehold imposed by the love of money, for he has elected to live by another principle and serve another sovereign. In the face of overwhelming obligations - the necessity to feed and clothe his family, to educate his children, to pay his just debts on time - he has elected to live by another principle and to set apart a portion of his living as a personal acknowledgement of and for God.

Tithing thus becomes a therapeutic agent cleansing the life of selfishness. It is God's way of sanctifying our business life - the production of "mammon". Money is not evil per se, but it does seem endowed with an evil. The tithe diverted from God, or the tithe reserved and not paid, is as dangerous as a ticking time bomb.

Tithed money is sanctified money. The payment of the tithe and the investment of additional funds in the work of God is a transmutation of value from earthly to heavenly treasure. Thus, the payment of the tithe is a simple act of honesty by which the position of the Lord as sovereign and the position of man as subordinate are established. The payment of the tithe represents a portion of life contributed. It should not be casual repetition, a weary gesture toward peer conformity, or a tacit acceptance of a supposed legality.

It should be a conscious act of worship in which a substantial portion of one's life is laid down as a promise that all of life and its resources are at the disposal of the Lord. When this understanding is shared by a congregation, the time of offering becomes a moment of great significance. Mastery is the natural habitat of man. He was created to have dominion, and all nature was programmed to give him that place. This dominion, but not the hunger for it, was lost in the Fall. That drive, rather than being the benevolent rulership originally intended, has resulted in tyranny, despotism, and war.

Because dominion was lost through the misappropriation of God's token of ownership - the tree - so it must be regained by reaffirmation of the principle of His sovereignty. There is one continuing analogy which embodies the same interrelation as did the tree, and that is the tithe. To pay the tithe is to restore the harmony of structure and function existent before the Fall. This restoration is not perfect, because the original sin not only wrought judicial condemnation, but also warped and distorted all the creation which lay under the influence of man.

Not until the restoration of all things, shall we see the perfection of restoration. There is a harmony of truth throughout God's creation. From micro-particles in atomic orbit to wheeling galaxies in space, all move with ordained precision. All that is truth is supported on every hand by parallel forces converging on the ultimate destiny chosen of God. The portal of entrance to this harmony of energy is at the point where God's sovereignty is acknowledged, and man once again assumes his proper place in the scheme of things.

The task of the preacher, therefore, is to bring man into harmony with the eternal purpose of God by the presentation of the truth. The central core of that truth is what we know by the name of stewardship - God as sovereign, man as subordinate; God as owner, man as possessor.

For man, that truth begins with the payment of the tithe. By such acknowledgement he places himself as a voyager in the stream of purpose and is carried forward in harmony with all else that moves in the will of God.

Starting to tithe

The church is the divinely ordained successor of the tribe of Levi, which in ancient days was appointed to receive "all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they served". If the Israelite was not permitted to "dedicate" his tithe, but was required faithfully to devote it to the purpose for which God had already dedicated it, the obligation rested upon fundamental reason; it was neither local nor arbitrary.

Surely Christian intelligence will recognise the same holy obligation. If honour is required to set apart a tenth in acknowledgement of God's ownership, then honour is certainly required to administer that tenth in accordance with God's revealed purpose. The very genius of the tithe is that it must be administered by another. To designate the tithe is to change its status from tithe to offering.

The exaltation of the affluent and the diminution of the less fortunate are avoided, while the ministry of the church is rediscovered and manifested. The establishment of a tithing program, and after that a partnership with God in the evangelisation of the world would require a second seminar. Suffice it to say, we must see the Bible as the source, the pastor as the energiser, and the church as the vehicle.

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There are many mysteries in life, and one of them is certainly the mystery of affluence. Why does one man succeed and another fail? All across the country we meet men who have become embittered because they attempted to live the philosophy that all Christians ought to travel "first class", and have suffered severe losses. We shall never be able to answer all the questions and solve all the problems.

It would seem to me, however, that any fault there may be lies in the wrong goals. It is not the acquisition of money as such which should govern the Christian steward, but the establishment of an honourable relationship with God. It is not required of stewards that they be successful, but that they be faithful. The steward will not reach the apex of his career in this life - there is another.

We are either voyagers in the stream of God's purpose, or we are taking shortcuts across that stream and suffering the buffetings of adverse fate. There is a place where the windows of heaven are open. The foundation of God's financial program, is found in tithing. Tithing is the launching pad for all giving. Tithing is not the only giving we are to do.

Tithing is simply the foundation. If you don't tithe, your giving is not going to get too far, because you missed the foundation. A lot of people have given and they thought they were doing good, but their foundation was not laid right, so all they did was lose their money. But when you follow God's financial program and you tithe and give in God's way, you don't lose anything. And God will bring it back to you many, many times above what you've given.