Inside The Veins

Your Heart & Blood Vessels

Being overweight puts extra pressure on your veins, which means they have to work harder to send the blood back to your heart. The impact of body weight on the development of varicose veins appears to be more significant in women. Some research suggests jobs that require long periods of standing may increase your risk of getting varicose veins. During pregnancy, the amount of blood increases to help support the developing baby.

This puts extra strain on your veins.

Increased hormone levels during pregnancy also cause the muscular walls of the blood vessels to relax, which also increases your risk. Varicose veins may also develop as the womb uterus begins to grow. As the womb expands it puts pressure on veins in your pelvic area, which can sometimes cause them to become varicose.

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Read more about varicose veins during pregnancy. Skip to main content. In some cases, clusters of spider veins can look like bruises. While it is rare your spider veins would turn into a serious condition, they are visible and can make you feel self-conscious about your legs.

Your Veins

Veins are blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart. Most veins carry deoxygenated The interior is lined with endothelial cells called tunica intima. A layer of membranous tissue on the inside; A layer of thin bands of smooth muscle in Veins only appear blue when seen through the skin.

Varicose veins occur when blood flows in the wrong direction, causing the blood to pool and the vein to swell. This is typically found in the legs and if you have varicose veins you may suffer from fatigue, aching of the leg, itching, etc.

Increased risk

The veins will twist, bulge and are visible on the outside of the leg. Males and females are both prone to spider and varicose veins. But, certain risk factors may make one person more prone to them than another, including:. A vascular expert must assess your problem veins to determine the right course of treatment. Some options are sclerotherapy or endovenous ablation. There are new technologies and treatments constantly being researched and brought into practice. Your vein expert can educate you on the best options.

Self-care can also be performed to help alleviate symptoms and possibly prevent further problem veins from developing.

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Treatment for problem veins not only make you feel better; they make you look better too. To ensure the veins do not come back, you must keep up with your follow-up appointments.

Also, follow any self-care instructions provided to you. Your First Name required. Your Last Name required. Your Phone Number required. How Do Leg Veins Work?

Varicose veins - symptoms, causes, treatment

How Blood is Returned to the Heart Blood must flow upward throughout your body to make it back to the heart — working against gravity. Common Issues About Problem Leg Veins There is a lot to understand about problematic leg veins, so to determine which treatment is best, you must first identify the type of problem you have. Iliofemoral Venous Overflow Obstruction Iliofemoral venous overflow obstruction occurs when the vein becomes blocked or narrowed and prevents blood from circulating back to the heart.

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Spider and Varicose Veins Your legs are full of tiny blood vessels that sit just below the surface of the skin. But, certain risk factors may make one person more prone to them than another, including: