Why Say No When the World Says Yes? Resisting Temptation in an Immoral World

Earliest known example of a similar quote comes from a usenet post not attributed to Wilde Attributed to Wilde on Goodreads some time on or before January Bears some resemblance to Machiavelli's deathbed dream.

Drop It - Joel Osteen

Misattributed [ edit ] Why was I born with such contemporaries? I'm not young enough to know everything.

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Illusion is the first of all pleasures. For a complete review see the misattributed quotation entry at Oscar Wilde in America. Everyone Else Is Already Taken. Anonymous advertising copywriter for Menards chain of hardware stores , according to Quote Investigator.

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  • Why Say No When the World Says Yes? Resisting Temptation in an Immoral World!

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This page was last edited on 4 July , at If you are a teenager or young adult, you know how the world views morality. You live in an age preoccupied with erotic entertainment, sexually oriented advertising, dirty dancing, vulgar humor, and premarital sex.

Oscar Wilde

You hear it all—at school, in the movies, and in popular music. What is rare today is to find someone willing to speak up in favor of virtue, modesty, sexual res If you are a teenager or young adult, you know how the world views morality. What is rare today is to find someone willing to speak up in favor of virtue, modesty, sexual restraint, and morality.

A young person trying to withstand the temptations so prevalent in our permissive society might feel alone in trying to resist temptation and live a morally clean life.

All the desperate and misguided voices make it sound as if everybody's doing it. Well, everybody isn't doing it. The Church has not abandoned its stand on morality, and there are important, eternal reasons to safeguard your virtue and shun evil. Many teenagers and young adults have taken a stand on this issue, and the essays in this book will help you strengthen your resolve. With authors who remember what it was like to be young but also see the big picture can give the answers to questions you may have: Why shouldn't I date until I am sixteen?

What does it matter if I want to go steady? Who should I rightfully kiss?

Oscar Wilde - Wikiquote

What exactly is wrong with necking and making out? What can I do if my date puts the moves on me? Does the way I dress have anything to do with anything? What can I do when everybody at school makes fun of me because I'm still a virgin? Does getting engaged change the rules?

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Why should I wait until after I'm married to share myself sexually? Hardcover , pages.

Why Say No When The World Says Yes: Resisting Temptation in an Immoral World [Randal A. Wright] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Resisting Temptation in an Immoral World - Kindle edition by Randal A. Wright. taking and highlighting while reading Why Say No When the World Says Yes?.

Published first published November 9th To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Resisting Temptation in an Immoral World , please sign up. Lists with This Book.

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This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Sep 03, John Sorensen rated it liked it. This is a good book for when you have teenagers.