A Trace of Moonlight

A Trace of Moonlight picks up right after the cliffhanger of A Sliver of Shadow where Abby makes the personal sacrifice and drinks the water of lethe in an attempt to save her friends. What struck me upon beginning this series was the writing. Oh, what lovely writing! Here is an author who chooses her words with care and precision. I thoroughly enjoyed how Pang uses the first-person POV.

a Trace of Moonlight by Allison Pang. | eBay

As a result, neither do we. Pang lets the story unfold in an organic way and as a result we, the reader, get to experience all the delicious confusion that Abby is experiencing. We learn as Abby learns. Pang does not attempt to cheat the first-person POV rules just to put the reader at ease or to break her consummate balance between Show v Tell.

With Pang, we do not get loads of information-dump. She uses sensation and sense memory to create powerful and poignant scenes such as this one from A Brush of Darkness: Helpless, I let the memory wash over me, a bittersweet wave tinged by the copper taste of blood and the blinding gleam of headlights.

When I first read that paragraph, the beauty of that prose stopped me in my reading tracks. I like it when an author drops me in the middle of the story and introduces terms, ideas and characters without explicitly defining them right up front. It requires me to squirrel away information to piece together like a puzzle. It draws me into the story and involves me in the mystery of it all.

Pang masterfully pulls all the pieces together as the story develops so that in the end, it all makes sense — at least to the degree that Abby understands it. It really is a great ride. Abby will make a decision with the information she has in the moment, act on that decision and accept the consequences of that action — and there are consequences!

She will admit her TSTL too stupid to live moments and do whatever she can to mitigate the situation often willing to put herself up as sacrifice to save those she cares about. Her ability to see a person for who they are despite outward appearances is a transformative act of pure grace. It was a pleasure to see her world through her eyes. Brystion, at times, broke my heart. His level of self awareness of what he was and his ultimate acceptance of that even in the face of loathing it was painful to experience.

The archetypal pattern of the incubus similar to vampire at its core is based on the need to feed off of others to survive. Something he is well aware of. Archetypal patterns are in themselves neutral; however they can manifest in both Light and Shadow ways. In so doing, he transforms what could be so easily be a Shadow archetypal pattern into a Light manifestation of it. He wants his relationship with Abby to be more of an exchange rather than a one-way feeding. His steadfast refusal to take anything that is not freely given despite his own needs is admirable. In this third installment, Brystion gets to experience something he has always wanted but could never have.

It brings him both joy and sorrow. In the end, he will have to decide what he is willing to sacrifice in order to keep it. I must admit a soft-spot for Talivar, the elven Prince. As for archetypal patterns that a character needs to transform, the Martyr would seem to fit Talivar of course, he is more than just that. The archetypal pattern of the Martyr is one who endures suffering that may either be self-imposed or in the service of others. Even after Talivar was so grievously wounded by his father and essentially cast-out of the Seelie court, he still longed to return and did so.

But his physical presence in the Seelie court was something tolerated rather than accepted. He so craved to be accepted and suffered for it. Talivar will have to decide if he is willing transform the Martyr and let go of his desire to be accepted by his family in order step into the role that is waiting for him with the Unseelie court.

While the romance element is a significant aspect to the storyline, the action of the plot is front-and-center and the romance element orbits around that. Normally, I dislike love triangles. Somebody always gets hurt and knowing that inevitability puts a serious buzzkill on my hopeful romantic self. Having said that, if a love triangle must be part of a story, Pang approaches the subject in an artful way. The relationship that Abby has with Brystion book 1 comes across just as real as the one that later develops between her and Talivar book 2.

Each relationship is unique to the blending of the individuals involved. The secondary characters felt just as real and fleshed out as the primary characters. Their presence added depth to the story whereby their absence would have been felt. So often, secondary characters serve little more than to act as a foil to the main character s.

But Pang weaves them into the story and makes them integral to the over-arching series plot line. Melanie, Nobu, Sonja, Moira — any one of them could easily have their own stories to tell.

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I really enjoyed learning more about Melanie and Nobu in A Trace of Moonlight as they came to play key roles at the conclusion of this series. I raised my voice, craning my head over the shelves, trying to remember whatever bits of unicorn lore I knew. Overall, I loved this series and I highly recommend it. Mar 23, FV Angela rated it really liked it Shelves: Review originally posted at http: The second book, A Sliver of Shadow, ended in a huge cliffhanger.

I absolutely loved the first book in the series, and when I read the reviews about the second book and heard about this cliffhanger I made the executive decision to wait and read book two and three together. At the end of A Sliver if Shadow Abby has, once again, sacrificed herself for her friends and family. She has agreed to be the tithe to the Devil in exchange for the lives of Brystion and Talivar and has brokered a deal with the Unseelie Court in order to help the Queen.

She ended up being tricked and in the last paragraph is forced to drink a potion that will erase her memory of everything. It seems like Abby is always giving so much of herself for everyone else, and getting so very little back. In fact, the only friend she has that even comes close to being completely loyal to her is her wonderful sidekick, Phineas.

The impression I was left with at the end of the second book was that Abby has all these supposed friends, and lovers and family who she gives her all to, but who never give their all back. It makes me feel a little sad for her. In the opening of A Trace of Moonlight, Abby is wandering through the dreaming unaware of who she is, while in the meantime her friends are looking for a loophole so that they can free her and give her back her memory. Of course, when she overhears their plans she thinks the worst and inadvertently sets off a chain of events that include her death, betrothal and losing the Key to the Crossroads to her enemy.

This being the end of the story arc, everyone must come together to help Abby finally defeat Maurice and save all of Faery. It was just okay for me. In fact some of the humor was missing and I desperately wanted someone to actually prove that they give a shit about Abby. She just seems to give and give and give while everyone just takes from her. Her Dad is a complete ass, no one ever seems to tell her the whole story and she is constantly put in these positions where she has to make yet another sacrifice to save everyone.

A Trace of Moonlight

A Trace of Moonlight gave me everything I wanted. People coming together, her lovers making sacrifices FOR HER, a better sense of why the people around her make the decisions that they do, and finally a feeling that things will work out. The world-building in this series is simply amazing. I love the thought of all the different paths and how they interact with each other. We are constantly bounced back and forth between the Dreaming, running through Faery, and walking the Crossroads. Every character is given life changing decisions to make and choices that will ultimately decide the fate of not only themselves but, everyone around them.

There is a lot of emotion packed into these pages. I usually have a favorite whom I root for the heroine to choose throughout a series. Not so here, Talivar is understated but princely and Brystion sexy and intense. I get the feeling that this is supposed to be the last book in the series… but, the ending leaves off in a way where I can see more books, maybe with a new story arc, continuing the series.

My favorite character in this series is Phineas. He is probably the best sidekick in any urban fantasy series anywhere. How do you not love a horndog miniature unicorn who says things like this: His beard waggled at us. Tough is not being able to walk into the Spank Bank and pick out my own movies. At least you look human. Mr Sword-Up-the-Ass wanted aged dragon cheese or something. I enjoyed the banter between him and Abby so much that sometimes I laughed out loud at some of their conversations.

All in all, this was an awesome addition to the series. It most definitely should be read in order, there is an over all story arc that starts in book one and finishes in A Trace of Moonlight. For those readers that were slightly disappointed with book two I would say give this one a try, it is well worth it. She put her arm around me and the two of us sat there for a moment, two mortals caught up in a whirlwind of OtherFolk magic.

Suppose we ought to do something about it, eh? May 21, Julie rated it really liked it Shelves: Important questions that have come up in the first two books needed to be answered and many things needed to be explained. But Allison rose to the occasion making this not only a great installment but also a wonderful end to the current main storyline. Are there a few things sort of left open? Abby is the main lady of the series as you can probably tell by the fact that the series carries her name and I love this gal. She was a somewhat regular girl, down on her luck, thrown into an insane situation and did what she had to do to survive.

She sometimes panicked and she sometimes went with the flow but she always did what she thought was best for everyone involved — sometimes at her own expense. She really did sacrifice a lot for her friends in this series. In A Trace of Moonlight she grows and matures even more.

Watching Abby come into her own and grow fully into herself was great to witness. Allison really did a fantastic job with her. I mean…the characters are all adults about it. Amazing that some characters tied romantically and what not to more than one character in a book can act like adults though it all! He is a succubus but not in your typical sense. I adored him in the first book. Damn him…he actually made me cry at the end of that book. But then I wanted to kick him in his special area in the second book and subsequently started adoring Talivar and found that for sure, hands down, he was the best choice for Abby.

Talivar is man number two and is just a fantastic character trapped in a bum situation and fighting to just survive. My heart goes out to him in this series and especially in this third book. But my heart also goes out to Brystion in this book. Both men have a few faults but are mostly both good enough for our Abby!

But I will repeat again that I am very happy with how everything turned out for everyone involved. Allison, you wrote one amazing relationship mess ; As with the last book, I found this one a little slow to get into. And let me just say, thank goodness for that epilogue. That was a brilliant epilogue. As I said, there are many loose ends tidied up but a few little details are still left open. But not as open as last book! Hell, that ending…it hurt!

a Trace of Moonlight by Allison Pang.

But hurt so good. The way this book ended was just perfect. From one chapter to the next, there are constant changes and events that are crazy important to the story and to the outcome of the series. You have to make sure you read each and every line or you will miss something. It is a series that introduced readers to the Dreaming and a really interesting twist on Other beings and how they travel to our plane and how they can survive here. It is a series that has a talking horny little unicorn that loves bacon like there is no tomorrow.

It really is an inventive and unique urban fantasy series. All in all I was super pleased with this book. Much is explained; things are settled but not all is perfect. It leaves open many possibilities — like spin-off possibilities. Allison has a vivid imagination and she is very good at putting it to words.

I am glad I tagged along with her for this ride. The first two books of this series are on my favorites list and A Trace of Moonlight is right there alongside them. If you are a fan of urban fantasy reads with fantastical elements, definitely check out this series. You will not be disappointed. This book releases in exactly one week so that gives you one week to catch up on the series ; View all 5 comments.

Mar 04, mrsj rated it liked it Shelves: My reaction after finishing the book.. My hair is in a mess. My head is a mess after reading this.

Traces of A sherry in the moonlight

This book, in my opinion, is a mess. Messy wars, messy politics, messy schemes, messy dreams. Things I hate to read about: He may be too pervy to my liking, but at some part of the book, he redeem himself well. My heart aches just the mention of him. Nov 06, Ana rated it liked it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. That's the best ending you could come up with? Abby spent the last two books saying she loved them both and you have her pregnant with Ion but still hand-fasted to Talivar?

What kind of ending is that? She chooses to be human and not make a life in Faerie therefore refusing to become Talivar's Queen. The Seelie Queen who's batshit crazy in my modest opinion says that's impossible to ever break her So The Seelie Queen who's batshit crazy in my modest opinion says that's impossible to ever break her connection with Faerie because she's pregnant too bad she just assumes it's Talivar's kid not Ion's! Abby returns to the mortal plane apparently without even talking to her father and reopens the market.

Talivar comes with her. Ion shows up in her Dreaming, tells her she's having a little girl and he's the father. And BOOM it ends. I'm sorry Ms Pang but I do not care one bit for that ending. She still doesn't ultimately chooses one of them. Seems like she's still somehow having them both. A woman who never talks once about having children suddenly gets pregnant and no more explanations are in order?

No talking about if there's a shift of power or not? If she really is staying human with her child while the father is immortal? What exactly is the child anyway? Has a protectorate been chosen? Is Abby still supposed to be the Protectorate's TouchStone considering she's still working at the Pit and opening the market for Moira? Nothing actually is explained dammit! The Tree is growing. The Paths have been re-established. Ok but there are so many questions yet to be answered!

I'm rambling I know but I'm so damned unhappy right now! I think there are even more questions now then when I read the first book honestly! Feb 16, Alana Abbott rated it it was amazing. I just finished reading the whole Abby Sinclair set back to back I'd read and loved the first in an advance copy before its publication , and I'm already feeling somewhat bereft at its conclusion. Pang does a marvelous job creating characters that are, for all their otherworldly abilities and worldviews, fundamentally and humanly flawed.

They don't always get things right, they often have to backtrack to figure out how to solve those mistakes, and they love with abandon, even when jumping in he I just finished reading the whole Abby Sinclair set back to back I'd read and loved the first in an advance copy before its publication , and I'm already feeling somewhat bereft at its conclusion. They don't always get things right, they often have to backtrack to figure out how to solve those mistakes, and they love with abandon, even when jumping in head first is dangerous.

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All this, set against a world that is at once full of magic and grounded in mundane concerns eg. One of the ways that the series best reflects the real world, however, is that when the book ends, not everything is resolved. Yes, the characters have saved the world from disaster -- and with stakes that high, the third book seems like a series ender -- but life goes on its messy way, and some of the personal aspects are left hanging.

A conclusion like this might not be completely satisfying -- and perhaps there is a window left open for future stories -- but there's a rightness to it that fits incredibly well with Pang's world. Life is messy, and there are rarely easy answers. I'm glad that the finale stuck to that worldview! And I'm excited to keep reading Pang's projects, whether in Abby Sinclair's universe or elsewhere.

This review is from http: It also happens to be my favorite so far. A Trace of Moonlight was action packed and thoroughly original. Abby is stuck smack dab in the middle of a full out catastrophe. Abby gives so much without much thought to the consequences that could fall upon her. Abby pulls this off with a feel of complete love and connection to her friends. I whined about her inabil This review is from http: I whined about her inability to make a decision in her two love interests, but A Trace of Moonlight was full of so much other conflict it fit perfectly into this book.

What a truly beautiful book. This is what I was waiting for in this series. Allison Pang held nothing back and I was completely fulfilled by the world she created. May 22, Cana Elene http: Review will be available on October 16, at http: Sep 11, Kathy Davie rated it liked it Shelves: Third in the Abby Sinclair urban fantasy series revolving around Abby, a half-fae, half-human KeyStone who can function as a TouchStone to anyone.

My Take The writing is getting better and Abby is being less of a ditz. Although that's not really saying much as she's a major idiot at the beginning. I still want to slice her up with a sword. After overhearing that conversation in the garden, I do NOT understand how she could interpret it as she does. I suspect someone just read this se Third in the Abby Sinclair urban fantasy series revolving around Abby, a half-fae, half-human KeyStone who can function as a TouchStone to anyone. I suspect someone just read this section over quickly and couldn't be bothered with a proper editing job.

It's not exactly a raving endorsement to read this, I realize. I do like Pang's basic storyline. It's interesting how she's created a fey culture with these particular twists. But Abby is so stupid. She's so clueless about how Faerie operates and she just rushes in, rushes off, releasing and connecting. Worse, it's so damned confusing as to what is going on. Talivar wants her, doesn't want her.

Ion has done something in the Dreaming Heart, but we don't really know what. Talivar is willing to share, but he's not. Talivar knows she loves Ion, but he's surprised to find out she does. I simply got another headache trying to make sense of this. Maurice's escape was confusing. Fair, I suppose, as Abby was dying, so she was particularly coherent. As horrific as Maurice is, why are they letting him wander around as unencumbered as they do? I am confused as to where Abby's relationships sit with regards to Ion and Talivar.

After events in A Sliver of Shadow , I had thought she'd be off with Nobu and not luxuriating at the palace. This was all a bit vague and doesn't really improve. I get the impression that Talivar doesn't really want Abby I suspect Pang intended to create a three-way conflict and it doesn't work until much further in. The whole bells thing was poorly done.

Meanwhile Moira, Phin, Talivar, and Ion are desperately trying to figure out how to save her without becoming oathbreakers. But the memory loss doesn't hold and Abby must flee the Queen's displeasure. Right along with Talivar. And they fall into a new alliance that will have far-reaching consequences. Now if they can just keep the Eidolon Tree from dying and find the escaped Maurice.

Phineas is a perverted little unicorn, whom I just adore. Moira is the heir to Faerie and making plans to take over from the mad Queen. He's desperate to help rescue her and pulls a very risky stunt. Sonja is his sister, a succubus. Topher gives Abby options. Maurice was Moira's TouchStone until he wanted more than Moira could give. He's a poisonous toad who should have been watched much more carefully. Melanie is human, but a Door Maker with her violin, playing to open the Crossroads for those with the price. When Abby died, she ran, and no one can find her now.

Benjamin is Moira and Robert's baby, half-fae and half-angel right up to the wings on his back. Charlie is Robert's girlfriend and very unhappy that he would cheat on her, but she does love Benjamin whom Moira left with her and Robert. Katy is currently away at college. The Unseelie Court Kitsune leads the banished fae and has a proposition for Talivar. Jimmy Squarefoot , a piglike man, is one of the lesser fae and blessed with an excellent sense of smell.

Nobu is a daemon who knows Melanie very well, and he loves her. He will betray anyone for her. OtherFolk are the elves, the fae, etc. To be able to travel the CrossRoads as they please and to stay in the mortal world without problems, they need a TouchStone. A human with whom they make a Contract.

The Cover The cover is sparkles in the sunlit woods with Abby up front and center in her cropped, slip of a halter top and low-cut jeans, wearing her mother's necklace. The title is consistent with the previous ones with its reference to a light, quick contact. And that's as close as it comes to being relevant to the story. Mar 22, Jamie rated it really liked it Shelves: Originally posed at www. Pang delivers on her trademark world building, as well as romantic tension and plot twists that had me wishing for more. This story begins with Abby's memory still in limbo.

She made a huge sacrifice in the previous boo Originally posed at www. She made a huge sacrifice in the previous book and is still paying on it in this one. Talliver is taking care of her and she is set to marry the sexy elf. As much as Talliver loves Abby, he is truly trying to help her. However, Brystion is still in the picture, trying to help Abby on his own by pulling her out of the fae land through her dreams. This doesn't go according to plan, and Brystion finds himself in a very difficult personal position.

Talliver's mother, the queen is still crazy. After Abby and Talliver wed, they are on the run from the queen. Talliver and Abby spend just a tiny free time together, but it is sweet and we see just how much Talliver is in love with her. Talliver, though, has other responsibilities, and we see Talliver take power from an unexpected place.

Talliver is a man of morals and great honor and he is willing to sacrifice himself for his brethren, even though Abby is the most important person in his life. The elf hummed against my throat, punctuated by a series of tiny kisses. I have sat by the wayside of my own life for far too long, waiting for the right thing to happen at the right time.

Trying to be the good man. He seems to be reveling in a life that he thought was out of his reach, even if it kills him. I really liked him after the first book in this series, but he lost me in A Sliver of Shadow. He broke Abby's heart before, and although he still may be in love with her, I didn't like the sudden change in direction with his feelings in this book. Abby, herself, had me pulling my hair out. I don't mind love triangles. I even love some of them. However, this one gave me problems.

Once Brystion wants back in the game in A Trace of Moonlight, she's ready to give him her heart. There were too many places in this book where it seemed that Abby wanted to have her cake and eat it, too. There are places where she tells Talliver that she loves him, and within a few chapters, is saying the same thing to Brystion.

I think that she loves both men, but at the same time, I think she's leading at least one of them on which I don't think is very fair. The elf's arms curled tightly around me as he kicked his own horse forward, "I love you, Abby," he murmured in my hear. We stood on the precipice - like so many times before I kissed him, my lips brushing his cheek.

See a Problem?

Without the tree, there is no Other worldly creatures. Abby and friends spend a lot of time searching for Melanie and the evil doers who are trying to destroy the tree. It turns into a good vs. The ending of this book leaves a lot of questions, which isn't a good thing, because as of now, this is the last book in this series. Abby finds herself at a personal crossroad and she still hasn't made many crucial decisions about her life. I felt like a lot was left up in the air for a final book in a series, and am crossing my fingers that there will be more books in the future.

No matter what small problems I had with this book, it is obvious that Allison Pang has a talent for creating mystical, fantasy worlds that draw the reader in. Her characters have all shown growth since their introductions into the series, and I am very sad to see this series wrap up.

There are still so many possibilities! I recommend this series to those who are fans of urban fantasy and fantastical worlds. You won't be disappointed!

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View all 8 comments. Nov 03, Jenn rated it really liked it Shelves: Most of the big questions are answered. I wasn't as hooked as I've been in previous instalments. In fact, the book opens with some very steamy romance, making the excerpt below NSFW. Thankfully, part of this "so much" is also a satisfying amount of resolution for a couple of the big arcs of the series: To address the first big question: I was thrilled with how Allison Pang dealt with this.

I've always been a sucker for Talivar and his tragic story which we learn more about!! Relationships are such a key feature of this trilogy and the author really knows how to put the reader and the characters through the ringer, not just with Abby and her men but with other folks as well. Melanie and Nobu's relationship exemplifies the word complicated and the Charlie-Robert-Moira-Benjamin situation is enough to break your heart, never mind Abby's unusual relationship with her father and her father's with the Queen.

For the second question: She's been a little afraid of her gifts for a while now but she really steps up her game this time around. Despite this, I wasn't as invested this time around.

Allison Pang's writing remains outstanding and I truly did enjoy reading this book but it's probably my least favourite of the three Abby novels. At first I thought it might be because this book is darker than the rest and Phin is not his usual snarky self throughout but I generally enjoy dark urban fantasy so I don't think that this is the case. This novel offers closure on many of the main questions in the trilogy and leaves open the possibility of exploring the world further since there's definitely not a nice, neat bow for all of the characters.

I follow Allison Pang on her blog and Twitter some might say "stalk", but I'm sticking with "follow" and it looks like she's open to the idea of coming back to this world and telling another character's story, so I've got my fingers crossed.

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I believe she mentioned Melanie, who I've always been interested in, so here's hoping that passing comment comes true! Sep 19, Corissa rated it did not like it. My suggestions to reader: I feel like there should be a certain level of understanding between authors and readers whereby if I am going to take the time to read your not just your book but your series of books the least you could do is put some effort into what you are creating. This was not the case with Allison Pang. The Abby Sinclair series started out well, I devoured the first book within a My suggestions to reader: The Abby Sinclair series started out well, I devoured the first book within a day, the problem began in the second book and continued to grow in the third until by the end of the series all I could think was, well I am never going to get that wasted time and energy back.

Another one of my pet peeves as a reader is a vacillating author because this translates into a vacillating heroine. I don't mind love triangles when they are done well, the love triangle in this series was not. Not only did the heroine keep wavering between the two men but the relationships with themselves kept me wondering when are they going to just have a threesome and call it dandy or even better why don't you both leave this stupid indecisive person and find someone who will choose you and not have you constantly wondering where you stand although that second one amy in fact only apply to the Prince because Ion knew where he stood, it was always him and it was always going to be him.

Speaking of Ion, why even have him leave her and create all of the awkwardness in the second book if he was just going to reappear and insinuate himself back into her life as soon as she begins to move on which is suspiciously convenient I might add why introduce the relationship with the Prince at all? Why make it all so unnecessarily complex? And as though it wasn't bad enough you add in mistaken handfastngs and a miscellaneous pregnancies?

Thereby ending the book with the heroine still not truly having made a choice? Speaking of the ending.. My advice to the author, in the future, pick a storyline and stick to it all this vacillating is tiresome. Though to be honest I probably won't be reading any more of your books because the time and energy invested only to be rewarded with a clusterfuck of epic proportions just isn't worth it.

So my advice should probably be leave the writing to the professionals and get a new day job. Oct 19, Melissa rated it it was amazing. This is the third book in the Abby Sinclair series. The first being, A Brush of Darkness and the second A Sliver of Shadow check those reviews for some great quotes that will make you smile.

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These books should be read in order and seriously, this series rocks so hard why wouldn't you? This book did not disappoint. All my fave characters are back including Phin the horny unicorn. Total love fest fro This is the third book in the Abby Sinclair series. Total love fest from me.

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Ah, and then there is Talivar the elven prince. Always a love fest for that one. Even those you hate as well as those you feel lukewarm are also well drawn. It was handled exceptionally well for a triangle, but I hated it only because you didn't want either one to be hurt. You also couldn't decide who would be best for her even if there tended to be one that was a winner. I think it is because both suitors are broken and Abby is the kind of person to accept them both as they are which encourages them to accept themselves.

I don't mind keeping the one that gets away for her You have adventure, a conclusion to all the main threads that were running around including the cliffie from the last. I have heard this may be the last novel short stories may come in this series and I sincerely hope that isn't the case. I does have a feel of completion but I am not ready to give up these characters yet. Aug 06, Stacy rated it really liked it Shelves: I have to admit that book 3 didn't play out as I had imagined it would.

Without giving away spoilers its hard to elaborate on that but I was surprised at how thing played out. All of our favorite characters are involved in this installment and the love triangle between Abby, Talivar and Brystion is still going strong. I really like both of them and was not rooting strongly for either of them.

There is a great amount of action as well as twists that you wont expect. Are they not joined still? I thought that it was permanent now but then it says they aren't? I read the ending multiple times and still have no clue. And someone said this is the last book? It seems way to up in the air to leave the ending like that.

Like I said, I'm confused. Besides that one confusion I loved the book and I love the world that Allison has created with her Abby Sinclair series. I seriously feel that the series cant end like this though so I really hope there is another book in the making, I must know what will happen next. Nov 07, Michelle rated it really liked it. I wouldn't recommend reading this if you have not read the first two books. This is a series where you'd come in and be like what on earth?

I definitely do not think this is a standalone book. I do enjoy reading the author and the series. I think the plot is interesting- I find it compelling and quite different from anything out there that I have read. The author has spun a world rich with humor and oddities that grab my attention and make me wish to learn read more. Sometimes I do think t I wouldn't recommend reading this if you have not read the first two books. Sometimes I do think that Abby is a bit too stupid to live; however, I think she does it with because she seems to be thrown a lot of hardballs aimed at her face.

I feel sorry for the woman. I mean seriously she has two men who may really love her it's kind of hard to tell, since I assume that each one has his own hidden agenda almost fighting over her. And then you get the hornycorn thrown into the mix. I'm not sure how I feel about the love triangle that is an integral part of the storyline, but I don't think it's done where I feel repulsed by reading it. After overhearing that conversation in the garden, I do NOT understand how she could interpret it as she does. But Abby is so stupid. I simply got another headache trying to make sense of this.

Fair, I suppose, as Abby was dying, so she was particularly coherent. The whole bells thing was poorly done. Meanwhile Moira, Phin, Talivar, and Ion are desperately trying to figure out how to save her without becoming oathbreakers.

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A Trace of Moonlight has ratings and reviews. Ferdy said: A long, spoilery, ranty, repetitive, haphazard, bitchy and nonsensical www.farmersmarketmusic.com A Trace of Moonlight by Allison Pang - From the author of A Brush of Darkness and A Sliver of Shadow comes the third book in a smart, sexy, urban fantasy.

Right along with Talivar. And they fall into a new alliance that will have far-reaching consequences. Abby Sinclair is a Dreamer, a living KeyStone. Phineas is a perverted little unicorn, whom I just adore. Moira is the heir to Faerie and making plans to take over from the mad Queen. Sonja is his sister, a succubus. Topher gives Abby options. Melanie is human, but a Door Maker with her violin, playing to open the Crossroads for those with the price. When Abby died, she ran, and no one can find her now. Katy is currently away at college.

The Unseelie Court Kitsune leads the banished fae and has a proposition for Talivar. Jimmy Squarefoot , a piglike man, is one of the lesser fae and blessed with an excellent sense of smell.