Aunty Felicia Goes to Church (Aunty Felicia Series Book 6)

I think that it is pretty safe to assume that none of the Crusaders [i. The other day I was thinking about religion and comic books What I'm interested in is the way religious characters are portrayed in comic books The person posting the following message seems to think that an unusually large number of characters are Jewish: Wolverine was probably raised Catholic or maybe somewhat like a Puritan. I got the gist of it in Origin. Spider-Man should be Jewish if anything.

Forest Hills, Queens in the 's is a real giveaway, though his age is obviously not consistant with this currently Also, he did get married in a church, which kinda goes against this, though it may have just been Mary Jane's faith. I also consider Juggernaut as Jewish since saying "the Jewggernaut" is really funny. Also, thinking of such a big guy being mortally afraid of his mother is even funnier. Keiichi, "Religion, politics and super heroes", posted 13 May on "Minitokyo" blog website http: Now with the Spidey hype, I was looking for info about our friendly neighbor and I found an article about the superheroes' religions here: It was funny, but I disagree with the fact that Peter Parker is Christian I think that Parker grew up in a Christian home Only insomuch as Stan wrote him.

And when you get down to it, Stan's about the Jewiest of writers this side of Woody Allen. He's given a lot of stereotypical Jewish quirks, but the character itself doesn't appear to be. On a few occassions we've seen the character in a church, never in a temple. So I'm guessing that he's non-denominational Christian, but doesn't really practice his faith all that often. I remember Quesada saying in one of his "Joe Fridays" a while back that Peter had a bit of Irish in him. But because of how Judaism works, he could be [Jewish] even if he prays to Jesus every day of his life.

It just depends on if his mother was or not. Sort of an interesting loop hole. It'd be great if he was [Jewish], if only to hear him mentioned in the next [Adam] Sandler Chanukah song. I always imagined him [Spider-Man] as a Protestant of some sort, simply because when comics Jews are mentioned, the likes of The Thing spring to mind but Spidey Funny how most of the Catholics we see in comics are quite devout though, or maybe it's just me. Peter may not be very religious at all and that really doesnt matter.

After he got his second beat down from Morlun, Aunt May forced him to go to church - temple was never mentioned. Also just to be clear, is Aunt May related to Peter's mom like she is in Ultimate. I know Ben Parker is Peters real uncle through daddy, but i dont recall May ever being mentioned as Mary's sister. But even so, if that's the case and she is related, then obviously her going to church rules out the possibility that Mary was Jewish. Didn't they do the whole smashing a bottle thing in her wedding with Doc Ock? I'm sure it was on the cover. This was after the movie version of the character said the Lords Prayer.

I see him as an enormously busy guy, who probably doesn't vote much either although he probably is more liberal than conservative. I hold that yes, Spider-Man is Jewish. Of course, he's Jewisher when Bendis has the pens, but it works. He grew up in Forest Hills. Given the cost of rent, and the fact that the primary provider in the family died, money troubles isn't really an uncommon thing. I know you were joking, but seriously, he's never been the poorest kid in the world, and nobody is immune to money troubles.

Anyway, I do believe it may have been Stan's intention, being a nice Jewish boy from NY himself, and knowing the ethnic makeup of where Spidey grew up, plus the whole "science geek loser" thing that was a common origin for many of Stan's colleagues in the comic world at the time, who many of which were happily Jewish, Pete might've been intended to be a Jew. But, in order to make Pete more relatable, and not get into issues of race or ethnicity if it wasn't the point of the story, he made it more vague. Since then, Pete has had Christmas Specials and things like that, so he's probably part Irish Catholic, and part whatever Uncle Ben is.

Plus, Ben is a veeeeery common name, but especially common for Jews. Sam, Max, Ben, we like those 3 letter nicknames for some reason. Oh, and Mary was a Jewish name dating back to well, the one that gave birth to Jesus and earlier. They're not gonna go around saying "omg, my people killed Indians" but for Catholics, especially with characters with immigrant roots or a working class boxer father involved in organized crime being Catholic is a bigger deal.

Historically in the last years, maybe more, I'm not a historian religion is more of a community than anything once you reach American shores. I don't think Peter's Catholic. I just believe there would have been more references to that. Hell, we'd probably have seen Peter go to confession. If Peter were Jewish, we'd probably have met people he knows from the Jewish-American community i. I always assumed he was raised in as a Protestant of one denomination or another. If he has Irish roots, that's conceivable, and those times I've seen him in a church his wedding, for example the decor looked more Protestant than Catholic, to me.

Spidey is not Jewish that I'm aware of. Never knew the Thing was Jewish or Moonknight for that matter. I'm surprised no one took the easy hit on us Catholics by suggesting that since Pete's so wracked with guilt, he must be Catholic. Seriously, I don't think this issue's ever been addressed. And very likely, that's the way it should stay, for various reasons. Spider-Man, like the other comic book icons, can't be tied to one religious entity. He's the Everyman, he's an Archetype, he has to be relatable to anyone who wants to put themself in his place.

First off, Parker isn't a Jewish name. Maybe it he was "Ira Parkerman" then there would be a case that he's Jewish He's just like most Catholics I know It was changed at Ellis Island. His granpda changed the name during the war to avoid persecution. His dad was a fricken spy and had more aliases than, umm, Spiderman during identity crisis.

Again, you have to look at the mother's side. Judaism is passed that way. That's why when a nice Jewish boy marries someone who isn't Jewish the fan gets so pissed off in all the movies and such Mary is with variants, like Maria, Maryam, Marianne, etc. One of the most common names in the world It's no "Cheng" or "Muhammed", but it's up there.

That reminds me of that bit on The Daily Show. And the most common first name in the world is Mohammed. But there are no Mohammed Wong's. The webpages say [Spider-Man is] Protestant, but Catholic seems far more likely to me, although very, very lapsed. It's very interesting that Jewish writers create heroes of other faiths more than their own.

Even if Peter's mother's mother were Jewish, that wouldn't make him Jewish by faith. There's been nothing in the comics to indicate he's a practicing Jew, or active in the Jewish community. He had a Jewish friend in "Soul of the Hunter" but I don't believe that scene contained deeper religious meaning.

I'd guess that the truth really is that Marvel doesn't give him a religion because as they always say, Peter's an "everyman. Most Jews aren't Jews by that standard. His faith is Christian and if not, defintely Judeo-Christian, but he's probably got some of a few things in his background. And given the number and percentage of Jewish creators, especially at the real start of comics, and into the creation of a lot of these characters, if every creator made their character the same ethnicity as themselves, the Marvel Universe would have to accept that being Jewish is linked to being a mutant.

Instead, we get lots of diversity, with the traditional hero being a WASP with some ethnically scattered friends. Not saying he would be practicing. But if his mother's mother is Jewish than so is he. Judaism is inherited, an interesting facet of the whole thing. It's like those hunters in Logan's Run , you can't escape them. I think Stan, in attempting to create a character that was easily relatable to, he may have envisioned a character he could relate to.

A son of working-class Jews growing up in New York, winding up prematurely working in a Manhattan press office for daily publications The same feeling he had walking into Timely or Atlas or whatever it was at the time, is felt by Peter Parker taking his first steps toward becoming a vital addition to the Daily Bugle staff.

From that point of reference though, the character has gone 40 years, so changes in ethnicity, religion, job, and marital status are not only understandable, but necessary for the growth of the character. You're close, but you're slightly off. Because the whole thing about the son of working-class Jews growing up in New York winding up prematurely working in a Manhattan Press office pretty much describes Stan himself to a tee.

Substite in magazine publisher for press office, and that's Stan's life in a nutshell. Now on the other hand, Stan was never very religious. And he generally created characters to appeal to as wide a mainstream as possible. So you have Peter, whose creation is heavily influenced by Stan's own life, but whose religious affiliation doesn't have that much importance In the end, it just doesn't really matter. Just because Stan Lee is Jewish doesn't mean his characters are Jewish.

But, google "Spiderman religion" and you can get some well-reasoned articles, like this one. I had a nice long post where i explained the early Twentieth Century sense of community amongst Jews that has developed into a secular non-faith-based Judaism where I talked about the fact that Irish immigrant and son of immigrant communitys developed along with pretty much segregated Jewish, and Russian, and heck, Russian Jew communities that almost socialized within each other, but I pushed the stupid red button and it went away.

Then I concluded that Stan, being the son, or grandson of Jewish immigrants in New York, probably had less of the "only trust your own kind" mentality, and was more secular as each generation of Jews in the united states has become increasingly secular, so basing Peter Parker on himself as a kid, not mentioning Judaism, and putting him in a neighborhood with a substantial Jewish community, but not exclusively Jewish community, he may have thought of Peter Parker as a Jew in background, maybe not in faith but he left religion AND ethnicity vague, so instead of some random kid going "Spiderman's a Jew, my racist grandpa said not to talk to Jews" the kid goes "oh man, if i had those powers, i'm just like this Peter kid!

I'm not saying Stan being a Jew meant spidey is a Jew. But that Stan really went out of his way to create a character that he himself related to on multiple levels, And thus would be able to write as relatable to kids reading comics. And many of those Christian "god is watching over, life is a relationship with god" type things, originated in Judaism and were brought over to Christianity. Anyway, someone should write an essay on the unsecularization of Spiderman.

He started out somewhere between vague and faithless, and has, as the world has become more secular, become more religious.

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The name 'Peter' was always a tipoff to me that he or rather, his family is Catholic. You don't meet a lot of Protestant Peters, they tend to come from Catholic families. And as someone pointed out, he's likely as Irish as he can get on his mom's side Fitzgerald although Parker could be from anywhere in the UK, but most likely England. I think Cyberman is spot on in his assessment. I've always felt that Spidey was vaugely Protestant. And for all the reasons Cyberman mentions. As to why not Catholic? Marvel already has two strong Catholic heroes Nightcrawler, and the quintessential Catholic Daredevil, most strongly influenced by Miller, a Catholic.

Also, you just don't see the religious trappings with Peter that you do with Kurt and Matt. As to why Catholicism gets used so often - it's the visuals baby! Same as the movies. Who wants to see a guy in a cardigan fighting demons in a church with a cross and no other iconography? That's why Protestantism isn't as cool in film and comics. As Frank Miller has shown, characters acting like complete nutcases or immoral bastards while wearing crosses and going or being a member of the Catholic church is instant irony.

But Spiderman is never going to stress over religion and the Catholic church the way DD [Daredevil] does unless it turns out his mom became a nun and he takes up a costume based on New Testament symbology. Catholic church really has a much better sense of drama than most of the Protestant churches. They have nuns, monks, confessional, sign of the cross etc. You don't get to use that sort of stuff if you make your character Babtist or Lutheran. Confessional in particular makes for an excellent story-telling device.

He wasn't wearing a yamulkah and he didn't smash a glass with his feet at the end. I vaugely remember him talking to Spider-Woman about it.

King Omatosan (Naija Tales Series Book 1)

Or is it Luke Cage? My memory fails me today! Harrr, somehow i expected more. Aren't you the one that lectured people about symbolism, genre jumping and metalevels in all these "Doom crying at groundzero" discussions? Anyway, I am much more interested in Marvel and its employees take on a matter than the matter itself. Has anyone ever met an Irish-American Protestant? Don't mean to get off topic, but I was under the impression most of the Irish that immigrated here were Catholic. It depends when Parker's family moved.

There are also a good number of Scotch Irish what would be considered Ulster men today who existed in the colonies before their formation, although these people's descendants probably don't consider themselves to be Irish. With this said the Protestants tended to be better off than Catholics so those moving to the US were more liely to be Catholic a Protestant leaving Ireland would probably move to the other parts of the UK, although a fair amount of Catholics did that as well and still do and I suspect Irish Protestant probably weren't as a interested in the fact that they were Irish.

As a Jew myself, I never thought of Peter as Jewish. Usually I look at last names and how they are drawn and then come to my assumption. It always kind of amuses me when writers find "religious" or "spiritual" themes in all aspects of pop culture. Over the years, there are been many interesting and noteworthy commentaries, such as the Gospel According to the Simpsons , by Mark Pinsky, the Orlando Sentinel's fine religion writer.

If you haven't watched the Simpsons, it may be hard to believe, but this long-running cartoon regularly deals with religion in an insightful and tremendously funny way. Sometimes, however, the media get carried away. Every mega-movie that features a Good Guy against a Bad Guy which is almost all of them is immediately awarded religious themes that reflects passages from Scripture, the Christ story or something religious. A Beliefnet review of Spider-Man 3 finds moralizing scenes and spiritual themes.

I've loved Spider-Man since I was a kid and really enjoyed the first two movies I'll wait until the lines are shorter to see 3 , but I have to wonder whether very, very basic morality tales really reflect anything heavier. Is Spider-Man's mantra - "With great power comes great responsibility" - a radioactive update on the Golden Rule?

Regardless, Beliefnet has compiled a very funny quiz on the religious life of superheroes. Here's a sample question:. How does she prominently display her faith? By exclaiming "oy vey" whenever something bad happens 2. By wearing a Star of David necklace 3. By going to temple often 4. By leaving work early on Shabbat. I just noted this review at ChristianityToday.

Reviewer Mark Moring writes this:. A huge part of the franchise's popularity has been Director Sam Raimi's treatment not just of the action hero in the spider suit, but of the young man underneath. Christians have been among those embracing the protagonist, in part because Raimi has been unafraid to clearly include biblical themes and spiritual imagery in the films. Spidey 2 might well have been subtitled The Passion of Peter Parker , as the hero wrestled with whether or not he wanted to be a "savior" of sorts.

And when he saves the runaway train near the movie's end - in a crucifixion pose, with a wound in his side and holes in his wrists, no less - and then goes through a symbolic death, burial and resurrection Raimi doesn't hold back from the spiritual imagery in Spider-Man 3 , either, as the main character wrestles with a dark side he never knew he had. The movie's tagline is "The Battle Within," and the story is reminiscent of Paul's struggle with his sinful nature in Romans 7: Interesting column, although I would have to point out that Marvel has actually addressed the issue a bit more openly than implied: I don't know if Spidey's religious heritage has every been explicitly stated, but I'm sure someone will correct me on that Reading the " Black Panther thread" got me thinking.

Are there any Jewish heroes or villians in the Marvel Universe? I've always kinda gotten the impression that Peter Parker was Jewish, although I don't think anyone's actually come out and confirmed or denyed it. Not to mention Parker isn't really a Jewish name. Direct relatives were Reilly's and they do celebrate Christmas so I don't think so.

I always assumed he was Catholic but I have no basis for that other than a hunch. Not that it means anything. But no, the extent of Parker's Jewishness is in his creation and scripting by Stan. Well, the Parker isnt, but has the Ultimate version ever done anything to suggest he isnt? Bendis has worked a fair amount of Yiddish into Ultimate Parker's vocabulary, and how many non-Jewish 15 year olds know Yiddish? I think Stan and Jack took the right approach when they left religion out of the major characters though Reed Richards has w. I've never noticed anything that seemed really out of place or something I don't understand.

Excuse my ignorance but Jewish isn't a big religion where I live so I couldn't really say what is Yiddish and what isn't and using pop culture isn't the best idea. Ignoring that with Stan doing the words, not much of a choice. Not to mention, a good chunk of what we consider "the essential Spidey" was drawn by people other than Ditko.

Romita and the like. That said, Spidey isn't Jewish. He just seem that way sometimes because Stan was doing the words Ditko was very involved with Spiderman's creation though so I'd say he had some influence as to the character development. At one point MJ even asks Peter what he just said and he replies that its Yiddish. I also remember Pete using the word chutzpah. Not that I agree that Spidey is Jewish, but why would a Catholic artist not "let" a character be Jewish? I don't get that. Ditko was a devout Catholic and I believe he wanted his characters to reflect both is religious and political philosophies.

Then he must have loved Dr. I mean, come on, I'm sure Ditko did not make any cultural or political demands on the characters he drew. You're wrong on the political. That's why he quit Spidey. Dude was all wacky with the Ayn Rand crap. First I've ever heard about religious though. Can't think of any serious religious overtones in his Charleton work, which were like Objectivism treatises in spandex. They certainly didn't make Spiderman overtly Jewish. If anything, the names Parker and Reilly suggest Christian as opposed to Jewish.

For example, Peter tends to be used more by Christians than Jews though feel free to correct me if I am wrong Sandy! It doesn't appear to be a particularly Jewish name and it lends itself more a Protestant religion or culture than anything else. I'd heard that he left Spidey because of Stan's decision to have him graduate from high school.

I'm aware of Ditko's Ayn Rand fixation and how that plays into some of his solo work, but I've never heard that it stopped him from working on Spidey. Ayn Rand would probably have loved Spidey. She loved James Bond, by the way. He lives by his deeply felt principles. That's the other fun thing about the Jews, there tends to be a lot of name changing, so "Jewish names" don't always apply. Realizing they aren't their given names, but still, Lee? Not exactly dripping with Semitism.

My mother's maiden name was Cole. Changed by her father from Cohen. Which again, I'm not saying Pete is actually Jewish. Just sort of Jewish in character, by virtue of having been written by Jews for a good portion of his existance, especially in the early, formative years. I know Jews with the name Peter, but I would agree that it is not particularly Jewish. Nowadays, most Jews have names that are not particularly Jewish. That's my understanding as well.

However, a last name of Parker coupled with the name Peter suggests that he isn't Jewish. Parker doesn't appear to be an abbreviate Jewish name either as it a fairly old English name in its own right. Again, my mother's last name was Cole, a fairly old English name in it's own right. Doesn't mean it wasn't changed, which it was. Cohen to Cole makes some sense if my understanding of your post is correct whereas I'm not sure what Jewish name would be changed to Parker.

Moreover, with a first name of Peter and at least some family with a distinctly Irish name of Reilly all the circumstantial evidence seems to suggest that he is not Jewish. Except he's not related to Reilly at all. Reilly is Aunt May's name. Who Uncle Ben Parker married. By your logic, George W. Bush is Latino because Jeb married a Mexican.

So never judge anything just based on names. To be sure this is all speculation but we have to go by the "more likely than not" standard. That is, if you were to take a bet without knowing the facts, it's much more likely that Kerry's grandfather was not a Jew than he was a Jew. That is, it's more likely than not that Peter Parker is not a Jewish name based on the preponderance of the evidence. Further, Stan Lee et al. Some of the claims on this list and subsequent descriptions are just ridiculous. Still, they do make a good point about May being a Christian.

And what I'm saying is that more likely than not is not a good way to judge these things. Ben Grimm was more likely than not not Jewish, till Kessel wrote that story. Now, I'm not saying Pete is Jewish. In fact, I've been saying from the beginning that he isn't. At the very least not religiously, and until some writer wants to stick in that either Pete's mom was Jewish, or that the Parker family name used to be Parkstein or whatever, not ethnically.

If anything, Pete's been shown to be more as one of those spiritual, but not religious kind of guys. Believes in god, talks to him occasionally, but never mentioned in any kind of specific denomination. Just a random assortment. And that list really, really sucks. Their evidence that Pete is Protestant is that he hasn't specifically been shown to be anything else. And seriously, what religion is Liberal Marxist Communist? Half the crap up there is either conjecture or made up entirely. We're having a debate here so we tend to go with what we know.

The preponderence of the evidence suggests that Spiderman is not Jewish. As I said, if you were betting you'd go with the odds and bet with what you know. I think I'd go with the notion that Spider-man is not Jewish. Stan wanted to make him an "everyman" so to speak so to make him a member of a minority so to speak would not have helped that notion any.

Or anything else really. You can make a "more likely than not" decision which is made all of the time in courts of law, finance, gambling etc. It's unlikely that Peter Parker is Jewish given his name, his Aunt's clear Christianity and the numbers game: A lot more Christians than Jews.

Tulip of the Nile: A Collection of Poems

But could he be a great Muslim? Anyways, I think we have all neglected Professor Xavier. He hopes to f Nneka stands a chance of winning a badly needed scholarship, but the offer comes with a condition — the recipient must be of good moral standing. Having a maternal Aunt though who is a Christian suggests that Parker, along with his name etc. It seems to me that Marvel was one of the first to really start portraying its heroes as human with real problems. Infinity Crusade The Goddess uses the heroes' faith and belief in gods and such to recruit heroes.

And I mentioned conversion. But what the hell, just for the sake of argument, these guys didn't convert. No, they didn't convert but there are many Jews who do not consider Ethiopian jews to be "real" Jews at all. Although considering the Ethiopian Jews get right of return to Israel, of the Jews that actually matter, they count. Grimm was the exception though and there had been hints all along that he was Jewish his background etc. Peter Parker has an Aunt mother-figure who is clearly not Jewish. His first and last names are not particularly Jewish either. It's more of a leap to say he is Jewish than to say he isn't.

And Sandy, some people even Jewish people put nationality above their religion. My rule of thumb is that I give people the benefit of the doubt and let them tell me what they think they are. The clearly revered Aunt Petunia, which as you've been so fond of pointing out, isn't exactly a Jewish name? The only real hints were from the Yancy Street address, taken from Delancy street, which would have been a Jewish neighborhood in the 30s when Grimm originally would have been a kid, and a drawing of the Thing Kirby did that hangs in a Simi Valley syanagogue of Ben in a yalmulke and tallis reading from the Torah.

Otherwise, there have been as much looking into his religion as, well, Spider-Man. Whose Forest Hills address also contains a large Jewish population. Which again, isn't saying that he's Jewish. Just saying that the things you keep providing as proof that he isn't, arent. Having a maternal Aunt though who is a Christian suggests that Parker, along with his name etc. This is my attempt to solve all problems, it was worth a try, and whatever they do to Magneto, he should still be a Jew, but might be part Gypsy somewhere along the line.

Sabra think that's her name is Jewish, and probably a few more of the unimportant random kid mutants in the X-Mansion, but oh well. It's a lot more likely that Magneto is Jewish than Peter Parker is. They should confirm that he is indeed Jewish and go from there. While many Gypsy's were killed by the Nazi's, the number killed wasn't even close to the number of Jews slaughtered.

Peter's mother was named Mary Fitzpatrick-Parker. If anything, that suggests Irish or Scottish heritage which suggests that he's a Catholic. I've been reading comics since I was a kid and he's always been a Gypsy. Only in recent years they tried to retcon it, particularly with the movie. Stop pushing what you wish would be Magneto has been back and forth since long before the movie, Ben Grimm is absolutely, in the comics, without question Jewish. Moon Knight I could agree with you, it is a matter of semantics.

Jewish can mean of a Jewish family, or of the Jewish faith, and Moon Knight, while not a practicing Jew, is the son of a Rabbi. In what way are posters pushing anything? These are established and in continuity examples, and there is no disputing it that Samson, Grimm and in one sense, Moon Knight are all Jewish, and I have no agenda to create any Jewish characters more than any other type of religious affiliation.

If anything, I'm a pantheist, I would want more pantheist characters. Doc Samson was explicitly stated to be Jewish. He once spoke at his alma mater, a yeshiva Jewish day school. Peter Parker is not Jewish, to the best of my knowledge. I've seen nothing to suggest that he is. I don't think anyone is seeing anybody just as they want. Only Magneto is questionable. It really bugs me in New Avengers when Spidey is always saying "Oy! What is the deal with that? It just sounds stupid and uninspired. Isn't that typically a Jewish expression?

I'm used to reading Amazing Spider-Man from the 60s and 70s and his faith was never established then. If his faith was ever established, I just wouldn't be able to relate to him as much and I think many fans would feel the same way, whichever faith he would be. Nothing against any faiths, I just wouldn't want him to be given one. Well, yeah, it is an expression of Jewish origin, but he's from New York and a lot of Yiddishisms have become common parlance there well, actually here, since that's where I'm posting this. In New York City a fair amount of Yiddish words like schlep have worked their way into the common lingo.

Jeff, "World Religion Statistics My only criticisms would be It does lack a bit in the design category and I noticed a large portion of the information is somewhat old. A recent discussion in our team about who would win in a fight between Batman vs Spider-man caused quite a stir.

You can even take a quiz on beliefnet that will measure your knowledge of super-hero religious affiliation. Oh, and in case you were wondering, the picture included here is of Batman praying to God that Spider-man wouldn't hurt him too badly. The Forward has earned a reputation for uncovering the Jewish ancestry of figures both real and fictional.

Comics, in particular, have been a rewarding realm of inquiry: So it was only natural that we'd turn our attention to Spiderman, who has been slinging webs across the silver screen for the past few weeks. Spidey's creator, Stan Lee, is well known to be a member of tribe. But is his most famous superhero Jewish, too? I see a connection," the rabbi told the Park Slope Courier.

A little Web research, however, did yield a discovery of Jewish ancestry for the Sandman. Alas, it's the wrong Sandman: This Sandman, whose mother it seems was Jewish and father Catholic, apparently had no superpowers, but rather wielded "an exotic 'gas gun' that could compel villains to tell the truth, as well as put them to sleep," according to Wikipedia.

Also, according to Wikipedia: In one comic book, he is reported to have come to the rescue of Rabbi Isaac Glickman. So it seems that this Sandman also happens to be something of a mensch! Apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks Peter Parker seems a little Wasp-y. Reader Arieh Lebowitz helpfully forwarded a link to a Web page on Spiderman's religion from Adherents. University of South Florida" website http: Me and Momodu were speaking to each other over some delicious baklava and coffee about which superhero would most likely be Muslim.

I would say Batman is most likely to be a great Muslim because he practices great self-restraint when it comes to alcohol consumption, and fornication mashallah. Also, Batman does not eat pork because it slows him down in his nightly crusades against Joker and other foes. Also, he does not have time to backbite or gossip or engage in other forms of fitna because he is too busy cleaning the Batcave and changing the oil in the Batmobile. Momodu, on the other hand, says the Hulk would make an amazing Muslim because he always keeps his gaze lowered.

Also, Momodu says the Hulk's purple pants somehow always manage to cover his a'ura , as in his body from his belly button down to his knees. Please dont be shy about showing your feelings. No one is here to judge you and all your postings are welcome. Cyclops from the X-Men would make a good Muslim.

He would be forced to lower his gaze with women. Also Rogue would make a good Muslim because she can't touch anyone. Cyclops has a girlfriend and Rogue was kissing Bobby in the movie. Batman was hangin out with all those crazy European women in the movie, which was really un-Islamic, and most importantly, all superheroes lie about their true identity, and Muslims never lie I'm starting to think that I watch too many movies.

Ohh, what about the Incredibles? Oh wait, no, he lied to his own wife I think the Green Lantern would make a great Muslim. His favorite color is green, he wears a ring, and he can fly. If that doesn't scream Muslim, I dont know what does. I'll tell you who screams Muslim: He has 3 claws from each hand 3 is sunna , and he has a beard, mashallah. He is also on a constant search in which he travels all over the world to learn about his creator. And like most great Muslims, he may not have the biggest muscles, but on the inside he is stronger then steel.

Finally, though we all know he could get Jean any day cyclops is gay , he waits his turn, until there is an official seperation. I can only hope that we may all be as devout as Wolverine. Or Sailor Moon who saved a cat who was being tortured, and in which the cat gave her special powers to be a soldier for love and justice, principles of Islam. The best superheroine is SHE-RA, she can horseback ride which is sunnah , and in addition the horse turns into a flying unicorn which is similar to the creature that took RasulAllah saw to Jerusalem.

Oh yeah and she knew how to use a sword Her and her friends fight to protect and free Etheria from the grasp of the evil Hordak, so they have a mission to spread peace and order in their ummah. Mouhannad, Wolverine would make a horrible Muslim. He never smiles, he is always angry and he is always chasing after Cyclops' fiance. He just can't get her because he has no game. Oh no, you did not go there. Wolverine was always angry for the right reasons, it's just Cyclops was a control freak and didn't want to lose the X-men to the obviously more influential member.

And though Wolverine never really agreed with all of their expeditions, and wasn't always sure if he wanted to be a part of the next adventure, he conceeded to the wisdom of Professor Xavier. Finally, I think we all know where the X-men would be if Wolverine wasn't there. That is a no-no, and as a result the man is not fully responsible. Anyways, Wolverine is a hardened dude whos been through a lot. All in all, if I were an X-man I would want Wolverine to have my back.

That is biggest load of bologna that I have ever read. First of all I think we all know that Wolverine was not a threat to Cyclops' position. If anyone was next in line to lead it would be storm since she is second in command. Second wolverine was always out for personal vengance especially when he fought Sabretooth. That doesn't seem like the right reason to be angry. I didn't want to have to go here but I guess I have no Choice. Wolverine liked to beat on women. Thats right I said it.

He was constantly fighting Mystique hand to hand, and actually stabbed her a few times. He also got into a huge brawl with Lady Deathstrike who was once his fiance. And finally Jean did not throw herself at him. He was always chasing her but in the end he just didn't have what it took.

Wolverine was a great hero, that's for sure. But could he be a great Muslim? I don't think so. And according to that amazing source Sabretooth is a vicious blood thirsty mutant who has always been threatened by Wolverine. Wolverine's pursuit of Sabretooth is nothing short of Xavier's pursuit of Magneto, except on a smaller scale. As a matter of fact, it is even less controversial considering the fact that it could COULD be argued that Magneto is not necessarily all evil.

Wolverine is an invaluable part of the X-men and has probably sacrificed more then any of them in order to help the Professor's cause. As for his relationship with Jean, well I still hold to the fact that Jean leaves the door slightly ajar for the possibility of those two, as she can't seem to make up her mind. But regardless, we are not asking who would make the perfect Muslim, but a good Muslim. Who knows, with Jean as Phoenix maybe he will finally move on. I practically gave you that argument. I am not going to argue that Sabretooth isn't evil. All I want to say is that personal hatred is not a very good reason for revenge.

Also on the issue of Jean, before Wolverine ever heard the word X-men Jean was engaged to be married to Cyclops. Now if you want to go back to the source, then I believe Marvel states that one of the main reasons Wolverine stays on the X-men is to be near Jean. Now I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that a good Muslim doesn't try to get his leader's wife. So why has no one mentioned Spiderman? Granted, he isn't the most fun guy, but look at him. He covers his face in times of heroism out of modesty and humbleness, he commits his good deeds full of charity saving lives in secret so that it can be considered fisabilillah only, hes nice, honest, doesn't have any anger problems, lives up to his potential, is a good friend, doesnt backbite, takes care of his aunt and uncle elders as if they were his parents, feels for his brothers and sisters as if its for himself, goes unnoticed, but continues his stuggles for the sake of mankind, he saves more lives than doctors do and you know the benefits of saving a life as if you saved all of mankind and he does it daily, doesnt get involved in zina like other people, and is thankful for everythin he has I don't see a problem with, for all we know, judging by his characteristics, he's probably "super Muslim" undercover because he doesn't want to show off his praying and whatnot.

Books by Philip Begho (Author of Barbie in the Water)

I think Spiderman probably legitimately might be a qiyamalat night prayer regular Wasn't he kissing Mary Jane when she was engaged? And, if he hadn't acted so selfishly, his uncle wouldn't have died. Thundercats were and still are the best. They were so Islamic.

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They were all covered with fur and fought with swords which is Sunnah and they were like a nice big family, always looking out for one another, no relationships, and no stealing of fiances. You can't say anything against the Thundercats! For sure you guys can't say anything bad about them. They represent different parts of the world, they wear sunnah rings, they work to protect the environment from bad people. Thats exactly our responsibility on earth, to take care of Allah's creation as khalifahs. They were good kids, masha'Allah. Those who believe and do right: Joy is for them, and bliss their journey's end.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. Mashallah, this posting is going as successfully as I had expected, and perhaps even moreso. I knew such a topic would spark the interests of bright Muslim minds across campus, and alhamdulillah it has. Having said that, Mr. Bilal, how are you? Is everything ok up there? Inshallah all is well. Now that we have those formalities out of the way, the simple fact that would abolish Spiderman from being a Muslim super hero is his flaming, glaring, barefaced homosexuality.

His suit itself reveals his sexual preference. The whole story Spiderman shares about having natural webbing extrude from his wrists in order to swing from building to building is a damnable lie, because the truth is that the only purpose that webbing rope has ever served him is to escape from his eminent death when he was constantly being pushed off the highest cliff by a group of Muslims for exerting such homo-erotic tendencies. I understand there is no Islamic government, therefore we are not permitted to throw him off a cliff but if there was Now I am not saying i dislike homosexual people, i just do not appreciate homosexual superheroes who try to hide their true gay identity.

Why else do you think Venom is always so angry at Spiderman? I agree with Kashif, Spiderman should have never been mentioned. Anyways, I think we have all neglected Professor Xavier. I mean the main problem with all these superheroes is the ladies further proof that the world would be a better place if the women let men and male mutants take care of the important things. Anyways Xavier has that down so well that it hasn't even occured to me to think of that man with a woman. Yet it is very obvious, unlike Spiderman, that Xavier is not gay.

Not only is Xavier immune to the charm of the ladies, but hes also got everything else. He also observes everday Islamic conduct like an Islamic haircut, and the fact that he never eats while standing up. I could sit here and list a million things about how good a Muslim he would be, but instead I ask, no I challenge you all to find something that would prevent him from being such a good Muslim. Spiderman would not make a good Muslim, but that has nothing to do with being gay.

In fact its just the opposite. He can't control himself around women. Now the professor is alright but I think Magneto would be a much better choice. He is constantly going out of his way to establish a state for his people. Unlike the professor he is very decisive. He looks out for is people when they are being persecuted and defends them with forceful action. This guy would make a great Muslim and leader. I found this site very informative: Believe it or not I have actually seen that site before.

I found it really interesting reading about how religion comes across in different characters. Clark Goble, "Unpractical Ethics: Superheroes", posted 11 October on "Millenial Star" website [which comments on topics relating to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] http: Even as comics have sort of become marginalized again, superheroes have experienced a renaissance the last five years or so. It seems every year brings two or three big budgeted superhero films.

Admittedly most aren't terribly good. And dreading Brett Ratner taking over X-Men. Anyway, I thought for a change of pace rather than doing a "practical ethics" I'd do the opposite. The most unpractical ethics of all: Now I know at least one person is preparing a post on an other blog taking exception to some of my views.

And I'll further confess that with a few exceptions while reading graphic novels at Borders, I've really not read comics since the early 80's when I was a kid. Since comics are re-invented a lot, things may have changed. But here's my views. Probably the key ethics for Spiderman comes out of the films. With great power comes great responsibility. The last film played up the tensions between Spiderman's career, social life and duty.

The idea seems to be that because he has the power he really ought be out fighting crime all the time. But doesn't he deserve a bit of a break? It's an interesting question. We often say that the reason we don't have any Shakespeares or Mozarts in the church is because of the fundamental conflict between family, church and doing such secular endeavors.

Would a Mormon superhero not face the same problem? What would an LDS hero do if he were called to be a Bishop? Would this power which I think LDS would see as ultimately coming from God conflict with the other commands God gives regarding family? What about David O McKay's comments about no success outside of the home can compensate for failure within the home? Exactly how should a hero treat his family? One can't help but wonder how the heroes of the Book of Mormon dealt with this - sadly uncommented upon in the text.

I see Spiderman as the ultimate Mormon. By definition, there can only ever be one Superman and good call on Astro City , Ivan; I think that Busiek's Samaritan is actually the best Superman story told--Frank Miller's Superman story is a Batman story with Superman as a guest star. Spiderman represents all of us.

He's the underdog that is always in over his head. Even if we can't swing from building to building, we can all make a difference the way that Spiderman does. Not only that, but Spiderman sets an example let's his light so shine Batman is the most extreme super hero. Being a super hero requires one to be a vigilante in some sense, and therefore to assume a moral authority in one's own right outside of the authority structures of society and culture. Batman, therefore, is Joseph Smith with a family fortune. As far as the X-Men, I've only read it sporadically. I think that the Danites is a good comparison.

Ivan, I disagree with your reading of Moore's The Watchmen. Superheroes everywhere live out the fantasies of mere mortals. In The Watchmen , Moore just picks fantasies that are more realistic and less ideal than comic book writers had hitherto chosen. I believe that your right about League of Extraordinary Gentlemen , where Moore makes mere mortals out of heroes. I believe that this represents the thematic continuity between the The Watchmen and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Geoff Johnston - http: It seems to me that Marvel was one of the first to really start portraying its heroes as human with real problems. Spiderman is a great parallel to Mormon culture and responsibility. He knows he has a responsibility to family and still tries to temper his powers with his social responsibilities. I've never read the Fantastic Four, but I'm under the impression that in the comics they have similar problems as everyone knows who each one is, they don't really have hidden identities.

Superman is another great example. I liked the idea about living in the world but not being of it. However, most of the storylines are pretty weak as to why he does what he does. The two best are from Smallville, where he feels responsible for causing so many problems when he crashed on Earth and the second is from the book I mentioned earlier where Superman has a deep sense of wanting to belong in a world where he is different.

These are pretty selfish reasons, but because of his ethics and the way he uses his powers he gains a strong following. Batman is the most real. He has no powers other than a keen intelect and a super bank account. He made a choice to do good and go after those that were above the law. In a way he is taking his cue from the constitution, where it states that we have a moral duty when the government fails to take up our own arms don't turn this all legal, its just an observation and a way that it fits into the Batman universe.

Batman is my favorite, not because he has any powers, but because he doesn't. He only has his devotion. Unfortunately not many comics deal with religion. Daredevil is a Catholic, but not a very active practicing one. Spawn deals with redemption but doesn't really look at religion in the traditional sense, it seems to hang on the Dante view of hell and the magical properties of the spirit world, where demons have physical bodies and unique abilities. Emil picked Mom up at the Ft. It was Tracy's last Speech Therapy session for the semester!

She maintained stable vital signs and tolerated 60 degrees for 6 minutes. This exercise assists Tracy with weight bearing through her hips and feet. Tracy was very awake and engaged throughout the session. Kristin said it was Tracy's best session with her yet! Kristin worked on Tracy following one-step directions. For example, she asked Tracy to look to the right, look up, etc.

Tracy did a good job following Kristins's directions. She also smiled at Kristin and vocalized on command, several times during the session. It was really delicious. It was a warm sunny day, and the wind finally died down. Tracy and Luca love going for long afternoon walks! We are so glad that he was able to visit us and spend some time with Dad and Tracy! Emil returned this evening to stay with Dad to help with Tracy while Mom is out of town. Hearing The One Voice: Taking Counsel In A Circle!

Everyone really missed her and look forward to her coming next week. He and Dad got Tracy prone on the massage table so that he could work on her shoulders, neck and back. These areas are very tight and Emil was able to really work on getting the muscles loosened up. Emil also positioned Tracy on her right and then her left sides to work her hips and lower back.

He is really enjoying Bikram yoga and it is a great stress reliever and tough work out. The guys and Tracy ordered pizza and watched old NFL football reruns. Not exactly what makes a sister goddess go AHH! Leaving A Positive Footprint: Tracy and Luca sure do love being outside in the fresh air!

He was speaking on behalf of Senator John McCain, promoting his presidential campaign. Emil and Uncle Mike stayed with Tracy. They have the best ribs in town! Letting Your Light Shine! Friday, April 13th, She is really enjoying the story about a grandfather's loving letters to his autistic grandson. Tracy really likes to be outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine. It is already starting to feel like summer in south Florida! His incision is completely healed and he was very happy to have the stitches removed!

After his appointment, Mom took Luca to Lake Worth with her for her hair appointment. He was a good puppy and sat very still in her lap the entire time! He, Emil, and Dad are going to hold down the fort this weekend while Mom meets Tiffany in Las Vegas for a long weekend! You know what they say: It is Uncle Mike's first visit to Lighthouse Point and we are really glad that he is here! T racy Vomited 12 to 14 ozs. Thank goodness Tracy was sitting up in her chair and Tania was right next to her. She yelled Help Mom and Dad responded in a split second. Connecting With The Divine: Her fingers are getting a little tight, as the Botox wears off.

She is scheduled to get another round of Botox on Tuesday, April 24th by Dr. He really massaged her joints, especially her hips and feet, shoulders, and neck. Tracy really enjoys her massages. She was actually laughing and smiling at various points during her massage. Tracy's right hamstring range of motion has improved since her surgery last October.

Tracy has an appointment with Dr. Tidwell next Friday, October 20th at It really felt good! Wednesday, April 11th, Tracy is really enjoying the story about a grandfather's loving letters to his grandson. Tracy is trying hard to stick out her tongue. She made some sounds too: Tracy did a good job holding her head up for about 2 seconds. While she was in straddle position, Tania stretched Tracy's scapulas and shoulders, massaging under her scapulas.

She was able to stretch Tracy's pecs, which are very tight, while in this position. It is a gruling workout, in a room heated to degrees! This class develops patience as if Mom and Dad need to develop more patience! Did I say flexibility? Mom described the various links on Tracy's Home page as well as the weekly quote, song of the week, and the Daily Om.

This is the first time that Mom shared the webpage with Tracy. Usually we read her emails to her from her guest book! Tracy seemed very interested, especially when Mom read her the excerpt from The Invitation. Saying Good-bye To A Home! Tuesday, April 10th, She was very awake and alert throughout the session. Kristin spent the first part of the session working on Tracy's visual tracking. She held up a card of a cute guy and asked Tracy to look at it. Then she moved the card to Tracy's left and asked Tracy to look at it on her left.

Tracy struggled a bit and then turned her eyes and her head to the left. She held her head to the left and seemed to focus on the picture of the cute guy for several seconds before turning it back to the right. Kristin then asked Tracy to listen carefully and follow her requests.

She asked Tracy to blink her eyes once and she followed her command. Then Kristin asked Tracy to close her eyes Tracy was able to close her eyes for a few seconds. She is trying very hard to folloe Kristin's commands. Next, Kristin worked on oral motor skills, using refreezable ice cubes to stimulate Tracy's lips. Tracy really responded to the cold, moving her head away from the stimulus. Then Kristin applied some grape flavored lip balm to Tracy's lips and asked her to stick her tongue out to taste it. Tracy tried real hard to stick out her tongue but is not able to yet.

Last, Kristin worked with Tracy's new switch, and recorded "I would like to listen to music," and "I changed my mind and would like to look at pictures of cute guys! She wanted to listen to music! Kristin took out the microphone and tried to get Tracy to sing along with the song! Tracy did not seem to want to vocalize into the microphone. She did, however, vocalize some at the beginning and the end of the session.

Asking For What You Want: Cocreating With The Universe! Monday, April 9th, It is such a good workout! They worked on head and trunk control, and then Tania gave Tracy a neck and shoulder massage. Next, Tania and Felicia got Tracy positioned prone on the wedge so that she could weight bear through her shoulders. Tania took advantage of Tracy being on her tummy to massage her neck, shoulders and back more deeply. Tracy tolerated about thirty minutes in this position. Then Tania and Felicia rolled Tracy over on her back supine and she relaxed for a while on the mat while Tania and Mom massaged her hands and wrists with massage cream.

Tracy really seems to enjoy this book. Mom wants to read it when they are finished. They watched Dancing With The Stars together. Tracy watched it while relaxing in her bed while on the CPM machine. It was great to see them. Zion has gotten so big! He is adorable and full of energy! Tracy slept right through their visit! Emil plans to come back later this week. Sunday, April 8th, Then it was time to pick up Nana and Aunt Diane for the one hour ride to Pahokee.

The Mass was incredible, with a surprise pageant of the Passion, complete with costumes! The entire service was absolutely beautiful! After Mass, we had a light lunch prepared for us by two friends of Uncle Johnny. It was so much fun. It had been a long time since we had colored Easter eggs. They even tasted good! Anita, our good friend and practically family joined us. Everyone had a great time. It was fun to relax after a very busy weekend.

One Of A Kind: Saturday, April 7th, The BoTox is wearing off she is due for another round in two weeks and her hands and wrists are getting tight. The massage therapy really helps Tracy's joints to remain flexible. It was another great class! Mom is really getting the itch to teach Spinning again! They found the perfect beach to take Tracy that has wheel chair access and handicapped parking.

It was great to catch up on the events of the past year!

Aunty Felicia Goes to Church (Aunty Felicia, Book 6) on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. PHILIP BEGHO is the author of many children's books.

She was really pleased with Tracy's progress since the last time she saw her a year ago! She was really happy to see that Tracy is now able to wear shoes! The Reciprocal Flow Of Abundance: Friday, April 6th, Dad, Tania and Felicia transferred Tracy to the tilt table. Dad put on Tracy's right dynasplint to increase her right hamstring stretch and alignment.

Then they cranked her up to 30 degrees where she remained for about 30 minutes. Tracy's vital signs remained stable during the hour she was on the tilt table. For the next ten minutes, Dad cranked Tracy up to 45 degrees where she remained for 10 minutes. We are getting Tracy gradually back to where she is comfortable on the tilt table before we increase her angle of incline.

For the remaining 20 minutes, Tracy was at a 30 degree incline. She did a good job tolerating an hour on the tilt table. It was the first time either of them had done Bikram yoga which is performed in a very hot room temperature between and degrees! It was a very intense workout and by the end of the class, Mom and Dad were like two wet noodles. They really enjoyed it and plan to return next week. Letters to Sam , which was given to Tracy by Tania's cousin. They sat out on the patio while Mom and Dad went to Costco to shop for Easter dinner.

Thursday, April 5th, She tolerated an hour and a half with Tania seated behind her. Tania massaged Tracy's neck, shoulders and back while in this position. She really seemed to enjoy her massage, especially since her neck is always so tight! Sitting on the ball with assistance is good for strengthening Tracy's trunk and head control, as well as developing vestibular control and balance. It was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine and a cool breeze! Mass was really beautiful, with a procession into and out of the main church to the chapel where the blessed sacrament was being held in adoration.

During Mass, Tracy made some new sounds which were pretty loud! She is moving her tongue over her teeth more frequently and is trying so hard to talk to us. Wednesday, April 4th, Easter egg purple was the color she chose! Felicia and Tania took Tracy outside on the patio while her nails dried. While on the patio, Tania waxed her eyebrows!

Auntie Fee Home Going Celebration

Tracy really enjoys her Spa Days! Mom had to run errands and took Luca shopping with her. He seems to be feeling much better and was a big hit in the stores.

Everyone thinks he is sooooo cute! When Mom returned, Tania had recorded the cutest script for Tracy to say using her sequential switch. She said she missed Mom and wanted to know if Luca behaved! It will look so cute in the Bohemian room! Mom Spins Under the Stars! It was such a beautiful night with a light breeze!

She organized the Media Luncheon which was a tremendous success! She will spend Easter with Mamaw and Papaw and the family in Independence! Tuesday, April 3rd, He is literally bouncing around the house and Mom has to slow him down so he won't reinjure anything! He is such a good puppy! He hung out with Mom and Tania in the observation room so he wouldn't be a distraction. Imagine, Luca a distraction! He is such a ham! His massages are much different from Melanie's. Dee does more swedish massage and passive stretching and range of motion, while Melanie's massages are Cranial Sacral, which involves light touch, heat and energy transfer.

Tracy seems to do well with both approaches, which seem to complement each other well. Mom recorded some pretty corny jokes on Tracy's new Step by Step switch and Tracy hit it to tell Kristin the series of jokes. She even laughed appropriately at the corny jokes, especially the part Mom recorded about getting the corny jokes from Uncle Johnny! Tracy surprised Kristin with some delicious grapefruit scented lotion from Bath and Body Works for Easter! We are now using two eye blinks for YES and vocalization for NO, so that Tracy can use her head control for other things such as turning on the radio, scripted conversations, etc.

Kristin spent some time practicing visual tracking with Tracy, using a bright colored pom pom for her to focus on. Tracy tried real hard to follow the pom pom but still needs a lot of practice with visual tracking. She is doing better with head control now that her Baclofen dosage has been reduced to mcgs per day! Next, Kristin worked with Tracy's oral motor skills, applying some of Tracy's flavored lip gloss to her lips. The goal was for Tracy to close her mouth to blot her lip gloss.

Tracy did a good job closing hr mouth with Kristin's tactile assistance. Kristin asked Tracy to taste the flavored lip gloss with her tongue. Tracy is moving her tongue, although not consistently or always on command. We will continue to work on this. Last, Kristin worked with Tracy's vocalization, using her little microphone. Tracy did a good job making some sounds into the microphone. We will continue to practice vocalizations. This is the first season that Mom and Tracy have watched it, and they are definitely "hooked".

They are pulling for Apolo Anton Ohno! He is such a hottie! Monday, April 2nd, While he was asleep, the vet also gave him his rabies immunization and microchipped him. He was really happy to see Mom and Uncle Johnny when they picked him up! Mom gave him some pain medicine, antibiotics, and an anti-inflammatory and he seemed a little more comfortable.

He laid in Mom's lap all evening for TLC and didn't feel much like playing! He is scheduled to get his stitches out April 13th. She chilled out in her chair out on the patio for most of the morning. Tania massaged her hands, fingers and wrists with lavender scented massage cream. Her fingers and wrists are getting a little tight, as the BoTox wears off.

The Step by Step switch is really amazing in the way it engages others in conversation. Tania enjoyed the jokes! Everyone was pulling for the Florida Gators! They have such an awesome team and deserved to win! It is a story about a family's struggle to overcome Traumatic Brain Injury Tracy suffers from anoxic brain injury which is similar but not the same! Much of the story takes place in Landstuhl, Germany and Bethesda, Maryland where Tracy spent her first days post-injury.

It is an amazing book which Mom's highly recommends. Sunday, April 1st, Tracy responded very well to her massage. Melanie could feel a difference in Tracy's energy level and was very pleased with her muscle tone and flexibility. She said that she worked quite a bit with Tracy's white and yellow chakras. She mentioned that Tracy's energy is presently focused on internal healing which could explain why Tracy has been sleepy over the past week or so. Dad, Mom and cousin Michelle also got well-deserved massages. How do you spell relief! It looks so cute! Now we are hooked!

Who wants to send us the next puzzle? The conversation highlighted Tracy's idol, tennis pro Serena Williams. It was great to see Tracy using her switch to converse a little with Nana. Mom recorded the script which is meant to engage others in conversation with Tracy! Luca got wet from the paddle and was shivering! Mom needs to get him a wet suit if the water doesn't warm up soon! Tracy stayed awake in her chair through the entire movie. We do not understand why she vomits about two or three times a month, mostly on Sunday evenings.

Intersection Of Energy And Spirit: Sister Goddesses, check out Mama Gena's Website! Luca now weighs 4. He loves kayaking and going on outings with Tracy, especially the beach! He is scheduled for minor surgery neutered to make him a nicer man on Monday, April 2nd. New photos coming soon! He's named that because he looks like an Ewok from Star Wars! Tracy always wanted a son named Luca, so now she has one! Only thing, he is the furry, barking kind!

Much better since he does not need a college education! He's nine weeks in this picture, taken on January 2nd, He was born on Mawmaw's birthday, October 22nd, !!! Quote of the Week: When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality.