Meine Erzählungen, Band 2 (German Edition)

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During this time she continued assisting her father's medical practice, and saw patients even after his death in An official complaint by the local doctors, however, made it plain that Dorothea would not be allowed to continue without a doctorate. In , Dorothea Christiane Erxleben became the first woman in Germany to obtain a doctorate, submitting her dissertation, Academische Abhandlung von der gar zu geschwinden und angenehmen, aber deswegen oefters unsicheren Heilung der Krankheiten. As a lady of the Prussian court, she met and married, in , the Russian ambassador in Paris, Prince Dimitrij Aleksejewitsch Golizyn.

Amalie met and was influenced by Voltaire and Denis Diderot, friends of the prince--the latter spent three months in their home at The Hague. In , she retreated to a property near Scheveningen in order to educate her two children and study philosophy. Goethe references Amalia glowingly in a letter to Jacobi, and again in his Campagne in Frankreich.

Portrait by Anton Graff, Source: As a teenager, she corresponded with Johann Christoph Gottsched and eventually married him years later. In Leipzig, she learned Greek and Latin and followed her husband's lectures at the university from the next room. Together, the Gottscheds promoted German literary culture. Luise, in particular, contributed significantly through her many translations and original works for the stage.

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She was the daughter of Johann Michael von Herbert , an industrial pioneer who founded the first white lead factory in Austria in , in reward for which Herbert and his family were given a peerage by Empress Maria Theresia in Maria's brother, Franz Paul von Herbert , inherited the factory in , but left in for Jena to study Kant's philosophy with Karl Leonhard Reinhold. At the University of Jena, Franz Paul met many intellectuals: In the Spring of , he returned to Klagenfurt and started an intellectual salon where the Critical philosophy was fervently discussed and through which Maria first became acquainted with Kant's philosophy.

Taking an active interest in Kant's moral philosophy, she wrote a number of letters to Kant, with three having been preserved. These well-known but remarkable letters touch on, among other things, the morality of suicide and Kant's proscription of it in the Groundwork , and the limits of Kant's moral philosophy for motivating moral action. Maria herself committed suicide in Text by Antonino Falduto. Her essay, Bemerkungen ueber die Fehler unserer modernen Erziehung, von einer praktischen Erzieherin , published anonymously, claims that Johann Bernhard Basedow and Joachim Heinrich Campe had misunderstood Rousseau's theory of education.

She was unhappily married to her first husband, the traveller and ethnologist Georg Forster, from until his death around , at which time she married her lover, Ludwig Ferdinand Huber. Georg Forster was among the island's discoverers in , and Therese incorporates Forster's first-hand description of it, recorded in his Reise um die Welt.

The couple had eight children; five survived childhood. The book was published in , the same year Georg became privy councillor of the Electoral Archbishop of Trier, at which time the family relocated to Ehrenbreitstein. The salon terminated when Georg's criticism of the church caused him to be removed from his office and the family moved to Speyer. Sophie was widowed in When her widow's pension was ended by French occupation in , she relied on writing.

Mein Leben Bis Zum Kriege (German, Paperback)

La Roche was in correspondence with Dorothea Friedrica Baldinger and published her Lebensbeschreibung , with a preface of her own. She attempted, unsuccessfully, to petition Immanuel Kant to submit "some jottings from [his] notebook" to be published in a journal she intended to start "with some friends.

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She died in childbirth at age Dorothea's early education was shaped by an experiment: Dorothea's education invovled intense study with private tutors. She also studied broadly in the arts and sciences, eventually obtaining a doctorate. From , Dorothea's lover, Charles de Villers, lived with the couple. She died at age 55 of pneumonia in Avignon, France.

Caroline received an education from private tutors and from her father, Johan David Michaelis. Caroline's promotion of revolutionary ideals led to her imprisonment when Prussia recaptured French-occupied Mainz. She was pregnant at the time and gave birth after being released.

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Caroline's involvement in the Schlegels' projects at this time can be seen in her correspondence. While the couple lived in Munich, she served as Schelling's secretary and wrote reviews.

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Carloline died of dysentery in Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz initiated correspondence with Sophia Charlotte in after she proposed the construction of an observatory in Berlin: After meeting in the following year, Sophia Charlotte requested from Leibniz friendship and tutoring. Soon she proclaimed herself a disciple of Leibniz, and when the observatory was approved in , Leibniz stayed at her palace while visiting Berlin.

During this time, Leinbiz drafted the charter for the Society of Sciences, and was instated as President. In correspondence, Leibniz discussed the real distinction between mind and body, although he provided the queen with a simplified version of an argument previously given to her mother, Sophia of Hanover, with whom the philosopher shared his doubts that the queen was suited to grasp the mathematical analogy he used. Sophia Charlotte, for her part, perceived superficiality, and expressed disappointment to her mother. The pair continued to meet when Leibniz was in Berlin or the queen was in Hanover.

While visiting Hanover in January of , she became ill, and within weeks died of pnemonia, at the age of In response, Leibniz composed a long poem dedicated to her. Some of Unzer's most novel ideas concern embodiment and the immortality of the soul. She saw greater success as a poet.


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Wikipedia Dorothea Veit-Schlegel 24 October — 3 August was a poet, translator, novelist, and important member of the intellectual circle in Jena. Dorothea was the daugher of Moses Mendelssohn. Dorothea, like Caroline, was an important female member of the early Romantic intellectual circle in Jena, and contributed much by way of correspondence. Dorothea published the first volume of a novel, Florentin , but it remained unfinished. She and Friedrich were eventually married in Paris when she converted to Protestantism, but the couple later converted to Catholicism and renewed the marriage when they moved to Cologne in Women Intellectuals of 18th Century Germany While much of German intellectual life in the 18th century was driven by the university and the men who held academic positions there , women contributed in a number of crucial ways to the contemporary intellectual culture.


Albrecht, Sophie Source: Ermahnungen einer Mutter, an ihre Tochter. Brede, Reprinted in: Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv, Weimar. Literature by Women in Germany, University of Delaware Press, Klemme and Manfred Kuehn. Woran die beiden jungen Frauen sich festhalten, ist ihre Freundschaft. Elena Ferrante hat einen Weltbestseller geschrieben. Zu jener Zeit stand es denkbar schlecht um unsere Freundschaft, doch offenbar sah nur ich das so. Die seltenen Male, die wir uns trafen, zeigte sie keinerlei Verlegenheit, war herzlich zu mir und verlor nicht ein feindseliges Wort.

Doch es gab nicht nur beschreibende Passagen. Deshalb war er so gut geschrieben! Doch schon bald wurde ich wieder schwach Es sind die turbulenten siebziger Jahre und die beiden inzwischen erwachsene Frauen. Ihr stark gezeichnetes Gesicht erinnerte immer mehr an das ihres Vaters. Wir liefen zu dem kleinen Park, und sich grob den Weg bahnend zog Lila mich in die Ansammlung von Schaulustigen hinein.

Lila erkannte sie sofort, ich nicht. Ich hatte sie jahrzehntelang nicht gesehen. Wir gingen zu Lila, in die alte, kleine Wohnung ihrer Eltern, in der sie nun mit ihrem Sohn Rino lebte. Lila, die ihren Schicksalsort nie verlassen hat, ist eine erfolgreiche Unternehmerin geworden, aber dieser Erfolg kommt sie teuer zu stehen. Das war nicht leicht. Sie versuchte fast sofort, erneut in mein Leben einzubrechen, und ich ignorierte sie, tolerierte sie, ertrug sie. Doch schwerer als diese Beleidigung wog der Hinweis auf Dede und Elsa.

Wenn ich am Telefon einen klugen Spruch von ihnen wiedergegeben hatte, war sie mir stets ins Wort gefallen und hatte das Thema gewechselt. Ja doch, ich hatte meine Fehler, aber ich war unzweifelhaft eine bessere Mutter als sie. Elena Ferrante beantwortet in den Frantumaglia die wichtigsten der Fragen ihrer Leserinnen und Leser, sie zeigt sich so offen wie nie zuvor — und bleibt uns doch faszinierend fremd. Und sie bleibt, denn sie muss die Wahrheit wissen: Warum starb ihre Mutter? Er jedenfalls scheint der Letzte zu sein, der die Mutter lebend gesehen hat.

Meine Mutter ertrank in der Nacht des Meine Mutter hatte zwei Tage zuvor, am Mai, den Zug nach Rom genommen, war dort aber nicht angekommen. Ich hatte sie nicht gern in der Wohnung. Ich versuchte, wieder einzuschlafen, doch ohne Erfolg. Ihre Geselligkeit ging mir auf die Nerven. Sie packte ihre Sachen, gab der Wohnung einen letzten Schliff und versprach, bald wiederzukommen.

Ich bin ihre Puppe. Gerade ist ihr Vater gekommen, er ist jedes Wochenende bei uns am Meer.

Er kann mich nicht leiden. Ich denke daran, wie Mati vorhin noch mit mir gespielt hat. Wenn wir spielen, plappere ich immer sehr viel, und alle Dinge antworten mir. Doch jetzt bin ich allein, halb eingebuddelt im Sand, und mir ist langweilig.

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Lila und Elena sind jung, und sie sind verzweifelt. Elena und Lila sind inzwischen erwachsene Frauen. Lila hat einen Sohn bekommen und sich von allem befreit, von der Ehe, von ihrem neuen Namen, vom Wohlstand. Was bedeutet es, eine Frau und Mutter zu sein? Sie erhalten unseren kostenfreien Newsletter ca. Die Gewinne werden postalisch kostenfrei zugestellt. Momentan ist das Meine geniale Freundin.

Und dabei ist alles so wahr, weil es im wirklichen Leben genauso ist. Ich gerate in Trauer, wenn ich von ihnen getrennt bin. Und ich werde von einer animalischen Gier angetrieben, einfach immer weiterzulesen.