Recovering a Sense of the Sacred: Conversations with Thomas Berry

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Conversations with Thomas Berry is a thoughtful and poignant memoir by Carolyn W. Toben recounting her spiritual journey with renowned scholar, author and cultural historian, Thomas Berry. For ten years, Carolyn spent many hours in deep discussions with Thomas Berry about his transformational thinking for healing the human-earth relationship through recovery of a sense of the sacred. This book is based on her personal notes, practices and reflections from these conversations.

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Reverent and real, this wonderful work provides gracious and wise companionship for a life of the sacred. Those who knew Thomas will find themselves right there in the midst of the conversations, listening in, smiling, bathed again in the warmth of his remarkable presence. For those who are new to Thomas or his work, this book is an excellent introduction to his comprehensive thought and wisdom, for here it reaches us through a sense of his person—his own deep sense of the sacred in every being, his reverence, hospitality and friendship. What she has achieved is not only a passionate homage to a great thinker and visionary, but a personal and moving statement of our human responsibility to access the depth of our consciousness in relation to all that exists around us.

For here we meet the man himself in the context of an evolving relationship where, in different settings and moments over the last decade of his life, he shares his vision of a living universe and the immensity of meanings it holds for him. And here, in between their conversations, Carolyn Toben explores how his message is altering her own perceptions of the natural world and of herself.

Their warm-hearted companionship invites us in as well, to come alive to the creative mutuality at the heart of all that is. Read more Read less. Thousands of books are eligible, including current and former best sellers. Look for the Kindle MatchBook icon on print and Kindle book detail pages of qualifying books. Print edition must be purchased new and sold by Amazon. Gifting of the Kindle edition at the Kindle MatchBook price is not available. Learn more about Kindle MatchBook. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Customers who bought this item also bought.

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Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. The Emergence of Integral Ecology. For ten years, Carolyn spent many hours with the renowned priest, author and cultural historian, Thomas Berry, engaged in deep discussions about his foundational thinking on the human-earth-Divine relationship. Conversations with Thomas Berry" is based on her personal notes, practices and reflections from these conversations. Product details File Size: October 20, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers.

Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention thomas berry carolyn toben must read sense of the sacred time to time know more about thomas conversations with thomas earth wisdom relationship personal planet presence exploration friendship learn living unique writings.

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Showing of 20 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. And they will be participating in the evolution of a new consciousness on earth that can overcome our present division between humans and the natural world. A mutually-enhancing relationship will then become possible as the communion of all things is understood. What greater reason could we have to be hope-bearers? He spoke these words at what turned out to be my last meeting with Thomas.

He passed away three days later leaving a lifelong legacy of a love that unified the whole of creation and inspires a new dawning of hope in our time.

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If only we will awaken to it. Carolyn Toben is an educator, counselor, creator of new social forms and author of Recovering a Sense of the Sacred: Conversations with Thomas Berry.

Learn more and register online. Enter your email address to subscribe to our blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. New Dawnings 20 Oct These were some of his responses: Dec 18 Pat Bergen: Painting with Watercolors Mar 28 Healing Gong. He reflects insightfully on how the environment must be seen as a religious issue, not simply a scientific or economic problem.

In powerful and poetic language Berry presents a compelling vision of the sacredness of the universe and the interrelatedness of the Earth community.

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Drawing on Thomas Aquinas and Teilhard de Chardin he brings the Christian tradition into a cosmology of care for the whole of creation. Earth, Spirituality, and Religion in the Twenty-first Century A leading scholar, cultural historian, and Catholic priest who spent more than fifty years writing about our engagement with the Earth, Thomas Berry possessed prophetic insight into the rampant destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of species.

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Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. What a beautifully written and heartfelt exploration of Thomas' ideas. You also may like to try some of these bookshops , which may or may not sell this item. Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. English Choose a language for shopping. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally.

In this book he makes a persuasive case for an interreligious dialogue that can better confront the environmental problems of the twenty-first century. These erudite and keenly sympathetic essays represent Berry's best work, covering such issues as human beings' modern alienation from nature and the possibilities of future, regenerative forms of religious experience. Asking that we create a new story of the universe and the emergence of the Earth within it, Berry resituates the human spirit within a sacred totality.

From the big bang to the present and into the next millenium, The Universe Story unites science and the humanities in a dramatic exploration of the unfolding of the universe, humanity's evolving place in the cosmos, and the boundless possibilities for our future.

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Riane Eisler, author of The Chalice and the Blade. This landmark work, first published by Sierra Club Books in , has established itself as a foundational volume in the ecological canon.

In it, noted cultural historian, Thomas Berry provides nothing less than a new intellectual-ethical framework for the human community by positing planetary well-being as the measure of all human activity. Drawing on the wisdom of Western philosophy, Asian thought, and Native American traditions, as well as contemporary physics and evolutionary biology, Berry offers a new perspective that recasts our understanding of science, technology, politics, religion, ecology, and education. He shows us why it is important for us to respond to the Earth's need for planetary renewal, and what we must do to break free of the "technological trance" that drives a misguided dream of progress.