Erotic Poetry

10 of the Sexiest Poems for Literary Lovers

Aphrodite by the river Aphrodite by the river senses tingling makes me quiver you are with me in each finger in nerve endings where you linger in my mind and in my heart you're still with me although apart Aphrodite archetypal luscious lovely you are my girl for a moment out of time we're together in this rhyme we"re vibrating synchronizing feeling feelings so surprising Aphrodite by the river senses tingle as I quiver.

Poem Published Today 2: Burgundy Bliss The burgundy bliss began with the first glass quick sips away from the control of a home life, free from the watchful eye of compounded anger and total disinterest. He could take a breath and absorb the energy of those dressed up for an evening of fun; laughing, dining, flirting longing to be a part of it, but rarely getting that chance. He felt a little more comfortable with glass number two and watched a woman alone at her table; looking to her phone and to the door obviously expecting a companion who had left her to Poem Published Today 1: Poem Published Today There was nothing original Perplexing or surreal In her hushed excited grunts But to me with her back shown And me with trembling arms around Unimaginable yielding mounds In a quickly steaming Breathing storage space Her words were no less Than surprise solution of paradox never solved before Caesar crying: The first time we made love I realized why I never prayed.

One human can only say Oh God so many times. Last night I slept, and when I woke her kiss Still floated on my lips.

For we had strayed Together in my dream, through some dim glade, Where the shy moonbeams scarce dared light our bliss. The air was dank with dew, between the trees, The hidden glow-worms kindled and were spent. Cheek pressed to cheek, the cool, the hot night-breeze Mingled our hair, our breath, and came and went, As sporting with our passion. Low and deep Spake in mine ear her voice: This could be sleep? And love be thrall to death! Nay, whatso seem, Have faith, dear heart; this is the thing that is! If only he could touch her, Her name like an old wish In the stopped weather of salt On a snail.

He longs to be. Words, juicy as passionfruit On her tongue. Rise out of ashes of the yew, To step from the naked Fray, to be as tender As meat imagined off.

The uses of erotic poetry

He longs to be An orange, to feel fingernails Run a seam through him. You came to the side of the bed and sat staring at me. Then you kissed me—I felt hot wax on my forehead. I wanted it to leave a mark: The Heat Of My Desire.

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The Sweet Taste Of Love. Sometimes just the thought of someone can stir up emotions in us when we least expect it. May I Kiss You? Sometimes our loved ones put us on pedestals - and we simply can't or don't choose to live up to the picture they have in their minds.

We all have them - wicked thoughts, dark desires. Besides, they're just fantasies - aren't they? It holds us together, protects us from the world - and brings us some of life's greatest pleasures. Thoughts, even at work, can sometimes turn to fantasies of what is to come later.

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Nailing down the best erotic poetry is difficult because preferences and tastes vary so greatly from person to person. This is great news!. erotic poems at DU Poetry. Read and publish erotic poems about sex. Share sex poems, short stories and spoken word erotic poetry.

How wonderful that feeling of "lust" - especially when you share it with just the right person. Ah, romantic love - it breathes life into us.

ASMR Erotic Poem/Story: Passion

This wonderful love poem pulses with imagery, and does just that This poet is intensely romantic - and equally as intense in his description of love Fantasy and love have something very much in common. Both can totally consume our lives.


I'm not sure if this is an sexy poem it is! The ocean, the scientists say, is the fountainhead of Life. And, too, perhaps of love? Insatiable is just a word.

Erotica and sex poetry