Mariposa Mortal (Spanish Edition)

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Counts are in Mariposa and at the bedside of their sick brother. Obarr is attending to the duties of the County Treasure's office during the illness of County Treasurer. Obarr came up from Los Angels last Saturday evening, being called here by the illness of his uncle, S. Zeller of Palo Alto, arrived in Mariposa Tuesday evening. Zeller is a sister of Mrs. Counts was was called here by the serious illness of the latter's husband. H Lowrie of Mariposa are down with the measles. Thorn of this town is on the sick list. Plaskett motored to San Francisco Sunday to visit Mrs. Plaskett's little sister, Josephine Camin, who is a patient in the University hospital undergoing treatment.

The little girl recently underwent a successful operation for the transfusion of blood, which was give by her father, E. Although in a very week condition, it is believed the patient will grow stronger following the operation. Several shot also struck the unfortunate man in the head, over the right eye, penetrating the skull.

The wounds will probably prove fatal. I am distantly related to the Scotts through their intermarriage with my Marshall clan. Another sibling of Elijah's was a brother, William W. Scott, who was born on 22 Dec and died at Hornitos on 12 Nov Additional material on the Scotts can be found in the George A.

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Marshall Memoir in the Family Chronicles. Elijah's father, William, was killed by a lightning strike during a wagon train journey to California in Irene Branson Scott continued on to California and eventually developed a sizable ranch outside Hornitos. I have no information on how the shooting incident of Mr. Cook ever turned out. The doctor cut the bullet out of his hip. Schlageter, of the Mariposa Hotel took three shots at his brother-in-law, Ben Bertken.

Bertken, who is a deputy Constable, rushed at Schlageter and after a struggle succeeded in wresting the pistol from him, and then proceeded to give him a thrashing after which he looked Schlageter in jail where he remained until Thursday last. No warrant has been sworn out. Such pleasantries as this may be well enough in some places, but in a public street of the county seat, at an hour when men, women and children are passing by, a stray bullet is likely to make a corpse of some innocent person.

Amador Ledger, November 24, While a hunting party was successful in bringing back a four-point buck Charles Smithers, Jr. Samuel Ransome- grief stricken- Charles A. Officers believe that he was on his way to kill his recently divorced wife, changed his mind and sent a bullet into his brain. He brooded over the divorce and also annoyed his former wife, who yesterday swore to a complaint charging him with disturbing her peace. He heard of it and then borrowed a rifle and started toward her home. He will be buried tomorrow afternoon near Coulterville, where his father, Frank Converse, lives.

July Funeral servies will be held tomorrow morning at Burial will be in the Merced Cemetery. Trabucco ended his lifve in a small store room building near his travern , the Pioneer Bar, in Bear Valley. The body was not found until two hours later when members of his family instituted a search after becoming alarmed because of his long absense. Mrs Trabucco, the former Loretta Barcroft of Merced, could give no reason for her husband's suicide.

She and her sister in law, Mrs. Harold Trabucco, found the body. Both said he had appeared in excellent spirits earlier Wednesday morning. Deputy Coroner James McElligott, who investigated said death was instantateous.

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Surviving him besides his widow are two small children, Donna, 7, and David T Trabusso sic , 4; his mother, Mrs. Nancy Trabucco; four sisters, Mrs. Ella Simpson and Mrs. The accident in which he was injured occurred just this side of the Summit House, where, at the top of the hill, he turned out to allow a buggy to pass.

Capítulos Completos de Mariposa de Barrio, la serie de Jenni Rivera | Telemundo

A dog accompanying the buggy ran up to the freight team and frightened them. When they started to run KINMAN attempted to jump from the from the horse he was riding but was caught by the brake strap and was thrown under the wagon which passed over him. The injured man was taken to the Summit House and a messenger dispatched for a physician.

It was also feared that he had sustained internal injuries. Stage Over the Embankment- July All motor traffic has been stopped near the top of the Briceburg Grade and only offical cars, or those belonging to residents between here and a point six mile east along the highway , are permitted to pass the barricade. The few cars permitted to passs the barrier must do so at the driver's rish because of the dangerous condition of the road. There is no communication between here and El Portal or Yosemite Valley. Telephone lines are in working order as far as emery, six miles below El Portal, and crews were unable to state when they expect to complete the communications repairs.

Jeffries, Mariposa County foreman of the highway maintenance division, drove as far as he could yesterday and walked the remaining distance to El Portal. He said landslides did not damage the road but that it had been undermined and washed out in several places. He reported particularly bad stretches at points six miles eash of here and in the vicinity of the South Fork Crossing.

It was unoffically stated by one highway worker that it would require day and night work for five days before one way emergency traffic could be carried by the raod. It was unoffically reported here that El Portal residens said they had food for about five days only. Markus Schinsky, a miner who resided in a cabin one mile below here before it was swept way at daybreak Saturday, said a pioneer resident of the vicinity marked the line some time back. He estimates the water line after the waters receded Saturday evening and today is seven feet about the old timer's mark. Johnson was awakened by the barking of his dog.

He stepped from his bed into the water which covered the floor of his cabin. Before he could dress, the water carried the cabin down stream. Johnson clutched the dog as both were hurled into the water. Young Dukes and other saw the cabin carried away and Johnson in the water. Dukes ran to the river, plunged in and grabbed Johnson. Both were being swept along with the stream, but Dukes managed to grab a rope tossed to the pair by those on the bankcdf. This was decided at a recent meeting of the county board of supervisors.

Maguire announced his company was willing to deed the property to the county or to any other responsible organization that would undertake its restoration. The members of the board voted unanimously to accept a deed to the property. The board also passed a resolution directed to the county SERA recommending that it undertake the work of restoration of the buildings and its beautification of the proposed park. The plan is to restore the old mint just as it was when it was turning out the famous gold slugs from gold mined at the Mt. If the SERA adopts the recommendations of the board of supervisors, work will begin at once, the board said.

It is estimated it will take three months co complete the riport, which will have two runways. Other projects approved by the board of supervisors and submitted to the federal authorites include the construction of a high school athletic field, the resorantion of the Mt.

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Charles Greenamyer, project engineer; Mrs. Pearl Greenamyer, stenographer, and Raymond English, welfare investigator, are those who have been released. Application for the project was made by Mrs. Ella Lewis and Lester N Philiips, the school trustees. Two shifts of men will work for six-hour period. At the time of the shut down on all projects, the building was being dismantled preparatory to remodeling operations. The operations consist mostly of plastering and finishing the three-room building which was begun as an SERA project.

Bullion Airport, completion of the forest service road from Acorn Inn to Darrah and work on the part of the route already existing is foreseen as a result of action taken by the Mariposa County Board of Supervisors. The work will be done with the assistance of the Works Progress Administration. Four hangars will be constructed at the airport, with foundations and floors of concrete. The runway will be fenced and oiled and sanitary facilities constructed.

He estimated the cost of completion at between one and one and a half million dollars. Paving gravel was scooped from the Mariposa Creek bed by WPA workers as part of a street improvement project. An analysis showed the gravel contained gold assaying 40 cents a yard.

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Bullion and have lived there continuously since TV min Drama. Visit our website or join our mailing list to stay up to date on all upcoming events: Their daughters are Mrs. We learn that Mr. SHe has engaged in school drama and music performances and is a business major. I am only transcribing the entries from the Mariposa Area.

Mining experts hold that gold bearing gravel can be worked profitably if the gravel assays as los as 7 cents a yard. This is an inadvertent error on the part of the writer, for the falls had been visited as early as August, , by a prospecting party, 1 of whom is at present an old and prominent resident of this city. PAU and a number of others. The manner in which the discovery was made is related as follows: In August, , Mr.

The 2nd party immediately proceeded to his aid and found him surrounded as reported, by the savages, having succeeded in building a corral of cottonwood timber for protection. The party of relief soon dispersed the Indians and camped in the valley, where they found fine grass.

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They visited the falls and prospected the stream for gold. This expedition was out altogether about 3 weeks. The falls, so late in the season, were merely diminutive streams, not appearing in the sublime magnificence they display when the Merced river has been filled by the Winter! It was in March, at the period of the highest stage of water, that Major SAVAGE and party first saw these might cataracts, and the huge volumes of water, pouring down the precipitous mountain sides, must have more forcibly impressed his mind than the mere threads that dribbled down at the time Mr.

It is doubtful what white man first invaded these wild and sublime regions, but this is the first authentic account of their knowledge by Americans. The question of thoroughbred bulls and feed questions in reference to the reserve was discussed at length. Other improvements will be made to the vault, among which will be the making of a door for exit from the vault should a fire occur in the main building, while anyone was in the vault. The walls of the vault are two to four feet thick and the ceiling is said to be fully four feet in thickness.

The records contained in the Mariposa Courthouse vault are the most valuable in the state, many of them dating as far back as Cavagnaro offered Ten thousand dollars worth of Williams Irrigation District bond of Colusa county for sale at public auction yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, there was not a single bidder present to make an offer on the valuable securities. The bonds are acknowledge to be sound securities and Mariposa county will realize full returns on the amount of the deposit, it is claimed, but it appears that no one , at this time , is in the market for Williams Irrigation District bonds.

The wire broke a few hundred yards up Merced River above the Bagby Hotel. As it was on a steep hillside the wire, still a "hot one," began to coil up and roll down the hill, setting fires in a dozen places. As it rolled onto the railroad grade it barely missed two section hands, who saved their lives by dodging.

Another part of the wire dropped over the corner of a wire fence yards away from a house close to which a dog was chained to the fence. The dog was killed instantly, and an iron wheel barrow standing by the fence had one of its legs entirely burned off. Mariposa and other town in the county were without light or power for sixteen hours. July Representatives of R Roland arrived here yesterday on their way to Exchequer, where they will choose sites for the camps of the construction crews to be used by the contractor in the relocation of the Yosemite Valley Railroad.

This work which will change the route of the railroad over seventeen miles is being done by the Merced Irrigation District, in order to get the railroad out of the way of the Exchequer Dam, giant structure upon which work will start soon. Pate of Le Grand owns one of the most interesting and most valuable collections of curious and relics of pioneer days that is to be found in California. The larger part of the collection is made up from articles gathered in Mariposa and Merced Counties and consists of Indian relics, firearms and various articles brought to California in the days of ' Pate's collection there are almost Indian mortars and pestles said to be the largest private collection of this kind in the state.

The banks to be selected by County Treasurer S.

Justice of the Peace and Mrs. Robert Ellis of Northfork are named in one of the actions and Robert and Lorriane Boronda of the Mariposa district are named in another. The government alleges that these named in the two actions have taken possession of the land which is the real property of the Indians. The acreage involved is grazing land. Hodgson, eastern book publisher. The volumes, which cover practically every elementary school subject and include a set of encyclopedias, are valued at several thousand dollars.

Hodgson, who owned considerable property in this county, provided in his will that the books which were stored in a house on a ranch which he owned in the Pea Ridge district, should be received by the school system. He died in a Yonkers hospital in March of this year. Perry Brumbagh has 5,00 three months old turkey poults on the Giddings ranch south of Mormon Bar and plans to start 1, more in June. Located near the Triangle Store, John Desmond hs 8, month old poults, and Bill Turner of Bridgeport has received 1, poults, and Marvin Worley of the Colorado road has started 5, In the Usona district the Reimans of Planada have started several of their giant brooders J B Hill has started 40, poults in Cathey valley, and Ed Robertson is feeding 10, breeders, and Chet Guenthart, 30, Fryers are being raised on the Cleo Smith ranch and Wallace Heyne also has started a large flock- cferoben Mariposa, Mariposa Co- an offer by the Merced Irrigation District to help pay for a Mariposa County water project on Merced River tributaries has been rejected as offering too little an amount.

A Mariposa County spokesman said his county does not wish to interfere with the MID project but "as a county of origin, we are entitled to a reasonable amount of water, either from the local streams or the south fork. This was forecast by William Warne, state director of water resources, when he toured the proposed dam site Friday in company with about 40 state and count officials and local residents. The county water agency, which is composed of the county supervisors, last month submitted an application for a federal grant under Economic Development Act.

Public Law hard to read which would provide 50 percent of construction funds. This leaves 12 per cent to be raised by the county. Warne said the county water agency could apply for a state loan for this amount under the Davis-Grunsky Act. The board of Supervisors, awaiting word on the application for federal funds, is prepared to call an election and this could be in the spring. Warne offered his complete moral support to the venture. You can do it," he said, offering the technical aid of his staff.

The state in decided the dam project would be economically justified and financially feasible. He declared that now is the time for mountain counties like Mariposa to develop future water supplies before prime water areas are taken over by other communities in the state. The reports will be needed by the federal and state governments before action is taken on requests for funds. Sanford Koretsky, of the engineering firm, said it may take from six weeks to six months for state and federal engineers to check results of the study, depending on how much time they have available.

Warne also said Agua Fria is the prototype of a series of small dams which may be built in the mountain counties in the years to come. One dam of a similar size is in the final planning statges at Box Canyon in Siskiyou County on the Sacramento River and other dams are suggested in Placer and El Dorado Counties, he said. The reservoir formed would hold a maximum of 50, acre feet of water. Recreation facilities initially would include 27 camping areas, picnic units, a boat launching ramp and a bathing beach.

The Lake That Never Happened. Davis-Grunsky would furnish 38 per cent and the federal government, under the Economic Development Act, 50 per cent. Plans call for a rock fill dam feet high at the confluence of Mariposa and Agua Fria Creeks. Recreation facilities initially would include 27 camping areas, picnic units, bathing beach and boat launch.

At their recent meeting, the supervisors also took under consideration feasibility reports on the expansion of the Mariposa County Airport and approved the housing of the Hornitos fire truck in the Gagliardo Building on a lease. They also continued the contract with the State Department of Public Health for county service from July 1, to June 20, The chamber membership was urged to back the project at its latest meeting. Leroy Radanovich was elected president; Perel Barnes, first vice president; Jack Ritter, second vice president, and Ruth Robinson, secretary-treasurer.

Davis-Grunsky would provide 38 per cent of the cost, the county 12 per cent and the federal governament, under the Economic Development Act, 50 per cent. Recreation facilities would include 27 camping areas, picnic units, bathing beach and boat launch. At its meeting , the chamber approved the idea of a retirement community in Mariposa as presented by Enos Cotton. He showed a plat with the location of one and two-bedroom units, aloing with recreation and restaurant facilities on property at the north end of Mariposa where Highways and 49 join.

Mariposa- Interim zoning ordinances for Mariposa County, first adopted to cover a 90 day period and then extended for a year, hare been extended for still another year by Mariposa County supervisors to enable county planners time to complete a master zoning plan. Also under the ordinances, developers of mobile home parks are required not only to obtain county use permits, but to install access roads which conform to county standards. Still another provision of the ordinances sets controls and restrictions on wild-animal parks. However, with the California population surge sweeping into the mountains, pressure has begun to mount among county residents for zoning protection.

Supervisors learned during the meeting that the local office of the State Department of Human Resources will be closed this winter for economy reasons. Mariposa claims will be handled by mail through the Merced office following an initial visit by applicants to the Merced facility. Pearl Cabezut of Mariposa, who puts in a hour week delivering mail and on Sunday hunts goes fishing or drives to Nevada to "try her luck". Cabezut, a grandmother, also finds time to tune up her small station wagon, including putting in new spark plugs and points, and installs new brake drums.

Cabezut who started delivering mail in ". She is a special girl, immune to the critics of the rest of the kids. She sparks a school-spirit revolution with just one cheer. Stefan Salvatore, el principal sospechoso del asesinato del profesor de historia, ha desaparecido.

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