O Marquez de Pombal (folheto para poucos) (Portuguese Edition)

Todos os artigos de Ana Stela Almeida Cunha

Twayne Publishers, Comenta Maxwell, [Pombal] used his extensive reading to formulate his famous critical account of the unfair advantages the British enjoyed in Lisbon and Oporto, advantages for which, Pombal claimed, Portuguese merchants in Britain had gained no reciprocal privileges. Estos monopolios causaron muchas quejas. En efecto, las Cortes no se reunieron entre y Resulta que en Austria el confesor del rey no era jesuita sino jansenista. Es el juicio de Maxwell que: It was a policy of reform, disguised, when prudence dictated, by traditional institutions and language.

It is fundamentally the enhancement of state power we are speaking about, not the extension of individual freedoms…the other side of the coin of backwardness can be order, and the other side of progress can be tyranny. In neither was there much room for the rights of the individual. That space had been decisively preempted by the state. Por eso cojea, al igual que el Ignacio ante todos los ignacianos. El pensamiento alternativo cede a una renovada ortodoxia. El padre Lozano describe uno de los viajes. En la advertencia que cubre gran parte del sudeste del mapa aparecen estas palabras que ayudan a comprender los colores pintados en diferentes secciones del mapa.

La lista de las tribus es larga. Acerca de estas tribus afirma: Casi todas estas Naciones viven vagabundas sin Pueblos, sin sitio fixo, y sin sementeras. Las naciones de a pie, que casi todas son labradoras, no hacen guerra. El caballo es el que causa mucha insolencia al indio. Otro de medicina casera. Cragg, The Church and the Age of Reason En retorno de los agasajos que nos hacen los cristianos por los largos caminos en sus Estancias y Granjas, en donde no hay ninguna posada y es desdoro darles dinero, les damos medallas, estampas, relicarios, de que quedan muy agradecidos.

Algunos de los principios ilustrados apoyan el esfuerzo de derrumbar el monopolio intelectual de la Iglesia en general y los jesuitas en particular en los colegios y las universidades por casi todo el mundo. Las verdades, en efecto, parecen ser mentiras. Cardiel mide los logros culturales y espirituales con la regla de la sociedad europea: A pesar de su exactitud y a causa de lo muy citado que es este jesuita, algunos critican su modo de presentar la realidad de las misiones. Siempre pueden volver a los bosques cuando no les agrada la vida de las misiones.

Cuando Cardiel le contesta a Pombal, tales problemas se pueden interpretar de dos formas: University of Nebraska Press, Tocante a lo militar: Pero el religioso se encuentra con algunos indios que le dicen que "no" en este caso interesante. Diario Pero aun entre las quejas se puede ver que para Cardiel, los indios son una maravilla. En lugar de quejarse del sol, rechazan la sombra. Y esta salud y fuerza la mantienen a pesar de que tienen que sanarse de los azotes que reciben de "una penca de cuero de vaca, sembrado de clavos, con las puntas hacia fuera, al modo de peine para apartar el hilo de la estopa" Misiones Tienen un juego de palo y sortija en el que "Ponen una sortija en medio de la plaza, colgada de un palo atravesado, que estriba en dos pilares.

Toma el Corregidor un palo de lanza, ya carrera abierta va a meterlo por aquella sortija. Si lo mete, prende de tal modo la sortija, que se desprende y va metida en el palo. Para pasarlos se llevan prevenidos cueros de toro. Se levantaban alrededor las orillas como una tercia" Misiones Y llegado el fin de la vida: Mueren piadosamente y con gran esperanza de salvarse. Desde luego a los medios hombres hay que gobernarlos.

O Marquez de Pombal (Folheto Para Poucos) (Portuguese, Paperback)

En sus casas usaban la hamaca para cama y silla. Edificaron catedrales que daban a una plaza central de varas en cuadro. No permitieron que las mujeres participaran en los bailes ni que los actores se vistieran de mujer. A las 4 en verano, se toca a levantar [ Cardiel comenta que los padres nunca les daban nada a las indias sin primero ponerlo en mano de un indio.

Sin embargo, los jesuitas no pudieron cambiar todo. Algunos de estos logros vienen con un elemento particular y americano: Editorial Belgrano, No por estar expulsados, se vieron los jesuitas completamente fuera de las luchas que antes participan. Su nombre aparece hoy dos veces en el mapa de la Argentina: De todas sus actividades, la que perdura es su obra escrita. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, Porto Alegre, Martins Liveiro: Por haber defraudado a los monarcas de su poder de ejecutar los tratados que legalmente contrataron, los jesuitas son culpables del crimen de lesa majestad.

Impiden el paso a las fuerzas que tratan de llegar al lugar de las conferencias. Los monarcas, los ofendidos por ese crimen de lesa majestad, se presentan con sus calificativos religiosos: Al otro lado del mar y lejos de los reyes, los militares que tratan de ejecutar el Tratado de Madrid, se presentan como fieles informantes de lo ocurrido durante la guerra.

En cambio, hace falta que el lector reconozca en las obras de los indios la influencia de los jesuitas. Los pinta inocentes pero crueles, ignorantes pero instruidos en lo que no les toca como la arquitectura militar , obedientes a los jesuitas pero rebeldes a los reyes. Siempre en contra de los jesuitas, Pombal revaloriza esta "serie de constantes".

Abusa de la gente con amenazas y sustos. A pesar de tener los jesuitas de tutores hay grandes lagunas en los conocimientos de los naturales. Los indios, dice, no saben que tienen rey, no saben que son vasallos de ese rey, y que, como tales, tienen deberes a su monarca. Por lo tanto, las razones de estado que determinaron los detalles del Tratado de Madrid no les interesan, ni se consideran obligados a ceder el paso a quien viene al nombre del rey. Su testigo presencial es otra vez el general Gomes Freire de Andrade. No menciona las plazas, las catedrales, las casas, ni las anchas calles, menos en un solo caso.

No intenta alabar a los jesuitas desde luego. Los indios no tienen ni siquiera suficiente dinero ni tiempo para proveerse de ropa. Esto es, la nada por excelencia para la historia. Pombal pinta una variedad de misa negra. No se les puede confiar en los jesuitas, nos afirma Pombal, ni en cuestiones espirituales. Pero en gran parte sus acusaciones dependen de su habilidad de hacer creer que los indios nada pueden sin los padres y por lo tanto los religiosos tienen que haber estado involucrados.

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Leur souscripteurs ont beaucoup diminuer par rapport au XIXe. In the wake of this process, and following on from other events at the turn of the eighteenth to the nineteenth century6, and with the hope of re-establishing a new political pact to ensure more pro-eminent functions within Brazil, on 10 February Bahia set in motion its own revolutionary process through a financial and political break, with power based in Rio de Janeiro7. Click here to sign up. It followed the periodical model in the Portuguese language, and was produced in London. O teatro realista no Brasil En los que se escribieron antes, todo es de color de rosa. The author asks if the Brazilian authors had a small production because they were in lack of talent or inspiration.

Ofrece este ejemplo de la falta de virtudes entre los indios: Aunque no se ven en la batalla la presencia de los padres se puede sentir y razonar, porque sin los padres, los indios no hacen nada. Parece que logra bastante. Los que saben algo de Pombal no se arriesgan a pensar que tal apertura y libertad se convirtiera en libertinaje. Se ve que Pombal, cuando pinta en matices oscuros el gobierno de los jesuitas, sugiere que el buen gobierno consta de lo opuesto. Por eso, manumite a los esclavos africanos dentro de Portugal para evitar su traslado del Brasil donde se necesitan para el trabajo duro en ese clima agobiante.

Pombal apunta varias ocasiones cuando los indios no cumplieron su deber ante los blancos. Cuando se trata de un catolicismo bastardo y supersticioso que requiere la ciega obediencia, seguramente lo que le vino a la mente de Pombal tiene por fuerza que ser el caso del padre jesuita Gabriel Malagrida.

Dado que en el siglo XVIII Portugal contaba con un religioso por cada quince habitantes, la influencia del clero debe de haberle parecido casi insuperable. A pesar de guardar el secreto de su identidad, se puede percibir las luchas que ha llevado a cabo Pombal con sus antagonistas papistas en Portugal en sus quejas acerca de los jesuitas en el Nuevo Mundo.

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Ahora adoran a sus santos padres y les cortan la cabeza a los europeos. Los jesuitas abusan de los indios. Los jesuitas, muchos de los cuales son extranjeros, no son leales a los monarcas. No hay quien controle a los jesuitas. It is powerfully but simply written, and containing withal that saving grace of humor which has, from the beginning of the world, been a stumbling-block to fools. Guillermo Furlong Cardiff agrega: Ofrece sus expertos que impugnan las declaraciones de los expertos de Pombal. Los dos documentos intentan recontar y explicar los hechos ocurridos entre y , y los dos emplean el trasfondo de la vida de las misiones para acreditar su punto de vista.

Son una de las primeras autoridades que ofrece en contra de las autoridades, muchas de ellas portuguesas, que ofrece para hacer la defensa. Libelista, el Relacionista y el Sr. Varias veces vuelve al tema. El jesuita explica la historia del odio del indio hacia los portugueses. Antes de desmentir lo dicho por Pombal, Cardiel examina muchas otras acusaciones hechas a los jesuitas anteriormente. Incluye en su defensa otros mitos populares: Presenta al lector una frase capaz de callar muchas discusiones acerca del tema.

Cita al padre Xarque y a Antonio Ruiz de Montoya.

Portugal - Livro Marquês de Pombal

Hay otra denuncia que Cardiel no contesta. Immersed with them in an environment of joint activity, they learn to see things or hear them, or touch them in the ways their teachers and companions do. How do colonial history and colonial heritage shape current discourses on identity, diversity and multiculturalism in Europe? Em seguida ele telefonou para outro colega. Fils Kinkela contactou alguns amigos das igrejas por onde havia tocado nestes anos de Portugal e conseguiu, emprestada, uma bateria.

Adquiriram ainda algumas guitarras, contrabaixo. Cheguei pela primeira vez a esta casa em , tal como relatei acima. Portanto, a musicalidade e a necessidade caminhavam juntas, naquele momento. In a world in which identity is fundamental to politics and contestation at a global scale, understanding the means of articulating often vague feelings and senses of belonging becomes quite crucial.

According to Meskell , heritage involves questions of identity, locality, religion and economic value. More recently, the isque of multiculturalism seems to have brought adjustment to the concept of heritage: Volto ao Vuza Kokobar para trazer um pouco mais de sua biografia. The music generated in and around the symbolic Africa is my interest in this research, following this congolese group in Lisbon.

Eu nasci em Luanda, sou angolano. Fils aprendeu a falar o lingala aos 18 anos. Portanto era um falante passivo do lingala. The Nature of Heritage: The New South Africa. Boxer or were limited to the colonial period. On the other hand, the manipulation of these handlings in favour of its own political local interests by the quilombola communities sums political factors to the discussion to the factors related by other authors — in special the missionaires travel acconts — as Cavazzi and Luca da Caltanisetta Defender of European interests. O Conciliador do Reino Unido Na Imprensa Regia, , No.

Reprinted in Rio de Janeiro: Na Typographia Real, 14 November - It called for the election of deputies, quoting in context, Nos. It used, as its major argument, the Cortes of Lamego, a basic pact of the monarchy. Only one specimen, without any indication of date or numbering. Brazilian nationalistic op-ed periodical. Sabatina Familiar de Amigos do Bem-Comum Na Imprensa Nacional, , No.

Op-ed periodical with a bias in literature, apparently suffering from vagueness. Mostly news, unofficial, which did not exclude opinion articles which are emphasized from mid, mainly through correspondents , with the seal of Lisbon. Compilador Constitucional Politico, e Litterario Brasiliense News, opinion, correspondence news sources: Defender of the union; European. An example of the process of going from an attempt at consensus to rupture, in favour of Brazilian nationalism. O Conciliador Nacional Clearly showing its modernist beginning as an op-ed periodical.

Na Typographia de Santos e Souza, , No. Clearly inserted in the new paradigm, the single issue that it was possible to have access to has pp. Politics, Economics, Science, Church Administration, etc..

Da Viuva Serva e Carvalho, , No. Defender of the Brazilian cause, O Diario, due to controversy around it, it suspended publication on 15 December It reappeared on 8 February , and was then substituted by O Constitucional, which followed its convictions. Na Typographia do Diario, , No.

Incendiary and disturbing op-ed periodical, which finished violently on 21 August , after various aggressive acts. This dealt with home medicine for the diseases of the province cf. Using a medical metaphor with political objectives. Remorseless Brazilian nationalistic op-ed periodical. Only one issue, without any indication of date or numbering.

O Macaco Brasileiro Na Imprensa de Silva Porto, , No. Defender of the union, with systematic usage of imagery from Classical Antiquity. Defended the meeting of the Cortes in Brazil and Brazil as the seat of the executive power. Issues with continued reflection, in the same sector as O Constitucional.

Brazil to regain its unquestionable sovereignty. A Verdade Constitucional Na Typographia de Santos e Souza, , 16 March - Regular news and op-ed periodical, but with no hesitations concerning the path to follow: Unofficial, European, extreme defender of the Portuguese cause. The Sentinella has been described as reactionary press28, which seems to me to be reductive.

Na Imprensa Nacional, Only one issue exists, in the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal. Na Typographia Nacional, , No. Op-ed periodical, anti-Masonic and pro-English, it advocated amalgamating with British positions. It seemed to argue for the end of one colonialisation in order to subject Brazil to another one. Indeed, one could say that the power of Communication, the connection between experiences and interpretations, captivates, recreates, recovers, refocuses and reorders the relationships human beings have with ideas, politics, power and their community.

Speaking of the circulation of the press by abstracting away the themes incorporated in it would be the same as speaking of a body without soul, of a reason without conscience. Through political periodical journalistic activity, these Brazilian journalists sought to reanimate a society in which they existed and for which they wrote.

In the double sense of circulation and the double shift, which is present in this text, in the new form of journalistic production and the transition to independence, two living worlds and opposing arrival points came face to face. Thus, on the European side, we have: A vision that let itself be overtaken by time, which did not understand the inevitable independence, while bearing in mind the values that the 24 August had established in Portugal.

Between the virtual possibility of continuing to maintain the colony, in comparison with the factual impossibility of this, the European faction did not try to look beyond the borders of Brazil and the limited urban space of Lisbon. Haunted by the process of possible decolonization and an unprecedented crisis in sight on the near horizon, towards the end of the supposed empire, the journalists in favour of keeping Brazil as a dependency of Lisbon, resorted to the possible argumentation that was within their reach, to try and, unsuccessfully, obtain their desired effect.

Independence was just around the corner. Paris, Albin Michel, The feeling of the abominable: This hatred ran deep. The Brazilian periodicals, in favour of total disengagement with Portugal, began publication life in a moderate tone, and with the passing of time there was a refinement of the writing process, which was essentially liberal, but nationalistic. And it does not hold water to accuse them of being absolutist, because politics, which had been utterly foreign to the public, was not out on the street, having left the offices.

In addition to the programme of liberal principles, the tenors of independence continued in the hiatus of waiting, in the undefined spaced between the Cortes and Brazil, to sing the requiem for the colony, irrespective of the wishes of Lisbon and the Portuguese bourgeoisie interested in Brazilian trade and strengthening their new way of producing periodicals. In their inheritance of the Gazette model and their movement towards another mode of production, and another world of life, the Brazilian press, on both sides of the divide, exhibited a form of thinking and action, which was also a mission: One might wonder about its effectiveness and its importance specifically in the political and social sector, which may have been minimal.

This daily activity is experienced intently. The journalists did not only write to defend their position in the courts of the people representing public opinion, but as someone who thinks of power, without being able to possess it, in a subsequent logic of aims to be attained. En plus, la violence du royaume de D.

Europe in , Londres: Paris, Librairie Plon, La France des larmes: La civilisation Du Journal: Cia das Letras, Ed Ouro Sobre Azul, The French Revolution of Princeton University Press, A vida de D. La Monarchie de Juillet. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris pendant la Monarchie de Juillet , Col.

Nouvelle Histoire de Paris, Diffusion Hachette, Almeida, Fernando Mendes de, Jornal do Brasil: Fernando Mendes de Almeida. Anonyme correspondant de Paris , ob. Brazil and Portugal on the pages of Revista Brasileira 2nd phase Mateus Pereira e Mauro Franco Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto 1 T he aim of this text is to try to perceive how the Revista Brasileira had connected and disconnected the civilization and the Brazilian editorial market, in the direction of a world said as more civilized.

In order to think about the use of this concept on the pages of the chosen periodic we decided to analyze the positions and disputes between Brazil and Portugal aiming to understand the role that each nation occupied or should occupy into a future perspective2. By this way of thinking, the disputes performed by the Brazilian publishing market will have a highlighted spot.

Central element in a modern regime of historicity, it has evoked a moment about future and progress. Our view intend to articulate the relations between edition and politics. I The periodic edited initially, from to , was recaptured by Nicolau Midosi in and on his second phase he joined 10 volumes at all, 8 of them printed by The National Typography Typografia Nacional and that had an average of 20 articles and pages each.

On languages domain cannot be fulfilled but on a inferior responsibility the people that, similar to the Brazilian, however still on spirits fight, have not reached, because they are too young or just because they are helpless regarding certain favorable conditions to the progress, the high level scope that some nations have reached, sometimes regarding the first line of humanity, that makes themselves proud, and at the same time due to their heritage that represents a long period of development and civilizations.

Summing up the editor chooses to make a magazine and not a book known at the time as more superior than a magazine , having this as its main propagation mean, regarding a limitation that followed some terms: The Brazilian people — and it is not without sorrow that we say it — that should perform in a period that is not far enough a important role in the world scenery, are not prepared to consume a book yet, a substantial element of the strong and well characterized organizations.

Despite having Midosi as editor in a note about the political publication, the five of them sign the publications. Tomo I, , page. Bold of the authors. The magazine, the rational transition from the paper to the book, or before, the bound that tied both genders of publication, is the most natural way to give our people the knowledge necessary to advance into a superior level, into the large system of lights. The dissatisfaction with the conditions of a regular readership was intensified by the critics to the government legislation regarding the customs taxes on the distribution of the books and papers.

The wanted national production, free from foreign interferences, and that should permit the constitution of a intellectual field, was obstructed by the stimulus given to the import of foreign books. The following fragments belong to an essay signed by F. The current taxes, on paper and its applications, regarding its subsection Printed Compositions, designates only a tax of rs the kilo, for foreign edited and printed books, while the clean paper used just to write and print, is expedited on a tax superior than rs.

Do not deserve the Brazilian writers and prospectus that the Law unveils up its future concerns, which are also from the nation that they ennoble? The question is simple. If they have to be, before the world, the civilization touchstone of its country, it is nothing but fair, that their concerns be kept against the privileged rivalry, one that cannot be fought against. The corporations of the languages men in Brazil, if existed, do not have an exclusive profession, because the result of it would be their misery and the misery of their families.

Every teaching place, schools, academies, public or private ones, have foreign compendia. Boldo of the authors. On the limited pages of a periodic addressed to the natural sciences, it is Luis Couty who tries to push projects in order to emancipate the Brazilian intellectual production in this Field. Therefore, it is needed to enhance that the Brazilian civilization place would not come by coping, but through the pursuit of our own authenticities, as Silvio Romero sums up: The protectionism, as we have seen, is one of them. The other one, as we are going to see, is to attack the legitimacy of literature and the Portuguese authors.

II Portugal, on the speeches presented in the Revista Brasileira, remained at the edge of prosperity when comparing with the developed civilizations, it happened in a way that its identity in relation to the other European countries was just a matter of geography, having nothing to teach to countries like Brazil. The confrontation with the Portuguese civilization was also present in the dilemma of the constitution of an own national language with new elements different from the Portuguese ones, and, most of all, in a dispute between Portuguese authors and Brazilian authors, that used to came to Brazil to sell their essays, disturbing the propagation of national ones.

Os Estudos Experimentais no Brasil. Tomo II, , page Tomo V, , page Pacheco Junior, for example, regarding what had written a Portuguese writer, raises some questions that are important to understand the disputes between Brazil and Portugal on the pages of the Revista Brasileira: Are the phonetic modifications which contain the highest difference between Brazil and Portugal, enough to consider the Brazilian Portuguese a dialect?

Carlos de Laet in a comment about the Cancioneiro Alegre by Camilo Castelo Branco replied the critics made by a Portuguese writer to the Brazilian production: Castello Branco has, as most of his compatriots, some bias regarding the literature and the lifestyle of Brazilians. In the intellectual-political life Brazil besides preceding them, had also developed itself at the moment that left the Portuguese authors behind. Therefore, Brazil had already surpassed the Portuguese civilization in the direction of a civilization development, as England and France were now the models to be followed.

Tomo I, , page Tomo II, , page. The Brazilian people, whose final product is mestizo — in which characteristics from Portuguese, Black and Indigenous were identified — get the status of an entity such as the Portuguese, the French or the America. By this moment the Brazilian has singularities that are inside a bigger scenery, the civilization one. It is about the modern complex of being different and belonging. Narrar o passado, projetar o futuro: Before its insignificant movement of , we had had the success of ; before having them a constitution, kind of liberal, we had already had ours; before getting themselves free from D.

Miguel, we had the abdication of D. In a word, they had nothing that could be equated to our revolutionary spirit of this century. Our people, from and now on, will prefer reading French and English authors to the Portuguese ones. Once again in a study about intellectual production, specifically on the number of books that were part of the libraries of a country, Portugal was taken as a reference of how the ways to civilization were not closed to Brazil regarding the development of knowledge fields.

The bibliography, branch of literary history in which so many and so valued subsidies are destined to work as an erudition science, not if practiced in Brazil but exceptionally, and only after many years will possible be in this empire what is already — a reality — in many countries of the ancient world.

Música, movimentos sociais e novas tecnologias no espaço Atlântico

It seems to be this fact that used to instigate the Brazilians. Portugal has only one positive advantage over Brazil that brings great profit to its writers: To this empire there is a gap: The decay idea, common all over Europe, as said before, was a Constant in Portugal. At least, since the second half of the XIX century this issue was discussed by the Portuguese authors. Thus my conclusion is that, there is no superiority of Portugal over Brazil; both countries have the privilege of producing epigones; both can live tied to the mediocrity that differ them.

Portugal has only a shadow that has no equal one: Referring to the others, they have among us their pairs. Because some of the writers from Portugal need to sell their books in Brazil, and, by this way, they undervalue our intellectual products; we should not imitate them considerably regarding this attitude. The author asks if the Brazilian authors had a small production because they were in lack of talent or inspiration.

The cause, the only real cause, is the rivalry that the foreign writers, specially the Portuguese, had brought into Brazil. Tomo VIII, , page. Tomo VIII, , page Sur sa couverture saumon, on lisait, en lettre capitale, le titre de la Revue. Ou alors pour leur formation personnelle, comme L. Leur souscripteurs ont beaucoup diminuer par rapport au XIXe. Nous sommes heureux de les en remercier. Annuaire des Deux Mondes. Bureau de la Revue des Deux Mondes, , p. Garnier 9 8 RJ, Morizot.

Garnier 9 8 RJ, Ure. Garnier 9 8 RJ, B. Knauss et alli org. Marisa Midori Deaecto org. Pierre Bourdieu, idem, ibidem. Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos, Debates, Nous ne donnons ci que quelques exemples. Vendeur de journaux M. A retirada da Laguna - de V. Knayss et alli org. Os franceses residentes no Rio de Janeiro - Teresa de Mello Breyner, Comtesse de Vimieiro ? La correspondance avec D. En effet, parmi les papiers de D. Ces listes comportent respectivement et titres. Les listes de livres de D. Leonor de Almeida Portugal: Des Femmes et des livres.

En termes de dimension, les inventaires de livres de D. O romance como guia de conduta: A Moreninha e Os dois amores. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Posse de livros e bibliotecas privadas em Minas Gerais in: Dans une seule cellule indiquant les quatre volumes? Sous la direction de Philippe Poirrier. Editions Universitaire de Dijon. Dijon, 4 Mollier, Jean-Yves. But there is one last piece of advice in brackets: The Athenaeum is filled with symbolism.

And they fattened the letters of that bread by force. Paulo, Cultrix, , pp. Brasil, , Rio de Janeiro, Mauad X, , p. Printed matter and orality: Many figures of speech are employed in the novel, written in the first person, which imply the degree to which sociability at the Athenaeum corresponds to that of the city of letters. Printed matter and its crossover with everyday occurrences and the forming of mentalities seethe in the boarding school.

Here, the young reader is referring to the Portuguese baroque clergyman Manuel Bernardes, who, like the schoolboys of the Athenaeum, lived in seclusion and also wrote edifying works of Christian spirituality. This time, it is the illustrated biography of famous 19th century French acrobat and tightrope walker Charles Blondin that links the two universes. Henry Coleman, and that he was also informed about the acrobat by news stories published about him.

Reading in foreign languages and language studies are commonplace at the bourgeois school. The sense of commercial negotiation attributed to this learning system by the narrator is also connected with the everyday world.

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If the treatment of language is a process of negotiating sense, which the narrator compares to the concreteness of daily actions, then the consumption of books for the literate is saturated with oral indicators. It then becomes a practice equivalent in quality and value to the attitudes of people who circulate and function mostly within the logic of oral empiricism. Three text typologies exemplify an attempt to qualify theses affinities: This means a relationship with imported written culture based on a noncritical acculturation without any sort of engagement, as a sign of duty and obligation, of dogmatism and deference to products by institutions and instances of judgment, which end up hindering the construction of original thinking.

This heritage can be perceived in the production of widely published grammars for teaching the national language in Brazilian schools, in which examples taken from 19th century European Portuguese poetry and prose are still used as a paradigm for cultivated usage in the present times. This logic of the Brazilian intellectual system lasted from the 19th to the 20th century and showed itself to be persistent for the greater part of the last century.

The second text typology, the adventure novel, is consumed by the character in the setting of the Literary Club and in the company of the schoolmate in charge of its library, Bento Alves. De Nantua is a sort of Benjaminian narrator, who takes the raw material for his stories from changes in the scenery, highly recommended in public education. Could the walls of the Athenaeum be their limits?

But image forming is important too, with powerful oral indices, when one transfers to the literary voyages the need for movement and establishes a multi-sensory connection with books, starting with the materiality of printed matter. Nevertheless, I used to feel the delightful need for dedication. I thought myself strong enough to love and to show it. An inexplicable heat of unselfishness burned inside of me. In the subtext, the boarding school appears as a land of exile where the Crusoe-boys, 22 Raul Pompeia, op.

Now is the time for open space, where body contact takes place, where they touch each other and feelings emerge, where the movement of bodies is made possible in the intersection of natural forces, which the instinctive and emotional experience springs from. In this set of pacts between the boys and the book, between nature and men, there still resides a sign of the tactility of letters.