Website Review:

Genuine Honest Reviews

Hey, this sucker was there!

Get Motivated! seminars a smoke screen for sales pitch

However, I don't think I fit that description. At my age, it is a little late for motivation. It was very entertaining, and I know how they work since I have been to several of those old "no money down" seminars on buying real estate. I was also there without a credit card, so there was no way I could fall for their too-good-to-be-true offers. I think it's hilarious that mostly Republican people who didn't read the fine print would be charged a monthly deduction on their cards.

I was expecting the workbook to be mostly blank pages but was impressed at the content, which does, you have to admit, have some good tips.

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However, Rudy Giuliani, Colin Powell and Laura Bush were just there to reminisce, and they had little to offer in regards to the motivation theme. I agree with you that Lou Holtz was mostly impossible to hear due to his "speech impediment.

Get Motivated! is a one day high energy event. Renowned speakers cover media reviews or 2 reviews of Get Motivated! Seminars "I am Recommended Reviews for Get Motivated! . Visit the Get Motivated! website to see scheduled lineup for your city.

Speaking of slides, were you able to read the disclaimers on the bottom of the graphics? You had to read fast. I would almost take James Smith's seminar just to jot down some those Rodney Dangerfield-like insult jokes of his. He was a hoot, but I'm sure he scared off and alienated most of the conservative audience!

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Where is the money coming from? Originally Posted by Dorian Gray. I found it offensive because she did not seem to consider that there were people of all religions, including non-religious people in the large audience. Who cares what James Smith does in his personal life? Originally Posted by rjh01 Money. Appalling and pandering, I'm surprised I didn't see tea bags and people dressed like up a Washington and Jefferson like at those rallys!

Surprisingly, Kurt Warner did a great job talking about his motivation as a kid. After hearing the warnings about how they would try to sell you things, I was expecting the outer concourse to be filled with hawkers and vendors, but it wasn't. So, I got my money's worth!

Now, my mailbox may be stuffed in the future with their offerings — but so far, so good. Keep up the great work. While a home owned by Litz did come under foreclosure and was bought by a company sharing Bellington's address, it was not Litz's personal residence. Louis , James Smith , Colin Powell.

  1. .
  2. Lesson Plans No. 44, Mysterious Stranger?
  3. Almanaque de la Historia de España (Ensayo) (Spanish Edition).
  4. Viagem à Superfície da Terra... (Portuguese Edition).
  5. Get Motivated Events Review – Genuine Honest Reviews?
  6. Erste Hilfe im Sachunterricht (German Edition).
  7. Walking a Fine Timeline (The Adventures of Serendipity Brown Book 1).

Switch to the mobile version of this page. Readers refuse to fall prey to the Get Motivated! Lilyjane, via the Internet. Louis Symphony Orchestra Dec 18, Louis Mar 21, Most Popular Most Read. Best Things to Do In St. Today Tomorrow This Weekend. Louis - Washington Avenue ST. Louis - North City ST.

Get motivated seminar review.

Newsletters Never miss a beat Sign Up Now Subscribe now to get the latest news delivered right to your inbox. They are business seminars happening at cities near you and can have a huge impact on your lives, according to their claims.

Xeno Blog Mirror!

Get Motivated Events maintain that now you will have found a way to bring about a major change in your lives and stay motivated to achieve your goals, whatever they might be. However for that to happen we have to surmount different roadblocks along the way. But what if you were told that you could make the most out of techniques and strategies that will work as a key to your success? One of a kind event If you have wanted to make a dramatic change in your life and take matters in your hands then this business seminar offers you the opportunity. It claims to bring you more than thousands of CDs and books that you read but to no avail.

Readers refuse to fall prey to the Get Motivated! scam

Do you think this claim holds any ground? One of the major advantages of this seminar is that it is conducted by expert professionals and promises to offer you knowledge and skills that can be used at home or professional sphere. Get Motivated Events reviews should be able to tell us more about these claims. The seminar assures you results in different aspects of your personal and professional lives.

For starters, it can give you an insight into leadership and how you can build on its legacy. Through several tips and strategies it will shed light on the crucial area of success as well.

  1. Get Motivated Business Seminars (previously) | Complaints | Better Business Bureau® Profile?
  2. R&D Creativity and Innovation Handbook.
  3. Angel Eyes.
  4. Kingdoms of Caelum, Autumn of the War Queen!

We are yet to analyze Get Motivated Events reviews to corroborate these claims.