A Handbook for Headteachers

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The research both informs the LfL work in Ghana, and provides evidence for policy makers and practitioners elsewhere about a country-wide approach to developing school leadership for learning. Previous research, including the doctoral work of a Ghanaian studying at Cambridge, identified the acute need for professional development for school leaders in Ghana.

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At the same time the early s , a seven country international research team led by the University of Cambridge investigated the connections between leadership and learning, and developed the LfL framework with five central principles. Research is integral to the LfL Ghana programme.

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These have all been designed to address the research aims of assessing the applicability of the LfL principles to a developing country national context, understanding the opportunities and challenges of doing so, and investigating the impact of LfL on basic schools in Ghana. At the same time the research has been fed back and used to further the aims of the programme: The five LfL principles have all been found to be entirely applicable to basic schools in Ghana.

This has been achieved through dialogue among all stakeholders, the sharing of leadership, and an understanding that everyone pupils, teachers, school leaders, parents, community members and education service officials has a part to play in improving learning. Whilst the LfL framework has revealed many opportunities for improving leadership and learning in Ghana, there are also considerable challenges.

These include the obvious limitations of poor resources and insufficient and unqualified teachers, as well as the legacies of both traditional and colonial attitudes and practices, and those challenges faced by every national educational reform programme. Headteachers and their schools have changed significantly to become more collaborative and learning focused.

The programme is ongoing, almost entirely now in the hands of Ghanaian partners, with plans for continuing research and development work. Commonwealth Education Trust With additional funding from: Commonwealth Centre for Education Report No.

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