Americas Awakening

Great Awakening

The preaching or reading of God's Word brings deep conviction and desire for Christ. The Holy Spirit takes people to a spiritual depth they could not achieve on their own. Revival produces lasting fruit.

The Great Awakening refers to a number of periods of religious revival in American Christian history. Historians and theologians identify three or four waves of. America's Awakening: The Movements, The Murders, The Memories, The Messages [Terrence Perry] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

New ministries are founded and society experiences a reform of morals as more and more people convert. Manifestations like fainting, groaning prayer, and miracles vary by culture and denomination. Revivals are messy--controversies swirl about miracles, abuses, excesses, suspicions, and theological disputes to name but a few. Revivals inevitably crest and decline.

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A majority of Americans believe our country is going downhill. Yet church attendance as a percent of population has held steady since , and probably since The answer is simple. Today, Christianity is prevalent but not powerful. The solution is spiritual revival and awakening.

We've not had an awakening in America of historic proportion for a long time. With such a great tradition of revival and awakening, a great base from which to start, and a great need to counteract the increasing moral and spiritual decline, our nation appears ripe for a fresh outpouring of God's Spirit.

Patrick Morley

But history tells us that national revivals and awakenings cannot be manufactured. They are sovereign acts of mercy and grace by God Himself, when He supernaturally achieves in a short span what seems otherwise impossible. However, God loves to respond to the prayers of His people e. While the decision belongs to God alone, He gives us the privilege of hastening the day through humble repentant prayer.

The Banner of Truth Trust, first published in , p. Baker Book House, , p. A History of American Revivals. American Tract Society, , pps. Stout, The Divine Dramatist: Eerdmans Publishing Company, , p. Revell Company, , pps.

International Awakening Press, , pps. Hardman, Seasons of Refreshing: Evangelism and Revivals in America, Eugene: The University of Chicago Press, , p. America has a deep, rich history of revivals and awakenings.

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God puts a longing into the hearts of many to pray for revival. Affected sinners are inconsolable except in Christ.

God receives praise, honor, and glory for bringing revival. Millennialism from the Renaissance to the modern world In eschatology: Early progressive millennialism Protestantism In Protestantism: Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Help us improve this article! Contact our editors with your feedback. You may find it helpful to search within the site to see how similar or related subjects are covered. Any text you add should be original, not copied from other sources. At the bottom of the article, feel free to list any sources that support your changes, so that we can fully understand their context.

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Discover your curiosity type, learn about curious people, and sign up for our Curiosity Challenge. Look into the pulpits and see if there is such a glory as there once was. The glory is gone. The special design of providence in this country seems to be now over. We weep to think about it. Increase Mather in It reminds us that every generation is jeopardized by spiritual lethargy, yet God has a way of sending periodic revivals. Five of these awakenings have shaped the moral foundation of our nation, and we're in need of a sixth.

First came the Great Awakening, which dates to around The writings of the French skeptics and the Enlightenment thinkers so pervaded the Colonies that churches struggled to remain open. Colleges became hotbeds of humanism, and Christian students, what few there were, practiced their faith secretly. But New Jersey Dutchman Theodore Frelinghuysen began preaching the simple Gospel, electrifying young adults in his area. The revival reached New England under Jonathan Edwards.

George Whitefield continued the drumbeat, and this Great Awakening turned America from a collection of godless colonies into a God-fearing nation, setting the stage for independence and establishing the moral foundation for a new country conceived in liberty. After the Revolutionary War, Christianity lapsed into another decline as large numbers of Americans pressed into unchurched territories west of the Appalachians. In the East, too, the work of the Lord declined as people busied themselves with building a new nation.

America's First Great Awakening

By the s, only one in 10 Americans attended worship. But another revival came, the Second Great Awakening. It started near Cain Ridge, Ky. In the East, colleges like Hampton-Sydney in Virginia experienced dramatic spiritual renewal.