Miracle Herbs to Rejuvenate and Heal

10 Powerful Medicinal Herbs for Rejuvenating and Healing the Body and Mind

The answer to such questions is no big mystery. I shall leave that for you to figure out while I probe into a drop of the ocean of healing herbs, seeds, and spices. Ginger is a digestive root that comes with a pungent flavor.

5 magical health benefits of Ashwagandha

It has many healing characteristics. It helps decongest the sinuses. The chopped root can be added to infusions such as chamomile or rosemary leaves three times daily to relieve sinus congestion. Ginger relieves nausea and indigestion. The juice of one lime and a spoon of ginger juice should be added to a glass of sparkling water to ease both discomforts.

The root not only has digestive and nausea-soothing qualities, but also detoxifies the intestines, protecting against food poisoning. Japanese delicacies like sushi and sashimi are always served with pickled ginger and wasabi like horse-radish to prevent food poisoning from raw fish. Ginger also has significant effects in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease cholesterol and cancer due to its potent anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.

In combination with gingerroot, it delivered similar actions. Turmeric is another root that has a healing orange-yellow pigment, rich in detoxifying antioxidants. It is the basic ingredient in the Indian curry powder. The active compound curcumin, also found in mustard and cumin seeds, suppresses inflammation-causing enzymes provoked by bruises, fractures, and swelling. The Indians add turmeric powder to milk or yogurt to reduce inflammation and speed the healing of bone fractures and bruises.

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They have antioxidant effects that bolster the immune responses against bacteria, yeast, and disease. Garlic has similar active compounds to broccoli, which act on breast cancer cells. Chemicals in the pungent bulb fight the oxidation of cholesterol in blood vessels. Researchers have demonstrated the benefits of garlic on heart and cardiovascular health. Aged-garlic supplements lowered cholesterol levels and high blood pressure in un-medicated sufferers.

Nettle is an excellent daily remedy for overall longevity known for its anti-inflammatory, bone-building, blood-nourishing, testosterone-building, silica-gifting superherb qualities. The leaves and the seeds are also used in nerve repair and as a central nervous system regulator. Research on the chemistry and therapeutic benefits of mushrooms like reishi have been extensive for centuries. Reishi is an immune modulator capable of restoring the immune system and is often used for therapies before and after cancer.

The “Fountain of Youth” Herb That’s Prized in Ayurvedic Medicine

The polysaccharides present within the mushrooms are extraordinary cancer-fighting compounds. This amazing Chinese tonic herb mushroom is known as a supreme lung and cardio tonic, supportive in lowering bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Organic Soma Herbal Longevity Elixir The medicinal properties of healing herbs in this delicious formula are known to protect health and vitality, soothe the lungs, support the immune system, increase endurance, enhance the digestive system, and are antibiotic, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-parasitic.

Chaga is the master herbal tonic for the immune system. It supports the elimination of tumors, cancerous cells, autoimmune diseases, and environmental traumas such as radiation, pollution, heavy metals, etc. These fruiting bodies contain the power to revolutionize the immune system and rewire it. This is a powerfully healing tonic formula known to rejuvenate all organ systems, create a deep therapeutic anti-biotic effect, increase white blood cell production, and purify the blood.

Here's a list of five magical health benefits of Ashwagandha that will leave you surprised.

It is used traditionally for blood sugar and blood pressure imbalances, ulcers, digestive imbalances , parasites, yeast infections, cancer, diabetes, and allergies. Sangre de drago is claimed to be the best wound healer in nature. It is a tree known to bleed a miracle resin when you slice of some of the bark.

This thick red resin is known to act as a potent internal and external bandage with intensive antibiotic support. Many have also used it as an anticancerous support as well as for healing from radiation. It is one of the oldest tonic herbs with recorded history in the rainforest, noted for its immune-modulating power and anticancer, antirheumatic, and anti-arthritic properties.

Powerful Chinese Herbal Medicines For Restoring Your Health

A superior tonic remedy, ginseng has been regarded for centuries as the king of medicinal tonic herbs. Asian and American ginseng have both been used to strengthen the heart, spleen, lungs, liver, and kidneys. Blue-green algae is a wild-grown superfood tonic that also contains plenty of phytonutrients and enzymes.

Horsetail is one of the most ancient tonic plants in nature. Known for its excellent ability to heal bones, bone marrow, and wounds in general thanks to its high silica content, it contains high amounts of calcium as well as silica in minerals that specialize in repairing connective tissue, bone alignment and healing, and skin repair.

Let these healing herbs take over your health issues. The same goes for the adrenal glands, which are highly influential to your overall health and psychological balance. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, imbalanced or under-active adrenal glands cause fatigue, fear, anxiety, worry and weakness. Consequently, Ashwagandha's positive benefits and effects on the health and functioning of the adrenals tend to reverse those issues and produce energy, positive mood, self-confidence and peace of mind. The health of the thyroid and adrenal glands have a direct impact on our sexual vitality too, including our libido.

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A half-century of living in this world takes its toll on all of us, especially if, for whatever reason, we have not taken as good care of our bodies as we might have liked. Reishi Reishi mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum is a medicinal mushroom that can be helpful in combating many different health conditions. The condiment also has antioxidant characteristics that counteract free radical damage. The spice and herb shopkeeper attar was once the pharmacist and healer of the Arab village. It is the basic ingredient in the Indian curry powder.

Ashwagandha is known to improve sexual health in men and women. It's nitric oxide boosting effects help treat fertility. So include this wonder herb in your diet, add it to your morning cereal, consume its powder in various liquid forms or consider the supplement, but be sure to take advantage of this miracle of nature, as even Ayurveda swears by it.

February 2,