Misspelled Words Quiz

Common English Misspellings Quiz

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Which Color Is Your Personality? Are you a cheese-freak? How well do you know Italian regional cuisine? Yarmulke is used as the word much more often. It's probably tougher after seeing an incorrect spelling rather than just hearing the word.

Commonly Misspelled Words: Quiz 1

Got most of them by having a lightning-fast look at the word - just enough to recognize the word without quite reading it or seeing the mispelling - then write that word from instinct without thinking about the spelling. Yeah, I knew how to spell most everything already, but once I saw the misspelling, I got stuck on a few. I read the misspelling as fast as possible, then didn't look at it anymore and typed the word as I thought it.

I had to stop looking at the word and close my eyes to visualize it. Once you see it misspelled it completely throws you off. I didn't spell paraphernalia, indispensable, and prerogative.

www.farmersmarketmusic.com Test: Commonly Misspelled Words

I can't believe I misspelled somersault Seeing Hallelujah spelled hallaluja, i couldn't even figure out what the word was xD. Considering I sing the Hallelujah Chorus every year in Choir, it's kind of shaming that I coultn't figure out how to spell it.

Commonly Misspelled Words

I know bellwether because we raise sheep. A castrated male is called a wether, and they used to put a bell around the lead sheep's neck so they could hear where the herd was in the field. The term has come to mean anything that leads or trends, and is often heard in politics to describe a small area whose voting results often predict the outcome of the whole election.


So close, the only one I didn't get was Yarmulke. Normally every quiz on this site has a bunch of idiots in the comment section harping on about how this or that misspelling should be accepted because they're too ignorant to learn the right way. Hopefully this shuts them up.

I almost didn't get yarmulke because "yamaka" looks nothing like it. And bellwether I had no idea what it was. I'm sure I entered Hallelujah several times but it was not accepted. Was curious to know the answer. Not very hard when chrome gives you an auto spell option.

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Al I had to do was type in the incorrect spelling of the word and it underlined it in red and gave me the correct spelling. Spanish French Italian Tests: Sign Up For Updates. Start Your Free Trial Today. Frequently Misspelled Words 2. Frequently Misspelled Words 3. Frequently Misspelled Words 4. Frequently Misspelled Words 5. Frequently Misspelled Words 6. Frequently Misspelled Words 7.

Frequently Misspelled Words 8. Frequently Misspelled Words 9.