Power of the Subconscious Mind: Tapping Your Inner Power

The thinking mind is only a small part of the whole of who we are. It feels so good to surrender the thinking mind into altered states that allow us to connect with the deeper awareness that exists within us all. Through trance states induced by hypnotherapy , meditation, dance, and being in nature, you can connect with your spirit, release holding-patterns, and experience deep peace. Becoming consciously aware of your unconscious mind is an art form.

Power of the Subconscious Mind: Tapping Your Inner Power - Kindle edition by Marcia Elder. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or . By learning how to harness the power of the subconsciousness, people are able to shape their own destinies. and subconscious minds, and in doing so helps you to tap into the powers of your subconsciousness. Listen to Your Inner Self.

Then there is no control, no pressure, no expectation; there is just the sweetness of deepening your sense of self and connecting with your essential truth and belonging. Release and transformation comes from relinquishing control, which allows the deeper unconscious to reveal itself. Connecting with spirit requires surrendering beyond what the cognitive mind alone can allow, into states of altered consciousness that opens you to your innate inner-wisdom. To uncover the subconscious habits and patterns below the layers of critical-thought, and ultimately tap into the inner wellspring of your unconscious wisdom, is the work of the spiritually dedicated—for those that seek to know themselves.

Surrendering is ultimately a spontaneously process that comes from your willingness to let go, discover, awaken, blossom and ultimately care for your whole being: The conscious mind is the rational thinking mind that governs cognitive association with present moment awareness.

It functions within our collective perception of three-dimensional reality, and assimilates external and internal stimulus, such as with our surroundings: The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that is not in focal awareness of the present moment, but rather stores data associated with past-programming, conditioned responses and habits. Without action, you're left with wishful thinking - which is important, but it's not enough unless it's combined with work and action.

Distract yourself by thinking about something else and count to 10 before you react. Not Helpful 6 Helpful Meditation is a key aspect of unlocking your "subconscious mind.

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Some consider opening the construct known as the "third eye" is crucial to raising your awareness. Focusing on the center of your forehead while meditating, and imagining an eye opening is one such method. Not Helpful 15 Helpful Pick a relaxing setting with little distractions, but somewhere you could possibly fall asleep.

Focus on the simple thought you want to meditate on. Sit in a relaxed and upright position. Breathe a little deeper than you normally do. Set a soft alarm for the amount of time you want to meditate in case you fall asleep or lose track of time. Start out meditating for 10 or 20 minutes and work your way up to an hour. Not Helpful 3 Helpful It is most effective in the morning between am, and evenings between before bed.

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Not Helpful 2 Helpful 9. You're more impulsive and less considerate, which could cause problems for you in a variety of ways.

Not Helpful 1 Helpful 5. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 5. How do I maintain my concentration to achieve my goal? Answer this question Flag as It is possible to use my subconscious mind to become telekinesis master? How can I know anytime if I am using my subconscious mind? Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.

Exercises for Healing Emotional Blockages and Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind

Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips Work hard, but also know what it is you're working towards. It's important to devote some time each day to think about what it is you want to accomplish, and imagining that outcome as a distinct reality. Write positive affirmations about yourself and read them daily. This helps to absorb positive thoughts into your subconscious mind. It is a practice you could perform each day. Get into a "yet" mindset.

How to Practice Subconscious Mind Power: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

Whenever you think thoughts like, "I'll never be able to do this," remind yourself that people can change. You can't do it. Yet Tell yourself this every day, as many times as it takes, and eventually, you'll start believing it too. Spend your time being productive, instead of dwelling on the future. Warnings Subconscious mind power is useful, but it does have its limits. You cannot "wish" yourself to be free from illness, for example, nor can you achieve your goals without actually working towards them. Subconscious mind power can help you accomplish your goals, but it is not a magical power.

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How to tap into the inner wisdom of your subconscious mind

Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. SM Siddappa Managond Aug Once you achieve a state of total relaxation and stillness, bring your thoughts to your intentions. That which you choose to focus on now will become imprinted onto your subconsciousness. You will start to send out brain waves at a frequency to attract things of the same frequencies.

You must have a clear idea and vision of what you want to be. Do not worry about how to do this; to start, just create a strong and detailed vision.

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Visualizing things can help you to achieve them. You must believe that what you want is possible. Know it is possible. Do not counter-act your dreams, goals and desires with doubt and negativity. Some people make a list of their goals. Others keep a scrapbook, filling it with words and pictures of the things they wish to attain.

This helps to keep goals real and obtainable in your mind. Use affirmations to keep reminding yourself of your goals. Listen to your intuitive thoughts, acting upon when where appropriate. This is your subconscious self sending messages to your conscious self. You must not set time limits for things to happen. Instead, accept that they will happen, and allow things to take place in their own time.

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Use your conscious mind to remove time frames from processes. The subconscious mind does not question; it does not have the constant curiosity, doubt and disbelief of the conscious mind. Therefore, whatever it is told, it believes. Try and foster happy, loving, harmonious and positive thoughts so your subconsciousness can nurture such thoughts.

Get into the habit of changing your self-talk to only positive and beneficial notions. Self-talk is the constant flow of thoughts going through your mind where you question things, analyze matters and generally muse upon things. Prevent yourself from absorbing ideas that you do not want or need. Switch off the television or radio when you are not using them, and do not allow them to play in the background.

How to Tap into Your Subconsciousness – A 10 Step Guide

Try to tune out from the idle chatter of people around you. Taking up a hobby that inspires your creative side will help you to tap into your subconsciousness. This can be anything from painting to sculpture, poetry to flower arrangement, photography to dance.