Submit to the Editor

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If possible, please include a photo of yourself, either color or black and white. Please email letters of no more than words to letters oregonian. Or mail them to this address:. Letters to the editor, The Oregonian S. Please include your full address and daytime phone number, for verification only. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Please limit your letters to or fewer words. Please limit your submission to about or fewer words.

Insight, a Sunday commentary section, aims to provide a forum to shake up conventional wisdom and provoke fresh thinking. Have an only-in-the-Bay-Area story? Do you know someone who is tackling a problem or meeting a challenge in a particularly innovative way? Submit your op ed through this form. Please limit your letters to about or fewer words. Comment on news stories in the main section of the newspaper or to opine on views expressed on the Opinion pages, contact Letters to the Editor.

Shorter letters have a better chance of being selected for publication. To comment on news stories in specific sections of the paper, please contact that section. Submit your letter through this form. Detroit Free Press Letter to the Editor Policy All writers must provide full name, full home address and day and evening telephone numbers. Letters should be words or less and are subject to editing for length, accuracy and clarity. Anonymous letters, photocopies, letters to third parties and letters to other publications will not be considered.

Letters, opinion pieces and articles submitted to the Free Press may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms. You can still mail or fax your letters to: Editor Detroit Free Press W. Send op-ed pieces to opinion pioneerpress. I t is recommended to also send pieces to to news pioneerpress. Preference goes to letters of words or fewer. All letters are subject to editing. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. Call with any questions. Submit to opinion tribweb. Letters should be no longer than words. No writer will be published more than once every 30 days.

We reserve the right to accept or reject any letter for publication, and also to edit for grammar, length and accuracy. We do not publish thank-you letters. We do publish letters of praise for individuals or groups. Write words and send us the article. Provide source material so we can fact check. The Bee welcomes letters to the editor. To have a letter considered for publication you must include your:. Please use this form to submit your letter. Box Milwaukee, WI Fax: The Journal Sentinel welcomes opinion articles for the Sunday Crossroads section and the daily Opinions page.

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submit(). Since: Editor Submit a form to the server for processing. Please note - this property requires the Editor extension for DataTables. The full Editor. We prefer letters that are fewer than words and take as their starting point an article or other item appearing in The Post. They may not have been submitted.

Timely, well-written, provocative opinions on topics of local interest are given first preference for publication. All submissions are subject to editing. Name, street address and daytime phone number are required, even in e-mail submissions. Only name and city will be published. Because of the volume of submissions we receive, we cannot acknowledge every one. However, if your article is chosen for publication, you will be contacted. Timely, well-written, provocative opinions on topics of interest in Milwaukee and Wisconsin are given first preference.

Letters to the editor, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, P. Box , Milwaukee, WI Fax: The Star welcomes essays of up to words. Be sure to include a one-sentence author description, including city of residence, and daytime phone number. All submissions are edited, may be republished in any format and become property of The Star. An essay and color photo of the writer should be sent by email to oped kcstar. The Star welcomes letters from our readers.

Please submit through this form or submit a letter to:. Submit op-ed piece to mnorman star-telegram. Suggested letter length is words or less. Please limit your Cheer or Jeer to 50 words or less. Items may be edited. All submissions to the Star-Telegram will become the property of the Star-Telegram. The Post-Gazette encourages you to submit opinion articles for use on the Perspectives pages and in the Sunday Forum section.

Here are submission guidelines, along with background information for first-time writers. The ideal op-ed article is a compelling argument about a timely topic by someone in a position of expertise. The writing must be clear and accessible to the general reader. Standard length is between and words. We publish longer pieces in the Sunday Forum. We prefer pieces that are topical, linked to the news of the day. But graceful writing, strong voice and humor are the key elements.

An op-ed is not a direct response to an article or commentary published in the Post-Gazette. If you want to offer your own opinion on an issue, feel free to submit an opinion column. In short, an op-ed must be free-standing, not a point-by-point reply to something published in the newspaper.

The Post-Gazette welcomes your letters. Please include your address and phone number for verification. Pseudonyms or anonymous letters are not published. We ask that letters be exclusive to the PG. We regret that we can neither print nor acknowledge all the correspondence we receive. Letters accepted for publication appear in our print edition and on our website. The Baltimore Sun welcomes submissions of exclusive and original op-ed articles of words. Local topics or local authors are preferred.

The Sun welcomes comments from readers. All comments become the property of The Sun, which reserves the right to edit them. To submit a letter to the editor, use this form or email talkback baltimoresun. We get hundreds of letters every week. We have space to publish only about 60 letters a week, so the competition is tough.

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Here are tips on getting your letter published:. The best letters are timely, straightforward and focused on a single issue. On occasion, we make exceptions. But the chances of a long letter being published are slim. The aim is to use as many writers as possible. Only your name and city of residence — not your address — will be published.

Letters to the Editor, St. Submit a column for Another Viewpoint consideration to letters sun-sentinel. Please attach a large, high-quality business photo of the author and paste your word Viewpoint column text into the body of the email — not an attachment. Your opinions are important to us and other readers. Letters must be signed no pseudonyms nor initials and are subject to editing for clarity and length.

You must include your email address, address with city and daytime phone number for verification. Keep your letter brief, the shorter the better words should be your maximum; words or fewer stands the best chance of being published. Make your point quickly. Include your name, address and daytime phone number. MOST letters are edited for clarification and length. Even the longest letters you see published have been trimmed. Your letter is limited to words. You can send your letter directly to letters sun-sentinel.

Do not send your letter as an attachment. Typically the views of an expert in a particular field, this column is a maximum of words and includes a head-and-shoulders picture and a short bio. Send by email , mail or fax. Use our online submission form by clicking here. Letter to the Editor Orlando Sentinel N. MP Orlando, FL To submit an op-ed, email SBrown Arkansasonline. The Democrat-Gazette welcomes your letters to the editor. Because of limited newsprint space, letters from out of state are not accepted, and clarity, brevity and originality are particularly valued.

Letters should be no longer than words and are subject to editing. No anonymous letters or pseudonyms will be accepted. Contact editorial editor Tim Swarens at We invite readers to share their thoughts with us by completing this form. All fields are required. Please keep your letter short and concise; ideal length is words or less. If you prefer, you may send the letter by U. Box , Indianapolis, IN Please include your name, address and phone number. By submitting a letter, the author grants The Indianapolis Star the rights to publish, distribute, archive and use the work in print, electronic, online or other format.

However, your manuscript will be reviewed for possible publication. If you do not hear from us within 10 days, safely assume that we do not plan to use your column and feel free to offer it elsewhere. We receive far more than we can print, so we try to publish the most representative, interesting, and provocative. To give more readers a say, we condense letters. And we do not publish letter writers more often than once per 60 days. This is a first-person column open to all Western New York writers. The writer should include some personal narrative story-telling along with the expository argument he or she is presenting.

Simply giving your opinion on an issue is not acceptable. The News relies on its syndicated columnists for that. A My View should make one strong major point and then develop it. It should have a theme that could be summarized in a single, complete sentence. Please include address, telephone number, and a brief author I.

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Writers may appear no more than three times a year. There is no payment for this column. This is an issues-oriented column. The author should have some background or expertise on the subject. Writers are free to resell the articles later to other publications. If an article being submitted to The News has already been printed anywhere else, nationally or locally, the writer must disclose this at the time of submission.

Submission to My View and Another Voice must be emailed to editpage buffnews. The writer must include his or her street address and telephone number, though only the town of residence will be published. Letters should be from writers within The News circulation area or, if from outside, commenting on issues particular to this area.

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  5. A message from USA TODAY NETWORK.
  6. Letters to the Editor Submission Form.

Letters must convey an opinion. The column is not a community bulletin board to be used for announcements of events, or other primarily informational items. Letters critical of the operating policies of local broadcast-news organizations should be sent to those organizations rather than The News. If the editors cannot verify that the material presented as fact in the letter is accurate, the letter cannot be printed.

Letters to the editor or guest commentaries must be submitted by 5 p. Fridays to eortiz primetimenewspapers. All letters and guest commentaries are subject to editing for style, spelling and libel. The last element is for verification only. The shorter the better — long enough to make your point. An author must wait at least 14 days before another submission.

To submit an op-ed piece, email subscribe charlotteobserver. We edit for brevity, clarity, grammar and accuracy. Letters cannot exceed words and often run shorter. All letters become property of the Observer. Letters are published online and in print. E-mail to letters pe. Please provide your name, city and telephone number telephone numbers will not be published. Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity. Send in opinion editorial the same way as letters to the editors.

The Dispatch welcomes letters to the editor from readers. Typed letters of words or fewer are preferred; all might be edited. Each letter must include name, home address and daytime phone number. Letters can be sent by online form , mail, e-mail or fax. Letters to the Editor, The Dispatch 62 E.

Addresses and phone numbers are not published. Letters must be the original words of the writer and may be edited for taste, accuracy, clarity and length.

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We will not knowingly print letters sent to other publications. Materials submitted to the Pulse page may be reproduced or distributed by print, digital or other means. Please note that letters intended for publication must include your full name, address e-mail address also, if you have one and a daytime phone number.

We ask that letters be words or less. Occasionally, we can publish a longer letter, but you will have a better chance of getting your letter published if you keep it short. Letters may be edited for space constraints and clarity. Submit letters using this form or email your letter to cjletter courier-journal. Be sure to include your contact information with the email.

You can also send letters to: Please include your name, address including community and day phone. Limit letters to words. All letters may be edited for space and clarity. Letters, opinion and editorial columns, and articles submitted to The Enquirer may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms.

If you wish to submit your own commentary of words, please send it directly to views statesman. The Austin American-Statesman encourages letters from readers. Please include a name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers so that authorship can be confirmed if your letter is chosen for publication. We edit letters for brevity, grammar and clarity. Edited letters typically address a single idea and do not exceed words. Photographs may be included for possible publication, but cannot be returned. Because of the volume received, we cannot return or acknowledge letters not used.

Anonymous letters will not be published. Use this form to summit letter. You can use this form to submit a Point of View column, or you can email your submission to forum newsobserver. We prefer you do not send it as an attachment. Point of View columns must include your name, address and daytime phone number and must be signed if sent by mail.

Articles should express a clear opinion on a topic of current public interest; words is the maximum. Authors of articles selected for publication will be notified. You can use this form to submit a letter to the editor or you can email your submission to forum newsobserver. Letters must include your name, address and daytime phone number and must be signed if sent by mail. Letters are limited to words, and we may edit them or republish them in any format. Spanish newspaper in Los Angeles. To submit an op-ed, email Nhahn detroitnews. Preferably under words. To send a letter to the editor, go to this page.

Email op-ed to letters fresnobee. The Fresno Bee edits letters for brevity, clarity, grammar and accuracy. All letters become property of The Bee.

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To submit a letter, go to this page: Except in extraordinary circumstances, we cannot consider for publication columns exceeding words. Send submissions via e-mail to: We welcome letters to the editor of The Providence Journal. We strongly favor letters of words or fewer, typed and double-spaced. Please do not fax letters. When citing an article in The Providence Journal, please give its headline, date and page.

We reserve the right to edit submissions for space and clarity. We regret that the large number of submissions means that we must limit the number we publish and cannot acknowledge their receipt. Writers will be contacted, however, if we have substantive questions. We welcome reader submissions for the daily op-ed pages and Sunday opinion pages.

All submissions must be submitted exclusively to The Salt Lake Tribune. E-mail to Tim Fitzpatrick at fitz sltrib. Mail typed, double-spaced submissions to: All submissions should include the name, address, telephone number and some information on the author so that it can be included on the end of the piece.

Submissions must be no longer than words and arrive no later than Wednesday at noon for publication on Sunday. E-mail to letters sltrib. Letters must include the signature, full name, address, phone number and email address if available of the author for verification purposes.

Only the name and city will be published. Concise letters developing a single theme are more likely to be published. For printed submissions, please type and double space throughout. Letters are condensed and edited. Because of the volume of mail received, not all submissions are published. The Deseret News will consider publishing commentary of up to words as a My View op-ed.

A message from the USA TODAY NETWORK

All My View submissions become the property of the Deseret News and are subject to editing for length, accuracy, clarity and civility. Publication is at the sole discretion of the editors. Unpublished submissions can neither be acknowledged nor returned. To submit an op-ed, fill out this form. We do not publish anonymous letters. We also do not publish letters of anyone younger than 18 years old without consent of a legal guardian. Please indicate below in the letter text section of this form if you are younger than All letter submissions become the property of the Deseret News and are subject to editing for length, accuracy, clarity and civility.

It is our policy to only publish one letter per writer each month. If for some reason this submitting via this form does not work, please email your submission to letters deseretnews. To submit an op-ed, send an email to oped timesdispatch. To submit a letter to the editor, fill out this form. All submissions must include your name, address and daytime telephone number. Letters to the editor, opinion and editorial columns, and articles submitted to the Democrat and Chronicle may be distributed in print, electronic and other forms.

Please limit Speaking Out essay submissions to or fewer words. For questions about essays, call Or, email us at dceditpage democratandchronicle. We prefer a length of no more than words and the subject should be something the author or authors know well. This is more of an expertise column. Given the volume of content we receive, we may not be able to publish all content in print, but we will do our best to publish it online as soon as possible.

Please make sure to specify if the topic is time-sensitive. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at , email me at dplazas tennessean. Letters will be edited. Only the name, hometown and ZIP code will be published. Letter writers who would like their e-mail addresses published should include that address with the letter. To send a letter, fill out this form. You can send your op-ed pieces and any other inquiries to Wayne Greene, our editorial editor. To submit a letter, fill out this form or email letters tulsaworld. Submit a letter via this form.

We invite readers to submit guest columns of no more than words. Email to oped bostonherald. Columns are subject to editing and become Herald property. Please limit your letter to a maximum of words. Your submission must include your full name, e-mail address, town, and a valid phone number where you can be reached. We also invite you to attach a digital photograph of yourself, at least dpi, for publication.

All submissions are considered for publication in print and online. No letter will be published anonymously. All Letters are subject to editing. We do not guarantee that every letter will be published. To submit a letter, fill out this form. We seek to offer readers a wide range of views on public policy issues. We also look for pieces that offer insights about life in Iowa and beyond. Submissions of words have the best chance of being published.

Although we receive more submissions than space allows us to use, we appreciate the opportunity to consider each one. Please send submissions to Opinion Editor Lynn Hicks at lshicks dmreg. Submissions should also include a short one to two sentence biography and a headshot in. Essays sent by e-mail will be seen and read more quickly than by mail or by fax.

Questions can be submitted via email, lshicks dmreg. Preference is given to letters that are words or fewer. All submissions may be edited for length, accuracy and clarity and may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms. To fill out an op-ed, fill out this form. The Arizona Daily Star welcomes original guest opinions that are sent exclusively to the Star for first publication.

These pieces of up to words should express ideas, viewpoints, criticism and news analysis that encourage discussion on issues with an impact on the community. When writing, authors should fully disclose their relationship with an issue and their expertise on the topic.

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All letters must be verified prior to publication. Letters must include the signature, full name, address, phone number and email address if available of the author for verification purposes. Mailed letters should be sent to: Letter Submission We prefer letters that are fewer than words and take as their starting point an article or other item appearing in The Post. Jamie Lucke or Vanessa Gallman To submit an open, one can send an email to Mike Clark at mike.

This is particularly relevant when writing about a political campaign or candidate. Facts must be annotated. Pieces containing information that cannot be easily verified, libelous statements or name calling will be rejected. We suggest you write, edit and save a copy of your letter before copying it into the form. Any author may have a letter or guest opinion no more than every 30 days. Submissions may be edited for clarity or length. All submissions become the property of the Arizona Daily Star.

Please include a head-and-shoulders photograph, first saved as a high resolution jpg and then attached to the form. Letters are limited to words. To submit an open, one can send an email to Mike Clark at mike. Contact Editorial Page Editor Marc Chase , , or see instructions for submitting a letter to the editor. There is a word limit on letters to the editor. Letters to the Editor are limited to words. To submit a op-ed piece, fill out this form. The word limit for an opinion column is Letters or columns expressing opinions on news and commentary published in the Albuquerque Journal are welcome.

Though addresses and phone numbers are not published, they are needed to confirm authorship prior to publication. Letters keyed to an upcoming event or date should be mailed well in advance. All letters and opinion articles are edited. The word limit for a letter to the editor is Also reference the instructions for submitting a letter to the editor. No more than words. Any exceptions will be made at the discretion of the editors.

We reserve the right to edit all letters submitted for accuracy, brevity and clarity. Original, not copies or form letters. Include your street address the best telephone numbers to reach you. Used for verification only, not publication. Send columns of no more than words to hleditorial herald-leader. Los Angeles News Group newspapers consider guest commentary submissions of no more than words. We look for topical commentary on public policy and social issues that are of general interest to our print and digital readership.

We give preference to local, regional and California topics and writers. Email your submission to opinion langnews. We welcome letters to the editor on all issues of public concern. Please limit submissions to words and send via email without attachments to dnforum dailynews. Letters to the editor are welcome on topics of local or state interest. They should be no longer than words and include the name, daytime phone number and e-mail address of the author. Letters should be sent to letters nola. Do you have an opinion about an issue important to the Greater Delaware community?

Use this form to send a letter to the editor. Your letter may be published in the News Journal! Content may be edited due to available space. Letters received by readers from within our demographic coverage area are given priority. Letters can also be sent by mail or fax. Mailed or faxed letters must be signed and include a home address; plus, both a day and evening phone number.

Your name and town will be printed. Op-ed columns should be about words long. It can range a bit up or down, but more than 50 words either way becomes a problem. The best way to submit op-ed columns these is via e-mail. You can submit columns by fax to or by mail at Box , Allentown, Pa. If you have questions in the course of writing, please ask. Call or e-mail kranzley mcall.

Letters must be original, legible and submitted exclusively to The Morning Call. They should not exceed words. We publish only your name and home city. You may submit Letters to the Editor via e-mail at letters mcall. You may also mail letters to:. Send emails without attachments to vop thebeaconjournal. You must include your name, address and phone number to be considered for publication.

The letter should be sent only to the News Sentinel. It should be signed and include a street address and phone number. Unsigned letters will not be considered. Emailed letters do not require a signature but must contain the full name of the writer, street address and phone number for verification purposes.

Letters should be no more than words. We do not accept poetry. We urge our regular letter writers to limit their submissions to one per month. The letters we publish should be original and reflect the views of the writers.

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All letters are subject to editing and condensing. To submit your letter, use this form. You may also mail or fax letters. We do not pay for guest commentaries. Please limit submissions to words and send via email without attachments to letters dailybreeze. Please limit submissions to words and send via email without attachments to speakout presstelegram.

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Generally, we would like an op-ed to be between words. Please email your op-ed to the editorial editor at scassidy lnpnews. Email opinions editor Tom Tryon and see the instructions to submit a letter to the editor. Up to words, for consideration as Your Voice op-eds. Your Voice pieces are based on personal experience or expertise and must be of unusual interest to readers. E-mail them, along with a JPEG head shot of the author, to matt. For verification purposes, please include your name, e-mail, home address and daytime phone number.

Only your name and city will be published. To send a letter to the editor, fill out this form. Letters are subject to condensation and may be edited for clarity. Letters should be limited to words; those less than words will be given priority. The Press invites readers to submit guest columns of no more than words on local, regional or state issues.

Send guest columns via email to letters pressofac. Have a question about The Press Opinion and Commentary pages? Shorter letters are preferred. The maximum is words. Writers are limited to one letter every 30 days. Send letters to the editor via email to letters pressofac. Keep them topical, short words or less , legible and not more often than one every 30 days. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Editorial page editor either Times or Free Press P. Box Chattanooga, TN Op-Eds and Letters An op-ed is a column or guest essay published in the opinion section of a newspaper Opposite the Editorial page.

Letter Submission word limit, must relate to story or editorial in WSJ—include date, headline and page number of article, city where writer is located. Holiday visits can be stressful. Plan now for safe winter driving. For the Record for December 19, Information from The Chronicle and our advertisers Want to add your business to this to this feed? Submit a letter to the editor.

December 19, December 18, 3: TD swim team moves ahead at Bend Invite December 18, 3: Third-ranked SWC girls off to an impressive start December 18, 3: TD boys lose road tilt to Milwaukie December 18, 3: TD girls coast to third consecutive victory December 18, 3: Holiday visits can be stressful December 18, 2: Still Waters December 18, 2: