Food Supplements (How to...)

Food supplements

Women use supplements more than men.

Supplements are not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet. Most European countries agree that messages aimed at the general public should focus on food-based dietary guidelines.

Who needs food supplements?

Plants manufacture vitamins which move up the food chain as the plants are consumed by animals or humans. Previously known as RDA Nutrient A substance derived from food which provides nourishment to the body and is essential for the maintenance of life and for growth and development. An in-depth analysis of data from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey NDNS shows that adults in their 20s are falling short of recommended intakes of 12 key micronutrients, and levels for seven micronutrients are so low they pose a threat to health. In addition, presentation and advertising must not attribute to food supplements the property of preventing, treating or curing a human disease, or refer to such properties. Safety of hydroxyanthracene derivatives for use in food. Throughout this work EFSA provides support to the European Commission in establishing maximum limits for vitamins and minerals in food supplements and fortified foods.

Partly due to our modern lifestyle, not everyone manages to eat a healthy diet. In Europe, dietary surveys have suggested that there are suboptimal intakes for several micronutrients. They are advised to take folic acid before conception, and continue for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. An adequate folate status can decrease the risk of having a baby with neural tube defects such as spina bifida. In some countries including UK, Ireland, the Netherlands and Sweden there are already recommendations for certain groups in the population to take a vitamin D supplement, although there are calls for more research.

Mg is used for a number of nutrients found in food supplements. Micronutrient A substance derived from food which is needed in extremely small amounts for the normal growth and development of living beings. Micronutrients are vitamins , minerals and essential fatty acids omega-3 fats Mineral Inorganic micronutrient essential to health and wellbeing.

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Minerals are absorbed from soil by plants which are in turn eaten by animals or humans. Minerals may be split into minerals which are needed in relatively high amounts calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chloride and potassium and trace elements iron, zinc, cobalt, copper, chromium, fluoride, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, boron and selenium which are needed in very small quantities. Multivitamin A product which contains more than one vitamin , often multivitamins will contain all 13 vitamins although some may contain only the eight B vitamins, or a combination of some of the vitamins and some additional minerals.

The results are used to assess whether intakes of food and nutrients are adequate across different ages and population groups. Previously known as RDA Nutrient A substance derived from food which provides nourishment to the body and is essential for the maintenance of life and for growth and development. Nutritionist Nutritionists generally work for public bodies or governments, although some do work with private clients. They tend to look at large populations to determine risk factors and make dietary recommendations that are applied at population levels.

For example, evidence on the incidence of type II Diabetes led public health nutritionists to determine that some populations are more at risk of developing this disease, and to make recommendations for dietary changes to either reduce the risk or manage the disease. However, public health nutritionists do not practice with individual patients. Omega-3 fats Essential fatty acids which cannot be synthesised by the body and must be derived from the diet.

Primary sources for omega-3 fats are oily fish and fish oil supplements with some also coming from enriched eggs and fortified foods. There are a number of scientifically proven health benefits for omega-3 fats including supporting the health of the eyes, brain and heart, maintaining an appropriate balance of triglycerides in the blood and reducing blood pressure.

Food supplements: Who needs them and when?

Omega-6 fats Essential fatty acids which cannot be synthesised by the body and must be derived from the diet. Primary sources for omega-6 are vegetable oils such as sunflower and corn oils as well as nuts and seeds. There are a number of health benefits associated with omega-6 fatty acids; they are thought to be beneficial in the management of premenstrual syndrome and in some skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis. Prebiotics Foods which promote the growth of probiotics , the beneficial bacteria that inhabit our gut.

Prebiotics are generally fibres such as inulin, which our bodies cannot digest and absorb but which provide a food source for probiotics. Probiotics Live bacteria and some yeasts which inhabit the digestive tract which are viewed as being beneficial to human health. There are thousands of different bacterial strains; some are resident in specific areas of the digestive tract whilst others are transient, simply passing through.

They work with local government, the NHS and non-governmental organisations as well as communicating public health messages to the general public. PUFA Polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFA are found in nuts, seeds, fish and fish oil , krill and some algae, small amounts are also found in leafy greens. The omega-3 and omega 6 fats are PUFAs, which are generally associated with health. RDA Recommended Daily Amount; previously used terminology for the amount set, primarily to support food labelling, which the majority of the population require to maintain health.

The UK food supplements industry works to the levels set in this report. Vitamin Organic micronutrient essential to health and wellbeing. Vitamins cannot be synthesised in sufficient amounts by the animal or human body and must therefore be obtained from the diet. Plants manufacture vitamins which move up the food chain as the plants are consumed by animals or humans.

Water soluble vitamin The B vitamins and vitamin C are water soluble. They are not stored in any significant quantities within the body and are generally either utilised or excreted in the urine. As they are not stored in the body, they tend to have low toxicity and are needed on a daily basis.

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Microgram a measurement of weight equal to one millionth of a gram or one thousandth of a milligram. The building blocks of protein, there are eight essential amino acids which cannot be synthesised within the body and therefore must come from the diet. A substance or nutrient which helps to protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals, damaging molecules which are found in pollution and tobacco smoke. A lack of essential macronutrients or micronutrients which results in malnutrition and or disease.

An individual qualified in nutrition and dietetics who can assess, diagnose and treat health issues associated with nutrition and diet. Essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6 cannot be synthesised by the body and must be derived from the diet.

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European Food Safety Authority ; the European Union food risk management agency which scientifically evaluates safety across all areas of food. The fat soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E and K. A food supplement is a concentrated source of vitamins , minerals or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect which is sold in small, measured unit doses.

Gamma-linoleic acid is an omega-6 fatty acid an essential fatty acid considered to be necessary for human health which must be derived from the diet.

Dietary Supplement Practicum (5 of 21): Food vs. Drugs vs. Dietary Supplements

A health claim is any claim which states, or implies, that consumption of a specific food will have a beneficial effect on health. Dietary constituents which are needed in significant amounts, generally protein, fat, carbohydrate, fibre and water.

They include fish oils, which have been shown to benefit heart health, minerals like iron to help prevent anaemia, and a whole list of vitamins, from A to K. Supplements contain higher amounts of nutrients than are found in most foods. Many pregnancies are unplanned so it is important that women take folic acid even if they are using contraceptives.

In certain circumstances your doctor may advise you to take a food supplement e. Generally, you do not need to take food supplements if you are healthy and eat a normal balanced diet. That means a diet which contains a variety of foods, including starchy foods preferably wholegrain , fruit and vegetables, low-fat dairy foods, lean meat and fish.

Too much of certain supplements can be harmful and cause unwanted side effects. The European Union has introduced new rules to help ensure food supplements are safe and properly labelled. Only certain nutrients may be used in food supplements and these may only be used in amounts that do not pose a health risk. Maximum safe levels for some supplements have yet to be set. Taking supplements will not correct a poor diet.

We get a lot more from foods than just one or two vitamins or minerals; we also get energy, protein, fibre and other natural compounds that can have beneficial effects on our health. Some babies and children can benefit from taking a food supplement. Your own health professional is the only one who can advise for your baby and child.