As You Were - The Cancer that is Killing Christians and the Church

Cancer is Funny will take you on a journey from Jason's mind all the way to the inner parts of his body that ends up revealing his soul.

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Jason lays himself bare so that you can look, laugh and feel better during the often faith-testing, twisted ride that is cancer. What is funniest is that this book will grab you and remind you of what matters in life. Smart enough to know that easy answers about God cannot be found—ever—Micheli is a theologian of the only theology that matters—the theology of death and life.

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Cancer may not strike you as funny, but Micheli certainly is as he confronts his and our worst fears and shows us that life is a gift, even in the midst of great suffering. And yet, as Jason Micheli says, none of us is getting out of life alive. Thankfully Jason Micheli has given us a surprising book like Cancer is Funny , which, it so happens, is as hilarious as it is thoughtful and deeply faithful.

Cancer is Funny is funny. It will not only teach you about yourself, it will teach you about God too. A riveting journey through the suffering that, as he puts, God may or may not be doing to him—a question everyone of us has asked, or will some day soon. The very fact of its construction, like that of the ancient pyramids or the Taj Mahal, is as improbable as it is awe-inspiring and beautiful.

The result is a wonder to behold. Jason Micheli is that rare Christian minister who serves up truth unvarnished, live-blogging with graphic honesty his experience of ingesting deadly poisons designed to spare his young life, against sobering odds, from an unforgiving cancer. Fasten your seatbelts, dear readers. There is turbulence ahead.

Prepare to laugh and cry. Prepare to live and die. Staring down the barrel of a life-threatening disease, Micheli proves that irreverence can be the flip side of faith. He disrupts all the cliches of cancer chronicles: Staring down the barrel of a life-threatening disease, he proves that irreverence can be the flip side of faith. Jason Micheli is neither. And Jason shows us with raw candor that wherever God is to be found, joy and laughter are possible.

Cancer Is Funny: Keeping Faith in Stage-Serious Chemo | Fortress Press

Jason is an engaging, always substantive-without-being-showy communicator of the faith. Only Jason could transform cancer into a source of comedy but also a great occasion to teach the rest of us how to think like Christians about life, sickness, death, and God. Jason is able to do this because he, as much as anyone I know, believes in a living, redemptive God who is with us, in good times and bad.

A funny, faithful book. Skip to main content. Keeping Faith in Stage-Serious Chemo. Request a Review , Exam , or Desk copy.

Does God care about your pain?

Request a Review copy Please select a version: Digital Digital copies are fulfulled via Edelweiss, an external trusted partner. Request an Exam copy Please select a version: Physical Digital Digital copies are fulfulled via Edelweiss, an external trusted partner. Request an Desk copy Please select a version: Table of Contents Introduction Excerpt from Chapter 1.

Endorsements This is not a book for people with cancer, this is a book for people who are mortal.

Cancer Is Funny: Keeping Faith in Stage-Serious Chemo

Fleming Rutledge episcopal priest and author of "God Spoke to Abraham: Preaching from the Old Testament". George Allen former U. Lets readers engage with the most important questions of life and faith. Johanna Hartelius University of Pittsburgh. Stanley Hauerwas Gilbert T.

I’m a Christian With Stage IV Cancer. I Want Death With Dignity.

Brutally, humanely and laughingly honest. This book will grab you and remind you of what matters in life. As hilarious as it is thoughtful and deeply faithful. This involves agreeing that you disobey God and that you need Christ to die in your place to save you from experiencing the full penalty of your sin eternal punishment and separation from God.

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Right about now, you may feel a bit beat up or perhaps offended that God views you as a sinner. Your eternal destiny is at stake. If you have never confessed your need for a savior, you can do it now by praying something like this:. I am grieving, and I need Your help.

I know that I am a sinner and that my sin has separated me from You. But I believe that You experienced the punishment that should have been mine by dying on the cross for my sins. I believe You rose from the dead so I could have the hope of living forever with You instead of spending eternity separated from You. Thank you for enduring the grief and the pain to show Your love for me.

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I place my trust in You to help me heal. If you invited Christ into your life, many things have changed. Look at some of the remarkable and comforting things that have occurred:. While you may never know all the details concerning why your loved one died Deuteronomy Your suffering only makes sense in the context of that story.

You have a relationship with the God of all comfort: Believing in Christ for the forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life in Him is essential to your healing. It allows you to have a personal relationship with the God of all comfort. God loved you enough to go through the death of His Son for you. He is familiar with your suffering and will walk with you through the toughest days of your grief journey, offering comfort for today and hope for the future. You have reason for hope: Jesus promised to gather all who trusted Him for salvation into an eternal paradise.

There will be no more tears, suffering, or death in that place. Rest your hope on this unshakable promise.

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Doing so will transform the way you grieve. God will use your suffering for good: God promises to use all your experiences good and bad to help you become more like His Son Romans 8: As you grow in your understanding of how wonderful Jesus is, this promise will become increasingly attractive and precious to you. Your sins were forgiven: You no longer have to fear being judged by God Romans 8: And no matter how intense and painful your grief becomes, you can always take solace in the fact that God has lovingly and generously addressed your most pressing need—your need for forgiveness.

You received the gift of eternal life: While we will all experience physical death, Jesus promised that those who believe in Him will never cease to exist. For you have inherited what Jesus calls eternal life John 3: And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life Because of his grace he declared us righteous and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life. Turning control of your life over to Jesus is only the first step in an exciting relationship with God.

We encourage you to begin attending a GriefShare group; your GriefShare leader and the From Mourning to Joy exercises in your workbook will help guide you in your relationship with God.

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"As You Were" - The Cancer that is Killing Christians and the Church - Kindle edition by Jeff Smith, Rachelle Bryson, Carla Cross. Download it once and read it . As You Were: The Cancer that is Killing Christians and the Church [Jeff Smith, Rachelle Bryson, Carla Cross, Amy Chisman] on *FREE* shipping .

The best way to do this is to become part of a church that will teach you and guide you in a growing relationship with Jesus.