Industrial Gas Flaring Practices

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Industrial Gas Flaring Practices

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Industrial Gas Flaring Practices

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This volume tackles for the first time in decades the world's gas flaring practices, a difficult, hot-button issue of our time, whose consequences. This volume tackles for the first time in decades the world's gas flaring practices, a difficult, hot-button issue of our time, whose consequences are only just.

How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot. Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

Would you like us to take another look at this review? No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! Theconsequences have been far greater emissions than are generallyreported along with serious accidents that have caused loss oflives and extensive damages to facility infrastructure andcommunity property. This volume is intended as a technical reference for refineriesand chemical plants. The information contained herein is the resultof reviewing the general literature of flaring options andtechnologies, reviewing industry and U.

EPA-published studies, and examining some of the practices of certain refinery operationswhere information has been accessible. Industrial Gas Flaring Practices Tackles a very difficult, misunderstood, and often overlookedtopic: Shows how dealing with this subject is a very significant steptoward reducing worldwide CO2 emissions, and thus hopefully helpingto reverse or slow down climate change.

Is the only comprehensive volume of its kind dealing with gasflaring from a technical and environmental point of view. Presents timely case studies that show, in real-world practice, how to and how NOT to use gas flaring. Table of contents Preface vii About the author xi 1 Principles of Combustion 1 1. EPA s AP 6. Review Text "Written by a chemical engineer, the book offers acomprehensive look at this complex subject. As theconsequences of gas flaring practices become more widelyunderstood, this reference can help professionals in refineries andchemical plants to reduce CO2 emissions.

Review quote Written by a chemical engineer, the book offers a comprehensive look at this complex subject As the consequences of gas flaring practices become more widely understood, this reference can help professionals in refineries and chemical plants to reduce CO2 emissions. Chemical Engineering Progress, 21 May show more.

Cheremisinoff, PhD, is a consultant to industry, international lending institutions, and donor agencies on pollution prevention and responsible environmental care practices. With a career spanning more than thirty years, he is also the author, coauthor, or editor of more than technical books and hundreds of state-of-the-art review and scientific articles. Christmas posting dates Learn more.