Did we see him? (New & Extended Version) (The timely adventures of Charles Palmerston Book 1)

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Six years ago, I was offered the opportunity to have a writing contract by a publisher in Miami; I turned the offer down, after weeks of second-guessing my decision I was still questioning what I did because at the time I was concerned that writing porn stories would damage my rep as a writer. Now, at the end of my time, I think I should have accepted the offer even if the idea of writing for a publisher with few limits turned my stomach at the time. Time for PitMad again. Writers seeking a contract. It's that time of year again- PitMad - the time when publishers ask for submissions and writers send in a summary of the latest they are offering.

I did enter a few years ago, and I did get a nibble from a publisher in the USA, but it came to nothing, the problem is until this year I had not published a romance, though I do have some on file unfinished. I searched for her on IMDb - the largest movie film base - other than the series "Suits," she has made no impact on either TV or film. So, anyone who has been in a. The end of days. All things have their time. I was not only about myself. Writing for anthologies never helped me.

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Political Oddities at the Edge of the Nation-state. Only 6 left in stock more on the way. London, Richard Bentley, With a weakening of military discipline, the British decided to withdraw from Kabul. Over two decades, , he maneuvered to help the British, hoping to force the Russians to commit more soldiers to Asia. Available to ship in days. IV , p.

The Bible and the gun. My expanding Christian fiction story. My bestseller keeps flying high. Several years ago, I was the victim of mob mentality twice within a year. The first incident came when I won the above award, the leader of the mob was a person? I can't say as I left t. The day after the attacks. The feeling of dread remains. The Day of the Phobia.

The Great Game

My struggle with a phobia. My day out should have been pleasant today, but it was far from pleasant as I had to fight my agoraphobia from the start of the day. I served at RAF Lossiemouth in the 's. One of the most exciting experiences I had is marching in front of a pipe band. I can understand why the Scots fight so h. I see myself as a writer. I see no conflict of interests. Do I see selling erotica as a conflict of interests with my current stories about Christianity? The crux of the matter depends on how long you have known my writing, and how you view me as a writer. People who have known my writing for only a year or two could see me as a Christian writer.

If you have read my work for five years, you may see me as a Science Fiction writer. To the few who have followed. Lana Pawcel has risen from obscurity. My erotica pen name. The odd thing about this story, not me writing erotica, is that only last night I thought of introducing the possibility of a sequel into the storyline of my story The Lodge.

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My growing Christian fiction story. I forgot how good I am as a writer. Tigers of the Kumgang Mountains. Leopard On The Loose: Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Did we see him? Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item.

Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! February 3, ISBN: You can read this item using any of the following Kobo apps and devices: I have been struck by the magnitude of your resources, your ships, your arsenals, but what I cannot understand is why the rulers of so vast and flourishing an empire should have gone across the Indus to deprive me of my poor and barren country. In , acting Captain James Abbott of the Bengal Artillery undertook a mission to the Khanate of Khiva in an attempt to negotiate the release of Russian slaves that would deny the Russians a pretext for invading Khiva.

If war had already broken out, Abbot was instructed to attempt to negotiate a settlement. Of the 5, men who that had left Orenburg, only 4, returned.

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Abbott set off from Khiva in towards Russia to commence negotiations, which he did on his own initiative and it was not authorised by his superiors. His caravan was attacked by Khazakhs and he was wounded in the hand and taken hostage, however he and his party were released because they feared retribution.

He reached St Petersburg but the attempt at mediation failed. His bravery was recognized through promotion to full Captain. In , Britain annexed the Sind. Following the Indian Rebellion of , the East India Company's remaining powers were transferred to the British Crown [50] in the person of Queen Victoria who in was proclaimed Empress of India.

As a state, the British Raj functioned as the guardian of a system of connected markets maintained by military power, business legislation and monetary management. In Sultan Ahmed Khan of Herat, who was placed into power by Persia and issued coinage on behalf of the Shah, attacked the disputed town of Farrah.

Farrah had been under Dost Mohammad Khan's control since , and he responded by sending his army to defeat Herat and reunited it with Afghanistan. The new and wary Alexander II of Russia waited some years so as not to antagonize the British, then Russia expanded into Central Asia in two campaigns. In , a circular was sent to the consular officers abroad by Gorchakov, the Russian Chancellor, patiently explaining the reasons for expansion centering on the doctrines of necessity, power and spread of civilisation.

Russia occupied Chimkent in , Tashkent in , Khokhand and Bukhara in , and Samarkand in Russia's influence now extended to outlying regions of Afghan Turkestan. The second campaign started from the Caspian Sea and was in the direction of Herat, near the Persian frontier. Khiva was occupied in However, no boundary west of the Amu Darya was defined until In , Russia sent an uninvited diplomatic mission to Kabul. Sher Ali Khan , the Amir of Afghanistan , tried unsuccessfully to keep them from entering Afghanistan. The Amir not only refused to receive a British mission under Neville Bowles Chamberlain but threatened to stop it if it attempted to enter his country.

Lord Lytton , the Viceroy of British India, ordered a diplomatic mission to set out for Kabul in September but the mission was turned back as it approached the eastern entrance of the Khyber Pass , triggering the Second Anglo—Afghan War. The Treaty of Gandamak of required that Amir Abdur Rahman Khan had to accept British control of Afghanistan's foreign relations and to cede to the British a number of its southern frontier areas, including the districts of Pishin, Sibi, Harnai, and Thal Chotiali. In the following years, other tribal areas would be annexed by the British.

In , Russian forces took Geok Tepe and in they occupied Merv.

In , a Russian force annexed the Panjdeh district north of Herat province and its fort in what has been called the Panjdeh incident. The Afghans claimed that the people of the district had always paid tribute to Afghanistan, and the Russians argued that this district was part of the Khanates of Khiva and Merv which they had annexed earlier.

The Afghan Boundary Commission was supposed to have settled the dispute, however the battle occurred before its arrival. The Afghan force of was completely overwhelmed by the superior Russian numbers. Britain did not aid Afghanistan as was required by the Treaty of Gandamak, leading the Amir to believe that he could not rely on the British in the face of Russian aggression. Germany had no direct stakes, however its dominance of Europe was enhanced when Russian troops were based as far away from Germany as possible.

Over two decades, , he maneuvered to help the British, hoping to force the Russians to commit more soldiers to Asia. The protocol defined the boundary from the Oxus to the Harirud and was later followed by 19 additional protocols providing further detail between The agreement delineated a permanent northern Afghan frontier at the Amu Darya, with the loss of a large amount of territory, especially around Panjdeh. This left the border east of Lake Zorkul in the Wakhan region to be defined. This territory was claimed by China , Russia and Afghanistan. In the s, the Afghans had advanced north of the lake to the Alichur Pamir.

The Russians claimed that because they had annexed the Khanate of Kokand they had a claim over the Pamirs. Afghanistan claimed that the region never paid tribute to Kokand and was independent, so having annexed it the region was theirs. The British claimed that this was a breach of the Anglo-Russian Agreement of Unfortunately for Britain, the Indian government pointed out that Bozai Gumbaz was not included in the Agreement and so it was in an undefined zone.

Bozai Gumbaz had not appeared on the Russian map as being in Wakhan. Additionally, the British became aware that Younghusband had mistakenly entered Russian territory near Kara Kul and could have been arrested by the administrator there. Yanov offered a verbal apology if he had mistakenly entered the Wakhan territory, and the Russian government proposed a joint survey to agree on a border. Britain was concerned that Russia would take advantage of Chinese weakness in policing the area to gain territory.

The Agreement reconfirmed the Agreement, required Afghanistan to withdraw from the territory north of the Amu Darya that it had occupied in , and called for delimitation of the boundary east of Lake Sari. When Mortimer Durand , Secretary for State of India was appointed administrator of the Gilgit Agency now part of the Gilgit-Baltistan of Pakistan , he opened up the region by building roads, telegraph, and mail systems while maintaining a dialogue with the Mir of Gilgit.

He intended to improve the road from Kashmir through the princely states of Hunza and Nagar and up to the frontier with Russia. The Mirs of Nagar and Hunza saw this as a threat to their natural advantage of remoteness. In , Durand reinforced Chalt Fort that was near the border due to the rumor that Nagar and Hunza fighters were about to attack it, and continued redeveloping the road up to the fort. In May , Nagar and Hunza sent a warning to Durand not to continue work on the road to the fort and to vacate the fort, which was on the Gilgit side of the border, else they would regard it as an act of war.

Durand reinforced the fort and accelerated the road construction to it, causing Nagar and Hunza to see this as an escalation and so they stopped mail from the British Resident in Chinese Turkmenistan through their territory. British India regarded this as a breach of their agreement with Hunza, and after an ultimatum was issued and ignored they initiated the Anglo- Brusho Campaign of Hunza and Nagar came under a British protectorate in The notes defined British and Russian spheres of influence east of Lake Sari-Qul by defining the northern boundary of the Wakhan Corridor east of the lake.

This boundary was subsequently demarcated by a mixed commission. It was agreed that the Amu Darya river would form the border between Afghanistan and the Russian empire. Russia gained full possession of all of the Pamir Mountains , except for Taghdumbash , which would be the subject of a later Afghan-China agreement.

Editorial Reviews

Editorial Reviews. From the Author. The premise of the story is based in facts. In the early Did we see him? (New & Extended Version) (The timely adventures of Charles Palmerston Book 1) - Kindle edition by Alan Place, Jamie Moody. (updated version) The timely adventures of Charles Palmerston, #1" by Alan Place My book uses one of the popular theories of the time -- and my favourite .

To conclude their agreement, one peak was named Mount Concord. The Russians had gained all of the lands North of the Amu Darya which included the land claimed by the Khanate of Khiva, including the approaches to Herat, and all of the land claimed by the Khanate of Khoqand, including the Pamir plateau. To ensure a complete separation, this new Afghan state was given an odd eastern appendage known as the Wakhan Corridor.

The timing of the beginning and end of the Great Game is not completely agreed. One author believes that the Great Game commenced with Russia's victory in the Russo-Persian War —13 and the signing of the Treaty of Gulistan of or the Treaty of Turkmenchay of When everyone is dead, the Great Game is finished. One author proposes that Britain lost The Great Game.

If Khiva and Bukhara were to become buffer states, then trade routes to Afghanistan, as a protectorate, along the Indus and Sutlej rivers would be necessary and therefore access through the Sind and Punjab regions would be required. The Great Game began between —34 as an attempt to negotiate trade deals with Ranjit Singh and the Amirs of Sind, and the "first interruption of this magnificent British daydream was caused by the determination of the Amirs of Sind to be left alone. The failure to turn Afghanistan into a client state meant that The Great Game could not be won.

In , Lord Curzon , the future Viceroy of India, commented:. Kipling's use of the term was entirely fictional, ".. At the time when the story is set i.

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Two authors have proposed that The Great Game was a legend and that the British Raj did not have the capacity to conduct such an undertaking. An examination of the archives of the various departments of the Raj showed no evidence of a British intelligence network in Central Asia. At best, efforts to obtain information on Russian moves in Central Asia were rare, ad hoc adventures and at worst intrigues resembling the adventures in Kim were baseless rumours, and that such rumours "were always common currency in Central Asia and they applied as much to Russia as to Britain".

Later, the same author proposed that Russia never had the will nor ability to move on India, nor India the capability to move on Central Asia. Russia did not want Afghanistan, considering their initial failure to take Khiva and the British debacle in the First Anglo-Afghan War.

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In order to invade Afghanistan they would first require a forward base in Khorasan, Persia. Petersburg had decided by then that a forward policy in the region had failed but one of non-intervention appeared to work. It has been argued that the Russian military advances in Central Asia were advocated and executed only by irresponsible Russians or enthusiastic governors of the frontier provinces.

It was rarely used before that period. Reading the history of the British Empire in India and the Middle East one is struck by both the prominence and the unreality of strategic debates.