Somatic Engagement (Chainlinks)

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Literary Nonfiction. Edited by community artist, scholar, and dancer Petra Kuppers (author of Disability and Contemporary Performance: Bodies on Edge and. Somatic Engagement CHAIN LINKS Somatic Engagement with Amy Sara Carroll Katherine Sherwood Georgina Kleege Eleni Stecopoulos Devora Neumark.

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Christian Nagler

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Live Art Performance and the Palestinian Resistance Movement," pulls words into a reflection of the actual body experience. The structures of the poems within the essay provide a sense of disconnection, a person living in diaspora. And then as soon as we come, we go and make ourselves feel guilty—so as to be forgiven; or to forget, to bury it until the next time. But for moments at a time, over shared coffee, desirously, we engage in practices of artful living, embodied poetics, an erotics of encounter, practices that halt the flow of cars, of business-as-usual, of the visibilities and invisibilities, the glib narratives, the budget bottom line, if only for a moment, a shared breath. Please enter the message. Breath, pollution, toxicity, waste and surplus, division and decay, emergence:

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  1. Inklusion im Sportunterricht: Referatsausarbeitung zum Seminar Erziehender Schulsport - Grundlagen und Gestalten (German Edition).
  2. New Play Reading Series: Family vs Family by Christian Nagler.
  3. El acoso moral: El maltrato psicológico en la vida cotidiana (Spanish Edition).
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