The R. J. Ellory Collection

I could give you my snail mail address if you wish. That would be so great an honour… Anxiously waiting for your answer, and wishing you the best of luck, Sir!

I got this, and I got your e-mail, to which I will reply properly very soon! Great to meet you too, and all best wishes! Just wanted to say keep up the great job! Great to hear from you and thanks for your kind words, Meredith! I have just finished reading Mockingbird Songs, and loved it. I am a big fan of all your books, and wanted to know if there is a possibility of this book in particular being turned into a movie. Thank you for your message and your kind words, Caroline.

I am so pleased you enjoyed the book. McConaughey would be superb in that role, and we can only hope. Perhaps once on is made there may be interest in the others. Anyway, huge thanks for your support and encouragement. I hope all is well with you and yours. Well, Juliet…the new book is complete, and it was scheduled for release in October, but then the decision was made by Orion to delay publication until March of This was to do with marketing, promotion, their existing publishing commitments and many other factors.

It was not my decision. Anyway, it is what it is. Thanks for your message, and thanks for your support. Read all your books, your writing is exceptional. Thanks for the pleasure of reading them. And thank you not only for reading them, Gill, but for your kind words and support! Je viens de lire: Luckily I have got a few more of your books to read.

Please pass on my thanks to your son for recommending them, and I hope we shall continue as writer and reader for many, many years to come. Ce fut un immense plaisir que de vous rencontrer. Un texte, des textes comme je les aime. Pour sur que je vais poursuivre la lecture de vos titres.

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The R. J. Ellory Collection - Kindle edition by R.J. Ellory. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks . The R. J. Ellory Collection by R J Ellory - book cover, description, publication history.

En tous les cas sachez que ce serait pour moi un immense plaisir. Cela signifie beaucoup pour moi. However, Chapter 52, fourth line from the start, mentions Ralph Chandler, it should be Glenn…. Dear Joanne, Thank you for your message. This is really appreciated! I am so pleased that you enjoyed the book.

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As for the typo, we did pick it up a little earlier and it is being fixed for future editions. Hope you enjoy some of the other books too! Hi just finished Mockingbird Songs which I really enjoyed. Library copies are good! My childhood was spent in libraries and I owe them for my career. Best wishes, and thanks for writing. Means a lot to me. Cher Jean-Claude, Merci beaucoup pour vos mots merveilleusement aimables.

75 Responses to R.J.Ellory – Award winning thriller writer

Merci pour votre message. Une seconde fois plus attentivement. Ce livre nous concerne tous. Eh bien, je vous remercie beaucoup pour vos aimables paroles et votre soutien, Jean-Claude. Hello, I am a fan of yours, always looking for your books at my local book shop. I discovered your work 3 years ago and I have liked everyone of your book. I am writing for two things: I see that you answered in French, do you by any chance speak others languages?

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  • Books by R.J. Ellory (Author of A Quiet Belief in Angels);

I hope those are not too personal. Hi Leo, Great to hear from you, and so pleased to hear you have enjoyed the books. I was sufficiently curious to look you up out of curiosity, not in a stalking sense..! The detailed accounts of life in America in the 50s and 60s, and particularly during the Vietnam War, carry such apparent authenticity, yet you were merely a boy at the time and thousands of miles removed from the situation.

Dear Norma, Thank you for your wonderfully kind words, and I am thrilled that you are enjoying the books. I was raised by my grandmother, and she was a huge fan of the Golden Age of Hollywood now the subject of a trilogy, the first volume of which is being released in the UK in May , and I was entranced and enchanted by the greats — Cary Grant, James Stewart, Humphrey Bogart, Edward G.

When it came to writing, I was of the view that it was just as valid to write about those subjects and issues which fascinated me, not only those subjects and areas with which I was subjectively and personally experienced. Since then, of course, I have travelled extensively in the US and seen — at first hand — many of those very iconic places about which I write.

I shall continue to write as long as I am able to be published, though I am somewhat disheartened by the seeming lack of enthusiasm and interest in books these days, and the continuing generations that seem not only to have no desire to read, but struggle to read at all. Meanwhile, onward and upward. Again, enormous thanks for taking the time to write, and for your hugely encouraging words.

My very best wishes, Roger. Just this evening I completed a Quiet Beleif in Angels! Thank you very much for sharing your storytelling talent. That is really kind of you, Albert, and thank you for taking the time to write to me.

More books by R.J. Ellory

Best wishes, Paul Carew. As for the characters, I am always trying to write people that could be real, people that seem as though they could be known in life. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. This really is a special message, and I want you to know that it is hugely appreciated. Your words are very much appreciated. Tom The Fishmonger on April 22, at My childhood was spent in libraries and I owe them for my career.

Your words are very much appreciated. Have a great week! Return to every it couple of years. Like hooking up with a loved old friend. Keep up the good work Roger. Think that book would make a brilliant film. Get Sam Mendes on Just saying. What do I now. Many thanks for taking the time to write, and apologies for the delay in replying.

I am so pleased to hear that you like the book. I did actually write the screenplay for Olivier Dahan, but — as with so many film projects — nothing happens for ten years and then everything happens in a fortnight!

  • Books by R.J. Ellory.
  • R.J. Ellory – Award winning thriller writer.
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  • The R. J. Ellory Collection by R J Ellory.

Trust all is well with you and yours. Best wishes, Tom, and thanks again for your very kind and encouraging words. Every character a gem and what a plot. Before I Go To Sleep. God'll Cut You Down. The World's Worst Crimes. Talking with Serial Killers 2. Evil Wives [Fully Illustrated]. Uncle John's True Crime. Serial Killers and Mass Murderers. City of the Lost: A Death in Belmont.

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Monsters Of Death Row. Masters of True Crime. The Devil's Right-Hand Man. Murder at the Pencil Factory: Special Victims Unit Unofficial Companion. There But For the Grace of God. His fifth novel ended up being a selection in for a famed book club and also won prizes and awards such as the Livre De Poches Award and a few more.

His work has been the focus of a number of awards internationally that include the Trophy, the European Du Point, the M. He can also be attributed to writing the immensely popular Chicagoland series. This trilogy features three books and they are unusual in that you can casually download them online and read them right on your Kindle.

Besides his debut fictional novel Candlemoth, he is also the author of other novels such as Ghostheart, he Anniversary Man, Bad Signs, and more. His most recent novel is titled Kings of America; it was released in Ellory also wrote the screenplay for his fifth novel for a pretty famous movie director. His works have also been collected in the release of stories by Ellory. The Sister is the first book in the exciting crime mystery Chicagoland series. This is the book that kicks it all off in this e-book exclusive trilogy. Well-received by critics and readers, this thriller is sure to keep you turning the pages until the end.

When a murder goes down in Chicago of a young girl, a public is shocked. The man eventually confessed to the murder without hesitating, but that brings no sense of peace for the survivors. The man did not ask for mercy and did not give any explanation.

The R. J. Ellory Collection

The testimonies of one cop, killer, and sister could finally lead to the truth behind the murder that happened that day. Will they get what they want? Find out in the electrifying first novel in this gripping series from R. This sequel to the first e-book picks up where the other one left off, but takes place with a different character voicing the narrative. Maguire works a job that can suck the life out of you on some days.