Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins: A Summary

Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

As long as you make use of the right emotions in your daily life, you are on the path leading to dream fulfillment. Stop thinking that failure is opposite to success, on the contrary, it is an integral part and as soon as you realize that the better.

The Book in Three Sentences

Stop going unnoticed with your fearful look, and start seeing life as it is. Tony Robbins is not one of those work too hard kind of motivator. Make an effort and enter deservedly into the world of happiness and self-satisfaction. Anthony Robbins is an American-born philanthropist, life-motivator, writer and an entrepreneur. With an earned respect, he has established himself as a great motivator and business advisor. In Anthony was listed in Worth Magazine Power list. He is more like play big, and never give up because the end result is always equal to your belief in yourself.

It all starts with a clear perspective and by reducing your priorities. This summary covers the inevitable rise of a person, who is no different than you. After a certain amount of time passes, Tony hopes that you will be his greatest success. The author includes a step-by-step plan that will help you identify which emotions are empowering.

According to Tony Robbins, everything that we do is related to our state of mind, the way we feel, and our emotions. Everything we do should be directed towards our enjoyment, to our well-being. But due to a number of reasons, we seem to have forgotten all about it. In order to accomplish our dreams, we need to change. This concept of change is essential to anyone who wants to improve the quality of their life.

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But what do we have to do? Change your limiting belief. Curious to find out more? Robbins indicates that decisions design our lives, and I agree with him. In order to make good decisions , he recommends making more and more decisions. This way, we will learn from them. These will either give us a sense of pain or a sense of pleasure. Which emotions are empowering to you? The ones that create pleasure or the ones that create pain?

Robbins talks about two types of belief systems: In order to eliminate the limiting belief system, we need to link massive pain to the old belief. We need to convince our brain that if we continue this way, we will inflict massive pain. In chapter 6, Robbins introduces a new concept: So he suggests training our nervous system to succeed , over and over again. Chapter 7 includes the major questions we need to ask ourselves in order to get what we want:. Chapter 8 is about questions and answers. It seems that asking good questions leads to a good life. But what happens when you keep asking the same questions and still are not successful?

Robbins tells us that we simply need to change our habitual questions.

The vocabulary that we use influences the way we think, feel, and live. If we use words that make us feel powerful, we will feel powerful, like we can win an argument, thus avoiding pain. In the next chapter, Robbins sets apart 4 types of goals and ways to achieve them:. Awaken the Giant Within In the following chapter, Tony Robbins emphasizes the importance of values, because they are seen as our personal compass. They guide our decisions and thus, our destiny.

Awaken the Giant Within Summary By Anthony Robbins – Book Summary

In order to check whether your values help you improve the quality of your life, Robbins suggests doing the following:. In chapter 17, Robbins emphasizes the importance of references in the fabric of life.

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The more references you have, the more chances of you succeeding, as you have many choices available. Make as many choices as you need to, to find the right one. Chapter 18 is about discovering our true identity. You can do this by following this plan:. Day One — Emotional Destiny: The Only True Success. Day Four — Financial Destiny: Small Steps to a Small or Large Fortune. A right decision is the one able to generate a complete sense of satisfaction. This approach indicates a suitable shift in focus, precisely understanding true values in life and developing a long-term plan of activities to achieve the desired outcome.

As humans, we have countless emotional states. However, their occurrence will always remain a mystery. For a person to increase its chances of attaining personal success, it has to embrace the original and beneficial states. Although is easier said than done — a complete transformation on an emotional level is possible, all you need is a shift in focus. Anthony Robbins is a man known for its first-class tips and theories. To improve your quality of life, you need to master your emotions, your physical state, your personal and professional relationships, your money, and your time.

To take the reins of your life, you have to work hard. Your goal is to understand how the decisions you make in your day-to-day work and then take control of them. A decision always precedes an action. Therefore, to achieve the desired results, you need to observe the decisions you have made and continue to make in your life. Incredibly, external conditions have little influence on their accomplishments. Just decide and commit to your goals. Just awaken your giant within. It is important for you to know: It is not something that you decide on and expect to happen.

Choosing means focusing; when making a decision, you must get rid of all the other possibilities and focus on just one outcome. Focus on what is important because you will become what you pursue. Human beings seek to avoid pain and gain pleasure. We act consciously or unconsciously to do what we believe will please us or avoid suffering. You have to condition your mind to exaggerate the pleasure of doing something good and the pain of doing something wrong.

You need to create mental associations between your goals and your feelings of pain and pleasure. With these emotional connections, you become capable of changing your behavior.

Associate your bad habits with things that cause you pain and associate healthy habits with things that will please you in the future. By creating this type of association, it is easy for your body to give up addictions and encourage healthy habits. We act by believing that in the future something will bring us pain or pleasure.

We need to understand this association to become winners. Our understanding of things that happen in our lives has a significant impact on who we are now and who we will be in the future. It is significantly affected by the things we believe in, our thoughts. Understanding our beliefs is the key to creating different visions of the same event in our lives.

Most ideas come from past experiences that have brought us pain or pleasure. They are personal interpretations of the results of any event in our lives and exert significant influence on our future actions. Our brain is not always able to distinguish between imagination and physical experience because beliefs affect our perception.

Therefore, it is necessary to work on the creation of our beliefs. To evolve as people, we need to work on changing our expectations. The process to change an opinion is simple.

Summary of Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins | Project

First, mentally associate an old idea with pain. Think of a bad habit you have and visualize a mental image of something that causes you pain. Then project a new feeling and associate it with something that pleases you. Awaken the giant within talks about How to take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical and Financial Destiny. Awaken the giant within written by Tony Robbins with a sole purpose to help people to take control of their lives and to get success.

Robbins states the reason people struggle with change is they are not aware of the behaviors and reasons behind bad habits. Removing the limiting thought patterns which keeps one stuck in their current position allows one to unlock seemingly endless possibilities for achievement. Robbins conveys this information through easy to understand prose, which makes Awaken the Giant Within A wonderful Read.

Awaken the giant within contains many key concepts, such as Master system. Destiny, transformational vocabulary and metaphors, belief system and emotions. As long as you make use of right emotion in your daily life, you are on the path of accomplishing your dreams. Tony Robins has included step by step plan that will help you identify which emotions are empowering. Here Robbins reminds us that we all had a dream at some point of time, but due to numerous reasons, we have forgotten them.

And in order to accomplish that dream, we need to change, and change is essential for everyone who wants to improve quality of their life. But for this what we must do. For this Tony Robbins have provided some steps which you must look in order to improve your quality of life: When you raise your standards and turn your should into the must. Are your beliefs holding you back? Are you challenged by the everyday struggle? Are you not where you want to be in your life and constantly wondering why?

Like many people you are struggling with limiting beliefs, once you identify those limiting beliefs which is stopping you to improve your life quality, you will learn to change your state in an instant. To change your strategy, model the best. Here Robbins says that decision plays a vital role in our lives, it is our decision which makes us, and also says we need to understand how important making a good decision matters in our lives, hence in order to make right and good decisions, here Robbins recommend us to make more and more decision, this way we will learn from them.

In this chapter Tony Robbins Talk about the Emotions and Sensations which is linked with our thoughts, he asked us to identify which emotions empower us, is it the emotions which create pleasure or the emotions which creates pain in us? Here in this chapter Robbins talk about two types of belief system, 1 limiting belief system and 2 Empowering belief system. In order to remove Limiting belief system we need associate old belief with pain by telling ourselves and need to convince our mind, that we stuck to the old limiting belief, we will not grow in our life and will never improve, hence if I want to grow and want to move ahead in life it is necessary to cut and eliminate the old limiting belief.

And if we associate pleasure with a new belief, will feel good adopting that new belief. Here Robbins explains, once we adopt change, it becomes difficult to maintain that change for a long time. Hence to maintain it for a long time, he suggests training our nervous system to success, and we need to train it over and over again,.

For example, saying that I quit smoking and not smoking one day is easy but not to smoke forever is quite difficult hence we need to Control we need to train ourselves for this. Covey — Book Summary. It says if you ask a good question that good question will lead to good life, but even though asking the same question again you are not growing in your life, for this Robbins says simply change your habitual questions.

Tony Robbin says Words.