Beware of Airheads on a Windy Day: Best Of Stan N Isaac

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I gotta get my Nickelback hate forums up, do I? I Knew you wouldn't be happy I Almost forgot to mention Antonnalan that there is already a Site for Bieber haters. Oh yes I was very aware of that ages ago, I just didn't bother to join at the time. I've now put the lists on my site into tables with ARIA stats for the to lists so far and highlighting of the Australian artists.

Be sure to vote in my poll before it closes. There's only 2 days left and the 80's and 90's are leading with 5 votes each. There's now 45 lists on my site. In total there's over songs, all of which can be heard in full with streaming audio. Over 9 months of work has gone into the site so far with many more ARIA lists to come! Is my site actually useful for anybody? I haven't had any responses to my site updates in the last 9 months. I do look at it. I find it interesting, and many of your old year-ends have helped me discover various songs. Sorry, I will add it to my list of things to do as I remember at the time of checking that I thought it was cool and informative.

I do use the site from time to time. The jukebox is my favourite feature. Hope it all works out. This is a reference list of all the audio featured on my site so far.

In total there's songs which can all be listened to on my site as streaming audio. Last updated on 9th Oct. Nicole Scherzinger - Jai Ho! You Are My Destiny. Bliss N Eso feat. Cast of "Mamma Mia! The Movie" - Gimme! A Man After Midnight. John Foreman - I Am Australian. DJ Yogi B vs. Elton John Band feat. In the Spirit of Elvis [Mick Gerace] feat. Jimmy Barnes with Troy Cassar-Daley feat. Bella - Bird on a Wire.

Mandawuy Yunupingu - I Am Australian. Earlier this year we partnered with Brand Finance to create a map showing the most valuable brands by country. Our conclusion is that ecommerce companies are only just beginning to dominate the retail sector. Our map also demonstrates how top-heavy the most retail brands are from a geographical perspective.

The West is clearly still in control of the retail landscape. The two are not the same. Regardless of the exact value, all these companies have spent decades building up brand name recognition. One only has to look at companies like Equifax to see how quickly that equity can slip away.

Things are looking awesome, so rates will go up, at a much faster pace they say next year. I can already buy back at a small discount. I personally think this whole thing has the potential to go off the rails as mortgage defaults soar in We might even see a small banking crisis as banks go under.

Only those economies where people have borrowed moronically. You are quite right about those who have borrowed moronically. I know a number of 30 somethings in Kelowna who have maxed out their lifestyles at 2. And there are many more like that across the country. And it would be hard to imagine our governments paying double or triple what they pay now on government debt. I think that historical norms for interest rates are just that. And not to be seen again. Best one of the year! My quote that the poor have been defeated was an actual quote of the real John Kenneth Galbraith.

Your buddy Ford has no problems supporting ultra rich farmers and their managed supply system while not giving the poor a higher minimum wage. Hypocrisy of the highest order. Only the early ones did. The tail end of the baby boom would be me. Paid it off by the time I was In the GTA, on the subway line. Today it is a rental and worth 1. How many 25 year olds could buy it today? A perfect illustration of what Albertans have been up against for years with this kind of attitude. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. The undercurrent of boiling resentment is quite revealing.

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Is this some kind of conspiracy to keep the season ticket holders hooked or what has worked for around 50 years so far. Hope you can attend the how to energy industry conference in Venezuela next week. Mark, you are right that being a share owner in a bank is a better idea than being a bank customer.

But bank customers also get what they want from banks. Just try living without a bank account. But I certainly like the idea of being a bank owner as well as a customer. Now, try to slow down your impulse to argue and lecture long enough to remember that in the U. If rates fall, the borrower can refinance down to a lower rate upon payment of a small fee.

Borrowers are fixed in at their own option if rates rise. This is why these U. But fixed income investors can. As you well know, a bank cannot afford to fund a 30 year fixed mortgage with floating rate deposits. So they securitise these to investors. What are the legal barriers? What are the legal barriers to securitisation to do this? The whole Canadian financial industry is protected by enormous non-tariff barriers.

They better hope Trump does not turn his sights on that. Every night you provide sound, intelligent insight. Canadians who take the time to digest and understand what you have written are, well, literally richer for it. Now,now, Florida has great trailer parks, Walmarts, every available gun you could desire sold at the local gun shop and the opportunity to be charged with a felony for almost anything.

Forgot the wonderful jungle humidity in the summer…. Thanks again for the lesson on what the difference is between fiscal and monetary policy. I think confusing the two are much more common than I know and I will need to be clear when visiting the in-laws this weekend.

In Montreal we pay very little compared to other large Canadian cities for the right to exist. Now think again whether the total tax rate is highest in Quebec. Picked up for 4. You will learn that economically you are on your own. Even BC is not a socialist place yet. And if it gets there everyone will share equally in not much at all.

I wrote a book a while ago, published it before the election. With out giving away the ending.

Discussion Forum

Smokey said to Issac, the Rouge council men from Nictonite. There you have it. The machine, all those tech billionaires who pretend to hate Trump. MSM, giving airtime to lunatic lefties. All visable to normals and regular voters. Massive Red wave at the mid terms. The machine always wins.

Everything you see and hear is not random. They have just slayed communism for the next years. Let me know if you want a free copy of my book. Second-young men should avoid women? Who should they seek, Unisex Unicorns? Pft Quiet with the drivel, eh? What a load of angry nonsense.

Thankfully most people in BC and Canada are decent, level headed folks who have not swallowed this poison. Ridiculous rabble rouser rubbish. Avoid sexy clothes, parties…and MEN. And if you do get sexually assaulted, make sure you head on down to the cop shop and get a vaginal swab right away. The vast majority of sexual assault goes unreported and unpunished.

Women need more evidence! Higher education and professional careers often mean that women have children late in life. Try to form a proper sentence so we can understand for once please. Had to travel to Calgary to get a job. And I started a seemingly never-ending round of getting a job, being laid off, etc. Times were so tough at one point that I was considering selling an organ or maybe two.

Like you, I never understood how there could simultaneously be a shortage of engineers to fill jobs and no actual jobs for them to fill. The current population of youngsters are a joke here in the BPOE, except some of course, but many are in a la la land glued to their smartphones and organic chia seed cappuchinos. Back here on planet Earth I was interviewing several people last week for one of my full time positions, some immigrants, some locals, some young, some older.

I asked one college grad. Why are you even here for an interview when you cannot get up at 5 am? Stupid losers, I am in my sixties and still get up every morning to beat the local traffic. When I was a helicopter medic saving wounded Russians in Afghanistan nobody gave you choices, cold shower in the morning and off you go to carry the daily survivors from mujahedeen bullets over to Uzbekistan where the nearest large surgical centre was, sometimes they would try to hit the medic helicopters too, but I guess I got lucky.

One must have some toughness and discipline in life to succeed, be it in business or investment, if you cannot get up at 5 am you are doomed to failure off the start. I hired a 62 year old immigrant from Belgrade, Serbia, so so English, but gets up early and knows his job. Yup, in less than 2 years Trump has corrected much of the mismanagement of the past.

Imagine where we will be in 6 years once he is done. Besides…the previews are just ending and the main attraction is about to begin — get your popcorn. Life is a lot longer than a decade and so is a mortgage ask the people who bought last year. Momentum is on the downside. Australia is raising it rates as its housing prices decline over the last year — no bottom is sight — lots of hope though. If you read some literature say from at least years ago, all the way back as far as written history goes, it is clearly evident that marriage was an institution brought to bear by Women.

Yes, Women essentially HAD to get married for many reasons back then, but more to the point, Men have always had to be coerced into it in some way. Evidently lots of Men, if left to their own devices; stay single. Note the near complete lack of married classical philosophers, and the endless collection of Womanizing, philandering, Artists, Scientists, Writers and composers carousing their way through the pages of history.

Kids resulting from marriages provided labour for the farm, security in old age, and frankly, it was the only way Western society allowed a Man to have a sex life. The value of your typical Woman back then was outstanding, and the gains from getting married were huge, and every guy out there knew it. Men wanted Marriage for a barge load of reasons back then, not the least of which was he was getting a top quality life partner in exchange for his heart, desire, work, loyalty, and commitment. Women were at the pinnacle of desireability, and it appears that this was the only period in written history where Men were falling over themselves to get hitched.

Today, the Government, Society at large, the Church, and Women themselves are no longer bringing marriage to the doorstep of Men. Women are financially independent, and immigration is always there to deal with the lack of offspring. Women have thrown away their trump card, and are giving sex away for free. Men today do not put Women on such a lofty pedestal as their Grandfathers once did. A single Man has none of the stigmas today that he used to have. There is a lot of fun to be had out there for a single.

Garth’s Recent Postings

Bella - Bird on a Wire. The final installment of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared sees h the date, which has been June 19th for the past six episodes, switching to June 20th. No motivation on my part. I think old fin-face here wants another dip in the drink! A story or show that employs an infinite-loop motif, ending in the very way it was put into motion. Krupp's dinner date, he shouts " Check, Please! Cue the sequel Great Mazinger starting the next week in the same time slot.

Is your measure of worth how many babies your wife can deliver? Think of all the baby bonuses you can get! What else can you do? Garth, you invented a new abbreviation. Back in the Financial crisis massive stimulus created a commodity buying spree that benefited Australia and Canada who avoided a sustained downturn in a sea of despair.

And here we are today with daily, weekly warning about being over leveraged. This all happened before when the boomers were your age. History repeats, except this time the debt party is unhinged. A moderate, common sense and gentle dude.

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He ditched the Milwaukee Brewers as his fave ball team and switched allegiances to the Cubs if memory serves. Tons of money hitting the street. This LNG thingy is just an appetizer. Go up to the camps, save your money,get the skinny from the locals. Make your move on a spot.

Airheads Candy Commercial - Bowling Girl

Pick the right ones and get rich, pick the wrong ones you lose. This was broadcast to the investment community a year ago. We all pigged out.

Here We Go Again! - TV Tropes

In reality you only need one of these once a year to get rich and stay rich. Forget about who your PM is groping and pay attention to your wallet. There are plenty of these deals floating around. I cap my reading at 10 hrs a day. A younger guy could easily work harder and make more. They have no money, just debt acquired in ordered to purchase houses they could not afford in first place. Now they have to pay for it. The bill is coming due and it seems it will be nasty, with rates going up much higher and much faster than anyone expected.

What matters is the US market: Some behinds will be whipped. Both Fd and Md at the same time at the peak of the biggest ever credit bubble in housing with stagnant wages thanks to huge influx of TFW and outsourcing , roaring inflation and ever increasing taxes. They have enormous twin fiscal and trade deficits. Sure the tax cuts were great, but where were the spending cuts? The swamp is larger than ever. Auto and student loans are off the hook out of control, because the savings rate is rock bottom.

Housing inventory is at its highest level since The homebuilding stocks are getting murdered. Auto stocks are getting murdered. Where is all that manufacturing that was supposed to come back to the rust belt?

Then, the markets will realise there is no QE4 because the Fed has very few bullets to use to reduce rates. Inflation will continue skyrocketing because of all the cheap money supply over the past ten years. Then the Fed is completely and utterly trapped. As those generations become politically stronger they will continue to make an effort to take it back. Something else is happening. The bond market has known since December of we are on a rate raising path.

The suggestion that now all of a sudden it needs to price in further rises is nonsense. I come back here after a few years and you spewing the same nonsense like you know it all. Bank of Canada Gov. Signs of this stress are already apparent — for example, in Vancouver, where a chasm between bids and asks has caused the local housing market to grind to a halt.

The latest warning about an impending implosion in the Canadian housing bubble comes courtesy of a quarterly RBC report, which found that the aggregate costs of homeownership in Canada, a category that includes mortgage fees, interest, property taxes and utilities and other miscellaneous costs, have reached their highest levels since The most alarming aspect of this trend, according to the bank, is that rising mortgage costs.

Adding a dash of irony to this scenario, the BoC has expressed caution about the housing bubble and cited raising interest rates as a necessary measure to combat it. Not everyone wants kids. The ROI is pretty terrible. How many people retire before 65 with 4 kids? Aside from the negative financial implications, the restrictions on time and travel are enormous.

Not to mention the 9 months of pregnancy and then childbirth those look like great fun. Objectively someone who allows others immigrants or not to take on the burden of raising children in order to keep population levels stable is the smart one. If I was walking past you and you saw I had a couple of squares of toilet paper stuck to my shoe at least one of you would let me know, right?

Do you know how bad fracking is? Do you know where the fluoride in the water originally came from? You have to read about Wiebo Ludwig and what sour gas wells did to his family, most dying of cancer. Adding more of those chemicals to their water table is going to up the cancer rate exponentially, in cahoots with the sour gas. At that time it seemed unspoiled. Please look at all the info, both pro and con. But what is the take-home of Shell-et-al?

What about the clean-up. Anyone please show me proof to appease my worries. Is that Site C water for people who find their groundwater poisoned or is it for the frackers?

Home site for the long running Stan 'N' Isaac comic strip

How much of that water will be poisoned to frack? Have a look where this dam is situated. Cancer is mostly a losing hand and it shit-kicks you in the face when detected. These guys are destroying our land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are dead wrong Stan! Catch me on CP24 during my Hot Property section and you will see the truth about real estate.

So, first, thank you for what you do. My question relates to withholding taxes and what I need to do to minimize them. I have asked this question in three different venues and received three different answers:. So I have received three completely different answers.

Download Bedfordshires Lost Railways Ibook By Keith Scholey

Can you please tell us which is correct? Are you a dualie? If not, the form is not required. In any case a small without tax on miniscule dividends associated with one ETF is not worth fussing over. If you are a dual, then you should not have a TFSA. The IRS is vicious these days. They included FOX in the mix. No one has been fired for asking a co-worker on a date once. When you consider the prevalence of conspiracy-idiot, anti-vaxxer morons like emasculated smoking turd bashing educators while promoting populism and fascism, it gives a new appreciation for the valuable work of so many good teachers around the world.

Grad 79, Moved to Calgary in The meltdown was underway. Job after job for crappy wages. Was ugly for years. I hired a local manchild 29 yrs old about a year ago. He showed up to work on time maybe 5 days out of the 45 i had him at work. Usually minutes late. Day in and day out. He had zero incentive. Had to be told what to do and where to do it every few hours. So I laid him off.

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