El diablo mudo. Primera versión (Spanish Edition)

El Diablo Mundo ;El Pelayo: Poesías

In Romancero gitano ; The Gypsy Ballads , he blended popular styles with sophisticated mythic and symbolic elements evoking mysterious, ambivalent visions of nature. Symbols and metaphors turn hermetic in Poeta en Nueva York ; Poet in New York , a Surrealist reflection of urban inhumanity and disorientation written during his visit to the United States in — Salinas sought pure poetry through clearly focused poems and a heightened sensitivity to language.

Truth of Two and Other Poems , profoundly personal love experiences inspire subtle observations on the solidity of external reality and the fleeting world of subjective perception. A Selection , first published in and repeatedly enlarged in successive editions, constitutes a disciplined hymn to the joys of everyday reality. Aleixandre , influenced by Surrealism, dabbled in the subconscious and created his own personal myths. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in Like Lorca, Alberti initially incorporated popular forms and folk elements. Alberti joined the Communist Party in the s, and during the Civil War and his subsequent exile in Argentina, he wrote poetry of political commitment; later he resumed personal, intimate themes.

Several significant women poets belong chronologically to the Generation of , including Rosa Chacel , a major essayist, poet, and novelist. Frequent themes are philosophical inspiration, faith, religiosity, separation, menace echoing the Civil War , friendships, and her wanderings. Her exile poetry expresses pessimism, loss, violence, horror, anguish, uncertainty, and pain e. Characterizing her mature writing are religious preoccupations and mystic language.

Champourcin ranks with the truly significant poets of her generation. Lesser figures include Pilar de Valderrama and Josefina de la Torre.

Medieval period

A novelist, memorialist, biographer, anthologist, critic, archivist, and author of juvenile fiction, Conde published nearly titles, including nine novels and several plays. She became the first woman elected to the Royal Spanish Academy and was the most honoured woman of her generation.

She was born in Chile of Spanish parents and lived in Spain in the s; she later spent three decades in the United States before returning in to Spain, where she remained until her death. His dramatic poetry was modern yet traditional, personal yet universal. Yerma , and La casa de Bernarda Alba ; The House of Bernarda Alba depicted extremes of passion involving the traditional Spanish theme of honour and its violent effects on women.

The Spanish Civil War —39 drove into political exile some promising novelists whose narrative art matured abroad. Requiem for a Spanish Peasant. These works offer devastating appraisals of the Spanish political scene from multiple perspectives and with complex narrative techniques. Considered by some to be the best prose writer of his era in the Spanish language , Ayala has published many volumes of essays on philosophy, pedagogy , sociology, and political theory. Continuing his literary experimentation, Cela attained greater technical heights in La colmena ; The Hive , portraying divided Madrid society during the harsh winter of — By his death, in , Cela—who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in —had published by his own count more than books, including a dozen novels, numerous story collections, travel books, critical essays, poetry, and literary sketches.

The sociopolitical trauma of civil conflict with its cultural and economic uncertainty revived outmoded forms of realism. Smoke on the Ground , which depicts the miserable existence of uneducated cave dwellers, Miguel Delibes conveyed critical concern for a society whose natural values are under constant threat. A publisher, lawyer, teacher, and journalist, Delibes was the author of more than 50 volumes of novels, memoirs, essays, and travel and hunting books and received the prestigious Cervantes Prize in El hereje ; The Heretic , perhaps his masterpiece, depicts the abuse of power by the Spanish Inquisition.

Her crowning achievement is the novelistic cycle of Tadea: In Quiroga became the second woman elected to the Royal Spanish Academy. Often deprived of access to 19th-century realist and naturalist models, some post-Civil War writers reinvented these modes. During the s, several competent, committed younger novelists strengthened intellectual dissent. The One Day of the Week , masterfully utilizing pseudoscientific impassivity and cinematographic techniques, depicts the monotonous existence of urban youth via their aimless conversations and exposes postwar apathy. By the s, gray, pedestrian critical realism had run its course.

It is isolated, almost inaccessible, and terribly provincial; critics have seen it as a microcosm of Spain. Preferring British and American paradigms that devoted more attention to style, subjectivity, and psychological narrative than did the dominant trends in Spanish literature of the period, Benet condemned costumbrismo and social realism as unimaginative. The Farewell Angel , trace the consequences of social conditions in Franco society on individuals. Although he published his first novel in , Gonzalo Torrente Ballester came to prominence only in the s.

He received the Cervantes Prize in During the s and s, new fictional paradigms emerged as exiles returned; new subgenres included detective fiction, a feminine neo-Gothic novel, science fiction , adventure novels, and the thriller. He received the Cervantes Prize in , as had Delibes and Cela before him. The Generation of was recognized in the s as a distinct novelistic group.

Tusquets is best known for a trilogy of thematically related but independent novels: Stranded , all of which explore the solitude of middle-aged women and their deceptions in love. He was elected to the Spanish Academy in Later works exhibit increased philosophical, political, and metaphysical concerns: Long-censored members of the Realist Group were compared to contemporaneous British playwrights and novelists called the Angry Young Men.

Antonio Gala, a multitalented, original, and commercially successful playwright, debunked historical myths while commenting allegorically on contemporary Spain via expressionistic humour and comedy. Jaime Salom, like Gala, defies ideological classification. Some relaxation of censorship in the s prompted interest in the Theatre of the Absurd , its main exponent in Spain being longtime expatriate Fernando Arrabal , a playwright, novelist, and filmmaker who has drawn some of the raw material for his works from his traumatic childhood.

Using black humour and grotesque and Surrealist elements, Arrabal creates nightmarish works. The Civil War and its traumatic aftermath prompted the abandonment of pure poetry for simpler approaches. Formal discipline , devotion to clarity through direct imagery, and a reduced vocabulary were stressed, and the social and human content increased.

These altruistic writers renounced artistic experimentation and aesthetic gratification in favour of propagandistic goals, sociological themes, and authorial self-effacement. Some, such as Vicente Gaos and Gloria Fuertes, preferred existential emphases. Their poetry, often neo-Baroque, self-consciously cosmopolitan, and intertextual, was a late 20th-century variant of culteranismo ; it emphasized museums, foreign films, international travel—anything but contemporary Spain with its problems.

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Please note that our editors may make some formatting changes or correct spelling or grammatical errors, and may also contact you if any clarifications are needed. Read More on This Topic. Page 1 of 2. Next page Catalan literature. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: The genre flourished in the 18th century: Lessing, Diderot, and the Irish philosopher George Berkeley.

Quite independently in Spain, dramatists embarked upon a parallel development of genres ranging from popular farce to chivalric tragedy. The drama of Paris of the 17th…. More About Spanish literature 10 references found in Britannica articles Assorted References 16th-century drama In dramatic literature: Into the 16th and 17th centuries bullfighting In bullfighting: Bullfighting and the arts nonfictional prose In nonfictional prose: Uses of the essay In nonfictional prose: Dialogues prosody In prosody: Please enter your name.

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El estudiante de Salamanca ; El diablo mundo Author: Castalia, junio de Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Electronic books Additional Physical Format: Estudiante de Salamanca ; El diablo mundo.

She's a rather pretty woman. There wasn't enough food for all. The suit's made of very rough material. Please beat the eggs. He defeated his enemy. They haven't unpacked their trunks yet. He doesn't appreciate favors. The profits were very high. He doesn't know the difference between good and evil. He spoke very well. The beer's very cold. He has a great deal of property. He's rich rather than poor. All right or Correct. Pay close attention to what I tell you.

Have you bought the tickets? Give me the money in fives and tens. You have to put a screen in front of the door. I wish I'd bought a white dress! There are white people, Indians, and Negroes in this city. They hit the target. Leave this sheet blank. They hit the mark three times. The soldiers had target practice in the morning. He didn't open his mouth all afternoon. The subway entrance is on the corner. The child's sleeping on his stomach. He was lying on his back on the beach. What an embarrassing situation that was! What sultry weather we're having!

What a shameful action! Blow the horn so that car'll let us pass. I'm out of breath. Give me that iron ball. We bought some tennis balls. There was a crowd of people at the entrance of the theater. She carried a silk purse. I need a paper bag to put it in. I don't know what the quotations are on the exchange today. They used a pump to take out the water.

The bomb destroyed three houses. It struck like a bombshell! Where is there a filling station? Se puso una bomba. He got drunk [ Am ]. Three bulbs have burned out. Thank you for your kindness. Please wait a moment. He was lying on the bed. Be careful, don't throw away those papers. Look how that ball bounces. I want a can of tomatoes. When he heard it he jumped.

The theater was jammed. Be careful, it's a fierce bull. He got very mad. I don't like this paper; it's too shiny. He gave her a diamond bracelet. Let's drink to your health!

Dictionary of spoken Spanish

I said it as a joke. He takes everything lightly. He's abrupt in his way of speaking. That's a very good car. It was a good opportunity. I'm not feeling very well. Bueno, nos veremos a las cinco. All right, we'll meet at five. He gave it to me willingly. They made a terrible racket. He went out with a bundle of clothes in his hand.

He has a swelling on his head. As soon as he saw what he had to do, he ducked out. They were making fun of him. Put these letters in the mail box. He's a perfect gentleman. Here's your bill, sir. She wears her hair loose. Nothing else will fit in the trunk. The piano won't go through that door. There's no doubt that he's English. That child has a very large head. He was the leader of the movement. You have to use your brains in this work.

He plunged into the water head first. Business is in a mess. He never loses his head. Ese proyecto no tiene pies ni cabeza. There's no rhyme or reason to that plan. From end to end. We can't leave any loose ends. They passed the Cape of Good Hope. He has corporal's stripes. They put an end to the conversation.

  1. Spanish literature | www.farmersmarketmusic.com.
  2. Die Weiße Wölfin und der Admiral (German Edition);
  3. Dont Kill The Cow Too Quick: An Ex-Pats Adventures Homesteading in Panama (Revised Edition).
  4. El estudiante de Salamanca ; El diablo mundo.

I know the story from beginning to end. They carried out the plan right away. Take this junk out of here. Every day he says something different. Every one paid for his own meal. He asks me for it every time he sees me. A heavy rain fell. He dropped to his knees. The suit's becoming to him. His birthday falls on Sunday. He was taken sick a few days ago. I didn't realize it until much later. She fell down the stairs. Be careful, don't drop the tray. He was lame after the fall. The opposition of the House caused the fall of the government.

He gave her a box. He put a lot of money in the savings bank. They keep their jewelry in the safe. Look and see how much the cash register rings up. We have to see how much cash we have on hand. I'm going to buy a pack of cigarettes. They've lost the key to the drawer. They received a box of books. She turned him down. They flunked him in geometry. He got a cramp while he was swimming. The dagger penetrated to his heart. I got home drenched. He pulled his hat down to his eyes. Let's figure out the cost of the trip. Please heat the water. They warmed themselves in the sun. He's had a fever for the past few days.

Is this good material? Be careful, the soup's very hot. Why are you so quiet? He kept quiet while we were talking. He kept the truth from us.

  • The Chameleon Manager (New Skills Portfolio).
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You're talking too much. Se callaron de repente. All of a sudden they stopped talking. What street do you live on? I had no choice but to throw him out. When his business failed he was left penniless. We're in a blind alley. There was a calm after the storm. He takes his time when he works. These pills will ease the pain. He didn't calm down until much later. I don't like the heat. It's very warm today. Everything he's saying is slander. What size shoe do you wear?

I'm going to chock the wheels so the car won't move. Please make my bed. He's been confined to bed for the past three months. What kind of a camera do you have? They were talking together like old pals. The maid hasn't made up the room yet. Ask the waitress for the menu. I want to reserve a first-class stateroom. He hasn't changed a bit since I saw him. Can you change a ten-peso bill for me? Has there been any change in policy? Do you have any change? What's the rate of exchange on the dollar today? I'll give you this book in exchange for the other one. He's very fond of walking. You have to move cautiously in this matter.

Is the road all right to drive on? I don't know how to go about getting it. They started out the following day. He was in his shirt sleeves. The soldiers will soon return to camp. I didn't hear how many times the clock struck. We lived in the country for many years. She found her first gray hair. She has a lot of gray hair. We passed through the Panama Canal.

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The boat was approaching the English Channel. They brought us a basket of fruit. There are tennis courts in this park. What's the latest song hit? Give me a light for my cigarette. They decided to exchange prisoners. This man's very tiresome. It's a very tiring job. She gets tired quickly. He's always harping on the same string. I want to learn that song. The tenor sang very well tonight. I'll have to tell it to him straight from the shoulder. How much do I owe you? He's a singing teacher. I like folk songs. Stand the book on edge.

A lot of sugar cane is grown in Cuba. He carried a cane. They have to fix the water pipe; it's clogged. He bought a double-barreled shotgun. Have you seen the Grand Canyon? He wears a Spanish cape. The door needs another coat of paint. Poor people, they're on the downgrade! This tank has a capacity of thirty liters. He's a very capable business man. I'd like to talk to the foreman. It's a room large enough for a library. He's not capable of such a low trick.

I've been told that he's a very competent person. The company has a capital of a million dollars. They took a trip to the capital.

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I've read only the first three chapters. Don't pay any attention to her whims. She has a very pretty face. I don't understand the words on the face of the coin. He told him right to his face. He had to face the music. He's a man of very good character. Everything she does shows she has character. You have to put more coal in the stove. They were splitting their sides. He doesn't have enough money to travel. This mule can't carry a heavier load.

It's a cargo ship. They're taking the freight out of the car. They loaded the truck. The battery has to be charged. The cavalry charged the enemy. I'm charging this amount to your bill. He was very affectionate with his parents. My best regards to your family. I usually eat meat once a day. This cold weather gives me goose flesh. Do you want beef or pork? I need a leather briefcase. The correspondence is kept in several files. I like horse races. They live on Third Avenue. He's preparing for a diplomatic career.

He wrote it hurriedly. He sprinted to catch up to them. The highways in this country are excellent. There was a mule cart on the road. We're going home by car. I'm going to mail this letter. He received a registered letter. Let's play cards a while. She was carrying a large leather bag under her arm.

He took his wallet out of his pocket. Will that briefcase hold many books? What time does the mailman come? Will you be at home this afternoon? Are you married or single? This is the priest who married them. These colors don't match well.

He'll be married next Sunday. He married a very young girl.

Have you got something to crack these nuts? This orange has a thick rind. Where do I throw these eggshells? You're getting to be an old crab. The soldiers were wearing steel helmets. The ship's hull is damaged. Though you rack your brains over it, you won't solve it. You very nearly guessed it. There have been several cases of infantile paralysis. I'm going to tell you about a strange incident. In such a case, notify his family. Anyway, we'll see each other tomorrow.

He doesn't obey his parents. Don't pay any attention to what he tells you. He has brown hair. He speaks a pure Spanish. He's a real Spaniard. What a coincidence meeting you here! Do you know him, by any chance? He's a professor at the National University. The two are not in the same category.

His rank isn't high enough for that position. He's a man of importance. The family fortune has increased a great deal. The river carries a huge volume of water. He was one of the leaders of the revolution. What was the cause of his delay? It was one of the famous cases of his time. She's caused me a lot of trouble. You have to be careful in business. There's a lot of big game in that forest.

The reporters were hunting for news. He transferred his whole estate to his son. He wouldn't give in. That strong light blinds me. My boss has a grudge against me. They celebrated his birthday with a big party. They all applauded his success. I'm certainly glad to see you. He was the most famous writer of his day. He's a very zealous worker. He's very jealous of his wife. Where did you eat last night? We had fish for supper last night. Mail has to go through censorship. This article has to go through the censor's office.

You can't blame her for what she did. There were a hundred people in the hall. People died by the hundreds. He's on sentry duty. We live in the center of the city. There was a dance at our club. This belt fits me too tightly. Confine yourself to the facts. Don't hug the inside of the curve. I have to brush my hat. These boards haven't been planed right. Where can I buy a brush?

The station's near the hotel. It's about eleven o'clock.

Is there a good restaurant somewhere near here? They live in a house close to ours. They fenced in the property with wire. I'm going to buy a box of matches. The temperature's forty below. Please close the door. Add a few words before I seal the letter. There's a very good view from that hill. I'm certain he's coming. Do you need a doctor's certificate? I'm going to register these letters. Let's drink a few glasses of beer.

The noise hasn't stopped all day. Yesterday they fired seven employees. He always tells vulgar jokes. He makes fun of everybody. He's always in something underhanded. Stop joking; it's a serious matter. The roof's covered with sheet metal. You have to change the lock on the door.

She has beautiful rosy cheeks.