I Feel Like Loving You Again

I Feel Like Loving You Again

Eye contact is important for creating a connection with somebody else. Most importantly, you must learn how to make proper eye contact. Do they make frequent eye contact, meet your eyes then look away, or maintain a steady gaze? Mimic their style so that they feel connected to you. Spend time together away from talking about what went wrong or is going wrong. Do activities you know you enjoy. Remember their favorite restaurants and movies and find activities that allow you to spend time doing fun things together. Just do something that helps you spend time and feel close, like taking a walk or a hike.

For example, go back to a special restaurant or rent the first movie you watched together. Laugh and be playful. Plan fun activities to do together. Reach out to the person and invite them on a fun activity, like going ice skating or seeing an improv show.

Do activities that bring out a fun and loving side to both of you.

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Talk about things that make the other person laugh or smile. Be intentionally silly or playful. Remind them of how much fun you have together.

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Talk openly and honestly. Honesty is the basis of trust and often, love. Say things in a way that the person will understand them and benefit from them. Sometimes, brutal honesty can do more harm than good, so try some tender honesty. However, you may also want to talk about what has changed. Even if the person has harmed or hurt you, be unconditional in your love toward them. Show them that though times may be difficult and the relationship may waver, you will be a constant source of love and support. Even if the person upsets you or lets you down, be unwavering in your love toward them.

Remember that above all, you must learn to love yourself before you love another. Think about what aspects of yourself you suppress or feel ashamed to show to the world. Feel free to show your true self to yourself, friends, family, and to the person you want love from.

Allow them to see you in your entirety. They can help you uncover your insecurities, work through your wounds, and build your self-esteem. Especially if they see you as stubborn, this can help them see a new side of you that they may not have considered, which can open the doors to love.

Show that you are a bigger person than you were before. I was different then and have learned to be a better person. A big part of repairing trust is forgiveness. Forgive yourself and forgive them. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you made and the hardships you contributed to in your relationship.

Forgive the other person for their mistakes, judgments, or problems. Then, begin to trust yourself. If they cheated, trust them to not do it again. Show them that you can be trusted by being honest. Set the intention to make changes. Think back on the gripes they expressed and work on them on your own accord, without their prompting. Say that you are now listening to their feedback and willing to improve. Follow through on changes.

Be solutions-focused in making changes happen by choosing to improve who you are as a person and as a partner.

I Feel Like Loving You Today

If you were a bad partner, make efforts to be more supportive, listen, and compromise. Take the initiative to create solutions, anticipate difficulties, and work through existing troubles. Find a therapist, go to a treatment center, or enroll in rehabilitation as soon as you can. Offer to help more around the house. Surprise your wife by making dinner or take over vacuuming the living room for her. Offer to do all the grocery shopping this week.

Tell your wife that you want to be in charge of getting the kids ready for bed since she always gets them ready for school in the morning. Show your wife that you don't expect her to do everything by herself and that you are more than willing to help out. Give her a day off.

Offer to watch the kids for a day while your wife goes shopping. Or encourage her to have dinner with her girlfriends. Or even just offer to do the dishes so she can take a bath. Let your wife know that you think she does a great job and that she deserves a break from all of the hustle and bustle of her life.

Everyone needs time to relax and providing that for your wife will let her know how much you care. Identify any specific problems in your relationship.

John Conlee:I Feel Like Loving You Again Lyrics

No two marriages are alike. You need to think about your marriage and decide if there are any problems in particular that you could fix - problems that go beyond things like making your wife feel more appreciated and loved. Work hard to earn her trust. If you have given your wife reason to question your behavior in the past, overcorrect your behavior now.

Trust is a necessary component of a lasting marriage, so you need to let your wife know she can trust you. Go out of your way to let her know where you are, give her access to your phone and email, invite her out with you and your friends. Basically, do whatever she needs you to do so that she can trust you again. And then, do a little bit more than that. A separation is just a hop away from a divorce.

It's better to deal with marriage problems together, rather than from separate spaces. If you start living apart, you might not see each other every day and the distance between you will grow. It's also easier to picture your life without the person, rather than feeling obligated to work hard and fix the problem, when you remove yourself from your marriage situation.

Whatever you do, don't help her pack her bags if she wants to leave.

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You might think you're trying to be nice by helping her, but she might interpret it as you encouraging her to go. Do something new together. Shared experiences are a great way to build intimacy between people. Take tennis lessons together or hike to a new location. Try some weird new Sushi restaurant or get a tattoo. Doing something exciting and new together will help you both feel a connection that will rekindle the fire of your relationship. Set aside quality time to spend together. Spending quality time together is so important for a marriage.

Try to have a date night every week or once a month. Get a babysitter and leave the kids at home.

Go to the movies or get a hotel for the evening. Take a weekend trip to the beach or pick her up for lunch on your lunch break. Make it a point to show her that you love her and that you want to spend time with her, not just because she is your wife and you live together, but because you actually enjoy her company. Ask questions and get to know each other again. After years of marriage, you may feel like you know everything about your spouse, but you'd be wrong.

Try asking them get to know you questions like you did when you were first dating. Ask her what clothes of yours she likes the best and what her favorite part of the day is. Ask her what items are still on her "bucket list" or what food she's never tried because she was too scared. People change over time and sometimes we forget to notice. Take some time to get to know your wife and the person she is now.

Initiate more nonsexual touching. While sex is a very important part of almost all marriages, it is also important to engage in nonsexual touching with your spouse. Try to hold your wife's hand, even if it's just for a moment. Cuddle on the couch while you watch TV. Put your hand on her leg while you're driving to the store. Any physical touch, no matter how small, lets your wife know that you are thinking about her and that she makes you happy. Talk to her about how you feel. Try to get your mind off things; relax, do your favorite activities etc. Not Helpful 6 Helpful Not Helpful 7 Helpful Ask what makes her feel most loved: Different people appreciate different things in a relationship and may not communicate that.

You might think she values gifts but she really values time, ask her. Make a promise to do more of that specific action because she's special to you. Not Helpful 3 Helpful 9. My wife found numbers in my phone it's not first time. She left to stay at her sister's, said she needs to have space to find herself and see if she wants to stay. What do I do? If it's not the first time, what do you really expect from her? Time to be honest to yourself and to her about how you want to live your life. If you want to be married to her and have sex with other women, tell her that; if she can't agree, find a wife who can.

Any two people in a relationship have to find an agreement. Alternatively, stop seeing other women. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 2. My wife and I don't kiss much, we don't cuddle either, but always have sex together. How do I correct this? Agree together to try to kiss when leaving for work and arriving from work, try to have 20 minutes each day for kissing and cuddling, build it up gradually and try to make it a habit. Working together to do this is key.

My wife has left and wants a separation because her feelings have changed and she doesn't think they can't come back. I'm still madly in love.

Set the intention to make changes. Talk to her about how you feel. Adblock Click the AdBlock button on the top right of your browser's toolbar and select Don't run on pages on this domain , and then hit Exclude to finish. Even as little as 15 minutes a day will help a great deal, since most often she doesn't get that kind of undivided attention from anyone, including you. In the case of this article 38 people, many anonymous, came together to create this article. Spend time together and be thoughtful and kind. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other.

Tell her you're still madly in love. Take her to dinners, picnics. Take her to places you went to when you first fell in love. Remember the good times. Not Helpful 25 Helpful I'm addicted to porn, and my wife doesn't like it. And when I've been caught on numerous occasions, I lied about it.

Now she says she hates me and can never trust me again. Find a therapist who specializes in porn addiction and get help.

Install an extension that blocks all porn sites. Find another outlet for your problems. Read, write, work out. Just stop looking at porn. Understand that you're addicted to something that absolutely does NOT portray reality and how sex works. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 3. What do I do when my wife doesn't want to kiss, hug or cuddle? We act more like roommates than a married couple.

Your marriage may be unsustainable.