The Legend (House of Summerlin)


  • The following morning, the book about devil worship had vanished from the table. Amy fared worst of all, for her resources were small, and when her sisters left her to amuse herself, she soon found that accomplished and important little self a great burden.

    Feb 07, Virginia Tican rated it really liked it. She is also quintuple nominee a record! Sep 08, Petula rated it it was amazing. Peytons family has been feuding with another family over a land dispute for 30 years. If my Kindle hadn't showed I was so close to the end, I would have bailed when a fully-armoured man dove repeatedly into a bog.

    Firestorm, bankole called it later. Joe watched in an agony of suspense.

    MyHeaven @ $622,995 Summerlin NV: The Wakefield Home by Toll Brothers, Regency, Pinnacle Collection