Willow and her Grandma

Jada Pinkett Smith Shows Off Abs — and So Do Her Daughter Willow and 64-Year-Old Mom

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Pocahontas, that tree is talking to me. Then you should talk back.

Don't be frightened, young man. My bark is worse than my bite.

Bestselling Series

What do you say to a tree? Come closer, John Smith. He has a good soul. And he's handsome, too. Oh, I like her. I knew you would. Lately, I've been having this dream and I think it's.

Pocahontas - John Smith Meets Grandmother Willow - Part 20

Sadhguru How to Control Your Destiny. Lessons from A Third Grade Dropout. These 9 Life Lessons will Make you Laugh — Martin Luther King Jr.: This is Why You Need to Fail.

Grandmother Willow

Goalcast is an inspiring community for achievers dedicated to helping you improve all aspects of your life. We provide you with practical advice, resources and the motivation to help you realize your full potential. She serves mostly as a spiritual adviser and it is implied that she served a similar role to Pocahontas's now-deceased mother some years before. Being a willow tree, many other animals make their home in her branches. Grandmother Willow first appears after she is consulted by Pocahontas. Pocahontas relates to Grandmother Willow her doubts about Chief Powhatan's plan to have her marry Kocoum , a brave yet serious warrior.

Linda Hunt: Grandmother Willow

Pocahontas then relates a dream she has been having, involving a spinning arrow. Grandmother Willow advises Pocahontas that the spinning arrow is pointing Pocahontas down her path. When Pocahontas asks what her path is, Grandmother Willow advises Pocahontas to listen and allow the spirits of the earth to guide her. Pocahontas then hears the wind and, after climbing up Grandmother Willow's branches, sees "strange clouds" which happen to be the sails of the Susan Constant, a ship belonging to the English settlers. Smith is rather frightened at first but quickly warms up to Grandmother Willow after she compliments him, saying that he has a good soul and is handsome.


Feedback If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? As the episode opened, Jada is seen in her glam room casually speaking with her mother, Adrienne, until she got a phone call which left her a little distraught — she received news that a close friend had passed away. Now then, there's something I want to show you. Smith is rather frightened at first but quickly warms up to Grandmother Willow after she compliments him, saying that he has a good soul and is handsome. Every time celebrities 'kept it real' and did very normal things.

While talking, Ben and Lon , two of Smith's fellow settlers, come looking for him. Grandmother Willow has Pocahontas and Smith hide. She then scares Ben and Lon off, first by intentionally tripping them by lifting her roots, then by whipping them with her vines. The two run off, but John Smith decides to leave before more come looking for him.


He and Pocahontas agree to meet at Grandmother Willow that night. After he leaves, Pocahontas worries whether or not she is doing the right thing by meeting him again.

Grandmother Willow wants to see him again and reminds Pocahontas of her dream. Pocahontas realizes that her spinning arrow may have been pointing to him. That night, Grandmother Willow listens as Pocahontas and John relate to each other that their respective communities are planning to go to war.

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Pocahontas asks John to come speak to her father, but John refuses.