Scorched - Book Two: Revival (The Power 2)

Scorched Earth

I am literally sick to death of every new novel hyping about amazing women warriors that outshine their weaker male counterparts. This has little basis in reality and is little more than soothing bruised feminist egos. This recent novel was certainly gripping the reason it received 3 stars as opposed to 2. The plot and narrative were all well-constructed and convincing BUT, this novel is replete with a cast of female super heroes that would make wonder woman blush. Why does the writer feel he has to be such a PC feminist apologist in order to pull out a good story?

Granted there are women who are the equal to men in many areas even in combat, however on the battlefields they are the exception rather than the rule. I do not mean at all to belittle their courage, skill or tenacity, but there are just practical physical limitations that are imposed upon them Other than this gripe the rest of the story was solid but this maudlin and nauseating bow to female supremacy was well overboard and not at all realistic. Please do not misconstrue my statements as misplace machismo by any means, I have personally witnessed the differences in a combat environment between the male and female counterparts and insist that, for a given number of sound reasons, there are certain areas that must remain the domain of male assets only, special forces are indeed one of these.

Cognitively sharp females and others who have put themselves in harm's way will certainly concur. Women make great hostages for terrorists and get men to do stupid things to save them. Females are a distraction both physically and emotionally to their male counterparts in a long standing combat environment. Finally, women are indisposed at least once a month either mildly or otherwise completely incapacitated. A few contradictions within this title remain nevertheless glaring: Laurie Phillips ex-Marine officer decorated for heroism the rebel who breaks orders and according to the novel: She's got big cojones testicles --sorry boss--she's got the guts of any of our guys.

Later the author really piles it on with the team leader major Volner fawning like a kitten over the intellect and prowess of this mighty female warrior: But none of them have been there and done that like you have do you hear the ohhhs and ahhs here? Thus we are virtually assured that Laurie Phillips either had reassignment surgery or is some type of US Amazonian elite warrior which see to abound in this novel.

Yet later we are apprised that this heroic female warrior, once the SHTF, and she finds herself looking at freshly eliminated terrorists, "Phillips didn't say a word, but she was white as a sheet. Also a former US Navy Helicopter pilot, cashiered for her reckless rule breaking and heroic rebelliousness. One of the female stars, Scott, is also dressed in goth as if this were an important detail , while its jeans and tees for the rest of these ultra-brilliant young and dynamic techies honestly makes you barf.

As if this were not enough this super-secret and omnipotent organization with direct access to the POTUS, tries to convince the CEO of FedEx to turn his flights around, because there is a hostage on board. He of course refuses, but in reality a little threat of accessory to murder, combined with a call from up the chain of command warning them of the loss of their lucrative contracts, would have easily overridden his objections.

Absurd scenario which degraded the novel. Needed an alternative explanation such as too late or no way to communicate, but this was frankly asinine. The younger man was silent for a moment as he took a gulp of the Johnnie walker Black. Factual flaws and kowtowing to political correctness left me cold on this one, and it is highly doubtful I will bother to spend my earnings on and read any others in this series. I will stick to more realistic writers who do not manipulate their readers by incorporating politically correct, yet unrealistic characters in their novels.

I am not saying that women could not feasibly fulfil certain roles or be part of dangerous operations but, and this is a big but, they remain the exception rather than the rule for a host of reasons. Finally, these are my opinions. You may agree or disagree, but remain respectful. I have been a fan of the Op-Center series of books that Tom Clancy originated. So, upon his death I wondered how they would fare. They had been written by others most of the time, but without Clancy's influence would they drop in quality.

I think this latest addition to the series answers the question, the quality has not dropped off it remains the same and presents an exciting read for Clancy fans of Op-Center. The air strike doesn't kill the leader, instead it kills his first born son. This man is now back stateside and working at the Pentagon. When conventional methods of law enforcement can't track down the kidnap victim and bring him home the President turns to Op-Center and gives them the green light to try to find and rescue the victim. There are many small twists and turns that will surprise the reader.

There are political statements made in the story regarding how we should go about fighting terrorism and whether or not certain agencies should be given broader powers to operate both in country and outside of the country. It is an excellent read and one that I am sure you will enjoy. Another satisfying book in the "Op-Center" series. Not great literature, but a fun, thrilling, fictional story, with a current events setting. Dec 26, Gina marked it as couldn-t-get-through. The writing was so-so but the problem was the reader, Peter Berkrot. His voice sounds like a comic-book villain.

I just could not stand it and quit the book on CD 3. Oct 08, Jewelee Owings rated it really liked it. I don't usually read these types of books, but since I won this audio version here on Goodreads, I gave it a go. Fast read, but that could be, because I was just listening, lol. It was a pretty good story! The officers son going to rescued him really was not.

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If also lacked technical details. Entertaining, but little more. Aug 23, Karl rated it liked it. Good story, but I am not sure I like the way it is written. A lot of technobable and the conversation between characters is pretty stiff. Aug 11, Terry rated it liked it.

I did not enjoy it- too many names with titles that did nothing for me, and thus did nothing to enhance the book. I don't think when you are reading, every person's title needs to be stated - to me it detracts from the story and makes everything dis-jointed. Otherwise a fair read- just like current climate.

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Good but lacking something I am a big Clancy fan and miss his style of writing. Many writer's are trying to fill his shoes, but there is something. I think this book just jumps into the ending without all the finesse and build up of Tom Clancy. That being said I still enjoyed this book and will read more from this author. Aug 02, James Tutton rated it did not like it. Unabridged Persian the reader is the absolute worst and is just makes the whole book seem like a child retarded book it just isn't good it just really isn't good and the reader makes it even worse I don't know how the unabridged version is but The Abridged version is just bad it's just really bad.

Jun 20, Gerard R. The usual wild ride well told! This series never fails to be current, on the mark and exciting!

Not a good read before sleep- your brain will be churning! Thanks for keeping the franchise relevant! Apr 19, Brett Sorge rated it really liked it. Decent book, but not great. May 30, Nitzchiya Mutiso rated it liked it. Not really at the level of the rest of TC's clients. Jun 25, Michael Travis rated it really liked it. Plan on reading more of these! Fun book to read Good read. Like mostTom Clancy books.

Lots action with lots of details about the equipment used my the military ops. Excellent plot and character development. Too many details about planes and helicopters, that add little to the story for the civilian reader. It remains an excellent read. Oct 10, Vicki Elia rated it did not like it. I'm not sure which was worse -- the writing or the breathy narration by Peter Berkrot. I did not care if the guy they captured was found. I did not care about the background of every character introduced in the book. This was twenty-nine pounds underweight.

At the conclusion of the fast, fourteen days later, I had lost sixteen pounds, for I weighed a hundred and twenty-four pounds. Sixty days later I had not only regained the lost weight, but also gained twenty-nine pounds more, which was exactly what a man of my age should weigh, to the pound, that is, one hundred and sixty-nine pounds. Everyone told me that I looked better than they had ever seen me look, and I do feel better than I have felt for twenty years.

All of my nervousness is gone, and I have better complexion, and best of all, I have received the Holy Ghost, and have a much deeper experience with the Lord. People do not know what they are missing. Charles Wilson - San Diego, California. The Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs probably detonated at about feet altitude. Equals pressure of a 3, mile-per-hour hurricane. No one can possibly calculate the true extent of this effect, but some physicists have stated that a wave of great height will be created.

Combustible materials of all kinds will burn at 1. The ground temperature below the burst at 1, feet altitude was certainly more than 1, degrees Centigrade. But greater still, and more potent, is the spiritual atomic power with God that lies available to every Christian. The scientist can now use and harness the power of the material atom, but the Christian can use and harness the dynamic power of the great Creator of the atom. As the Creator is greater than that which He has created, so is the power wielded by the Christian, through fasting and prayer, greater than that wielded by the atomic scientist.

It is the purpose of this volume to show the Christian a sure method, whereby he may obtain this mighty power, and may be able to move the omnipotent hand of God. This will be our spiritual, atomic jet-propulsion power. Let us see what the word fast means. I believe misunderstanding here causes much of our trouble about the subject of fasting.

It is here that Satan deceives the average Christian. Especially as a religious observance. One should not associate abstinence from water, with the subject of fasting; thus, we see the contradistinction between food and water. The confusion that exists in the mind of the Christian, who believes that he is not to drink water in a fast, MUST be overcome. This has prevented many people from fasting over a period of several days.

Therefore they have been deprived of some of the very greatest blessings. A fast like that of Paul, or Daniel: Such a fast may continue from twenty-one to forty days, depending on the individual, and also on the amount of time it takes you to get your prayers through to Heaven.

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Fasting and Starvation are also two entirely different things. It is absurd for people to think about fasting and prayer without drinking water.

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Those who do this, do it in ignorance, and should be corrected by some constructive teaching. However, one may attempt a fast of a few days without drinking water, and find these facts to be immaterial. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and to attempt a major fast without water would defile and pollute the body. Instructions are given by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount Matt. If it is good to wash your face to keep the toxic stains from face and body washing being a type of cleanliness before God , then how much more logical it is to put water in your mouth, to clean out the corruption in the stomach.

The stomach becomes deflated, collapsed, and depressed, when water is withheld long enough, and a person gets into bad shape. Without water, when fasting, the system will choke up, and the body becomes filthy, internally. The tongue, which is the upper part of the stomach, becomes heavily coated when fasting, showing visibly a part of the pollution that is in the stomach. Some doctors maintain that some food particles remain in the intestinal tract for more than a month, until putrefaction is worse than any garbage pail.

For the first few days of the fast, the stomach, tongue, and body, become heavily laden with the corruption that is trying to loosen itself. These particles that have remained in the stomach unassimilated, with other fecal matter, require a great deal of water to break them down and help soften this material so that it can be eliminated. Cramps, displeasure, misery, and other discomforts, are frequently experienced during this initial period.

Water aids in the loosening and softening of this fecal matter without which the corruption will harden; the worms and bugs, which are nearly always present to some extent, will dry up on the intestines, the tongue will eventually thicken, and if the thirsting fast is prolonged, the individual will die, unless the Lord intervenes. Please note that a comma is inserted between each phrase.

Paul was also educated. A person should not only recognize the value of the fast, but whether your fast continues ten days, two weeks, forty days, or longer, your bowels should move every few days. If a person does not drink water while the fast is in progress, how can these channels of elimination function properly? The drinking of water will continue the process of cleaning while the fast continues. If the bowels do not move, please do not worry; there is no cause for alarm. The drinking of water does not prevent one from drawing closer to God.

Water is pure, and is a type of Salvation, and of the Holy Spirit. Water, unlike corruptible food, evaporates into the atmosphere, while food goes back to the earth. Water is not stimulating, while food is. Food feeds the appetites of carnality; water does not. When an individual fasts, his pores become laden with toxins, especially his hands and face, therefore, he should bathe externally as often as possible. In about two weeks, more or less, the average individual will have most of the wastes, poisons, toxins, fecal materials, etc.

That is, unless this individual has a deep-seated functional ailment. Even if this be the case, this should be relieved and healed if the fast is continued. It is quite evident that Jesus took water while fasting forty days. There are four things that bear evidence in this regard. It is called a fast, and not a thirst. When a person does without both food and drink, water means far more to him than food.

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A man can go days without food, but this same individual can go but a very short time without water. Especially is this true in a hot and torrid climate. It seems very evident that Jesus did drink water. For at the time of the feeding the 4, Mark 8: Water was available in the springs and brooks nearby.

The answer that the Son of God gave to Satan is very evident. You may ask if the fast that Jesus took was a supernatural one. No, this fast was not in any way a supernatural fast, for fasting is not supernatural, whether it is done by our Lord, or by the ones for whose salvation He paid the great price. The fast of Jesus can be said to be natural, on the ground that after His fast, He hungered.

The natural hunger that had left his body for a time, returned again. This is true in any fast, if the fast is prolonged to its normal completion, when true hunger returns. Critics, who say that only Jesus could fast forty days, and that no one else can do so, are condemning something they know nothing about. They are in need of trying a fast themselves, then they would realize with a great awakening, the value of fasting.

The argument is brought to us that Moses fasted forty days. Please tell me what Scripture states this? I am certain that if we were allowed to stand in His presence and be with God, we would neither have to eat, drink, or breathe, whether we were with Him forty days, or forty years. This was true with Moses, because Vs.

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For he had received supernatural radiation that was far more real than food and drink. He had to veil his face to talk to them. When Moses died, he had the strength and constitution of a young man: Almost alligators are in captivity. Upon a recent visit, I learned that the creatures enter into a suspended animation for six months out of every year. They do not eat, drink or even breathe for six months out of the year. They have learned the art of eating, drinking and breathing that is incomparable to anything we humans can do.

This has been proven many times. This fact is true in the fast of a few days, but we are now dealing with the long fast, which will give one power to do mighty things, seemingly the impossible, the fast that will break down denominational barriers and restore the body of Christ to its place of power and into the unity of the faith.

Tanner, who fasted over forty days on three occasions, declared that in the second half of each of the three fasts, the unspeakable glories of the world beyond were revealed to him. Tanner lived to be ninety-two years of age, and gave credit to fasting for his longevity of life. His first fast lasted over forty days, and was under observation by his disbelievers. He was weighed and checked daily; thus he broke down the ridicule of fasting in his time. Tanner was a physician as well as a Christian. After his last fast a crop of new black hair appeared in place of the gray hair.

Luther fasted for days at a time, while translating the Bible, and herein undoubtedly lies the secret of his unrivaled translation, and it is also responsible for bringing the reformation revival of his time. Thank God for men that get a vision, who will go all out. Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness? This food was wanted to satisfy an appetite of LUST which is habit hunger. He gave them their own desire. A close study of the Scriptures will show clearly that sin is sin.

The partaking of an over-amount of food is classed in the category of sin, because the same damage is done to the body, as by alcohol, tobacco, dope, etc.

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To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. Thank God there is something which makes for Spiritual progress that is more scientific than anything man has accomplished to date, and which accomplishes wonders for our Spiritual welfare in a very short time. May 04, Regina rated it really liked it. Many times my fastings were from three days to a week and longer. The chemistry between Ryker and Ava is steamy hot.

This fact is also emphasized by Jesus Christ when He was tempted by Satan for forty days. He was tempted to command the stones to become food. So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. It is a sign of the last days. The sign that tells us that the coming of our Lord draweth nigh.

To see our loved ones saved, souls converted and a sweeping revival come in our midst; to have God work miracles, and heal our diseases, and pour out His Holy Spirit, we must start a fast and prayer in the home. In the Holy Spirit led the author into his first revival meeting. He knew only three families in the Oklahoma oil town, Nowata. One of these families believed and practiced fasting and prayer.

Together we prayed and fasted ahead of time for the meeting that we knew God was going to give us. The foundation was properly laid for a revival, and a revival we certainly did have. There was no building big enough to take care of the crowd, so we secured three acres of ground and had an open air meeting this was in July. People packed the place from the first service. We kept building seats, and the crowd continued to increase every evening. People gathered from all over Northeastern Oklahoma and Southeastern Kansas for the meetings.

Scores of people were healed of all types of afflictions. One lady, who had been in a car wreck with broken ribs, was carried to the services on pillows; she was instantly healed. A deaf and dumb boy was enabled to hear and speak. A man who could not lift his arm, and had been paralyzed, was healed of his paralysis and was able to lift his arm.

Many more received notable healings. Folks were under the power of His Spirit. Within three months from the time we started the meeting, we built a church, and got it paid for, so that the people could continue to have a place to worship in truth and in Spirit. My brother assisted me in the meeting. The church is still progressing for the glory of God to this day. Fasting is one of the great foundation piers of the Christian religion. The structure of the Christian religion is built upon the vital truth of prayer and fasting.

It was a vital part of the early church. Therefore, the great results that accompanied it were seen in those early days. People have failed to follow the complete pattern of the faith formula of Christ, given in Matthew, chapter seventeen, or Mark 9: They not only failed to have power to do the impossible, but after the days of the apostles the church became powerless, and eventually began to say that the days of healing were over; that the miracles were not for them anymore; the Holy Spirit, after the Bible pattern, was forsaken, and the power of the apostolic age was lost.

Many splits soon divided the church of Jesus Christ. The men of old that had fasted and prayed, and who had power with God to perform miracles of healing, had either died, or had been martyred. The younger generations discontinued the use of fasting. It is here that our Lord lays upon us, as the children of the bridegroom the duty of fasting: When they had famines, food shortages, lack of rain, etc. As they grew and developed into manhood or womanhood the practice of fasting was continued.

Is not this a lesson for the American home of today? If this method were taught and put into practice in our day, we would not see as many disobedient sons and daughters who are the source of such grief and heartaches to their parents. Out of 49,, young people in the United States, 36,, have never set foot inside any church, of any creed. When a child becomes ill, very often several meals, or several days fasting, will fix up everything.

Many children as they grow and eat rich foods develop a pimpled complexion. The source of the condition is in the stomach. The stomach tries to unload its poisonous material in the blood, and to some extent through the skin. Only a few days of fasting will eradicate all traces of the symptoms. If proper eating is undertaken, it should not return. Scores of minor and major ailments of young people could be whipped by a short fast.

A natural, healthy complexion would be the result. Babies quite frequently suffer from over-feeding rather than under-feeding. If one considers how small a baby is, and analyzes the great quantity of food that is given to him, in proportion to the food of an adult, one would find it enormous. I am a Methodist minister who received your book two years ago. After fasting and praying ten days for a revival in three Methodist churches that 1 am in charge of, God stirred and sent revivals in our midst.

The Lord richly blessed us in many ways. A Roman Catholic and his Protestant wife were among those gloriously saved. In one of my churches an Italian lady to whom I gave one of your books, went on a fast of twenty-three days for her old Catholic mother who came from the old country, was blind, and about to die. She was praying to beads and images. She became interested in Jesus and learned how to pray to the Lord. Finally she was gloriously saved. The lady who fasted twenty-three days was hopelessly afflicted with kidney stones. The doctor could do nothing for her, and said an operation would be necessary.

Well praise the Lord; she has not had an attack since her fast two years ago. Yours in Him, R.

It goes completely into this subject in a different manner and approaches it from a different viewpoint. It is the man who fasts, who has the spiritual character that can pray through on a really big job. Other folk of great importance and high spirituality that fasted during long periods when they were under great mental strain and tribulation are Anna the prophetess, David, Daniel, John the Baptist, and Paul. A close study of their lives shows they gained great spiritual strength by fasting and prayer that otherwise they would not have received.

Fasting was part and parcel of the very life of Christ, and yet this very essential part of Christian life has been ignored by many Christians as if it were an unsolved mystery. It was never meant to be hidden, and should never have been so overlooked. This may explain why we have not had a more complete outpouring of the latter rain. Surely such a stupendous truth cannot continue to be a secret hidden in plain sight for over nineteen hundred years. The strides and progress of man in other channels have been so enlightening and progressive.

Try this truth that gives such a treasure-house of riches and strength. We do not fast to merit favor from God or as a penance. Why did He fast at the very time He was being tempted? Is it not that fasting is the mightiest possible preparation of soul, to insure victory over temptation? We are not told in Matthew, chapter four, the reason for His fast. But in Matthew, chapter seventeen, Jesus explains it.

Before this time His disciples were not able to bear this teaching. The great revelation of why He fasted was shown when He healed this lunatic boy, and answered the question that the disciples had asked Him: Please remember that Christ, as well as being God, was also in the flesh as man. It seemed that the disciples had become a reproach, or disgrace to Christ, because they could not heal this individual.

They apparently were ashamed of themselves so they came to Jesus secretly, to ask of Him the reason why they were not able to cast out the demons. Anyone can have that power, thank the Lord. All can have it that will follow the instructions given by Him, and plainly taught throughout the Bible. The disciples were helpless. No one could give help in this major prayer problem except One. That Person had fasted forty days and forty nights, and He was the only one in the midst who had so fasted.

Jesus fasted in order to secure His perfect faith from His humanity side, and He urged fasting upon His disciples to remedy their weak faith. The disuse of fasting is in direct opposition to the practice, example, and the teaching, of Christ. There is no record of Christ healing the sick, or performing any miracle, until after he had fasted forty days and forty nights. After this mighty fast, and not before, He was fully equipped, capable, and prepared for any and all emergencies. At this moment, how much Faith have you at your disposal, to meet any obstacle?

When Jesus was twenty-one years old the record shows He had not yet performed a miracle. At twenty-five, he still had no healings, miracles, and no manifestation of His Divine Sonship. He became twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight and twenty-nine years of age, and yet, no miracles or manifestations. He had not received the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and had not spent forty days fasting.

It was necessary for Jesus to be prepared and have all the spiritual equipment, before He went forth to perform His mighty works. Christ could not have been tempted by something He did not need. The answer that Jesus gave was not only an answer to Satan, but throws a challenge to all humanity: Jesus received the Holy Spirit, but this did not seem sufficient. It requires fasting and prayer to operate the Holy Ghost. Jesus, at thirty years of age, only after praying and fasting forty days and forty nights, began to manifest Himself as the Son of God with all power, signs, and wonders.

There was such an awakening!