Enseñanzas de los Presidentes de la Iglesia: Brigham Young (Spanish Edition)

Cultivating an Attitude of Happiness and a Spirit of Optimism

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East Dane Designer Men's Fashion. Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. Withoutabox Submit to Film Festivals. Amazon Renewed Refurbished products with a warranty. The protest is intended to be a peaceful, non-confrontational, and anonymous way to achieve the following two objectives:. Whatever your personal desires for the LDS Church.

The group of protesters consists mainly of progressive, temple recommend-carrying members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as well as less active members, some members who have left the church, and still others who have never been members but have Mormon friends and family members who are concerned about the modern Mormon Church. Others just want to tweak a thing or two about the church. So it is with a hopeful spirit for reformation in our lifetime that we offer these Ninety-Five Theses to a modern church that is badly in need of it.

So without further ado we present. The LDS Church focuses on the needs and interests of the institution over the needs and interests of the members. Choosing the former all too often results in divorce. LDS Church leaders denounce and scorn former members and encourage members to do the same.

Those who engage in such behaviors — or refuse to comply with the status quo — are subject to discipline up to and including ex-communication. An example of this is the recent excommunication action taken against Denver Snuffer. It drives a wedge between member and non-member family members. The culture that results from LDS doctrine pressures members to marry too quickly often resulting in marriage between incompatible strangers. It puts its untrained clergy in a position where they must give counsel on vital life issues that they are not qualified or equipped to competently address.

The result, all too often, is ecclesiastical malpractice. The LDS churches places an inordinate amount of emphasis on a commandment that enriches itself financially — the tithe. Yet the LDS Church gives men an exalted status over women; refuses them the Priesthood; denies that women are co-equals; and chooses instead to subordinate them to men. Things like ear piercings, movies, tattoos, and clothing choices have nothing to do with salvation — therefore, these are areas where individual Free Agency and the leading of the Spirit should prevail.

It quells and compromises good scholarship within its rank by demonizing, disfellowshipping and excommunicating members who produce scholarly works discussing Mormon History, Theology, or culture that have scholastic integrity. The classic example of this are The September Six — the six esteemed, respected, and in some cases award winning, Latter-day Saint scholars who were excommunicated in September for producing such work.

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However, the church often does exactly the opposite: Such as rewarding Paul H. Michael Quinn for continuing to tell the authentic truth despite being told by Mormon leaders to stop.

Suggestions for Study and Teaching

Rather than spending a year reading it, I felt I got a lot more out of it by reading it more quickly. The LDS churches places an inordinate amount of emphasis on a commandment that enriches itself financially — the tithe. Let our faith replace our fears. These great words of confidence are a beacon to each of us. Do not give up. Se utiliza la culpa como un medio de controlar a los miembros. There is no condemnation when there is no voluntary participation.

Come unto me, and for your money you shall be forgiven of your sins. It uses employment in LDS Church and member owned institutions and businesses to coerce obedience to its dogma and leaders. An example of this is John P. Its leaders and members use ad-hominems, insults, slurs, derogatories, labeling, and character assassination in their dealings with critics and apostates and then deny that they do so — often going so far as to claim that those who call them on this behavior are persecuting them.

It privately judges and abandons members that have life problems rather than patiently, encouraging, undergirding, supporting, and attempting to restore them to a healthy, productive place. This while publicly declaring that the LDS Church treats all such cases with benevolent kindness. For example, many prisoners are excommunicated in absentia once convicted of a crime.

And while a small number of individual members may volunteer for a local prison-ministry in their area, there is currently no formal church sponsored outreach to prisoners. The same can be said for those suffering from alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual addiction, gambling addiction, etc. Further, many snared in these life situations simply experience church discipline in various forms and are told to repent — nothing more. Instead LDS leaders often demand blind compliance from those questioning and wavering.

Failing at that they will expose, quarantine, isolate — and if necessary expel — doubters rather than encouraging, supporting, and protecting them while they work through their doubt. It preaches extreme, legalistic, and arbitrary sexual standards regarding masturbation that are not scripturally or scientifically supportable.

Viaje a Utah, la tierra mormona que se rebela contra Donald Trump

Women are inappropriately subordinate, not equals, with men in the LDS church. Additionally women may not act as a voice in prayer circles and instead must veil their faces. It has a double standard for treating non-members with charitable benevolence as a means of proselytizing and public relations while exacting, high, often unattainable standards that members must meet to receive the same levels of attention, aid, and assistance. Examples of suppressed documents include: Mormon leaders throughout history have confirmed this doctrine.

However, Heavenly Mother is rarely discussed, is demonstrative of male bias within the LDS Church, and is illustrative of how the church deceives investigators and others. Examples include Three Nephite sightings , attribution of magic protective power to temple garments, and falsely implying that all the apostles have been personally visited by Jesus.

It refuses to acknowledge and apologize for the role of high ranking church leaders in the massacre of innocent people in at Mountain Meadows. It makes extraordinary — even outrageous — truth claims that are easily discredited by science, history, and the Biblical record. It excuses, rationalizes, justifies, and white washes the crimes of its founder, famous members, and past leaders.

To cite just one of many such examples, polygamy was never legal whenever and wherever it was practiced by Latter-day Saint leaders and members. Currently, three widowed Mormon Apostles Dallin H. Tom Perry , and Russell M. Nelson are Celestial Polygamists. To cite just one of many examples, Christ only had apostles but the LdS Church has It rationalizes and excuses the sin, bad behavior, errors of judgment, and disastrous decisions of its prophets. As Mormon doctrine is, heresy will it become. It tolerates the chronic practice of eisegesis injecting words and ideas into the text that the author did not intend, use or mean by LDS Church Leaders as their standard hermeneutic in interpreting the Biblical, historical, and scientific record.

It has failed to officially, publicly, and directly address the ever mounting discrepancies between the claims of The Book of Mormon and the archaeological, historical, theological, and scientific body of evidence. It has failed to explain the incriminating consistency between the claims of The Book of Mormon and the empirical 19th Century , political, literary, cultural and theological record. It hypocritically denounces those who claim to bring forth new scripture and revelations using the same methods and means that Joseph Smith did because they fail to conform to established LDS Church orthodoxy.